Sync File Modification Time Across Multiple Directories - bash

I have a computer A with two directory trees. The first directory contains the original mod dates that span back several years. The second directory is a copy of the first with a few additional files. There is a second computer be which contains a directory tree which is the same as the second directory on computer A (new mod times and additional files). How update the files in the two newer directories on both machines so that the mod times on the files are the same as the original? Note that these directory trees are in the order of 10s of gigabytes so the solution would have to include some method of sending only the date information to the second computer.

The answer by Paul is partly correct, rsync is able to do this, however with different parameters. The correct command is
rsync -Prt --size-only original_dir copy_dir
where -P enables partial transfers and displays a progress indicator, -r recurses through subdirectories, -t preserves time stamps and --size-only doesn't transfer files that match in size.

The following command will make sure that TEST2 gets the same date assigned that TEST1 has
touch -t `stat -t '%Y%m%d%H%M.%S' -f '%Sa' TEST1` TEST2
Now instead of using hard-coded values here, you could find the files using "find" utility and then run touch via SSH on the remote machine. However, that means you may have to enter the password for each file, unless you switch SSH to cert authentication. I'd rather not do it all in a super fancy one-liner. Instead let's work with temp files. First go to the directory in question and run a find (you can filter by file type, size, extension, whatever pleases you, see "man find" for details. I'm just filtering by type file here to exclude any directories):
find . -type f -print -exec stat -t '%Y%m%d%H%M.%S' -f '%Sm' "{}" \; > /tmp/original_dates.txt
Now we have a file that looks like this (in my example there are only two entries there):
# cat /tmp/original_dates.txt
Now just copy the file over to the other machine and place it in the directory (so the relative file paths match) and apply the dates:
cat original_dates.txt | (while read FILE && read DATE; do touch -t $DATE "$FILE"; done)
Will also work with file names containing spaces.
One note: I used the last "modification" date at stat, as that's what you wrote in the question. However, it rather sounds as if you want to use the "creation" date (every file has a creation date, last modification date and last access date), you need to alter the stat call a bit.
'%Sm' - last modification date
'%Sc' - creation date
'%Sa' - last access date
However, touch can only change the modification time and access time, I think it can't change the creation time of a file ... so if that was your real intention, my solution might be sub-optimal... but in that case your question was as well ;-)

I would go through all the files in the source directory tree and gather the modification times from them into a script that I could run on the other directory trees. You will need to be careful about a few 'gotchas'. First, make sure that your output script has relative paths, and make sure you run it from the proper target directory, which should be the root directory of the target tree. Also, when changing machines make sure you are using the same timezone as you were on the machine where you generated the script.
Here's a Perl script I put together that will output the touch commands needed to update the times on the other directory trees. Depending on the target machines, you may need to tweak the date formats or command options, but this should give you a place to start.
my $STARTDIR="$HOME/test";
chdir $STARTDIR;
my #files = `find . -type f`;
chomp #files;
foreach my $file (#files) {
my $mtime = localtime((stat($file))[9]);
print qq(touch -m -d "$mtime" "$file"\n);

The other approach you could try is to attach the remote directory using NFS and then copy the times using find and touch -r.

I think rsync (with the right options)
will do this - it claims to only send
file differences, so presumably will
work out that there are no differences
to be transferred.
--times preserves the modification times, which is what you want.
See (for instance)
Also add -I, --ignore-times don't skip files that match size and time
so that all files are "transferred' and trust to rsync's file differences optimisation to make it "fairly efficient" - see excerpt from the man page below.
-t, --times
This tells rsync to transfer modification times along with the files and update them on the remote system. Note that if this option is not used, the optimization that excludes files that have not been modified cannot be effective; in other words, a missing -t or -a will cause the next transfer to behave as if it used -I, causing all files to be updated (though the rsync algorithm will make the update fairly efficient if the files haven't actually changed, you're much better off using -t).

I used the following Python scripts instead.
Python scripts run much faster than an approach creating new processes for each file (like using find and stat). The solution below also works in case of timezone differences between systems, as it uses UTC times. It also works with paths containing spaces (but not paths containing newline!). It doesn't set times for symlinks, because the operating system provides no mechanism to modify the timestamp of a symlink, but in a file manager the time of the file the symlink points at is shown instead anyway. It uses a maxTime parameter to avoid resetting dates for files that are actually modified after copying from the original directory.
import os
from datetime import datetime
from pytz import utc
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('./'):
for name in filenames+dirnames:
path = os.path.join(dirpath, name)
# Avoid symlinks because os.path.getmtime and os.utime get and
# set the time of the pointed file, and in the new directory,
# the link may have been redirected.
if not os.path.islink(path):
mtime = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(path), utc)
print(mtime.isoformat()+" "+path)
import datetime, fileinput, os, sys, time
import dateutil.parser
from pytz import utc
# Based on
def unix_time(dt):
epoch = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0, utc)
delta = dt - epoch
return delta.total_seconds()
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print('Syntax: '+sys.argv[0]+' <maxTime>')
print(' where <maxTime> an ISO time, e. g. "2013-12-02T23:00+02:00".')
# A file with modification time newer than maxTime is not reset to
# its original modification time.
maxTime = unix_time(dateutil.parser.parse(sys.argv[1]))
for line in fileinput.input([]):
(datetimeString, path) = line.rstrip('\r\n').split(' ', 1)
mtime = dateutil.parser.parse(datetimeString)
if os.path.exists(path) and not os.path.islink(path):
if os.path.getmtime(path) <= maxTime:
os.utime(path, (time.time(), unix_time(mtime)))
Usage: in the first directory (the original) run
python >/tmp/original_dates.txt
Then in the second directory (a copy of the original, possibly with some files modified/added/deleted) run something like this:
python 2013-12-02T23:00+02:00 </tmp/original_dates.txt


Shell, copy files with similar names

I would like to copy a series of similar files from the current directory to the target directory, the files under the current directory are:
Where sim is from sim0001 to sim0500 and f is from f0001 to f0009. I only need f0002, f0005 and f0008. I write the following code:
for i in {0001..0500}; do
for s in f000{2,5,8}; do
cp $files target_dir
I am very new to Shell, and wondering how to write the $files="[*]$i[*]$s[*]"$, so that it could match only the f0002, f0005 and f0008. The reason why I also use for i in {0001..0500}; do is that the files are too large and I would like to make sure I could access some completed ones (for example, including all sim0001) in the beginning.
Edit: changed for s in f0002 f0005 f0008; do to f000{2,5,8}.
What you need is globbing and a bit different quoting:
cp *"$i"*"$s"* "$target_dir"
Not storing this in a variable is intentional - it's faster and it's safe. If you end up with such a large list of files that you start running into system limits you'll have to look into xargs.

Bash get all specific files in specific directory

I have a script that takes as an argument a path to a file upon which it performs certain operations. These files are stored in directories with path storage///_id/files (so in 2016 July 22 it would be storage/2016/Jul/22_1/files for the first set of files, .../Jul/22_2/files for second one etc.). The problem is each directory stores files with two extensions (say file.doc, file.txt) and I want to perform operations only on .txt files. I've tested earlier something like
for file in "/home/gonczor/temp/"*/*".txt"; do
echo "$file"
And it worked perfectly given that names in directories don't change. When I move one step further and add this 22_1, 22_2, 23_1 directories something strange happens.
This is my script (simplified):
for file in "$FILE_PATH/""$YEAR/""$MONTH/""$DAY"*/*".txt"; do
my_program ${report}
And instead of finding .../2016/Jul/22_1/file.txt it finds /2016/Jul/22*/*.txt
How can I make it work? The solution I've tried to make up is from here

Bash/shell/OS interpretation of . and .. — can I define ...?

How do . and .., as paths (vs. ranges, e.g., {1..10}, which I'm not concerned with), really work? I know what they do, and use them all the time, but don't fully grasp how/where they're interpreted. Does the shell handle them? The interpreting process? The OS?
The reason why I'm asking is that I'd like to be able to use ... to refer to ../.., .... to refer to ../../.., etc. (up to some small finite number; I don't need bash to process an arbitrarily large number of dots). I.e., if my current directory is /tmp/let/me/out, and I call cd ..., my resulting current directory should be /tmp/let. I don't particularly care if ... etc. show up in ls -a output like . and .. do, but I would like to be able to call cat /tmp/let/me/out/..../phew.txt to print the contents of /tmp/phew.txt.
Pointers to relevant documentation appreciated as well as direct answers. This kind of syntax question is very hard to Google.
I'm using bash 4.3.42, by the way, with the autocd and globstar shell options.
. and .. are genuine directory names. They are not "sort-cuts", aliases, or anything fake.
They happen to point to the same inode as the other name you use. A file or directory can have several names pointing to the same inode, these are usually known as hard links, to distinguish them from symbolic (or soft) links.
If you are on Linux or OS X you can use stat to look at most of the inode metadata - it is what ls looks at. You will see there is an inode number. If you stat . and stat current-directory-name you will see that number is the same.
The one thing that is not held in the inode is the filename - that is held in the directory.
So . and .. reside in the directory on the file system, they are not a figment of the shell's imagination. So, for example, I can use . and .. quite happily from C.
I doubt you can change them - personally I have never tried and I never will. You would have to change what these filenames linked to by editing the directory. If you managed it you would probably do irreparable damage to your file system.
I write this to clarify what has already been written before.
In many file systems a DIRECTORY is a file; a special type of file that the file system identifies as being distinctly a directly.
A directory file contains a list of names that map to files on the disk
A file, including a directly does not have an intrinsic name associated with it (not true in all file systems). The name of a file exists only in a directory.
The same file can have an entry in multiple directories (hard link). The same file can then have multiple names and multiple paths.
The file system maintains in every directory entries for "." and ".."
In such file systems there are always directory ENTRIES for the NAMES "." and "..". These entries are maintained by the file system.
The name "." links to its own directory.
The name ".." links to the parent directory EXCEPT for the top level directory where it links to itself (. and .. thus link to the same directory file).
So when you use "." and ".." as in /dir1/dir2/../dir3/./dir4/whatever,
"." and ".." are processed in the exact same way as "dir1" and "dir2".
This translation is done by the file system; not the shell.
cd ...
Does not work because there is no entry for "..." (at least not normally).
You can create a directory called "..." if you want.
You can actually achieve something like this, though this is an ugly hack:
You can run a command before every command entered to bash, and after every command. For that you trap the DEBUG pseudo signal and set a command to PROMPT_COMMAND, respectively.
trap 'ln -s ../.. ... &>/dev/null | true' DEBUG
With this, it seems like there's an additional entry in the current directory:
# /tmp/crazy-stuff
ls -a
# . .. ... foo
ls -a .../tmp/crazy-stuff
# . .. ... foo
Though this only works in the current directory, because the symbolic links is deleted after each command invokation. Thus ls foo/bar/... won't work this way.
Another ugly hack would be to "override" mkdir such that it populates every new directory with these symbolic links.
See also the comments on the second answer here, particularly Eliah's:
Much in the same way that when you cd into some directory subdir, you're actually following a pointer that points to that directory, .. is a pointer added by the OS that points to the parent directory, and I'd imagine . works the same way.

How to copy only new files using bash scripting

I have to use bash scripting to copy files from one folder to another. If the destination folder has a file with the same name but older timestamp, it should not copy. Only newer files should be copied. I could have used cp -u, but I was asked not to use it. Essentially I have to use the test command testing for "ot". Please let me know how could this be done. I believe two for loops one to read the files in the source and one for the destination directories can be used and the the time stamp compared. The problem is that both for loops produce the absolute path names along with the file name. So not sure how to compare them
You can profit from the parameter substitution:
for file in "$folder1"/* ; do
filename=${file##*/} # Remove everything to the last slash.
Or, you can change the directory:
cd "$folder1"
for file in * ; do
## you have to use full or relative path to $folder2 here

bash scripting de-dupe

I have a shell script. A cron job runs it once a day. At the moment it just downloads a file from the web using wget, appends a timestamp to the filename, then compresses it. Basic stuff.
This file doesn't change very frequently though, so I want to discard the downloaded file if it already exists.
Easiest way to do this?
Do you really need to compress the file ?
wget provides -N, --timestamping which obviously, turns on time-stamping. What that does is say your file is located at
The first time you do:
$ wget -N
[...] file.txt saved [..size..]
The next time it'll be like this:
$ wget -N
Server file no newer than local file “file.txt” -- not retrieving.
Except if the file on the server was updated.
That would solve your problem, if you didn't compress the file.
If you really need to compress it, then I guess I'd go with comparing the hash of the new file/archive and the old. What matters in that case is, how big is the downloaded file ? is it worth compressing it first then checking the hashes ? is it worth decompressing the old archive and comparing the hashes ? is it better to store the old hash in a txt file ? do all these have an advantage over overwriting the old file ?
You only know that, make some tests.
So if you go the hash way, consider sha256 and xz (lzma2 algorithm) compression.
I would do something like this (in Bash):
newfilesum="$(wget -q -O- | tee file.txt | sha256sum)"
oldfilesum="$(xzcat file.txt.xz | sha256sum)"
if [[ $newfilesum != $oldfilesum ]]; then
xz -f file.txt # overwrite with the new compressed data
rm file.txt
and that's done;
Calculate a hash of the content of the file and check against the new one. Use for instance md5sum. You only have to save the last MD5 sum to check if the file changed.
Also, take into account that the web is evolving to give more information on pages, that is, metadata. A well-founded web site should include file version and/or date of modification (or a valid, expires header) as part of the response headers. This, and quite other things, is what makes up the scalability of Web 2.0.
How about downloading the file, and checking it against a "last saved" file?
For example, the first time it downloads myfile, and saves it as myfile-[date], and compresses it. It also adds a symbolic link, such as lastfile pointing to myfile-[date]. The next time the script runs, it can check if the contents of whatever lastfile points to is the same as the new downloaded file.
Don't know if this would work well, but it's what I could think of.
You can compare the new file with the last one using the sum command. This takes the checksum of the file. If both files have the same checksum, they are very, very likely to be exactly the same. There's another command called md5 that takes the md5 fingerprint, but the sum command is on all systems.
