How do I add Active Directory support to Windows PE? - windows

I want to query Active Directory from Windows PE 2.0, which is not supported "out of the box." Microsoft seems to suggest that this is possible, but not with any tools they provide. What do you recommend?

There seem to be instructions here, and the author claims to query AD from WinPE.

i recently needed to use a connection to AD from WinPE to retrieve some computer informations, i tested the above solution and other one with ADSI but not working for me in ADK 1709.
My final solution is using WMI on a DC with differed Credentials so can get all i need just by one line :)
(Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'root\directory\ldap' -Query "Select DS_info from DS_computer where DS_cn = $($AccountName)" -ComputerName $Domain -Credential $myADCred).$($Myattribute)
$AccountName : is the name of the computer i am searching in AD
$Domain : fqdn name that pointing to your DC ex:(
$MyADCred : is a credential object containing user and password with the necessary rights on AD
$myattribute : is the info i am searching from the computer in AD.
have a nice deployment :)

Installing the ADSI package from solved the problem for me, but your mileage may vary.


Basic powershell, wsus managing

have few basic question for you, how to list servers belongs to group in wsus? Is there any possibility? I cannot find it.
From the WSUS server assuming it has the UpdateServices module installed:
Import-Module UpdateServices
Get-WsusComputer -ComputerTargetGroups "GroupName"

How to get EVERY user token on a PC for SHGetKnownFolderPath?

I'm working on a System Service project with SYSTEM privilege (cleaning utility)... It does not interactive with any user interface.
My goal is to check files in "Desktop" and "AppData" folders for any user that exists on the PC.
I'm using NetUserEnum() to get the user list on the PC. Then I want to get the path of each user's Desktop and AppData with SHGetKnownFolderPath(), but I can't find a way to get each user's access token for SHGetKnownFolderPath(). Without a token defined in SHGetKnownFolderPath(), it returns the path for SYSTEM and not specific users.
Q1. How can I get the token of each user for SHGetKnownFolderPath()?
Q2. If no answer for Q1, is there any documented way to get the desktop & appdata path of each user in the PC?
I understand this can be achieved with dirty way ---> Registry key with some string replacement. However, the Registry key method is undocumented, which may easily break in future updates to Windows.
Edit Update:
#RaymondChen Thanks for pointing out that some user profiles may not exist. Also,
About Q1 : #Remy Lebeau provides a solution with LogonUser/Ex(),login to each user with their credentials,might be the only answer that fits the need of Q1.
About Q2 : There might have no documented way to achieve this. The only method might have to stick with Windows Registry (Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders) , as #Remy Lebeau and #Olaf Hess said. I tried to dig more information on Microsoft Community Forum and I got Microsoft would never allow access other users' profile with their native API for security reason. They do not provide APIs that can possibly violate the security rules. Each user profile can only access by its credentials.
btw, I totally understand that "Cleaning utility" aka "Windows-breaking tool", especially when the tool is not being well codded(ex. compatibility problem). For the sake of avoiding to make it become a totally Windows-Destroyer, I tried to use more documented API as possible.
For Windows Vista with SP1 / Server 2008 and better you can query the existing user profiles using the WMI class Win32_UserProfile. This allows you to retrieve the profile path and check whether it is a local or roaming profile and to get status information. The rest (retrieving the paths to APPDATA, DESKTOP, etc.) is likely going to involve reading values straight from the registry (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders or HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders).

SCCM and Client 'Replace'

GOAL: Rename all AD Objects to new convention and move them to new OU's in a restructured AD hierarchy.
I have a PS script that utilizes the SCCM site module and the Active Directory module to do the following:
For each Member name, Remove-CMDevice
Move-ADObject of the same Member name
Rename-Computer of the same Member name
Reboot the computer
Run SCCM TriggerSchedules for DDR and Hardware Inventory
When I run the triggerschedules, the PSComputerName shows as the computer objects OLD name. Not the new one.
Everything else seems to work - the AD object is moved, then renamed. The 'new' SCCM Device Object shows up in SCCM (via Delta System Discovery - Interval 5 min).
The problem is that SCCM (the client, I suspect) is holding on to old object info.
My question is, short of just reinstalling the client...why is this happening? I am not renaming the object in SCCM - the first step is actually removing the devices from SCCM. They are then rediscovered via Delta system discovery.
When I run...
Invoke-WMIMethod -ComputerName WD001-WK100 -Namespace root\ccm -Class SMS_CLIENT -Name TriggerSchedule $schedule the end of the process, PSComputername is the old name.
Any advice appreciated.
Reinstalling the SCCM Client is simple, and works. I am just running this on the end instead of running cycles, since they all run when the client is reinstalled, anyway. It also clears up my issue:
Install-CMClient -DeviceName $pc -AlwaysInstallClient $true -ForceReinstall $true
Thank you!

View the active remote desktop connection on a given computer

I am looking for a tool to know if a given computer on the local network is being remotely accessed by a user or not and ideally I'd like to know who that user is. In my company, we share virtual machines and we keep have to ask members in the team if they use any remote computer. I'd like to have some kind of dashboard that can tell me what computer is being used, and what computer is free.
I am happy to use any kind of commercial solution that would require the install of services on each of the machines that need to be monitored or things like that.
The below is made easier if you're querying from a Windows client joined to the same domain as the system you are querying, and may require certain rights above and beyond a standard domain user. If you run into authentication/permission issues, that would be the first thing I'd check.
There is a tool available at least as far back as Windows XP called "qwinsta". Later versions of Windows have both qwinsta and "query session".
qwinsta /server:computer01
console 0 Conn wdcon
rdp-tcp 65536 Listen rdpwd
administrator 2 Disc rdpwd
That shows user "administrator" logged in but disconnected. Since in this example computer01 is a Windows Server 2003 system with the default "administration" RDP license, there's a second session listening for someone to connect.
Running the same command again after connecting to that previously disconnected session looks like this:
[unchanged output removed]
rdp-tcp#25 administrator 2 Active rdpwd
This is enough to answer "is someone currently active via RDP", and if you're using individual usernames, it should answer the "who" as well. If you're all using "testuser" or "administrator" or something, you'll probably want to know the answer to "from what client", and that is not given above.
The above gives a quick basic answer without needing additional tools. For more detailed information, you might look at the cassia library or PSTerminalServices (built on cassia). See some of the answers in this question for more detail.
My first thought on this was to use Sysinternals tools such as PsLoggedOn or LogonSessions. I then found reference to the previously-unknown-to-me qwinsta and rwinsta tools in this blog post from 2003.
You can use a PSModule named PSRdSessions, this module provide some simple funtions
sample of use
Get-RdSession -ComputerName # return [Cassia.Impl.TerminalServicesSession]
for return [hashtable]
Get-RdSession -ComputerName | Convert-RdSession # return
for return [pscustomobject]
Get-RdSession -ComputerName | Convert-RdSession | %{[pscustomobject]$_}

Find PDC Emulator role holder

Is there a way locate the server with the PDCE role using VBScript? I know I can use an NSLOOKUP and capture its output
nslookup -type=all
I want to use VBScript wihout calling external programs and it must run on a Windows 7 workstation (32 and 64bit) without additional software!
you can use NETDOM.EXE tool on server
netdom query /domain:DOM fsmo
Where DOM is my Netbios domain name
You can use DSQUERY.EXE tool
dsquery server -hasfsmo schema
(the five roles are: schema, rid, name, infr and pdc)
Determining FSMO Role Holders seems to be a good source
Here is an example of VBScript doing that using ADSI.
To determine the PDC Master you must query the fSMORoleOwner attribute on the partition corresponding to your domain.
Here is a sample VBS (visit for more information):
Set objDomDn = GetObject("LDAP://dc=concorp,dc=contoso,dc=com")
strfsmoRoleOwner = objDomDn.Get("fsmoRoleOwner")
Set objPDCfsmo = GetObject("LDAP://" & strfsmoRoleOwner)
Set objPDCfsmoParent = GetObject(objPDCfsmo.Parent)
Wscript.Echo objPDCfsmoParent.Get("dnsHostName")
