How to get EVERY user token on a PC for SHGetKnownFolderPath? - winapi

I'm working on a System Service project with SYSTEM privilege (cleaning utility)... It does not interactive with any user interface.
My goal is to check files in "Desktop" and "AppData" folders for any user that exists on the PC.
I'm using NetUserEnum() to get the user list on the PC. Then I want to get the path of each user's Desktop and AppData with SHGetKnownFolderPath(), but I can't find a way to get each user's access token for SHGetKnownFolderPath(). Without a token defined in SHGetKnownFolderPath(), it returns the path for SYSTEM and not specific users.
Q1. How can I get the token of each user for SHGetKnownFolderPath()?
Q2. If no answer for Q1, is there any documented way to get the desktop & appdata path of each user in the PC?
I understand this can be achieved with dirty way ---> Registry key with some string replacement. However, the Registry key method is undocumented, which may easily break in future updates to Windows.
Edit Update:
#RaymondChen Thanks for pointing out that some user profiles may not exist. Also,
About Q1 : #Remy Lebeau provides a solution with LogonUser/Ex(),login to each user with their credentials,might be the only answer that fits the need of Q1.
About Q2 : There might have no documented way to achieve this. The only method might have to stick with Windows Registry (Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders) , as #Remy Lebeau and #Olaf Hess said. I tried to dig more information on Microsoft Community Forum and I got Microsoft would never allow access other users' profile with their native API for security reason. They do not provide APIs that can possibly violate the security rules. Each user profile can only access by its credentials.
btw, I totally understand that "Cleaning utility" aka "Windows-breaking tool", especially when the tool is not being well codded(ex. compatibility problem). For the sake of avoiding to make it become a totally Windows-Destroyer, I tried to use more documented API as possible.

For Windows Vista with SP1 / Server 2008 and better you can query the existing user profiles using the WMI class Win32_UserProfile. This allows you to retrieve the profile path and check whether it is a local or roaming profile and to get status information. The rest (retrieving the paths to APPDATA, DESKTOP, etc.) is likely going to involve reading values straight from the registry (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders or HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders).


How to read HKCU Registry key of another user in admin on powershell?

I have a powershell script that runs automatically thanks to a taskscheduler and its purpose is to take the version of all the softwares of the system in order to make a list and to quickly have an overview of the versions that are outdated. The problem is that in order for it to run at any time, the script is assigned to the SYSTEM user. However, some applications are only assigned to one user and SYSTEM cannot find them in its HKCU key.
So the question is, how can I list all the content?
Thanks in advance
You will need to load their hive first
REG LOAD HKEY_Users\johnshive "C:\Users\john\NTUSER.DAT"
You can then address their hive via powershell e.g.
Get-ChildItem -Path Registry::HKEY_USERS\johnshive
If the person is logged on, you have to go into HKU and find all registry keys that end in "_Classes". Then remove the "_Classes" from the end of those keys and that is the list of possible keys that belong to the user. If there is only one, and you know the person is logged on, then that is probably their key. But if there is more than one, then you have mostly empty ghost copy/copies where windows failed to fully unload it. Afaik, the ghost copies will not have the subkey "Volatile Environment" with the value "USERNAME", but I have suspicion that this isn't a true statement. I've had PsLoggedon.exe report two users logged on, but only later did I learn PsLoggedon.exe uses HKU to find who is logged on (not sure what subkeys and values it uses).
But if the user is not logged on, don't even go down that road unless you are a very detailed oriented person. If you load their registry hive, do your work, and forget to unload their registry hive, you will lock their registry hive file, Windows will think the profile is corrupt, build a new user profile, user will log in finding Documents folder empty and think their files are gone. I did a lot of experiments injecting mapped network drives into registry hive files of test users before I ever did that on an actual user profile.

Windows account password hash location

I have a machine which I want to find where my password hash is stored.
the set command returns details about the account and shows that it is connected to a domain however it doesn't show in net user. As well as this on advanced system settings -> User profiles the account shows as type: local and Status: local.
It seems to be a domain user however windows doesn't think it's on a domain.
Because of this searching for hashes has only brought up dead ends. They aren't in the SAM file and they aren't in SECURITY. I also tried password recovery software and the account simply didn't show.
I could see the correct hash through sekurlsa::LogonPasswords full - specifically serkurlsa::msv with mimikatz but now I would like to know where they are stored.
I know they are cached somewhere as I can login without internet, so I think I'm specifically looking for this file.
A brief search of the command suggests they are in the SAM database but I know they aren't.
Any assistance would be appreciated.

Add Local Group User policies with powershell

I have a rather simple task. Is there any way to add a Group Policy under User-Configuration (particularly logon / logoff PowerShell scripts) ? I have seen tons of guides Like this one, but they are making it via GUI. I'd like to run a script, so all files are mapped from Network Fileshares.
I need an automation to configure master-image for citrix environment. (Maybe this can be achieved with BIS-F? or is there some sort of registry key? )
Thank you in Advance!
Here's a screenshot of this Policy (i can't make my own, because it's in German)
The New-GPO cmdlet creates a GPO with a specified name. By default, the newly created GPO is not linked to a site, domain, or organizational unit (OU).
See more:

setup AppPool on IIs 10, keySet does not exist

I am running a windows 2016 server, we are running IIs 10 on it and i need to be able to assert if there is an AppPool setup before i deploy a website. If it doesn't exist i need setup the AppPool with a specific user and password.
All of this is done using a release agent through Azure Devops.
The agent is running as a NON-ADMIN, and i all accounts involved are running as NON-ADMIN. I have no intention at all to run any admin accounts, for security reasons i want to give least privildges to all accounts involved.
when i try to set up a AppPool using appcmd.exe i get the error msg:
KeySet does not exist.
When running everything as admin it works (and i have absolutely no intention in running any of this as admin).
What i have tried:
i have added the non-admin account to the IIS_IUSRS group.
Made sure that the user has read permissions to the file: 76944fb33636aeddb9590521c2e8815a_GUID in the %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys folder.
i have tried everything here: Error when you change the identity of an application pool by using IIS Manager from a remote computer
anyone that actually knows the cause of this problem?
Microsoft clearly recommends that agents should be run using service accounts, which i am doing and i have no interest in giving build agents administrative rights to 1000s of servers when they clearly don't need that kind of powers actually. I want to restrict their powers to only be allowed to do what they need to do. I can't believe that giving everything admin is apparently the norm.
After a lot of googling, and i mean A LOT. I managed to solve this. And let me say, that it baffles me that "least privileged accounts" is not common practice in the Microsoft and windows world.
I found this excellent post by InfoSecMike locking down azure devops pipelines.
And we both have the exact same requirements and opinions on this topic.
You CLEARLY don't need admin rights to update IIs configurations (because that would be insane, right!?). The IIs configuration API does not care what rights you have, what you do need is access to certain files. But this is not documented. Microsoft themselves, just for simplicity, tells you that you need to be admin, and buries all the details really deep in documentation when this should be best practice. Also what amazes me is that no one questions it.
What you need is the following:
full access to C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\Config
full acccess to C:\inetpub
read access to three keys in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys\
6de9cb26d2b98c01ec4e9e8b34824aa2_GUID (iisConfigurationKey)
d6d986f09a1ee04e24c949879fdb506c_GUID (NetFrameworkConfigurationKey)
76944fb33636aeddb9590521c2e8815a_GUID (iisWasKey)
The 2 first bullet points can be obtained if you make sure your service account is a member of the group IIS_IUSRS.
This group will not give you access to the keys. You need to manually give read permissions to these 3 keys to the agent user.
If you don't give access to these keys you will get the obscure error message
Keyset does not exist ( exception from HRESULT : 0x8009000D)
Which is an incorrect error if you ask me as it should be an IllegalAccessException with proper reason telling you that you don't have access to read the key because the keys are there, they do exist (nice code microsoft, maybe you should open source this so we can fix).
I'll leave with this quote from infosecmike.
The goal was to lock down the permissions of the Azure Pipeline Agent {...}. I started Googling, pretty sure I would find a way to achieve this goal. I didn’t. It’s surprising to not find an answer about this. It seems like the principle of least privilege does not apply anymore in a devops world.
This is why i prefer Linux over Windows. This is a simple task there.

What is the easiest way to migrate file permissions (SMB/AD)

I botched a DC's AD / DNS pretty bad over the course of several years (of learning experiences) to the point where I could no longer join or leave the domain with clients. I have a NAS that used to plug into AD via SMB and that is how all the users (my family) used to access their files.
I have recreated my infrastructure configuration from scratch using Windows 2016 using best practices this time around. Is there any way to easily migrate those permissions to users in a new domain/forest (that are equivalent in value to the old one)?
Could I possibly recreate the SIDs / GUIDs of the new users to match the old? I'm assuming no because they have a Windows installation-unique generated string in there.
Could I possibly do this from the NAS side without having to go through each individual's files to change ownership?
Thank you.
One tool you can use to translate permissions from original SIDs to new SIDs is Microsoft's SubInACL
SubInACL will need from you information which old SID corresponds to which new SID or username and execute translation for all data on NAS server. For example like this
subinacl /subdirectories "Z:\*.*" /replace=S-1-5-1-2-3-4-5=NEWDOMAIN\newuser
How long it will take for translation to complete depends on number of files and folders, if it's tens of thousands expect hours.
There are also other tools like SetACL or PowerShell cmdlets Get-Acl/Set-Acl
You cannot recreate objects with original SIDs and GUIDs unless you're doing restore of the AD infrastructure or cloning/migrating original identities into new ones with original SID in sidHistory attribute.
So if you're already running domain controller with NAS in newly created forest and old one suffered from issues you wanted fixed that option would be probably much more painful and it's easier to go for SID translation.
