Meaning/cause of RPC Exception 'No interfaces have been exported.' - windows

We have a fairly standard client/server application built using MS RPC. Both client and server are implemented in C++. The client establishes a session to the server, then makes repeated calls to it over a period of time before finally closing the session.
Periodically, however, especially under heavy load conditions, we are seeing an RPC exception show up with code 1754: RPC_S_NOTHING_TO_EXPORT.
It appears that this happens in the middle of a session. The user is logged on for a while, making successful calls, then one of the calls inexplicably returns this error. As far as we can tell, the server receives no indication that anything went wrong - and it definitely doesn't see the call the client made.
The error code appears to have permanent implications, as well. Having the client retry the connection doesn't work, either. However, if the user has multiple user sessions active simultaneously between the same client and server, the other connections are unaffected.
In essence, I have two questions:
Does anyone know what RPC_S_NOTHING_TO_EXPORT means? The MSDN documentation simply says: "No interfaces have been exported." ... Huh? The session was working fine for numerous instances of the same call up until this point...
Does anyone have any ideas as to how to identify the real problem? Note: Capturing network traffic is something we would rather avoid, if possible, as the problem is sporadic enough that we would likely go through multiple gigabytes of traffic before running into an occurrence.

Capturing network traffic would be one of the best ways to tackle this issue. If you can't do that, could you dump the client process and debug with WinDBG or Visual Studio? Perhaps compare a dump when operating normally versus in the error state?


Why are my ADODB queries not being persisted to the SQL server?

My VB6 program uses ADODB to do a lot of SQL (2000) CRUD.
Sometimes the network connection between the remote clients and the data center somehow "drops" resulting in the impossibility to establish new connections (so users launching the program can't use it).
The issue is the following:
Anyone who is using the program at the moment of the "drop" can continue using it with no issues whatoever, perform every operation, update data, read data, and everything seems like is working normally.
User then proceeds to fire up a "sum-up" report which lists everything that was done (before or after the "drop").
If we then check the database, all data regarding whatever was done after the network drop is not there. User goes back into the program and everything is as it was before the network drop.
It seems like all queries where somehow performed in-memory ? I'm at a loss about how to even approach the issue (I'm familiar enough with VB6 to work with the source code but I don't know a lot about ADODB).
I haven't yet tried to replicate the behavior due to limited customer's availability (development environment is housed in their offices), I'll try starting up the program from the IDE then rip out the network cable.
Provided I can replicate the issue, how do I fix this ? Is there some setting I'm not aware of ?
On a side note: the issue is sporadic (it happened a handful of times during the last year, and the software is being used heavily and on a daily basis by mutiple concurrent users).
After reading up on Disconnected Recordsets, it seems that's what's behind this odd behavior I'm experiencing.
This is not something that can be simply "turned off".

Getting specific errors when TCP connections disconnect in Windows

I'm trying to improve the usefulness of the error reporting in a server I am working on. The server uses TCP sockets, and it runs on Windows.
The problem is that when a TCP link drops due to some sort of network failure, the error code that I can get from WSARecv() (or the other Windows socket APIs) is not very descriptive. For most network hiccups, I get either WSAECONNRESET (10054) or WSAETIMEDOUT (10060). But there are about a million things that can cause both of these: the local machine is having a problem, the remote machine or process is having a problem, some intermediate router has a problem, etc. This is a problem because the server operator doesn't have a definitive way to investigate the problem, because they don't necessarily even know where the problem is, or who might be responsible.
At the IP level, it's a different story. If the server operator happens to have a network sniffer attached when something bad happens, it's usually pretty easy to sort of what went wrong. For instance, if an intermediate router sent an ICMP unreachable, the router that sent it will put its IP address in there, and that's usually enough to track it down. Put another way, Windows killed the connection for a reason, probably because it got a specific packet that had a specific problem.
However, a large number of failures are experienced in the field, unexpected. It is not realistic to always have a network sniffer attached to a production server. There needs to be a way to track down problems that happen only rarely, intermittently, or randomly.
How can I solve this problem programmatically?
Is there a way to get Windows to cough up a more specific error message? Is there some easy way to capture and mine recent Windows events (perhaps the one Microsoft Network Monitor uses)? One way I've "solved it" before is to keep dumpcap (from Wireshark) running in ring buffer mode, and force it to stop capturing when a bad event happens, that I can mine later.
I'm also open to the possibility that this is not the right way to solve this problem. For instance, perhaps there is some special Windows mode that can be turned on to cause it to log useful information, that a network administrator could use to track this down after-the-fact.

Simulate slow speed for TCP sockets in Windows

I'm building an application that uses TCP sockets to communicate. I want to test how it behaves under slow-speed conditions.
There are similar question on the site, but as I understand it, they deal with HTTP traffic, or are about Linux. My traffic is not HTTP, just ordinary TCP sockets, and the OS is Windows.
I tried using fiddler's setting for Modem Speed but it didn't work, it seems to work only for HTTP connections.
While it is true that you probably want to invest in an extensive set of unit tests, You can simulate various network conditions using VMWare Workstation:
You will have to install a virtual machine for testing, setup bridged networking (for the vm to access your real network) and upload your code to the vm.
After that you can start changing the settings and see how your application performs.
NetLimiter can also be used, but it has fewer options (in your case, packet loss is very interesting to test and is not available in netlimiter).
There is an excellent utility for Windows that can do throttling and much more:
I think you're taking the wrong approach here.
You can achieve everything that you need with some well designed unit tests. All of the things that a slow network link causes can be simulated in a unit test environment in controlled conditions.
Things that your code MUST handle to deal with "slow" links are just things that you should be dealing with anyway, including:
The correct handling of fragmented messages. All of your network reading code needs to correctly assume that each read will return between 1 byte and the size of your read buffer. You should never assume that you'll get complete 'messages' as TCP knows nothing of your concept of messages.
TCP flow control causing either your synchronous sends to fail with some form of 'try later' error or your async sends to succeed and potentially use an uncontrolled amount of resources (see here for more details). Note that this can happen even on 'fast' links if you are sending faster than the receiver is consuming.
Timeouts - again this isn't limited to "slow" links. All of your timeout handling code should be robust and tested. You may want to make sure that any read timeout is based on any read completing rather than reading a complete message in x time. You may be getting your data at a slow rate but whilst you're still getting data the link is alive.
Connection failure - again not something specific to "slow" links. You need to know how you deal with connections being reset at any time.
In summary nothing you can achieve by running your client and server on a simulated slow network cannot be achieved with a decent set of unit tests and everything that you would want to test on such a link is something that could affect any of your connections on any speed of link.

What is ajax-push? Are there caveats to using it on some servers?

Can somebody explain what ajax-push is? From what I understand it involves leaving HTTP connections open for a long time and reconnecting as needed. It seems to be used in chat systems a lot.
I have also heard when using ajax-push in Java it is important to use something with the NIO-connetors or grizzle serlvet api? Again, I'm just researching what it exactly.
In normal AJAX (call it pull) you ask the server for something and you get it immediately. This is fine when you want to get some data from the server now. But what if something happens on the server and the server wants to push that event to the client(s)?
Technically this is implemented using so called long polling - the browser opens the HTTP connection and waits for the response. As long as there is nothing interesting on the server side, it waits. But when something happens, the server sends the response and the client receives it immediately. This is a huge advantage over normal polling where you ask the server every few seconds - it generates a lot of traffic and still introduces noticeable latency.
The only problem with this approach is the number of pending HTTP connections. Old-school Java servlet containers aren't quite capable of handling such amount of connections due to one-thread-per-connection limitation - they quickly run out of memory. Even though the HTTP threads aren't doing anything (waiting for some other part of the system to wake them up and give them the response), they occupy memory.
However there are plenty of solutions nowadays:
Tomcat NIO connectors
Atmosphere Ajax Push/Comet library
Servlet 3.0 #Async (most portable)
Container-specific features, but Servlet 3.0, if available, should be considered superior.

Windows API Clear Authentication Tokens

I'm using the WNetEnumResource to enumerate all network share connections and WNetCancelConnection2 to close them. Then I am using WNetUseConnection to connect to a share using discrete credentials. This process happens multiple times throughout the day.
The problem that I'm running into is that after the first flow through the process I'm getting:
System Error 1219 has occurred.
Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user,
using more than one user name, are not allowed. Disconnect all
previous connections to the server or shared resource and try again.
This happens even when the enumeration says there are no current connections.
My question is: why? Why am I getting this error? Is the authenticated connection to the server still cached? Can I enumerate these authentication tokens? Kerberos? LSA?
I haven't been able to find the smallest foothold of information to progress forward on this project. Any help is appreciated!
I'm trying to remember the solution we used when we came across this problem for a network backup program a few years ago.
I'm certain the solution involves using either WNetAddConnection2 or WNetAddConnection3 instead of WNetUseConnection. I think that passing the flag CONNECT_CRED_RESET should take care of this, but I'm not absolutely certain.
Note that CONNECT_CRED_RESET is only documented for WNetAddConnection2 and not WNetAddConnection3, though MSDN says the only difference between the two is the hWnd parameter for owner of dialog windows - I'd try with WNetAddConnection2 and only if it works, experiment with WNetAddConnection3. You may even get it to work with WNetUseConnection!
Make sure to note the dependencies CONNECT_CRED_RESET has on other flags.
