Resize Windows OnScreen keyboard programmatically - windows

I wonder if it is possible to resize Windows OnScreen-keyboard in my program? What Windows methods to use for that?

simply use standard Win32 api.

I know this question is old, but the given answer is really short. To add value to this topic I could not resist to add the following information:
You could do something like this, the flag SWP_NOREPOSITION should make the iPosX and iPosY to be ignored by SetWindowPos. So only the width and height should change. I have not tested this code though.
HWND hWndOSK = FindWindow("IPTip_Main_Window", null); //Only the class is known, the window has no name
int iPosX=0;
int iPosY=0;
int iWidth=1000;
int iHeight=600;
if(hWndOSK != NULL)
//Window is up
if(!SetWindowPos(hWndOSK, HWND_TOPMOST, iPosX, iPosY, iWidth, iHeight, SWP_NOREPOSITION))
//Something went wrong do some error handling


Questions regarding GetWindowPlacement return data

I'm a bit unsure of the meaning of some of the return values from a call to the GetWindowPlacement() function, so I'd like your help, please.
I'll be calling this to obtain the normal dimensions of a hidden window.
First, where do the values of the showCmd field come from? In the Microsoft documentation of the return structure (WINDOWPLACEMENT structure, all the descriptions of the possible values use verbs/action words; e.g., "SW_MAXIMIZE: Maximizes the specified window", or "SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE: Displays a window in its most recent size and position."
I want to obtain the dimensions of the hidden window without unhiding/restoring it first, so with the verbs it seems that I would have to call SetWindowPlacement() with showCmd set to SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE before calling GetWindowPlacement. Is that correct?
So do I understand correctly that the primary (and perhaps only) way that field gets its various values is by an explicit call to SetWindowPlacement() somewhere?
My second question relates to the rcNormalPosition return values. Do those data include the window decorations, or are they client values?
Thank you for your time!
The meaning of the showCmd member of the WINDOWPLACEMENT struct is a bit confusing because Win32 is reusing the SW_* commands used by ShowWindow().
Luckily, the meaning is documented on the GetWindowPlacement() function.
If the window identified by the hWnd parameter is maximized, the
showCmd member is SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED. If the window is minimized,
showCmd is SW_SHOWMINIMIZED. Otherwise, it is SW_SHOWNORMAL.
So, based on which of those 3 values is returned, you can tell whether the window is currently maximized, minimized or, normal (restored). And if you'd like to know what the normal placement is, you can just use the rcNormalPosition member. You do not need to call SetWindowPlacement() at all.
However, heed the warning that GetWindowPlacement() returns workspace coordinates rather than screen coordinates, which differ based on taskbar position and size. This is not a problem if you are only using the coordinates returned by GetWindowPlacement() to call SetWindowPlacement(). Otherwise, you might have to find a way to convert from workspace to screen coordinates.
I found these 2 functions to work for me.
void MyDialog::LoadDialogPlacement()
static WINDOWPLACEMENT last_wp = {};
// Load last stored DB version
if (memcmp((void *)&last_wp, (const void *)wp, sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT)) == 0) return;
memcpy((void *)&last_wp, (const void *)wp, sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT));
delete[] wp;
void MyDialog::SaveDialogPlacement()
static WINDOWPLACEMENT last_wp = {};
if (IsWindowVisible())
wp.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT);
if (memcmp((void *)&last_wp, (const void *)&wp, wp.length) == 0) return;
memcpy((void *)&last_wp, (const void *)&wp, wp.length);

How to display Images in a wxListCtrl (multicolumn report style)

I already managed to create wxListCtrls with either icons or multicolumn text like this
Picture of two wxListCtrls
Now I'd like to add an icon to each line of the text list on the left. I thought this should be possible as typical wxWidgets applications like code::blocks and wxSmith often diplay icons in list/tree views (resource browser window) and even in tabs of notebooks (compiler log window).
So how can I create something like this? (Everybody knows Windows Explorer)
Picture of Explorer Window with icons
I tried this...
SetImageList (ToolImages, wxIMAGE_LIST_NORMAL);
InsertColumn (0, "Icon");
SetColumnWidth (0, 40);
for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
InsertItem (i, i);
SetItemColumnImage (i, 0, i);
SetItem (i, 1, IntToStr (i+1));
But as you can see, only the text gets displayd, the image column is blank. Is it possible at all to mix text and images in report mode? If not, what other wxControl class can I use to get the desired result?
Many Thanks in advance.
Yes, it is possible, and the listctrl sample shows how to do it, in particular see MyFrame::InitWithReportItems() function. The only difference with your code seems to be that you use a different InsertItem() overload, so perhaps you should use InsertItem(i, "") instead.
Also check that your image list does have the 5 icons in it.
More generally, trying to reduce the differences between your code and the (working) sample will almost always quickly find the problem.
Thanks, VZ, but I found out that it's not the InsertItem() but the SetImageList(). My image list was correct, but the "which" parameter wasn't. Replacing wxIMAGE_LIST_NORMAL by wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL fixes the problem! I thought "SMALL" was only meant for the SMALL_ICON mode and that "NORMAL" should be the default. But yes, that makes sense, normal icons are big and don't fit in the text display. Would be nice if the documentation had told us that before long trial and error...
This is a simple example for SMALL ICONIC VIEW USING WXLISTCTRL .Please place this code inside the class declaration.I did it in Frame based Windows Application using CODE BLOCKS.It will be useful to you.
wxImageList *il=new wxImageList(32,32,false,0);
wxImageList *i2=new wxImageList(32,32,false,0);
wxDir dir(wxGetCwd());
wxDir dir1(wxGetCwd());
if ( !dir.IsOpened() )
// deal with the error here - wxDir would already log an error message
// explaining the exact reason of the failure
if ( !dir1.IsOpened() )
// deal with the error here - wxDir would already log an error message
// explaining the exact reason of the failure
puts("Enumerating object files in current directory:");
wxString path, filename, dirstring,filename1, dirstring1, img,imgPath,path1,img1,imgPath1;
int i=0;
bool cont=dir.Open(path);
bool cont1=dir1.Open(path1);
cont = dir.GetFirst(&filename, wxEmptyString, wxDIR_DEFAULT);
cont1 = dir1.GetFirst(&filename1, wxEmptyString, wxDIR_DEFAULT);
while ( cont )
cont = dir.GetNext(&filename);
// Consturct the imagepath
//Now, add the images to the imagelist
while ( cont1 )
cont1 = dir1.GetNext(&filename1);
// Consturct the imagepath
//Now, add the images to the imagelist
//assigning the imagelist to listctrl
ListCtrl1->AssignImageList(il, wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL);
ListCtrl3->AssignImageList(i2, wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL);
for(int j=0;j < il->GetImageCount()-1;j++)
wxListItem itemCol;
for(int k=0;k < i2->GetImageCount()-1;k++)
wxListItem itemCol1;

Testing to see if a window is maximized

I noticed that in Windows, if you maximize a window you can not resize it until you un-maximized it again. This appears to be a normal behaviour, so I would like to remove my resize gripper when the window is maximised.
At the moment I can't find a property to detect if a window is maximized, and although I could add a boolean in my controller, it wouldn't necessarily catch requests to maximize from the OS.
So if you know of a reliable way to test if a window is maximized please let me know.
On a related note, I am using custom chrome, and when I maximize a window it overlaps the windows task bar. I can think of hacks to detect available screen size (using a transparent system chrome window), but it would be good to know of a better method.
In your application (MXML) on the in the init method you ussually call on creationComplete:
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute"
creationComplete="init()" >
Add the following code:
this.addEventListener(NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent.DISPLAY_STATE_CHANGE, trackState);
the method looks like this:
public function trackState(event:NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent):void
if (event.afterDisplayState == NativeWindowDisplayState.MAXIMIZED)
isMaximised = true;
} else {
isMaximised = false;
I have figured out how this can best be done thanks to some pointers from TheBrain.
Firstly you need to watch for resize events to the window your want to control:
NativeApplication.nativeApplication.activeWindow.addEventListener(NativeWindowBoundsEvent.RESIZE, onWindowResize);
Then handle that event to decide if the window is maximised or not:
public function onWindowResize(event:NativeWindowBoundsEvent):void
if (event.afterBounds.height >= Screen.mainScreen.visibleBounds.height && event.afterBounds.width >= Screen.mainScreen.visibleBounds.width)
isMaximised = true;
isMaximised = false;
You then need to catch or create your own maximize button, and when clicked perform the following code:
if (isMaximised)
var bounds:Rectangle = Screen.mainScreen.visibleBounds;
NativeApplication.nativeApplication.activeWindow.bounds = bounds;
NativeApplication.nativeApplication.activeWindow.bounds = new Rectangle(100, 100, 500, 600);
You can modify the bounds to over maximize (which is handy for custom chrome windows with shadows), and you can also set the application to reset to a default size if the maximize button is clicked when it's already maximized (or do nothing).
I had issues about when to assign the window resize listner, and ended up removing and adding it every time the maximize button was clicked. It's a bit of overkill, but not too bad.
There is Win32 API Call that will do this for you:
BOOL IsZoomed( HWND hWnd );
to get the actual usable space from the screen, use the flash.display.Screen class, or you can use the systemMaxSize() which returns the largest window size allowed by the OS. For maximization you have some events that the window is dispaching when maximized/minimized/restored. You can find more info on the adobe pages (the link under systemMaxSize).
To detect if window is maximized...I don't think there is such a function (I might be wrong) but you can test if the app size is equal with the available screen size which means it's maximized. Or hook on the resize event which is triggered when the app is maximized/minimized/resized
Here is an easier way of checking if a window is maximized:
if(stage.nativeWindow.displayState == NativeWindowDisplayState.MAXIMIZED)
//do something
The following worked for me. No need to set event listeners, this code can be used to check the real-time state of the native window:
if (nativeWindow.displayState == 'maximized')
Can you use something like this to hook the maximize() event?

Capturing a Window that is hidden or minimized

I followed this tutorial (there's a bit more than what's listed here because in my code I get a window via mouse click) for grabbing a window as a bitmap and then rendering that bitmap in a different window.
My question:
When that window is minimized or hidden (SW_HIDE) my screen capture doesn't work, so is it possible to capture a window when it is minimized or hidden?
The PrintWindow api works well, I use it for capturing thumbnails for hidden windows. Despite the name, it is different than WM_PRINT and WM_PRINTCLIENT, it works with pretty much every window except for Direct X / WPF windows.
I added some code (C#) but after reviewing how I used the code, I realized that the window isn't actually hidden when I capture its bitmap, its just off screen so this may not work for your case. Could you show the window off screen, do a print and then hide it again?
public static Bitmap PrintWindow(IntPtr hwnd)
RECT rc;
WinUserApi.GetWindowRect(hwnd, out rc);
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(rc.Width, rc.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
Graphics gfxBmp = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
IntPtr hdcBitmap = gfxBmp.GetHdc();
bool succeeded = WinUserApi.PrintWindow(hwnd, hdcBitmap, 0);
if (!succeeded)
gfxBmp.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.Gray), new Rectangle(Point.Empty, bmp.Size));
IntPtr hRgn = WinGdiApi.CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0);
WinUserApi.GetWindowRgn(hwnd, hRgn);
Region region = Region.FromHrgn(hRgn);
if (!region.IsEmpty(gfxBmp))
return bmp;
There are WM_PRINT and WM_PRINTCLIENT messages you can send to the window, which cause its contents to be rendered into the HDC of your choice.
However, these aren't perfect: while the standard Win32 controls handle these correctly, any custom controls in the app might not.
I am trying to get the bitmap of partially hidden controls.
I used code before that did the drawing, but included windows overlapping it. So.. maybe you want to try this.
The WM_PRINTCLIENT should (in my understanding) redraw all inside the control, even if it is not really visible.
const int WM_PRINT = 0x317, WM_PRINTCLIENT = 0x318, PRF_CLIENT = 4,
SendMessage(handle, WM_PRINTCLIENT, (int)hdc, COMBINED_PRINTFLAGS);
//GDIStuff.BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0, width, height, hdcControl, 0, 0, (int)GDIStuff.TernaryRasterOperations.SRCCOPY);
The before code is commented out now. It is based on the code found here: Pocket PC: Draw control to bitmap (accepted answer). It is basically the same as Tim Robinson suggests in this thread.
Also, have a look here

How to manipulate DLGTEMPLATE programmatically?

I have a DLGTEMPLATE loaded from a resource DLL, how can I change the strings assigned to the controls at runtime programmatically?
I want to be able to do this before the dialog is created, such that I can tell that the strings on display came from the resource DLL, and not from calls to SetWindowText when the dialog is initialized.
Google has found examples of creating DLGTEMPLATE in code, or twiddling simple style bits but nothing on editing the strings in memory.
I am doing this by hooking the Dialog/Property Sheet creation API's. Which gives me access to the DLGTEMPLATE before the actual dialog is created and before it has a HWND.
I want to be able to do runtime localization, and localization testing. I already have this implemented for loading string (including the MFC 7.0 wrapper), menus and accelerator tables, but I am struggling to handle dialog/property sheet creation.
Code examples would be the perfect answer, ideally a class to wrap around the DLGTEMPLATE, if I work out my own solution I will post it.
You can't edit the strings in memory. The DLGTEMPLATE structure is a direct file mapping of the relevent bytes of the resource dll. Thats read only.
You are going to need to process the entire DLGTEMPLATE structure and write out a new one with the altered length strings.
It will frankly be easier to just hook the WM_INITDIALOG and alter the strings by interacting with the controls than building a DLGTEMPLATE writer. Because there arn't a lot of those around. Unless you have an additional requirement to actually save altered dialog resources to disk as raw .res files (or attempt to modify the .dll inplace) Id really recommend you avoid this approach.
You say you are already doing this for accellerator tables and menu strings - if you can guarantee that the patched in strings are going to be shorter, then just make a binary copy of the DLGTEMPLATE struct, and write the non trivial scanning code necessary to find each string so you can patch the copy in place.
There is a file out there somewhere (which I think originated at Microsoft but I am not completely sure) called RESFMT.ZIP which explains this with some code examples. Raymond Chen also does some excellent explanations of this on his blog. Note that the format of DIALOGEX and DIALOG controls are different.
As noted in some other answers you would need to create the structure again from the start. This isn't all bad as you already have the basic information. Adding the controls is where is gets hard.
Basically, allocate a largish block of memory into a WORD *lpIn. Then add the structure up on top of that. adding the basic information for the DIALOG (see DLGTEMPLATE) and the controls is pretty obvious as the information is there in MSDN.
The two biggest problems you will encounter are: Making sure that the various part start on an alignment boundary, and interpreting the values of DIALOG controls, especially when to add a just a string or, a string or ordinal. Each control needs to start on an even boundary.
For the first (borrowed from somewhere I think RESFMT.ZIP):
WORD *AlignDwordPtr (WORD *lpIn)
ul = (ULONG) lpIn;
ul +=3;
ul >>=2;
What I did was build a series of functions like this one following that allowed me to assemble DIALOGS in memory. (My need was so I could have some common code that didn't need an associated RC file for some very basic messages).
Here is an example...
WORD *AddStringOrOrdinalToWordMem( WORD *lpw, char *sz_Or_Ord )
LPWSTR lpwsz;
int BufferSize;
if (sz_Or_Ord == NULL)
*lpw++ = 0;
if (HIWORD(sz_Or_Ord) == 0) //MAKEINTRESOURCE macro
*lpw++ = 0xFFFF;
*lpw++ = LOWORD(sz_Or_Ord);
if (strlen(sz_Or_Ord))
lpwsz = ( LPWSTR ) lpw;
BufferSize = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, sz_Or_Ord, -1, lpwsz, 0 );
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, sz_Or_Ord, -1, lpwsz, BufferSize );
lpw = lpw + BufferSize;
*lpw++ = 0;
return( lpw );
The header file to the complete module included these functions:
WORD *AddControlToDialogTemplateEx(MTDialogTemplateType *dlgtmp,
char *Title,
char *WinClass,
DWORD Style,
short x,
short y,
short cx,
short cy,
DWORD ExStyle,
int HelpID);
int DestroyDlgTemplateEx(MTDialogTemplateType *dlgtmp);
MTDialogTemplateType *CreateDlgTemplateEx( char *Name, // We use name just for reference, so it can be NULL
short x,
short y,
short cx,
short cy,
DWORD ExtendedStyle,
DWORD Style,
char *Menu,
char *WinClass,
char *Caption,
char *FontTypeFace,
int FontSize,
int FontWeigth,
int FontItalic,
int Charset,
int HelpID,
int NumberOfControls);
Which allowed me to assemble whole dialogs easily from code.
See the API function ::EnumChildWindows( HWND, WNDENUMPROC, LPARAM )
You can call this in a CFormView::Create or CDialog::OnInitDialog to give yourself a chance to replace the control captions. Don't worry, the old strings don't flicker up before you replace them.
In your dialog resource, set the control captions to a key in some kind of dictionary. If you're compiling /clr you can use a managed string table resource. In your callback, look up the translated string in your dictionary and set the control's caption to the translation. Another benefit of /clr and managed string table is that you can automatically look up the right language by Windows (or you) having already set System::Threading::Thread::CurrentThread->CurrentUICulture.
Something like this
(LPARAM)this )
BOOL CALLBACK CMyDialog::UpdateControlText( HWND hWnd, LPARAM lParam )
CMyDialog* pDialog = (CMyDialog*)lParam;
CWnd* pChildWnd = CWnd::FromHandle( hWnd );
int ctrlId = pChildWnd->GetDlgCtrlID();
if (ctrlId)
CString curWindowText;
pChildWnd->GetWindowText( curWindowText );
if (!curWindowText.IsEmpty())
CString newWindowText = // some look up
pChildWnd->SetWindowText( newWindowText );
You'll have to locate the string you want to modify in the mem buffer that represents the template. The only way to do that is to traverse the whole template. Which is not easy.
Once you've done that, either insert bytes in the buffer if your new string is longer than the original one. Or shrink the buffer if the new string is shorter.
As Chris wrote, it would be much easier to modify the text in WM_INITDIALOG and try to re-phrase you requirement that says you may not call SetWindowText().
Thanks all, I actually had 24 hours rest on the problem, then went with a global windows hook filtering WM_INITDIALOG which was a much simpler method, worked out just fine, no API hooking required, 2 pages of code down to just a few lines.
Thanks for all the answers.
