How do I make an instance of gwtext.client.widgets.Window appear at specific DIV in my html ? I tried window.anchorTo(DOM.getElementById("Some_Div"),"left", new int[]{0,0}), thinking the window will anchor itself to div id="Some_Div" in my html. it didnt.
I haven't used the gwt-ext library in a couple of months, but you might want to try this if you haven't already. It should attach the widget where you want it. That said, there are some cases where the gwt-ext widgets react in ways that are not intuitive to someone who really understands the normal GWT widgets.
RootPanel.get("Some_Div_Id").add( someWidget )
You should use
window.alignTo(DOM.getElementById("Some_Div"),"tl-tl", new int[]{0,0});
for positioning the window's top left to Some_Div's top left corner.
These are the valid strings for position argument:
Value Description
----- -----------------------------
tl The top left corner (default)
t The center of the top edge
tr The top right corner
l The center of the left edge
c In the center of the element
r The center of the right edge
bl The bottom left corner
b The center of the bottom edge
br The bottom right corner
Refer the Ext documentation for detailed explanation.
I have a VuetifyJS (v3) page with a v-app-bar and v-navigation-drawer both present, and both with the app prop set. The v-app-bar takes up all the horizontal space extending from the top left corner. The v-navigation-drawer starts from underneath the v-app-bar. How do reverse this relationship? I.e. make the v-navigation-drawer take up all vertical space starting from the top left corner and have the v-app-bar start from the side of the v-navigation-drawer? The docs pages actually do this (see below). So my Q is how do I do what is doing here?
Documentation for this is here:
The way layout components arrange themselves is controlled by the order they appear in the template, and can be adjusted with the order prop which behaves like order in CSS.
In my project I have a gridpane of Hboxes, and directly adjacent to the bottom right box in the gridpane I'd like to add another pane with a label in it. This pane must always share the height of the GridPane's elements, and also share the same y axis coordinate as the bottom right element.
I tried to accomplish this by providing the gridpane's bottom right element the name "actionLabelPin" and providing the new pane the name "ActionLabel" and executing
Though this doesn't work to bind the heights of the two containers.
Below is an image to help visualize the task I'm trying to accomplish, where the grey pane is "ActionLabel" and the box directly to the left is "actionLabelPin"
Here is what exactly I am trying to do.
I have an image with square elements inside it. When i click on top left and bottom right corners of those elements they are surrounded with divs with border. I then have functions to drag and resize those divs(once they are created by two clicks). I want to be able to record the resized coordinates of those divs in text boxes. For example if the image is with height=700 and width=500. Then if i create a square div inside it with coordinates top left(x=190,y=150) and bottom right(x=290,y=250). Then if i drag this div around the image i want those coordinates to change accordingly. Same thing to happen if i resize it.
Here i have added the code in a web site. What you need to do is click on top left and bottom right corners of one of the snack packs. Then you`ll see a box on the right with the coordinates of this Green bordered div. I want those coordinates to change when i drag or resize this div. You can see the code in the source of the page.
Thanks a lot in advance.
It is possible to bind functions to the resize event through jQuery.
For example, ur kiroid has a class of ui-resizable. You could use something like:
$('.ui-resizable').resize(function() {
// refresh your coords here from $('kiroid').css maby?
I'm making a product site in Adobe Edge. I have a circle div that needs to grow in a span of, let's say, 2 seconds when mouseover. Then a text has to appear in it. When mouseout, the text must disappear and do the reverse animation back to normal size. The circle has also to grow from its center, not the top left corner. I'v been trying to do this for hours with jquery and css3 animations but failed to get a satisfying result.
This is very easy with edge animate.
make your circle element.
set a key frame at 00:00 on the timeline for the circles width and height.
press Q (the transform tool) or select the icon at the top left of the screen just to the right of the arrow.
The transform tool scales things based on the origin point, which is repositionable but is automatically in the center of the selected object.
go to 02:00 on the timeline.
resize your circle.
set a keyframe for your text at 0 opacity.
go forward on the timeline.
set another keyframe for your text at 100% opacity.
group the circle and text into a div.
right click on that div and press 'convert to symbol'.
go back to the stage by clicking 'stage' on the top left of the preview window.
select the object that you want to use to trigger the animation.
open the actions for that object.
paste the following code into a mouseover event: var mySymbolObject = sym.getSymbol("INSERT THE NAME OF YOUR SYMBOL").play();
now make a mouseout event and paste this code: var mySymbolObject = sym.getSymbol("INSERT THE NAME OF YOUR SYMBOL").playReverse();
now what should happen is that onMouseOver, the timeline for that symbol plays forward, and onMouseOut, the timeline for that symbol plays in reverse. This way, if the animation is half way through and they mouse out, it will reverse from where it's at back to the beginning.
Probably you would like also to use mouseenter/mouseleave events rather than mouseover/mouseout, if you will nest text div inside circle div.
I've written some code which displays a wx.Frame, within which there is a wx.Panel, within which there is a jpg. The jpg is the same size as the frame, so that when the program starts up the user is presented with a picture covering the whole of the window. Overlayed over the top of this picture, and in the centre of the panel I want to put a wx.BoxSizer containing various widgets. So far I've got the sizer visible but, try as I might, I cannot shift it from the uppermost lefthand corner of the panel to the center. No doubt there are many round-about ways of doing this involving grids and borders, but before I set off down this path, I was wondering if I'm missing something simple and there is a command that can be used to position in widget in a specified part of a panel.
ps. I also know I could do this using absolute positioning, but I want to be able to resize the window while keeping the sizer at its centre.
Normally, you can't see a sizer. But regardless, you don't really center a sizer. You center the widgets INSIDE the sizer. So when you add a widget to the sizer, you'd want to do something like this:
mySizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
mySizer.Add(widget, 0, wx.CENTER|wx.ALL, 5)
Now, that will only center it horizontally. If you want it in the very center of the panel, then create another BoxSizer that is oriented horizontally and add the first sizer to the second one, centering it too.
hSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
hSizer.Add(mySizer, 0, wx.CENTER)