What is the simplest way to set up a BIRT report viewer for a xulrunner application? - reporting

I recently began using BIRT and have developed a report to use with my xulrunner application. What I haven't yet figured out is how I should deploy the viewer. It seems like BIRT mostly targets Java applications, so there are instructions for deploying on J2EE, JBoss, and other technologies -- with which I am not familiar (but I'm not developing in Java anyway).
Reviewing this article on deploying BIRT and reviewing the deployment details on BIRT's web site, I'm not sure where to go. I wasn't expecting to have to add some large Java dependency for the xulrunner application --is there no way I can drop an executable in with my xulrunner app, call it from my app, and pass it a report document? (Or something else that would be simpler than learning and using J2EE, JBoss, tomcat?)

It appears that there is a genReport.bat file in the run-time somewhere that can generate reports from the command line. This appears to be what I need, and this article describes it.

(11/2014) I'm going to add:
download Birt runtime from: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/birt/downloads/drops/R-R1-4_3_0-201306131152/birt-runtime-4_3_0.zip
extract somewhere and set a new Environment variable BIRT_HOME=path_to_where_you_extracted
remember to add your database library into \ReportEngine\lib , (ex: jtds.jar)
Open a console inside ReportEngine dir and run:
genReport.bat -f PDF -o PATH/GENERATED_REPORTS/REPORT.pdf -F "PATH/TO/REPORT.rptdesign"
And that's all what I needed to do


First build HelloWorld application not working

I'm newbie in Opendaylight. I'm trying the very first example of ODL controller application by following this tutorial:
Controller Core Functionality Tutorials
Of course it was not updated so I had to modify something for the newest version (Carbon SR3, on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS). However, when I executed the program, I couldn't find the message
HelloProvider Session Initiated
by typing
log:display | grep Hello
It means my application was not started. On the other hand, I verified features but there was only odl-hello-api by default (no restconf, dlux, etc.). I had to modified karaf/pom.xml (karaf4-parent version 3.0.2-SNAPSHOT, adding dependencies for dlux-core and dluxapps) to install these features but of course I coudln't find my application in ODL graphic application.
Anyone has the same issues? Thanks in advance.
The core tutorials project is no longer maintained. I would suggest looking at the toaster sample documented at https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/OpenDaylight_Controller:MD-SAL:Toaster_Step-By-Step. To try your own project, use the startup archetype documented at https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/OpenDaylight_Controller:MD-SAL:Startup_Project_Archetype.

How to tell what is trying to load a specific assembly?

I have an MVC project that is failing once I deploy to Azure because it's trying to load an MVC4 assembly. I have upgraded the project to MVC5.
I am trying to find what has a dependency on the MVC4 dll.
How would I go about finding what is causing it to try and load the MVC4 dll?
Fusion logs are the way to go for something like this. Here's a handy little blog that sums up the registry changes you need to add to capture the log on your instance. Add this as part of a startup task. In this post he also gives the location to the log viewer (on your local dev machine) that you can use to view the log.
Is this the same issue that you asked a week ago and received an answer for? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19716911/web-role-fails-on-azure-after-upgrading-from-mvc4-to-mvc5/19733292#19733292
Rick's Fusion Logs option is also a great way to determine this.

can I use BIRT without Eclipse?

I'd like to use BIRT as stand-alone application (without Eclipse).
How is it possible?
Could I run BIRT as web service?
Does BIRT have web interface?
Thank you
BIRT and Eclipse can not be seperated, kind of like playing Wii without a Television is not possible.
But your user interface can be a web page. Apache is often choosen as delivery tool.
You can download open source BIRT from http://www.eclipse.org/birt/phoenix/
If you have any issues getting set up, pretty much every solution can be found by Google.

integrating reports in a netbeans platform application

I am looking for a way to integrate jasper reports in a netbeans platform application. I have googled this and there seem to be no direct answer, so am asking to be helped in this.
to be specific i use a MySql database and ireport designer to design my reports. I need to display the specific reports in a report viewer and display it in a top component.
please direct me on a way to accomplish this.
It seems like you should be using the JRViewer component.
Have a look at this Jasper Reports Swing tutorial. The only difference is that instead of embedding your JRViewer in a JFrame you'll be embedding it in a TopComponent

Debugging a Google Web Toolkit application that has an error when deployed on Google App Engine

I have a Google Web Toolkit application that I am deploying to Google App Engine. In the deployed application, I am getting a JavaScript error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'f' of null. This sounds like the JavaScript equivalent of a Java NullPointerException.
The problem is that the GWT JavaScript is obfuscated, so it's impossible to debug in the browser and I can't reproduce the same problem in hosted mode where I could use the Java debugger. I think the reason I'm only seeing the error on the deployed application is that the database I'm using on the GAE server is triggering something differently than the test database I'm using during testing and development.
So, any ideas about the best way to proceed? I've thought of the following things:
Deploy a non-obsfucated version of my application. Despite a lot of Googling, I can't figure out how to do this using the automatic deploy script provided with the Google Eclipse Plugin. Does anyone know?
Download and copy my GAE data to the local server
Somehow point my development code to use the GAE server for data instead of the local test database. This seems like the best idea...
Can anyone suggest how to proceed here?
Finally, is there a way to catch these JavaScript errors on the production server and log them somewhere? Without logging, I won't have anyway to know if my users are having errors that don't occur on the server. The GWT.log() function is automatically stripped out of the production code...
1) If you can replicate the needed state of your GAE database locally, then run the javascript compiled version on your local machine. This will almost certainly give the same error, but is a lot less expensive than a full AppEngine deployment. Do this by compiling your app with the GWT compiler, then start it normally, then point your browser to the specified address without the ?gwt.codesvr= part.
2) Use the -style PRETTY or -style DETAILED with the GWT compiler to get nicer javascript. If you compile locally with this flag once, then deploying to AppEngine (with the Eclipse plugin) will send the same non-obfuscated version.
3) Instrument your code (Window.alert() works fine) to figure out exactly where the error happens. This is especially useful to find where the javascript execution deviates from the hosted mode execution.
4) Speed-up your compilation process by keeping only one permutation. See how to do this there:
How do I speed up the gwt compiler?
5) Javascript errors that don't show up in the development version or in unit tests are (almost always) due to a bug in GWT, after you've investigated a little, drop by the GWT forum or issue tracker and see if it's a known bug and whether or not there is a workaround.
