Is there any Glade3 installer for Windows? - windows

I downloaded file:
and when I extract it an run glade-3.exe from /bin folder, I get "no libxml2.dll" error.
Now, I want to find installer (like GTK+ bundle for GTK+) that would install glade3 and all it's dependencies for Windows XP.

Well glade3 worked for me after I downloaded:
and put it in path
This is not the answer, but it can help run it.
Another thing. I previously installed GTK+ bundle, so if you didn't do that, you may need more dll's etc...

Just for the record, the newer version available at is an installer that already includes libxml.


Can't find the exe for anaconda installer

I use a 64-bit Windows 10 machine. I was trying to install Anaconda by following the steps mentioned on this DataCamp page. I was expecting a .exe file, instead, I got a .pkg file. I don't know how to open the .pkg file. I could see .exe files in Anaconda's archive. Not sure which one to download. Any help?
I had the same issue. You have to choose windows option cos it does not automatically detect you system. The default selected is for mac OS and thus it will download the pkg version. Its after downloading that I found out and had to redownload it.
Its really a poor web design, since the options don't really appear as options (they appear as saying anaconda is available in all these platforms) and are visibly in another section.
By default the anaconda website will set the option to MAC OS(.pkg is MAC extension) change and download by windows it works!
Anaconda often downloads the pkg version for Macs. If using windows you might want the .exe version. Make sure you click Windows on the main page to download that installer. You can also go here:
Find the .exe version for windows - download it and install it.

mingw-w64 installer "the file has been downloaded incorrectly"

I am trying to install mingw-w64 onto Windows. However I receive an error, "the file has been downloaded incorrectly". Redownloading the setup file again from sourceforge does not fix the problem. Is there an alternative way to install it or am I doing something wrong?
Old post but same problem, the installer doesn't seem to work.
I give the solution which works for me
You can directly download the archive of MinGW64 with your chosen configuration :
Once the compressed file downloaded, you have just to extract and copy/paste the MinGW64 folder( with the pre-compiled librairies) to your chosen folder ( in my case : C:\mingw64)
I got same error and solved it, after struggling a few hours. You should download MinGW64 via
After downloading, You should unzip mingw64 file to a folder(in my case I unzipped it to c disk; C:\mingw64)
And then you have to set up path. for that follow below steps;
open settings.
Search for Edit environment variables for your
choose path variable and then select edit.
Select New and add the Mingw-w64 folder path(bin folder). In my case, I added (C:\mingw64\bin).
Select OK to save the updated path.
And reopen your cmd, then check if everything is good by typing; gcc --version
Long story short, the official installer is broken and not been fixed for years, so we have to install it manually.
The official download link above would bring you to sourceforge: targetting Win32/Personal Builds/mingw-builds/installer/mingw-w64-install.exe
And in the same folder that contains the installer, there's a repository.txt. (about this file)
Take a look at it, the installer basically just download and unzip the build from one of these urls within repository.txt. Choose the url you want and download/upzip it manually. (In my case, I use 8.1.0|x86_64|posix|seh|rev0 setup)
Last, setup the Path environment variable pointing to your unzipped bin folder, let say C:\mingw64\bin, and this should do the trick.
Finally, I solved this problem by downloading this:
GCC 10.1.0 + LLVM/Clang/LLD/LLDB 10.0.0 + MinGW-w64 7.0.0 - release 3 (LATEST)
Win32: 7-Zip archive* | Zip archive
Win64: 7-Zip archive* | Zip archive
and set the %path%
After that, I still can't execute gcc correctly, but then I solved the problem by adding this environment variable:
I encountered the problem when using this golang package:
I received the same error. When I re-ran the installer as an adminstrator it was installed successfully.
I also made sure not to add any spaces to the installation path.
Following this tutorial helped me manually install MinGW for windows : youtube
So the problem for me was that when I tried to use the .exe installer, it either showed me that,
"the file has been downloaded incorrectly" , or , the /.../bin folder did not have any files in it.
In the link above, the MinGW files (including the /bin files) were manually downloaded and identified properly by the Environment Variables.
The problem is with your internet connection and/or ISP. I'm not great at networking so I'll let others be more specific. I tried installing/downloading it using my mobile's data as wifi hotspot and it worked. Hope it helps

How to Force install location from OSX .pkg

I'm attempting to create a package installer for our product. Previously we installed with a .dmg, and the process was to just drag it to the /Applications folder. Now we want it to install to /Application/Company/Suite/product.
Problem is: If we use the .pkg installer on a system that previously had our product installed it creates the folders, but installs the product over the old location.
How can I make the pkg installer do the following:
Remove the old version
Install new version to proper location
I've had very little experience with OSX - so maybe I'm just missing something? Also looking in the applications folder - it doesn't appear that anything else is installed to a subdirectory, is it unusual to do things this way?
Thank you!
I'm looking into the answers located here OSX .pkg installer sometimes does not install .app file, differently worded problem - but the answer might be just what I need.
EDIT2: OSX .pkg installer sometimes does not install .app file Does not apply. We didn't install with any package manager - so there isn't a previous entry.
EDIT3: We were using dmg, but are now moving to pkg.
So I found the answer.
In order to have it install to a new location:
The plist inside the app package ( has an identifier "CFBundleIdentifier", these needs to be different from the old application. For instance ours was "Company.Product-Name", I've changed it to "Company.Product.Name". This will allow the new installation to go to the new location.
In order to remove the old installation:
I simply added this line to the preinstall script:
"sudo rm -Rf '/Application/Product'"
Thank you for your assistance.

How is the latest InstallJammer used on a Windows machine?

I'm using InstallJammer to create installers for my product. The source and binaries are located on SourceForge, but when I downloaded the latest (1.2.15) tar.gz file I found no executables. I tried running the .tcl files, but without success.
As it happens, I remembered I had an InstallJammer installer (.exe) that I had downloaded months ago for the same version (1.2.15). Once I ran that, InstallJammer was installed on my Windows machine and I had an "InstallJammer.exe" file in my Program Files directory that launched the GUI. Afterwards, I searched the web for this InstallJammer installer, but was unable to find it anywhere.
My issue is solved for now, but I'm posting in case anyone else has run into this. So my official question for the benefit of all is this: how do you get InstallJammer installed on a Windows machine using the sourceforge tar.gz file? Or, alternatively, where do you find the .exe installer for InstallJammer?
As you've probably read on the InstallJammer website, active development of InstallJammer has been discontinued. The source files are still present, but the Windows installer for version 1.2.15 is no longer available on the Sourceforge site. However there still are some download sites that have the 1.2.15 installer,
e.g. this one
Also on the old InstallJammer site there still are 2 snapshot versions with Windows executable. I haven't tried them yet, as I am still using the 1.2.15 version myself.

JDK as Zip File only not JRE

Where can I get the latest jdk as a zip file. I don't want the jre, I want the full jdk. I can't run exe's or even request windows installer so it's impossible for me to download the .exe and run it. Also I can't access some uploading sites like Drop box or 4shared. Is there any ftp or place that I can get just zipped up jdk? Thanks you very much. Jportable is not good enough, Thanks. all the version are available. enjoy. all are ZIP
Ideally, Oracle would provide us with the option of downloading the JDK binaries as a ZIP package instead of forcing us to use the Windows installer. But since they don't, why don't you try downloading the ZIP distribution of another Oracle product that already includes a JDK (e.g. Oracle SQLDeveloper). And please be sure to come back here and let us know if this approach worked out for you. I'm sure there are tons of folks out there looking for workaround too.
It's really simple but, you have to make it yourself.
First, download the JDK from the Oracle Website.
Second, extract all the contents using 7zip or other extracting utility.
Third, navigate through the extracted content and use Java's "unpack200" to convert all the ".pack" files (there's a couple of them) into jar files. You can delete the ".pack" files afterwards if desired.
Note: In order to use unpack200 you need to have a JDK installed on the system. Navigate to the jdk1.x.x_xx/bin folder an run the utility from the command line.
Example: unpack200 rt.pack rt.jar
You can install jdk (with installer, uncheck 'public jre' option), zip installation folder.
Then uninstall jdk. Now you have a jdk zip, you can unzip wherever.
I'm using jdk this way on Windows Vista, both jdk 1.6, and 1.7.
I was also facing the same issue - to get a zip version of JDK7 on my PC. Tried to extract the exe installer and was happy to find that I got a set of folders including jdk,jre, lib,bin etc (similar to the set up that you get by running the installer for Jdk8). But my happiness was short lived - Eclipse did not recognize this path as a valid JDK / JRE installation , while I set up the additional Run time environments.
The fix is to run the exe installer and install it in a different path , outside Program files, so that it doesnt mess up your Java home settings or JRE versions for other client programs.
