Unregistering RemotingConfiguration unregister well known type - remoting

How to Unregister RemotingConfiguration unregister well known type

This might help you?

Try ChannelServices.UnregisterChannel

I have just achieved this by:
After registering it using:
RemotingServices.Marshal(registeredTypeInstance, name, type);
see this question for more info about RemotingService.Marshal


Binding: 'JSONObject' does not implement interface member 'IMap.ContainsKey(Object)'

I am getting the following error when trying to do Android Binding.
'JSONObject' does not implement interface member 'IMap.ContainsKey(Object)'
Can anyone help me how to resolve this issue?
This answer helped me: https://stackoverflow.com/a/48841988/6155481
N.B. Make your partial class extend global::Java.Lang.Object and global::Java.Lang.IComparable

ASNetworkImageNode Cache

I have a project in which I am adding ASNetworkImageNodes inside an ASCollectionView. What I am stuck with is how to enable caching for the same. I am unable to properly use ASImageCacheProtocol in swift.
You should use method:
(instancetype)initWithCache:(nullable id)cache downloader:(id)downloader NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
Or use the default init method, but you need to have the PINCache framework.
try WebASDKImageManager : https://github.com/ide/WebASDKImageManager
It can resolve your problem

NEST adding context information to suggestions

does NEST support adding context information to suggestions in the current version (1.0.2)? According to this article (http://www.elasticsearch.org/blog/elasticsearch-1-2-adding-context-suggestions/)
I didn't found a way how to achieve this by using fluent API.
Not yet. I just opened #927 to add support for this. We'll try and get to it as soon as we can.

Correct place to exend FLOW3 Bootstrap?

currently I am trying to register a Doctrine-Eventlistener for every request in my FLOW3-Package. Some research pointed me to the Package.php, but unfortunately the ObjectManager is not available when the boot()-Method is called.
I searched the whole FLOW3-Documentation http://flow3.typo3.org/documentation/guide/partiii/bootstrapping.html without luck
Any hints on which is the right place to do package-wide setup with access to the object manager?
thanks and best regards
Your are bit to early in the bootstrap to get every object, I have a problem, maybe related to yours, you can check my bug report on http://forge.typo3.org/issues/33838
Why do you need a Doctrine Eventlistener, maybe you can use AOP to have this kind of feature ?

Web Client Software Factory Unit Testing Big Fail

it is me again...too much question, I know, but in this I'm kind of a newbie...
Well, I have a problem creating test for a project that is built using Microsoft's Web Client Software Factory: I get a error that says:
Unable to set TestContext property for the class MyClassName. Error: System.ArgumentException: Object of type 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.TestTypes.Unit.UnitTestAdapterContext' cannot be converted to type 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestContext'..
and the test never runs, any ideas?
Again, thanks in advance =)
What is the type of the TestContext property of your MyClassName class? According to the error message, it's the wrong type. Compare it with the tests that work.
Again, one of those seely details: I just had to update the reference of these libraries:
from version 8.0 to 9.0. Really seely, but that worked.
Thanks for everything.
This is the kind of non-specific answer I hate, but here goes anyway:
Use a different unit test framework!
I've spent at least 3 times more time fixing tests that fail because of MSTest's "features" than fixing code that has bugs.
Feel free to downvote this because it doesn't help Hugo. My true aim is to help warn others away from the MSTest beast.
