Correct place to exend FLOW3 Bootstrap? - doctrine

currently I am trying to register a Doctrine-Eventlistener for every request in my FLOW3-Package. Some research pointed me to the Package.php, but unfortunately the ObjectManager is not available when the boot()-Method is called.
I searched the whole FLOW3-Documentation without luck
Any hints on which is the right place to do package-wide setup with access to the object manager?
thanks and best regards

Your are bit to early in the bootstrap to get every object, I have a problem, maybe related to yours, you can check my bug report on
Why do you need a Doctrine Eventlistener, maybe you can use AOP to have this kind of feature ?


OptaPlanner HardMediumSoftBigDecimalScore isn´t recognized like score type

I´m using OptaPlanner to solve optimization problems, I´m working with HardMediumSoftBigDecimalScore and OptaPlanner said me:
field private org.optaplanner.core.api.score.buid
in.hardmediumsoftbigdecimal.HardMediumSoftBigDecimalScore asota.lubricantselection.lsopt.domain.bearinglubricantsolution.BearingLubricantSolution.score) that returns a scoreType (class org.optaplanner.core.api.score.buildin.hardmediumsoftbigdecimal.HardMediumSoftBigDecimalScore) that is not recognized
as a default Score implementation.
If you intend to use a custom implementation, maybe set a scoreDefinition in the PlanningScore annotation.
I tried with 7.43.1 version and 7.40.0 version the same error persist.
Thank you in advance, I look forward to your comments.
I remember fixing this bug for master the other day. It was simply not hooked in.
The fix will be part of the 8.0.0.Beta1 release. The fix is not backported to 7.x at this point (if a customer submits a support ticket, we will prioritize the backport).
Workaround wise, there's nothing I can immediately think about... sorry.

How to override entity pluralisation?

I've started playing around with API Platform and it's looking like a fantastic but of kit and generally a quick Google or Stack Overflow search answers and questions I might have.
However, this one I'm struggling with and it could be a simple terminology issue...
How do I go about changing or overriding the automatic pluralisation of entity names? I.e. Fleet is becoming Fleets.
Any tips on where to look for documentation or any quick examples of how to do what I'm after? I'm using annotations.
Thanks in advance!
You can create custom Operation Path Resolver which doesn't use Inflector::pluralize().
There is section in docs about it (
It requires creating custom class which implements OperationPathResolverInterface (

Liferay Hook for liferay-multi-vm-clustered.xml

I am trying to override the default liferay-multi-vm-clustered.xml for application level caching using a liferay hook. Any instruction or links? Already spent much time googling but didn't find anything useful.
Thanks in advance.
PS: Already know i can override it via manual deployment and
PPS: Sorry for the format new to stackoverflow.
I'm assuming that you're referring to Liferay 6.x
I'm not aware of any hook that can override this file. Specifically because hooks are only deployed after Liferay has fully been set up and started, it'd be changing the setup after the fact.
You can introduce a new file and reference it in If you want to package this in a plugin, I'm afraid it'll be an ext-plugin. Even though I don't like to suggest using ext, in this case it's a well maintainable ext, so it does not bring the same maintenance-danger as code-containing ext plugins.

Linkedin+Codeigniter : linkedin status update using codeigniter

could any one guide me on how can I update status on linkedin using codeigniter?
Any help appreciated thanks!
I implemented this library into CI to make sure a user could log in with his LinkedIn profile. Maybe you can also update the status of a user.
Implementing it in CI is pretty easy if you know your way around in CI.
I really like it when people write libraries for others to use and the code is commented/well thought out/well structured and is easy to follow.
I tried the other examples, but settled on this one.
Having banged my head for a long time on the POS code of Sudhir and the code above. Yes I can change my opinion, because when I started to work on it, it just doesn't work!.
Although I am new to CI, I managed to do the same as P.T and implemented the lib into CI.
The simple-linkedinphp class works like a charm.
I can now authorise an app, authenticate, get profile details and even post to linkedin.
I even posted a comment on Sundir's blog that it doesn't work and he deleted the comment! Stay away, well away if you don't want any headaches!

Handle concurrent file download with flex/blazeDs/Spring

I'm currently working on a Flex3/blazeDS/Spring/MySQL project.
In this, some users needs to download some import logs. Problem is that given the singleton concept around spring, if 2 users ask for a download at the same time, the servlet responsible for export file creation may cross content between the 2 asked files.
I'm not that much familiar with spring but from what i've been reading around it seems that the solution lies in saying that the servlet is in "Request" scope so there will be a new one created for each download request instead of having a singleton.
Does anyone have ever done something like this before? Every tutorials i've seen so far explains how to handle file download request but it never talks about the fact that 2 users asking for a download may have some issues...
Thanks for any leads on how to fix this.
Each user will receive his own thread, and you should not have any problems unless using member variables (which is a bad practice anyway). If not, I do not see any problem, but it would help if you can post your code.
