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Closed 7 years ago.
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The fundamental equation of weight loss/gain is:
weight_change = convert_to_weight_diff(calories_consumed - calories_burnt);
I'm going on a health kick, and like a good nerd I thought I'd start keeping track of these things and write some software to process my data. I'm not attentive and disciplined enough to count calories in food, so I thought I'd work backwards:
I can weigh myself every day
I can calculate my BMR and hence how many calories I burn doing nothing all day
I can use my heart-rate monitor to figure out how many calories I burn doing exercise
That way I can generate an approximate "calories consumed" graph based on my exercise and weight records, and use that to motivate myself when I'm tempted to have a donut.
The thing I'm stuck on is the function:
int convert_to_weight_diff(int calorie_diff);
Anybody know the pseudo-code for that function? If you've got some details, make sure you specify if we're talking calories, Calories, kilojoules, pounds, kilograms, etc.
Look at The Hacker's Diet and - this wheel has already been invented.
I think the conversion factor is about 3500 calories per pound. Google search (not the calculator!) seems to agree:
I mean, if this is what you're looking for, you should be set.
Supposely, in Einstein's Theory of Relativity he states that a calorie does have an exact weight(0.000000000000046 grams).
With this said, something like this should work:
int convert_to_weight_diff(int calories)
return 0.000000000000046 * calories;
That would return, in grams, how much weight was lost. To make it more reasonable, I would do something like find out how many calories are in like half a pound or whatever.
From what I read, that is what you are trying to do. Tell me if not.
I dunno how accurate this is because it's Wikipedia but it looks like a good basis for a rule-of-thumb-o-meter.
As you will only burn fat, the conversation is as follows:
To burn 1g of fat you'll have to work out 9kcal.
I think everyone else has summed it up well, however there is something (maybe more) that you have forgotten:
water and stimulants (your a developer right, so caffeine is a standard drug, like Spice is in dune)
For example, if I have 2000cal of food in a day, and thru metabolism and exercise I burn 1750 (I get stuff all exercise at the moment, should be 2500 or so), I have 350cal left, which goes as fat, so I'm about +50 grams (were 3500 cals == about 500g of fat. Not sure if thats right, but lets go with it for the moment)
If I do the exact same thing tomorrow, but I have 2 cups of coffee (keep in mind my coffee of choice is Espresso with nothing else in it, so close to zero cals), I have to take two things into account:
caffeine ups my metabolism, so I burn more - so my burn may be +100cals
caffeine is a diuretic, so I'll lose more water - so my WEIGHT will be down maybe -200g, depending on my bodys reaction to it.
So, I think for a basic idea, your proposal is a good one, but once you start getting more specific, it gets NASTY complex.
Another example: If you are doing exercise, and burn 500cals during a RUN, you will continue to burn cals for a number of hours after. If you burn 200 cals thru weight training, you'll do the same post-exercise burn (maybe more), and your baseline metabolic burn (how much you burn if you just sit on your backside) will be higher until that muscle atrophies back to whatever it was before.
I think you are right tho - not really a SO question, but fun none the less.
I would add that you find a different measurement than BMI into your considerations because it doesn't take body composition into consideration. For example, I remember seeing an article about Evander Holyfield being considered "dangerously obese" based on his high BMI. He looked like he had barely an ounce of fat on him. Anyway, just a consideration.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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How can I distinguish between two different users, like two different neighbours who lives in a same address and goes to the same office, but they have different patterns of driving and have different office schedules. I wanted to find out the probability of two persons who behaves more or less exactly. Depending on the resolution of the map, I wants to figure them, where they are, how often they are. Can I create a pattern ´for each drivers into some signatures, where their identity can be traced upon.
I assume, by the way that you asked your question, that you haven't had any plausible ideas yet. So I'll make an answer which is purely based on an idea that you might like to try out.
I initially thought of suggesting something along the line of word-similarity metrics, but because order is not necessarily important here, maybe it's worth trying something simpler to start. In fact, if I ever find myself considering something complex when developing a model, I take a step back and try to simplify. It's quicker to code, and you don't get so attached to something that's a dead end.
So, how about histograms? If you divide up time and space into larger blocks, you can increment a value in the relevant location for each time interval. You get a 2D histogram of a person's location. You can use basic anti-aliasing to make the histograms more representative.
From there, it's down to histogram comparison. You could implement something real basic using only 1D strips. You know, like sum the similarity measure for each of the vertical and horizontal strips. Linear histogram comparison is super-easy, and just a few lines of code in a language like C. Good enough for proof of concept. If it feels you're on the right track, then start looking for more tricky ideas...
The next thing I'd do is further stratify my data, using days of the week and statutory holidays... Maybe even stratify further using seasonal variables. I've found it pretty effective for forecasting electricity load, which is as much about social patterns as it is about weather. The trends become much more distinct when you separate an influencing variable.
So, after stratification you get a stack of 2D 'slices', and your signature becomes a kind of 3D volume. I see nothing wrong with representing the entire planet as a grid. Whether your squares represent 100m or 1km. It's easy to store this sparsely and prune out anything that's outside some number of standard deviations. You might choose only the most major events for the day and end up with a handful of locations.
You can then focus on the comparison metric. Maybe some kind of image-based gradient- or cluster-analysis. I'm sure there's loads of really great stuff out there. This is just the kinds of starting-points I make, having done no research.
If you need to add some temporal information to introduce separation between people with very similar lives, you can maybe build some lags into the system... Such as "where they were an hour ago". At that point (or possibly before), you probably want to switch from my over-simplified approach of averaging out a person's daily activities, and instead use something like classification trees. This kind of thing is very easy and rapid to develop with a tool like MATLAB or R.
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Closed 3 years ago.
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In the social network movie i saw Mark used Elo rating system
But was Elo rating system necessary ?
can anyone tell me what was the advantage using elo's rating system ?
Can the problem be solved in this way too ?
is there any problem in this algo [written below] ?
Table Structure
Name Name of the woman
Pic_Name [pk] Path to the picture
Impressions Number, the images was shown
Votes Number, people selected as hot
Now we show randomly 2 photos from the database and the hottest woman is selected by Maximum number of Votes
Before voting close/down please write your reason
But was that necessary?
No, there are several different ways of implement such system.
Can anyone tell me what was the advantage using elo's rating system ?
The main advantage and the central idea in Elo's system is that if someone with low rating wins over someone with high rating their ratings are updated by a larger number, than if the two had similar rating to start with. This means that the ratings will converge fairly quickly.
I don't really see how your approach is a good one. First of all it seems like it depends on how often a pic is randomly selected for potential upvoting. Even if you showed all pics equally many times, the property described above doesn't hold. I.e, if some one wins over a really hot girl, she would still get only a single upvote. This means that your approach wouldn't converge as quickly as Elo's system. In fact, the approach you propose doesn't converge to some steady rating-values at all.
Simply counting the number of votes and ranking women by that is not adequate and I can think of two reasons why:
What if a woman is average-looking but by luck her picture get displayed more often? Then she would get more votes and her ranking would rise inappropriately.
What if a woman is average-looking but by luck your website would always compare her to ugly women? The she would get more votes and her ranking would rise inappropriately.
I don't know much about the Elo rating system but it probably doesn't suffer from problems like this.
It's a movie about geeks. Elo is a geeky way to rate competitors on the basis of the results of pairwise contests between them. Its association with chess adds extra geekiness. It's precisely the kind of thing that geeks in movies should be doing.
It may have happened that exactly way in real life too, in which case Zuckerberg probably chose Elo because it's a well-known algorithm for doing this, which has been used in practice in several sports. Why go to the effort of inventing a worse algorithm?
My friend works for a non-profit organization working to stop the illegal exploitation of minors over sites such as, which is one of the more popular mediums. The question is whether or not it is possible, now or in the near future, to develop an algorithm to analyze a photo of a person and return a prediction of their relative age.
It sounds like a mammoth task. My only thought was some sort of Bayesian probability system. I know even people often have trouble judging someone's age but Bayesian spam filters are advertised as being "10 times as accurate as a human" so maybe it's possible?
I am pretty inexperienced though. I would appreciate it if someone else could suggest whether or not this is feasible and if so how and when?
EDIT: Thank you everyone for the responses. Smoore that study was very helpful but I think Hal's solution is the most practical for the time being.
Here's a possible (left-field) solution. Perhaps, you could tie it into some type of a captcha solution for the site itself. Prompt new users with images of other new users with the question: "Is this person over 18?". It's true that a 50% success rate is not a very effective captcha system, but it's a start.
Coupled with some other checks or repetitive checks and it could work. You could display the image to a number of new users, and base the result on a certain threshold. If, 8 out of 10 people flagged a certain image as not a minor, than it's probably pretty safe they are of age.
But, this whole system can be circumvented by simply uploading someone else's image so I'm not sure how effective any of this really is. :)
I expect it would be pretty hard to get right. Consider this set of photos where the same model is made up to look very different ages.
There are algorithm to reliably determine the attractiveness of a face. See and It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to imagine an algorithm which could predict age.
Characteristics such as smoothness would probably have a strong correlation with age. It would probably take a great deal of effort to be more reliable than your average carney though.
I think you would need some input from a forensic anthropoligist ( or at least an anatomist).
Differnet parts of the body grow at different rates so it might be possible to do something like size of head vs. shoulder width, arm length vs. body width.
Unfortunately it sounds like he is trying to differentiate between say a 14 year olds and 18 year olds. Which is only a four year difference, variations in genetic makeup and nutitrition would probaly give any system an accuracy of +/- 20% which would equate to three years for this age group.
On the other hand if you had a large sample of photos then you could account for the variance statisticaly and get a pretty good idea whether a site was likely to be exploiting minors systematicaly.
The direct answer to your question is that no, no such algorithm will exist in the near future, and is probably impossible to achieve with any accuracy without strong AI.
That said, a practical solution to your problem is probably the amazon mechanical turk:
There, you can pay a small fee to have real people complete a task for you. I'd probably set your task up so that you paid $0.02 to have a person estimate the age of maybe 5 faces at a time. You could double or triple check your results with other workers, particularly for those faces who seemed close to your age limit. This is probably your only practical solution other than hiring minimum wage interns to manually review all submissions.
Use mechanical turk
In this study they tried it by analysing facial geometry and wrinkle features. Problem is this would be affected by shot angle, lighting, etc.
In some theoretical sense it is probably possible. For all practical purposes though, it is currently impossible.
Mammoth is an understatement I think. "Giant glacier" or "moon" might be more appropriate.
This isn't to say it wouldn't be worth looking into but I have a feeling you'd be in for a lot of man hours before you came up with something remotely useful.
I don't think it's something that a computer could do with any degree of accuracy. It's even really hard for people to do. I mean, have you been the the liquor store lately, they are supposed to ask for ID from anybody who looks under 25 (drinking age is 19 here). Apparently some 40 year olds don't look old enough. Telling somebody's age just by looking at them is a very hard thing to do. Especially when you get into to erotic picture arena, where they are trying to make models seem younger than they really are.
I think you will also have difficulties with different composited pictures. For instance angles on a face, different lighting, as well as context and probably most of all... image quality/resolution. It's a lot easier to work with a 800x600 pic then it is to work with a 320x240. The algorithm is only as good as the subject.
I cannot see this approach (a software solution to measuring age) being very effective. I like the idea of users flagging images - a human being can discern age many times more effectively then any algorithm.
Practical approach aside, I'd advice against trying to develop anything in that direction for now.
Few reasons:
1. guessing someone's age is not a grateful task
2. "biological" age and "calendar" age of people vary greatly - I know people who are 30 and are still asked for an ID when buying liquor, and some who are barely 18 and already look over 30
3. some people's looks don't change over time - they just have that kind of looks
4. nowadays, everyone's working to look as young as they can - so basically, you've got the whole industry working against you :(
Anyways, to cut long story short, I don't think it's feasible for now.
A neural net is a reasonable approach, you would need a training set of pictures of people with known ages and a bit of image processing to remove hats etc.
edit: Question changed?
You might be ale to classify someone as 20-30 or 40-50 on a CCTV but you aren't going to be ale to tell if a model is 17 or 18 in a posed photo.
Just like nearly all advanced tasks in image classification this topic is still in research. Judging from this paper it is possible to do it but non-trivial, also you have to have a lot of (manually) annotated training data. Without any knowledge of this field and no experience in image processing this task is going to take you several months.
Develop a classification algorithm that bases a heuristic on many values of the pictures, amount of pixels that are dark within the face area (possibly wrinkles), and the color of the hair. These values should fall within a general area of any profile-esque picture, if you want to be fancy, carry weights with these values and develop a type of game tree that would be able to search hundreds of thousands of images quickly, finding where this image "falls" in the tree within an age-specific set of values.
Some Japanese cigarette vending machines do this. Not terribly well by all accounts, but then it probably doesn't matter since, as Hal mentioned, the easiest hack is just to use someone else's image...
Impossible is nothing, Only amount of efforts changes :
I think it would be near impossible if you target one particular feature of face.
you have to consider multiple factor, So decision will be lying in a matrix and you have to feed multiple things and you will get your answer i would enlist some feature :
1) Beard (Detect face , Now detect beard on face , Help full in distinguish male/female
/childern )
2) Hair
3) Wrinkles
4) Size of face
5) Ration between height and breadth of face
It would be a tough assignment but algorithm can be developed.
As of now, this is possible with 90% accuracy. Yes. please refer the following link..
I've always wondered about how and what the best way to go about implementing the 'Genius' feature on iTunes.
I could probably brute force it, but was just wondering if anyone had any insight.
The Genius algorithm is an example of a recommendation system, which is a hot topic in E-commerce systems. So much so that Netflix had a $1 million prize that went on for several years to improve their recommendation system by a mere 10%.
On iTunes you have a collection of music. Genius can make assumptions that if you have this music that you must like it. If enough people have song B that have song A then Genius can say that if you have song A you'll probably like song B.
Just having the song would be a fairly weak recommendation. Better would be if the user had rated that music so you can improve the strength of the "recommendation" on that basis.
I'd highly recommend reading If You Liked This, You’re Sure to Love That as a good primer on recommendation systems.
Step1- collect the data, for all the clicks/play per user. That would be lots of data.
Step2- make a ranking/recommendation list generation system. For every song, generate a ranking/priority type list with all the products/songs people are viewing/playing. A simple example say no of people share the same combination or the amount of play time each song is played for.
Step3- keep a limit (say top10) to show your recommendations from the above made list for a song.
This was not so difficult, the trick or the genius lies in adding weights to the list you make in step2. How your recommendation system works with weights (for ex page rank).
I might have disappointed data mining engineers by giving such a naive/simple explanation to extremely complex computer science field. Do pardon me. :)
Have a look at this, term frequency–inverse document frequency, it's a method that ranks according to what you like, the more "unique" the more effect a liked song has on the recommendations.
Basically, if you only like and play U2, it will be hard for the algorithm/program to recommend something special, which is to your liking.
On the other hand if you are more varied in your iTunes usage, those lesser known bands that you really like will be weighted more, since they isolate you more from the masses.
Important point: you have to have data from lots of users. You couldn't do this yourself by brute force (unless you mean creating it entirely by hand).
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Closed 3 years ago.
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Is it better to describe improvements using percentages or just the differences in the numbers? For example if you improved the performance of a critical ETL SQL Query from 4000 msecs to 312 msecs how would you present it as an 'Accomplishment' on a performance review?
In currency. Money is the most effective medium for communicating value, which is what you're trying to use the performance review to demonstrate.
Person hours saved, (very roughly) estimated value of $NEW_THING_THE_COMPANY_CAN_DO_AS_RESULT, future hardware upgrades averted, etc.
You get the nice bonus that you show that you're sensitive to the company's financial position; a geek who can align himself with what the company is really about.
Take potato
Drench Potato in Lighter Fluid
Light potato on fire
Hand potato to boss
Make boss hold it for 4 seconds.
Ask boss how long those 4 seconds felt
Ask boss how much better half a second would have been
Bask in glory
It is always better to measure relative improvement.
So, if you brought it down to 312ms from 4000ms then it is an improvement of 3688ms, which is 92.2% of the original speed. So, you reduced the runtime by 92.2%. In other words, you brought the runtime down to only 7.8% of what it was originally.
Absolute numbers, on the other hand, usually are not that good since they are not comparable. (If your original runtime was 4,000,000ms then an improvement of 3688ms isn't that great.)
See this link for some nice chart suggestions.
Comparison to Requirements
If I have requirements (response time, throughput), I like to color code the absolute numbers like so:
Green: <= 80% of the requirement (response time); >= 120% of > the requirement (throughput)
No formatting: Meets the requirement.
Red: Does not meet the requirement.
Comparisons are interesting, but only if we have enough to see trends over time; Is our performance steadily improving or degrading? Ultimately, the business only cares if we're meeting the requirement. It's only when we don't that they ask for comparisons to previous releases.
Comparison of Benchmarks
If I'm comparing benchmarks to some baseline, then I like to use percentages, but only if the benchmark is a statistically significant change from the baseline.
Hardware Sizing
If I'm doing hardware sizing or capacity planning, then I like to express the performance as the absolute number plus the cost per transaction. For example:
System A: 1,000 transactions/second, $0.02/transaction
System B: 1,500 transactions/second, $0.04/transaction
Use whichever appears most impressive given the change. According to one method of calculation, that change sped up the query by 1,300%, which looks more impressive than 13x improvement, or
============= <-- old query
= <-- new query
Although the graph isn't a bad method.
If you can calculate the improvement in money, then go for that. One piece of software I wrote many years ago saved a few engineers a little bit of time each day. Figuring out the cost of salary, benefits, overhead and it turned into a savings of more than $12k per year for a small company.
Rule of the thumb: Whichever sounds more impressive.
If you went from 10 tasks done in a period to 12, you could say you improved the performance by 20%
Saying you did two tasks more doesnt seem that impressive.
In your case, both numbers sound good, but try different representations and see what you get!
Sometimes graphics help a lot of the improvement is there on a number of factors, but the combined somehow does not look that cool
Example: You have 5 params A, B, C, D, E. You could make a bar chart with those 5 params and "before and after" values side by side for each param. That sure will look impressive.
God im starting to sound like my friend from marketing!
runs away screaming
you can make numbers and graphs say anything you want - the important thing is to make them say something meaningful and relevant to the audience you're presenting them to. if it's end users you can show them differences in the screen refreshes (something they understand), to managers perhaps the reduced number of servers they'll need in order to support the application ($ savings),'s all about the $ how much did it save them. a general rule is the less technical the group the more graphical and dramatic you need to be.