What is the most effective way to present and communicate a performance improvement (e.g. percentages, raw data, graphics)? [closed] - performance

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Is it better to describe improvements using percentages or just the differences in the numbers? For example if you improved the performance of a critical ETL SQL Query from 4000 msecs to 312 msecs how would you present it as an 'Accomplishment' on a performance review?

In currency. Money is the most effective medium for communicating value, which is what you're trying to use the performance review to demonstrate.
Person hours saved, (very roughly) estimated value of $NEW_THING_THE_COMPANY_CAN_DO_AS_RESULT, future hardware upgrades averted, etc.
You get the nice bonus that you show that you're sensitive to the company's financial position; a geek who can align himself with what the company is really about.

Take potato
Drench Potato in Lighter Fluid
Light potato on fire
Hand potato to boss
Make boss hold it for 4 seconds.
Ask boss how long those 4 seconds felt
Ask boss how much better half a second would have been
Bask in glory

It is always better to measure relative improvement.
So, if you brought it down to 312ms from 4000ms then it is an improvement of 3688ms, which is 92.2% of the original speed. So, you reduced the runtime by 92.2%. In other words, you brought the runtime down to only 7.8% of what it was originally.
Absolute numbers, on the other hand, usually are not that good since they are not comparable. (If your original runtime was 4,000,000ms then an improvement of 3688ms isn't that great.)

See this link for some nice chart suggestions.
Comparison to Requirements
If I have requirements (response time, throughput), I like to color code the absolute numbers like so:
Green: <= 80% of the requirement (response time); >= 120% of > the requirement (throughput)
No formatting: Meets the requirement.
Red: Does not meet the requirement.
Comparisons are interesting, but only if we have enough to see trends over time; Is our performance steadily improving or degrading? Ultimately, the business only cares if we're meeting the requirement. It's only when we don't that they ask for comparisons to previous releases.
Comparison of Benchmarks
If I'm comparing benchmarks to some baseline, then I like to use percentages, but only if the benchmark is a statistically significant change from the baseline.
Hardware Sizing
If I'm doing hardware sizing or capacity planning, then I like to express the performance as the absolute number plus the cost per transaction. For example:
System A: 1,000 transactions/second, $0.02/transaction
System B: 1,500 transactions/second, $0.04/transaction

Use whichever appears most impressive given the change. According to one method of calculation, that change sped up the query by 1,300%, which looks more impressive than 13x improvement, or
============= <-- old query
= <-- new query
Although the graph isn't a bad method.
If you can calculate the improvement in money, then go for that. One piece of software I wrote many years ago saved a few engineers a little bit of time each day. Figuring out the cost of salary, benefits, overhead and it turned into a savings of more than $12k per year for a small company.

Rule of the thumb: Whichever sounds more impressive.
If you went from 10 tasks done in a period to 12, you could say you improved the performance by 20%
Saying you did two tasks more doesnt seem that impressive.
In your case, both numbers sound good, but try different representations and see what you get!
Sometimes graphics help a lot of the improvement is there on a number of factors, but the combined somehow does not look that cool
Example: You have 5 params A, B, C, D, E. You could make a bar chart with those 5 params and "before and after" values side by side for each param. That sure will look impressive.
God im starting to sound like my friend from marketing!
runs away screaming

you can make numbers and graphs say anything you want - the important thing is to make them say something meaningful and relevant to the audience you're presenting them to. if it's end users you can show them differences in the screen refreshes (something they understand), to managers perhaps the reduced number of servers they'll need in order to support the application ($ savings), financial...it's all about the $ how much did it save them. a general rule is the less technical the group the more graphical and dramatic you need to be.


How can we *set* deadlines, to allow us to work to them effectively, in an agile way? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm working in a team that's been consistently and fairly successfully working in an agile approach, and this has been working great for the current project until now, for our initial work, as we incrementally build the product.
We're now moving into the next phase of this though, and the management are keen for us to set some specific deadlines ourselves, for when we'll be in a position to demo and sell this to real customers, on the order of months.
We have a fairly well organised large backlog for each of the elements of functionality we'd like to include, and a good sense of the prioritisation of these individual bits of functionality.
The naive solution is to get the minimum list of stories that would provide a demo-able product, estimate all of those individually, and add them up and combine with our velocity to get a date, and announce we'll be demoing from then. That leaves no leeway though, and seems likely to result in a mad crunch as we get up to deadline time, which I desperately want to avoid.
As an improvement, I'd like to add in some ratio of more optional stories to act as either contingency or bonus improvements, depending on how we progress, but we don't have any idea what ratio would be sensible, or whether this is the standard approach.
I'm also concerned by having to estimate the whole of our backlog all in one go up-front, as that seems very time consuming, and it seems likely that we'll discover more information in the months before we get to that story, which will affect our estimates.
Are there recommended approaches to dealing with setting deadlines to allow for an agile development process? Most of the information I've seen seems to be around handling the situation once you've got a fixed deadline to hit instead. I'd also be interested in any relevant literature or interesting blog posts that cover this issue.
Regarding literature: the best book I know regarding the estimation in software is "Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art" by Steve McConnel. It covers your case. Plus, it describes the difference between estimation and commitment (set-deadline, in other words) and explains how to derive the second from the first reliably.
The naive solution is to get the minimum list of stories that would
provide a demo-able product, estimate all of those individually, and
add them up and combine with our velocity to get a date, and announce
we'll be demoing from then. That leaves no leeway though, and seems
likely to result in a mad crunch as we get up to deadline time, which
I desperately want to avoid.
This is the solution I have used in the past. Your initial estimate is going to be off a bit so add some slack via a couple of additional sprints before setting your release date. If you get behind you can make it up in the slack. If not, your product backlog gives you additional features that you can include in the release if you so choose. This will be dependent on your velocity metric for the team though. Adjust your slack based on how accurate you feel this metric is for the current team. Once you have a target release you can circle back to see if you have any known resource constraints that might affect that release.
The approach you describe is likely to be correct. You may want to estimate for all desirable features, and prioritise UI elements (because investors and customers basically just see the shiny UI), and then your deadline will be that estimated date for completion; then add on some slack in the form of scaling your estimates. Use the ratio between current productivity and your worst period to create a pessimistic estimate. You can use that same ratio to scale shorter estimates (e.g. for your estimate to the minimum feature set).

What's the best way to do estimates without spending a lot of time? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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My team current is currently in the "bug fixing and polishing" phase of shipping a major rewrite. We still have a large stack of bugs to fix, scheduled against a couple of milestones. We've been asked to come up with estimates, of how much engineering effort is required to fix the bugs for each milestone.
For previous milestones, we've followed the following process:
Assign the bugs to the people that know the most about that area of the code, and will likely be the one to fix the bug.
Have each person go through the bugs that are assigned to them, and estimate how long they think it will take to fix the bugs, at an hour-level granularity. If a bug looks like it will potentially take more than a day or two to fix, they break the bug into likely subtasks, and estimate those.
Total the amount of work assigned to each person for each milestone, and try and balancing things out if people have drastically different amounts of work.
Multiply each person's total for each milestone by a "padding factor", to account for overly optimistic estimates (we've been using 1.5).
Take the largest total across the team members for a given release, and make that the time it will take for the team to close the existing bugs.
Estimate the number of bugs we expect to be created during the time it takes us to reach a particular milestone, and estimate how long on average, we think it will take to close each of these bugs. Add this on to the time to close the existing bugs for each release. This is our final number of the amount of work needed, delivered as a date by which we'll definitely ship that milestone.
This has been fairly accurate (we've come in pretty much spot on on our previous three milestones), but it's rather time consuming.
Current Problem
We've been asked to give estimates of the engineering time for upcoming milestones, but asked not to use the above process because it's too time consuming. Instead, as the tech lead of the team, I've been asked to provide estimates that are less certain, along with a certainty interval (ie, 1 month, plus or minus a week).
My primary estimation experience is with some variation of the method I described above (from a background of freelancing for a number of years). I've found that when I "shoot from the hip" on large tasks, I tend to be way off. I suspect it will be even worse when estimating how long it takes to fix bugs in areas of the code I don't know very well.
What tips, tricks or techniques have you found successful for estimating quickly, without breaking things down into fine grained tasks and estimating them?
Things that are not an option:
Not giving an estimate - I've tried this, it didn't fly:)
Picking a number and confidence interval that is ridiculously wide - I've considered this, but I don't think it'll fly either.
Evidence-base scheduling - We're using JIRA, which doesn't have any evidence-base scheduling tools written for it, and we can't migrate to FogBugz currently (BTW, if someone goes and writes an evidence-based scheduling plugin for JIRA, we would gladly pay for it).
The best tip for estimating: round up a heck of a lot.
It sounds like you're already an expert on the topic of estimation, and that you know the limitations of what's possible. It just isn't possible to estimate a task without assessing what needs doing to complete it!
Amount of time assessing is directly proportional to accuracy of estimate. And these things converge at the point when time assessing is so accurate you've solved the task, at that moment, you know exactly how long it takes.
Hmm, sorry, this may not be the answer you wanted to hear... it's just my thoughts on it though.
Be prepared to create a release at any time
Have the stake-holders prioritise the work done
Work on the highest priority items
Step 1. means you never miss a deadline.
Step 2. is a way of turning the question back on those who are asking you to estimate without spending time estimating.
The above doesn't really answer your question, sorry.
The stake holders will want to prioritize work based on how long and expensive each task will be, and you are likely to be asked which of the highest prioritized changes you expect to be able to complete by the next deadline.
My technique that takes the least time is to use three times my impression of how long I think it would take me to do it.
You're looking for something taking longer than that, but not as long as your previous excellent estimates.
You'll still need to look at each bug, even if only to take a guess at whether it is easy, average, or tricky, or 1,2,4,8,16 or 32 hours work.
If you produce some code complexity metrics over your code base (eg cyclomatic complexity), and for each task, take a stab at which two or three portions of that code base will need to be changed the most, then estimate based on the assumption that the less complex portions of code will be quicker to change than the more complex portions. You could come up with some heuristics based on a few of your previous estimates, to use for each bug fix, giving an estimate of the time and variability required.
How about:
estimate=(bugs/devs)xdays (xK)
As simple as this is it's actually quite accurate. And can be estimated in 1minute.
It's confidence level is less than your detailed method, but I'd recommend you check your data on the last three milestones and check the difference between this quick estimate and your detailed estimate that will give you a "K" value representing your team's constant.
Be surprised.
Use Planning Poker, see the answers to How to estimate the length of a programming task
In simplest terms:
Your Most Absolutely Liberal Estimation * 3 = Your Estimate
The above may look like a joke, but it's not. I've used it many times. Time estimation on software projects of any kind is a game, just like making a deal with a car dealer. That formula will get you something to provide your management in a pinch and give you some room to play with as well.
However, if you're somehow able to get down to the more granular details (which is really the only way you'll be able to be more accurate), Google on Function Point Analysis, sometimes called "Fast Function Point Analysis" or "Fast Function Point Estimation".
Many folks out there have a myriad of spreadsheets, PDF's and the like that can help you estimate as quickly as possible. Check out the spreadsheets first as they'll have formulas built in for you.
Hope this helps!
You've been asking how to produce an estimate and an uncertainty interval. A better way to think of this is to do a worst-case estimate and a best-case estimate. Combine the two to have an estimate range. Well understood issues will naturally be more specific then the estimates for less-understood issues. For example, an estimate that looks like 1.5-2 days is probably for a well understood issue, an estimate that looks like 2-14 days would be typical for an issue not at all understood.
Limit the amount of investigation and time spent producing an estimate by allowing for a wider gap between the estimates. This works because its relatively easy to imagine realistic best case and worst case scenarios. When the uncertainty range is more than you're comfortable dealing with in the schedule, then take some time to understood the less understood issues. It may help to break them up.
I usually go for half-day granularity rather than hour granularity in my estimates if the work is expected to take more than a week overall.
public static class Time
/// <summary>
/// Estimates the hours.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="NumberPulledFromAss">The number pulled from ass.</param>
/// <param name="Priority">The priority.</param>
/// <param name="Complexity">The complexity.</param>
/// <returns>
/// a number in hours to estimate the time to complete a task.
/// Hey, you will be wrong anyway why waste more time than you need?
/// </returns>
public static int EstimateHours(int NumberPulledFromAss, int Priority, int Complexity)
var rand = new Random(NumberPulledFromAss);
var baseGuess = rand.Next(1, NumberPulledFromAss);
return (baseGuess + (Priority * Complexity)) * 2;
Your estimates are as accurate as the time you put into them. This time can be physical time breaking down the problem or drawing upon past experiences in areas you're familiar. If this isn't an option the try breaking the bugs/polish down into groups.
Trivial fix of a few hours.
Up to one day effort.
Very complex - one week effort.
Once you have these categorised then you can work out a rough guestimate.
Many hints may be useful in this article on an agile blog: Agile Estimating.
Calculating the variability in your estimate will take longer than calculating your estimate.

Simple tool for shipping dates estimates without uncertainty [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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What I'm looking for is very simple: I want a tool that computes the calculated, as opposed to estimated based on confidence intervals, shipping date given a list of tasks with total estimates and current progress each without introducing further uncertainty as I want to handle that externally.
I want it to take workdays duration and user input holidays into account, etc.
I know Fogbugz's Evidence Base Scheduling does something very close to that but I would like it without the statistical aspect and associated confidence intervals. I'm aware it's a drastic simplification and that statistical estimation is the essence of EBS but I'm not looking for a subjective discussion here, I just want to be able to access this simple information (the supposedly exact shipping date) at any given time during the project without having to calculate it myself.
So I'm looking for one of three things : 1) a way to customize Fogbugz (6.0) to show me the information I want besides confidence intervals 2) a way to customize Fogbugz to set estimates uncertainty to 0 3) another tool (free) that does what I want exactly.
EDIT: By "supposedly exact" or "calculated", I don't mean with respect to what is actually going to happen, that would indeed be trying to predict the future. I mean with respect to the information that was input, together with its obvious uncertainty. In that case, I guess estimates for individual tasks should be more seen as spending limits or upper bounds. The information I would like to be able to compute is really very simple : if everything goes exactly as specified, where does it take us ? Then, with information about how the estimates were made, such as the ability of each individual developper to make good estimates, I can derive the confidence interval. EBS does this automatically and, undoubtebly, very well which is why I use it. What I would like is to obtain is one more little piece of information, ie the same starting point EBS uses and try to play with my own asumptions as to how the statistical estimation should be made.
FogBugz will show you the sum of estimates at the bottom of the LIST page, labelled "Total estimated time remaining". This is the raw sum of estimates, without any EBS calculations.
You can't predict the future. So any calculated shipping date can only be a guess. That guess depends on the confidence intervals around each individual number that went into it. This is a matter of definition -- even though you may not like it.
You may want to have a "100% confident" date, but such a thing (by definition) cannot exist. You cannot have an uncertainty of zero unless you want a date infinitely far in the future. It's the nature of statistics: the distribution is actually infinite, but data is considerably more likely to cluster around the mean.
The only thing you can do is pick a really big confidence interval (99.7%). You are free to ignore the supporting statistical facts about the confidence interval and pretend it has zero uncertainty. For all practical purposes 0.3% uncertainty is small enough that you're not going to be unhappy with that date.
However, all statistically-based predictions of the future must have uncertainty. It's a law.

Does evidence based scheduling work right with heterogenous estimations? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Observing one year of estimations during a project I found out some strange things that make me wonder if evidence based scheduling would work right here?
individual programmers seem to have favorite numbers (e.g. 2,4,8,16,30 hours)
the big tasks seem to be underestimated by a fix value (about 2) but the standard deviation is low here
the small tasks (1 or 2 hours) are absolutely wide distributed. In average they have the same average underestimation factor of 2, but the standard deviation is high:
some 5 minute spelling issues are estimated with 1 hour
other bugfixes are estimated with 1 hour too, but take a day
So, is it really a good idea to let the programmers break down the 30 hours task down to 4 or 2 hours steps during estimations? Won't this raise the standard deviation? (Ok, let them break it down - but perhaps after the estimations?!)
Yes, your observations are exatly the sort of problems EBS is designed to solve.
Yes, it's important to break bigger tasks down. Shoot for 1-2 day tasks, more or less.
If you have things estimated at under 2 hrs, see if it makes sense to group them. (It might not -- that's ok!)
If you have tasks that are estimated at 3+ days, see if there might be a way to break them up into pieces. There should be. If the estimator says there is not, make them defend that assertion. If it turns out that the task really just takes 3 days, fine, but the more of these you have, the more you should be looking hard in the mirror and seeing if folks aren't gaming the system.
Count 4 & 5 day estimates as 2x and 4x as bad as 3 day ones. Anyone who says something is going to take longer than 5 days and it can't be broken down, tell them you want them to spend 4 hrs thinking about the problem, and how it can be broken down. Remember, that's a task, btw.
As you and your team practice this, you will get better at estimating.
...You will also start to recognize patterns of failure, and solutions will present themselves.
The point of Evidence based scheduling is to use Evidence as the basis for your schedule, not a collection of wild-assed guesses. It's A Good Thing...!
I think it is a good idea. When people break tasks down - they figure out the specifics of the task, You may get small deviations here and there, this way or the other, they may compensate or not...but you get a feeling of what is happening.
If you have a huge task of 30 hours - can take all 100. This is the worst that could happen.
Manage the risk - split down. You already figured out these small deviation - you know what to do with them.
So make sure developers also know what they do and say :)
"So, is it really a good idea to let the programmers break down the 30 hours task down to 4 or 2 hours steps during estimations? Won't this raise the standard deviation? (Ok, let them break it down - but perhaps after the estimations?!)"
I certainly don't get this question at all.
What it sounds like you're saying (you may not be saying this, but it sure sounds like it)
The programmers can't estimate at all -- the numbers are always rounded to "magic" values and off by 2x.
I can't trust them to both define the work and estimate the time it takes to do the work.
Only I know the correct estimate for the time required to do the task. It's not a round 1/2 day multiple. It's an exact number of minutes.
Here's my follow-up questions:
What are you saying? What can't you do? What problem are you having? Why do you think the programmers estimate badly? Why can't they be trusted to estimate?
From your statements, nothing is broken. You're able to plan and execute to that plan. I'd say you were totally successful and doing a great job at it.
Ok, I have the answer. Yes it is right AND the observations I made (see question) are absolutely understandable. To be sure I made a small Excel simulation to ensure myself of what I was guessing.
If you add multiple small task with a high standard deviation to bigger tasks, they will have a lower deviation, because the small task partially compensate the uncertainty.
So the answer is: Yes, it will work, if you break down your tasks, so that they are about the same length. It's because the simulation will do the compensation for bigger tasks automatically. I do not need to worry about a higher standard deviation in the smaller tasks.
But I am sure you must not mix up low estimated tasks with high estimated tasks - because they simply do not have the same variance.
Hence, it's always better to break them down. :)
The Excel simulation I made:
create 50 rows with these columns:
first - a fixed value 2 (the very homogeneous estimation)
20 columns with some random function (e.g. "=rand()*rand()*20")
make sums fore each column
add "=VARIANCE(..)" for each random column
and add a variance calculation for the sums
The variance for each column in my simulation was about 2-3 and the variance of the sums below 1.

Convert calories to weight [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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The fundamental equation of weight loss/gain is:
weight_change = convert_to_weight_diff(calories_consumed - calories_burnt);
I'm going on a health kick, and like a good nerd I thought I'd start keeping track of these things and write some software to process my data. I'm not attentive and disciplined enough to count calories in food, so I thought I'd work backwards:
I can weigh myself every day
I can calculate my BMR and hence how many calories I burn doing nothing all day
I can use my heart-rate monitor to figure out how many calories I burn doing exercise
That way I can generate an approximate "calories consumed" graph based on my exercise and weight records, and use that to motivate myself when I'm tempted to have a donut.
The thing I'm stuck on is the function:
int convert_to_weight_diff(int calorie_diff);
Anybody know the pseudo-code for that function? If you've got some details, make sure you specify if we're talking calories, Calories, kilojoules, pounds, kilograms, etc.
Look at The Hacker's Diet and physicsdiet.com - this wheel has already been invented.
I think the conversion factor is about 3500 calories per pound. Google search (not the calculator!) seems to agree: http://www.google.com/search?q=calories+per+pound
I mean, if this is what you're looking for, you should be set.
Supposely, in Einstein's Theory of Relativity he states that a calorie does have an exact weight(0.000000000000046 grams).
With this said, something like this should work:
int convert_to_weight_diff(int calories)
return 0.000000000000046 * calories;
That would return, in grams, how much weight was lost. To make it more reasonable, I would do something like find out how many calories are in like half a pound or whatever.
From what I read, that is what you are trying to do. Tell me if not.
I dunno how accurate this is because it's Wikipedia but it looks like a good basis for a rule-of-thumb-o-meter.
As you will only burn fat, the conversation is as follows:
To burn 1g of fat you'll have to work out 9kcal.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_energy
I think everyone else has summed it up well, however there is something (maybe more) that you have forgotten:
water and stimulants (your a developer right, so caffeine is a standard drug, like Spice is in dune)
For example, if I have 2000cal of food in a day, and thru metabolism and exercise I burn 1750 (I get stuff all exercise at the moment, should be 2500 or so), I have 350cal left, which goes as fat, so I'm about +50 grams (were 3500 cals == about 500g of fat. Not sure if thats right, but lets go with it for the moment)
If I do the exact same thing tomorrow, but I have 2 cups of coffee (keep in mind my coffee of choice is Espresso with nothing else in it, so close to zero cals), I have to take two things into account:
caffeine ups my metabolism, so I burn more - so my burn may be +100cals
caffeine is a diuretic, so I'll lose more water - so my WEIGHT will be down maybe -200g, depending on my bodys reaction to it.
So, I think for a basic idea, your proposal is a good one, but once you start getting more specific, it gets NASTY complex.
Another example: If you are doing exercise, and burn 500cals during a RUN, you will continue to burn cals for a number of hours after. If you burn 200 cals thru weight training, you'll do the same post-exercise burn (maybe more), and your baseline metabolic burn (how much you burn if you just sit on your backside) will be higher until that muscle atrophies back to whatever it was before.
I think you are right tho - not really a SO question, but fun none the less.
I would add that you find a different measurement than BMI into your considerations because it doesn't take body composition into consideration. For example, I remember seeing an article about Evander Holyfield being considered "dangerously obese" based on his high BMI. He looked like he had barely an ounce of fat on him. Anyway, just a consideration.
