List comprehension in Ruby - ruby

To do the equivalent of Python list comprehensions, I'm doing the following:{|x| x % 2 == 0 }.collect{|x| x * 3}
Is there a better way to do this...perhaps with one method call?

How 'bout: {|x| x % 2 == 0 ? x * 3 : nil}.compact
Slightly cleaner, at least to my taste, and according to a quick benchmark test about 15% faster than your version...

If you really want to, you can create an Array#comprehend method like this:
class Array
def comprehend(&block)
return self if block.nil?
some_array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
new_array = some_array.comprehend {|x| x * 3 if x % 2 == 0}
puts new_array
I would probably just do it the way you did though.

I made a quick benchmark comparing the three alternatives and map-compact really seems to be the best option.
Performance test (Rails)
require 'test_helper'
require 'performance_test_help'
class ListComprehensionTest < ActionController::PerformanceTest
TEST_ARRAY = (1..100).to_a
def test_map_compact
1000.times do{|x| x % 2 == 0 ? x * 3 : nil}.compact
def test_select_map
1000.times do{|x| x % 2 == 0 }.map{|x| x * 3}
def test_inject
1000.times do
TEST_ARRAY.inject([]) {|all, x| all << x*3 if x % 2 == 0; all }
/usr/bin/ruby1.8 -I"lib:test" "/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake/rake_test_loader.rb" "test/performance/list_comprehension_test.rb" -- --benchmark
Loaded suite /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake/rake_test_loader
ListComprehensionTest#test_inject (1230 ms warmup)
wall_time: 1221 ms
memory: 0.00 KB
objects: 0
gc_runs: 0
gc_time: 0 ms
.ListComprehensionTest#test_map_compact (860 ms warmup)
wall_time: 855 ms
memory: 0.00 KB
objects: 0
gc_runs: 0
gc_time: 0 ms
.ListComprehensionTest#test_select_map (961 ms warmup)
wall_time: 955 ms
memory: 0.00 KB
objects: 0
gc_runs: 0
gc_time: 0 ms
Finished in 66.683039 seconds.
15 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors

There seems to be some confusion amongst Ruby programmers in this thread concerning what list comprehension is. Every single response assumes some preexisting array to transform. But list comprehension's power lies in an array created on the fly with the following syntax:
squares = [x**2 for x in range(10)]
The following would be an analog in Ruby (the only adequate answer in this thread, AFAIC):
a ={rand(2**49..2**50)}
In the above case, I'm creating an array of random integers, but the block could contain anything. But this would be a Ruby list comprehension.

I discussed this topic with Rein Henrichs, who tells me that the best performing solution is
map { ... }.compact
This makes good sense because it avoids building intermediate Arrays as with the immutable usage of Enumerable#inject, and it avoids growing the Array, which causes allocation. It's as general as any of the others unless your collection can contain nil elements.
I haven't compared this with
select {...}.map{...}
It's possible that Ruby's C implementation of Enumerable#select is also very good.

I've just published the comprehend gem to RubyGems, which lets you do this:
require 'comprehend'
some_array.comprehend{ |x| x * 3 if x % 2 == 0 }
It's written in C; the array is only traversed once.

An alternative solution that will work in every implementation and run in O(n) instead of O(2n) time is:
some_array.inject([]){|res,x| x % 2 == 0 ? res << 3*x : res}

Enumerable has a grep method whose first argument can be a predicate proc, and whose optional second argument is a mapping function; so the following works:
some_array.grep(proc {|x| x % 2 == 0}) {|x| x*3}
This isn't as readable as a couple of other suggestions (I like anoiaque's simple or histocrat's comprehend gem), but its strengths are that it's already part of the standard library, and is single-pass and doesn't involve creating temporary intermediate arrays, and doesn't require an out-of-bounds value like nil used in the compact-using suggestions.

This is more concise:
[1,2,3,4,5,6].select(&:even?).map{|x| x*3}

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].collect{|x| x * 3 if x % 2 == 0}.compact
=> [6, 12, 18]
That works for me. It is also clean. Yes, it's the same as map, but I think collect makes the code more understandable.
actually looks better, after seeing it below.

Ruby 2.7 introduced filter_map which pretty much achieves what you want (map + compact):
some_array.filter_map { |x| x * 3 if x % 2 == 0 }
You can read more about it here.

Like Pedro mentioned, you can fuse together the chained calls to Enumerable#select and Enumerable#map, avoiding a traversal over the selected elements. This is true because Enumerable#select is a specialization of fold or inject. I posted a hasty introduction to the topic at the Ruby subreddit.
Manually fusing Array transformations can be tedious, so maybe someone could play with Robert Gamble's comprehend implementation to make this select/map pattern prettier.

Something like this:
def lazy(collection, &blk){|x|}.compact
Call it:
lazy (1..6){|x| x * 3 if x.even?}
Which returns:
=> [6, 12, 18]

Another solution but perhaps not the best one
some_array.flat_map {|x| x % 2 == 0 ? [x * 3] : [] }
some_array.each_with_object([]) {|x, list| x % 2 == 0 ? list.push(x * 3) : nil }

This is one way to approach this:
c = -> x do $*.clear
if x['if'] && x[0] != 'f' .
y = x[0...x.index('for')]
x = x[x.index('for')..-1]
(x.insert(x.index(x.split[3]) + x.split[3].length, " do $* << #{y}")
x.insert(x.length, "end; $*")
elsif x['if'] && x[0] == 'f'
(x.insert(x.index(x.split[3]) + x.split[3].length, " do $* << x")
x.insert(x.length, "end; $*")
elsif !x['if'] && x[0] != 'f'
y = x[0...x.index('for')]
x = x[x.index('for')..-1]
(x.insert(x.index(x.split[3]) + x.split[3].length, " do $* << #{y}")
x.insert(x.length, "end; $*")
so basically we are converting a string to proper ruby syntax for loop
then we can use python syntax in a string to do:
c['for x in 1..10']
c['for x in 1..10 if x.even?']
c['x**2 for x in 1..10 if x.even?']
c['x**2 for x in 1..10']
# [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
# [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
# [4, 16, 36, 64, 100]
# [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100]
or if you don't like the way the string looks or having to use a lambda we could forego the attempt to mirror python syntax and do something like this:
S = [for x in 0...9 do $* << x*2 if x.even? end, $*][1]
# [0, 4, 8, 12, 16]
shameless plug for my Ruby List Comprehension gem to allow idiomatic Ruby list comprehensions
$l[for x in 1..10 do x + 2 end] #=> [3, 4, 5 ...]

I think the most list comprehension-esque would be the following:{ |x| x * 3 if x % 2 == 0 }
Since Ruby allows us to place the conditional after the expression, we get syntax similar to the Python version of the list comprehension. Also, since the select method does not include anything that equates to false, all nil values are removed from the resultant list and no call to compact is necessary as would be the case if we had used map or collect instead.


Ruby code to iterate over every n-th element of an array and print it until all elements are printed?

I am asked to write some code in Ruby that iterates over every n-th element of an array and prints it until all elements of the array are printed.
The question reads:
Imagine an iterator that accesses an array in strides and runs some code at each stride. If the strides reach the end of the array then they simply begin anew from the array's beginning.
For example:
x = [0,1,2,3,4]
x.stride(1) do |elem|; puts elem; end # prints 0,1,2,3,4
x.stride(2) do |elem|; puts elem; end # prints 0,2,4,1,3
x.stride(8) do |elem|; puts elem; end # prints 0,3,1,4,2
[].stride(2) do |elem|; puts elem; end # does not print anything, but the code is correct
Assume that the stride is equal or greater than 1, and that both the stride and the array's size are not a integral/whole multiple of each other, meaning that the whole array can be printed using a given stride. Fill in the code that's missing:
class Array
def stride(step)
numelems = ... # size of the array
It is obvious that numelemns = self.length(). However am having trouble with the rest.
I am going to try writing some code in Python that accomplishes this task, but I am afraid that I will not be able to translate it to Ruby.
Any ideas? The answer should not be more than 4-5 lines long as the question is one that our proffessor gave us to solve in a couple of minutes.
A solution to this is provided below (thanks #user3574603):
class Array
def stride(step)
yield self[0]
(self * step).map.with_index do |element, index|
next element if index == 0
yield element if index % step == 0
The following assumes that arr.size and n are not both even numbers and arr.size is not a multiple of n.
def striding(arr, n)
sz = arr.size
result = '_' * sz
idx = 0
sz.times do
result[idx] = arr[idx].to_s
puts "S".rjust(idx+1)
puts result
idx = (idx + n) % sz
striding [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6], 7
Here is an example where arr.size is a multiple of n.
striding [1,2,3,4,5,6], 3
Here is an example where arr.size and n are both even numbers.
striding [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], 6
Imagine an iterator that accesses an array in strides and runs some code at each stride. If the strides reach the end of the array then they simply begin anew from the array's beginning.
Based on this specification, stride will always iterate forever, unless the array is empty. But that is not a problem, since we can easily take only the amount of elements we need.
In fact, that is a good design: producing an infinite stream of values lets the consumer decide how many they need.
A simple solution could look like this:
module CoreExtensions
module EnumerableExtensions
module EnumerableWithStride
def stride(step = 1)
return enum_for(__callee__, step) unless block_given?
enum = cycle
loop do
(step - 1).times { }
A couple of things to note here:
I chose to add the stride method to Enumerable instead of Array. Enumerable is Ruby's work horse for iteration and there is nothing in the stride method that requires self to be an Array. Enumerable is simply the better place for it.
Instead of directly monkey-patching Enumerable, I put the method in a separate module. That makes it easier to debug code for others. If they see a stride method they don't recognize, and inspect the inheritance chain of the object, they will immediately see a module named EnumerableWithStride in the inheritance chain and can make the reasonable assumption that the method is probably coming from here:
# Huh, what is this `stride` method? I have never seen it before.
# And it is not documented on
# Let's investigate:
#=> [
# Array,
# Enumerable,
# CoreExtensions::EnumerableExtensions::EnumerableWithStride,
# Object,
# Kernel,
# BasicObject
# ]
# So, we're confused about a method named `stride` and we
# found a module whose name includes `Stride`.
# We can reasonably guess that somewhere in the system,
# there must be a file named
# `core_extensions/enumerable_extensions/enumerable_with_stride.rb`.
# Or, we could ask the method directly:
meth = [].method(:stride)
#=> CoreExtensions::EnumerableExtensions::EnumerableWithStride
#=> [
# 'core_extensions/enumerable_extensions/enumerable_with_stride.rb',
# 6
# ]
For an empty array, nothing happens:
[].stride(2, &method(:p))
#=> []
stride just returns self (just like each does) and the block is never executed.
For a non-empty array, we get an infinite stream of values:
# 0
# 1
# 2
# 3
# 4
# 0
# 1
# …
x.stride(2, &method(:p))
# 0
# 2
# 4
# 1
# 3
# 0
# 2
# …
x.stride(8, &method(:p))
# 0
# 3
# 1
# 4
# 2
# 0
# 3
# …
The nice thing about this infinite stream of values is that we, as the consumer can freely choose how many elements we want. For example, if I want 10 elements, I simply take 10 elements:
#=> [0, 3, 1, 4, 2, 0, 3, 1, 4, 2]
This works because, like all well-behaved iterators, our stride method returns an Enumerator in case no block is supplied:
enum = x.stride(2)
#=> #<Enumerator: ...>
#=> 0
#=> 2
#=> 4
#=> 1
#=> 3
#=> 0
#=> 2
So, if we want to implement the requirement "until all the elements of the array are printed":
I am asked to write some code in Ruby that iterates over every n-th element of an array and prints it until all elements of the array are printed.
We could implement that something like this:
This is a pretty simplistic implementation, though. Here, we simply print as many elements as there are elements in the original array.
We could implement a more sophisticated logic using Enumerable#take_while that keeps track of which elements have been printed and which haven't, and only stops if all elements are printed. But we can easily prove that after x.length iterations either all elements have been printed or there will never be all elements printed (if the stride size is an integral multiple of the array length or vice versa). So, this should be fine.
This almost does what I think you want but breaks if the step is array.length + 1 array.length (but you mention that we should assume the stride is not a multiply of the array length).
class Array
def exhaustive_stride(step)
(self * step).map.with_index do |element, index|
next element if index == 0
element if index % step == 0
x.exhaustive_stride 1
#=> [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
x.exhaustive_stride 2
#=> [0, 2, 4, 1, 3]
x.exhaustive_stride 8
#=> [0, 3, 1, 4, 2]
[].exhaustive_stride 2
#=> []
Using the example array, it breaks when the stride is 5.
[0,1,2,3,4].exhaustive_stride 5
#=> [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
This works but the intermediate array makes it highly inefficient. Consider other answers.
Here's another solution that uses recursion. Not the most efficient but one way of doing it.
class Array
def exhaustive_stride(x, r = [])
return [] if self.empty?
r << self[0] if r.empty?
while x > self.length
x -= self.length
r << self[x]
x += x
return r if r.count == self.count
stride(x, r)
[0,1,2,3,4].exhaustive_stride 1
#=> [0, 1, 2, 4, 3]
[0,1,2,3,4].exhaustive_stride 2
#=> [0, 2, 4, 3, 1]
[0,1,2,3,4].exhaustive_stride 8
#=> [0, 3, 1, 2, 4]
[].exhaustive_stride 2
#=> []
[0,1,2,3,4].exhaustive_stride 100_000_001
#=> [0, 1, 2, 4, 3]
This would work:
def stride(ary, step)
raise ArgumentError unless step.gcd(ary.size) == 1 { |i| ary[(i * step) % ary.size] }
x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
stride(x, 1) #=> [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
stride(x, 2) #=> [0, 2, 4, 1, 3]
stride(x, 8) #=> [0, 3, 1, 4, 2]
stride(x, -1) #=> [0, 4, 3, 2, 1]
First of all, the guard clause checks whether step and ary.size are coprime to ensure that all elements can be visited via step. creates a new array of the same size as the original array. The elements are then retrieved from the original array by multiplying the element's index by step and then performing a modulo operation using the array's size.
Having % arr.size is equivalent to fetching the elements from a cyclic array, e.g. for a step value of 2:
0 1 2 3 4
| | | | |
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...
To turn this into an instance method for Array you merely replace ary with self (which can be omitted most of the time):
class Array
def stride(step)
raise ArgumentError unless step.gcd(size) == 1 { |i| self[(i * step) % size] }

Is there way to assign and break within the block?

I know I can write it this way successfully:
def test_find_first_multiple_of_3
numbers = [2, 8, 9, 27, 24, 5]
found = nil
numbers.each do |number|
if number % 3 == 0
found = number
assert_equal 9, found
Is there anyway to do within the block? What am I missing? Or is just not possible?
numbers.each { |n| n % 3 == 0 ? (found = n then break) : nil }
def test_find_first_multiple_of_3
numbers = [2, 8, 9, 27, 24, 5]
found = nil
numbers.each { |n| n % 3 == 0 ? (found = n then break) : nil }
assert_equal 9, found
As pointed by other answers, there are other ruby ways to accomplish your algorithm goal, like using the .find method:
found = numbers.find { |n| (n % 3).zero? }
This way, you don't need to break your loop.
But, specifically answering your question, there are some ways to break the loop in the same line, if you want so:
use ; (multiple statements separator):
numbers.each { |n| n % 3 == 0 ? (found = n; break) : nil }
or put your assigment after break, that works too:
numbers.each { |n| n % 3 == 0 ? (break found = n) : nil }
I just used your code in the example, but, again, that's not a good pratice, because, as well pointed by #the Tin Man, "hurts readability and maintenance".
Also, as pointed by #akuhn, you don't need to use ternary here. You can simply use:
numbers.each { |n| break found = n if n % 3 == 0 }
** EDITED to include suggestions from #the Tin Man, #akuhn and #Eric Duminil, in order to warn OP that there are other alternatives to run his task, that doesn't need to break loop. The original answer was written just to answer OP's question specifically (one line break loop), without the code structure concern.
With common Ruby idioms your can write:
def test_find_first_multiple_of_3
numbers = [2, 8, 9, 27, 24, 5]
found = numbers.find { |n| (n % 3).zero? }
assert_equal 9, found
Yes, both break and next take an argument.
For your example though, best use find
founds = numbers.find { |n| n % 3 == 0 }
Generally in Ruby there is rarely a reason to break out of a loop.
You can typically use find or any of the other functions provided by the Enumerable module, like take_while and drop_while…
You can use the enumerable method find to find the first item that matches. Usually you will want to use enumerable methods like cycle, detect, each, reject, and others to make the code more compact while remaining understandable:
def test_find_first_multiple_of_3
numbers = [2, 8, 9, 27, 24, 5]
found = numbers.find { |number| number % 3 == 0 }
assert_equal 9, found

How to 'reverse sum' in Ruby?

I have no clue how to call this in correct math-terms. Consider a method which takes two digits:
def num_of_sum(total, group_count)
where total is an integer and group_count is an integer.
How would I get a 'nicely' grouped Array of integers of group_count-length which sum up till total.
My spec would look like:
describe "number to sum of" do
it "grabs all numbers" do
expect(num_of_sum(10, 2)).to eq([5,5])
expect(num_of_sum(10, 3)).to eq([3,3,4])
expect(num_of_sum(20, 3)).to eq([6,7,7])
expect(num_of_sum(100, 3)).to eq([33,33,34])
expect(num_of_sum(100, 2)).to eq([50,50])
I tried this, which works:
def num_of_sum(total, in_groups_of)
result = []
section_count ||= (total.to_f / in_groups_of.to_f).round
while(total > 0)
total -= section_count
if (total - section_count) < 0 && (total + section_count).even?
section_count += total
total -= total
result << section_count
But, for instance, this spec doesn't work:
expect(num_of_sum(67,5)).to eq([13,13,13,14,14])
I need the array to contain numbers that are as close to each other as possible. But the array is limited to the length of the group_count.
Does someone know what the mathemetical name for this is, so I can search a bit more accurately?
The mathematical term for this is an integer partition
A more direct approach to this is to observe that if you do integer division (round down) of the total by the number of groups, then your sum would be short by total mod number_of_groups, so you just need to distribute that amount across the array:
def even_partition(total, number_of_groups)
quotient, remainder = total.divmod(number_of_groups)
(number_of_groups-remainder).times.collect {quotient} +
remainder.times.collect { quotient + 1}
def n_parts(num, groupcount)
div, mod = num.divmod(groupcount), div) +, div+1)
n_parts(100,3) => [33, 33, 34]
Docs to and Fixnum.divmod
A naive implementation is like this:
Let's take example of (20, 3). You want three numbers as a result.
20 / 3 # => 6
This is your "base" value. Create an array of three sixes, [6, 6, 6]. That'll get you 18. Now you have to distribute remaining 2 as equally as possible. For example, enumerate array elements and increment each one by 1, until you have no value to distribute. Result is [7, 7, 6]. Good enough, I think.
Possible (working) implementation:
def breakdown(total, group_count)
avg_value, extra = total.divmod(group_count)
result =, avg_value)
extra.times do |i|
result[i] += 1
breakdown(10, 2) == [5, 5] # => true
breakdown(10, 3) == [4, 3, 3] # => true
breakdown(20, 3) # => [7, 7, 6]
I have no clue how it’s called, but here is a solution:
def num_of_sum sum, count
result = [i = sum / count] * count # prepare an array e.g. [3,3,3] for 10,3
result[sum - i * count..-1] + # these should be left intact
result[0...sum - i * count].map { |i| i + 1 } # these are ++’ed
Hope it helps.
Another way:
def floors_then_ceils(n, groups)
floor, ceils = n.divmod(groups) { |i| (i < groups-ceils) ? floor : floor + 1 }
floors_then_ceils(10, 3)
#=> [3, 3, 4]
floors_then_ceils(9, 3)
#=> [3, 3, 3]
Alternatively, could be replaced with:, floor).concat(, floor+1))

Modify particular items in array while traversing in reverse order in Ruby

Is there a way to modify particular array elements (based on some condition) while traversing it in reverse order in Ruby?
To be more clear lets say,
problem is replace even numbers in [1,2,3,4,5] with x
output should be [1,x,3,x,5] (same array) but replace should happen from right to left..traversing from 5 to 1.
Thanks in Advance!
This works: (arr.length -1).downto(0) { |x| do something with arr[x] }
p [1,2,3,4,5]{|e| e.odd? ? e : e/2} #[5, 2, 3, 1, 1]
I understand you want to traverse in reverse order, not get the output also reversed. Maybe this:
xs = [1, 2, 3]
xs.reverse_each.with_index { |x, idx| xs[xs.size-1-idx] = x.to_s if x == 2 }
xs #=> [1, "2", 3]
I appreciate and love Ruby's humane syntax, but you may want to consider more verbose options such as:
ary = [1,2,3,4,5]
i = ary.count - 1
while i >= 0 do
ary[i] = "x" if ary[i] % 2 == 0
i -= 1
puts ary.join(",")

Chunk a Ruby array according to streaks within it

Summary: The basic question here was, I've discovered, whether you can pass a code block to a Ruby array which will actually reduce the contents of that array down to another array, not to a single value (the way inject does). The short answer is "no".
I'm accepting the answer that says this. Thanks to Squeegy for a great looping strategy to get streaks out of an array.
The Challenge: To reduce an array's elements without looping through it explicitly.
The Input: All integers from -10 to 10 (except 0) ordered randomly.
The Desired Output: An array representing streaks of positive or negative numbers. For instance, a -3 represents three consecutive negative numbers. A 2 represents two consecutive positive numbers.
Sample script:
original_array = (-10..10).to_a.sort{rand(3)-1}
original_array.reject!{|i| i == 0} # remove zero
streaks = (-1..1).to_a # this is a placeholder.
# The streaks array will contain the output.
# Your code goes here, hopefully without looping through the array
puts "Original Array:"
puts original_array.join(",")
puts "Streaks:"
puts streaks.join(",")
puts "Streaks Sum:"
puts streaks.inject{|sum,n| sum + n}
Sample outputs:
Original Array:
Streaks Sum:
Original Array:
Streaks Sum:
Note a few things:
The streaks array has alternating positive and negative values.
The sum of the elements streaks array is always 0 (as is the sum of the original).
The sum of the absolute values of the streak array is always 20.
Hope that's clear!
Edit: I do realize that such constructs as reject! are actually looping through the array in the background. I'm not excluding looping because I'm a mean person. Just looking to learn about the language. If explicit iteration is necessary, that's fine.
Well, here's a one-line version, if that pleases you more:
streaks = original_array.inject([]) {|a,x| (a.empty? || x * a[-1] < 0 ? a << 0 : a)[-1] += x <=> 0; a}
And if even inject is too loopy for you, here's a really silly way:
streaks = eval "[#{original_array.join(",").gsub(/((\-\d+,?)+|(\d+,?)+)/) {($1[0..0] == "-" ? "-" : "") + $1.split(/,/).size.to_s + ","}}]"
But I think it's pretty clear that you're better off with something much more straightforward:
streaks = []
original_array.each do |x|
xsign = (x <=> 0)
if streaks.empty? || x * streaks[-1] < 0
streaks << xsign
streaks[-1] += xsign
In addition to being much easier to understand and maintain, the "loop" version runs in about two-thirds the time of the inject version, and about a sixth of the time of the eval/regexp one.
PS: Here's one more potentially interesting version:
a = [[]]
original_array.each do |x|
a << [] if x * (a[-1][-1] || 0) < 0
a[-1] << x
streaks = {|aa| (aa.first <=> 0) * aa.size}
This uses two passes, first building an array of streak arrays, then converting the array of arrays to an array of signed sizes. In Ruby 1.8.5, this is actually slightly faster than the inject version above (though in Ruby 1.9 it's a little slower), but the boring loop is still the fastest.
new_array = original_array.dup
<Squeegy's answer, using new_array>
Ta da! No looping through the original array. Although inside dup it's a MEMCPY, which I suppose might be considered a loop at the assembler level?
EDIT: ;)
original_array.each do |num|
if streaks.size == 0
streaks << num
if !((streaks[-1] > 0) ^ (num > 0))
streaks[-1] += 1
streaks << (num > 0 ? 1 : -1)
The magic here is the ^ xor operator.
true ^ false #=> true
true ^ true #=> false
false ^ false #=> false
So if the last number in the array is on the same side of zero as the number being processed, then add it to the streak, otherwise add it to the streaks array to start a new streak. Note that sine true ^ true returns false we have to negate the whole expression.
Since Ruby 1.9 there's a much simpler way to solve this problem:
original_array.chunk{|x| x <=> 0 }.map{|a,b| a * b.size }
Enumerable.chunk will group all consecutive elements of an array together by the output of a block:
>> original_array.chunk{|x| x <=> 0 }
=> [[1, [3]], [-1, [-4, -6]], [1, [1]], [-1, [-10, -5]], [1, [7]], [-1, [-8]], [1, [9]], [-1, [-3, -7]], [1, [8, 10, 4, 2, 5]], [-1, [-2]], [1, [6]], [-1, [-1, -9]]]
This is almost exactly what OP asks for, except the resulting groups need to be counted up to get the final streaks array.
More string abuse, a la Glenn McDonald, only different:
runs = do |e|
if e < 0
end.join.scan(/-+|\++/).map do |t|
p original_array
p runs
# => [2, 6, -4, 9, -8, -3, 1, 10, 5, -7, -1, 8, 7, -2, 4, 3, -5, -9, -10, -6]
# => [2, -1, 1, -2, 3, -2, 2, -1, 2, -4]
