How to 'reverse sum' in Ruby? - ruby

I have no clue how to call this in correct math-terms. Consider a method which takes two digits:
def num_of_sum(total, group_count)
where total is an integer and group_count is an integer.
How would I get a 'nicely' grouped Array of integers of group_count-length which sum up till total.
My spec would look like:
describe "number to sum of" do
it "grabs all numbers" do
expect(num_of_sum(10, 2)).to eq([5,5])
expect(num_of_sum(10, 3)).to eq([3,3,4])
expect(num_of_sum(20, 3)).to eq([6,7,7])
expect(num_of_sum(100, 3)).to eq([33,33,34])
expect(num_of_sum(100, 2)).to eq([50,50])
I tried this, which works:
def num_of_sum(total, in_groups_of)
result = []
section_count ||= (total.to_f / in_groups_of.to_f).round
while(total > 0)
total -= section_count
if (total - section_count) < 0 && (total + section_count).even?
section_count += total
total -= total
result << section_count
But, for instance, this spec doesn't work:
expect(num_of_sum(67,5)).to eq([13,13,13,14,14])
I need the array to contain numbers that are as close to each other as possible. But the array is limited to the length of the group_count.
Does someone know what the mathemetical name for this is, so I can search a bit more accurately?

The mathematical term for this is an integer partition
A more direct approach to this is to observe that if you do integer division (round down) of the total by the number of groups, then your sum would be short by total mod number_of_groups, so you just need to distribute that amount across the array:
def even_partition(total, number_of_groups)
quotient, remainder = total.divmod(number_of_groups)
(number_of_groups-remainder).times.collect {quotient} +
remainder.times.collect { quotient + 1}

def n_parts(num, groupcount)
div, mod = num.divmod(groupcount), div) +, div+1)
n_parts(100,3) => [33, 33, 34]
Docs to and Fixnum.divmod

A naive implementation is like this:
Let's take example of (20, 3). You want three numbers as a result.
20 / 3 # => 6
This is your "base" value. Create an array of three sixes, [6, 6, 6]. That'll get you 18. Now you have to distribute remaining 2 as equally as possible. For example, enumerate array elements and increment each one by 1, until you have no value to distribute. Result is [7, 7, 6]. Good enough, I think.
Possible (working) implementation:
def breakdown(total, group_count)
avg_value, extra = total.divmod(group_count)
result =, avg_value)
extra.times do |i|
result[i] += 1
breakdown(10, 2) == [5, 5] # => true
breakdown(10, 3) == [4, 3, 3] # => true
breakdown(20, 3) # => [7, 7, 6]

I have no clue how it’s called, but here is a solution:
def num_of_sum sum, count
result = [i = sum / count] * count # prepare an array e.g. [3,3,3] for 10,3
result[sum - i * count..-1] + # these should be left intact
result[0...sum - i * count].map { |i| i + 1 } # these are ++’ed
Hope it helps.

Another way:
def floors_then_ceils(n, groups)
floor, ceils = n.divmod(groups) { |i| (i < groups-ceils) ? floor : floor + 1 }
floors_then_ceils(10, 3)
#=> [3, 3, 4]
floors_then_ceils(9, 3)
#=> [3, 3, 3]
Alternatively, could be replaced with:, floor).concat(, floor+1))


I'm trying to do a stock picker method on Ruby but i have some issue in my code

I'm trying to do a stock picker method that takes in an array of stock prices, one for each hypothetical day. It should return a pair of days representing the best day to buy and the best day to sell. Days start at 0.
def stock_picker stocks
pair = []
if stocks.size < 2
return "Please enter an array with a valid number of stocks"
buy_day = 0
sell_day = 0
profit = 0
stocks.each_with_index do |buy, index|
i = index
while (i < stocks[index..-1].size)
if ((buy - stocks[i]) > profit)
profit = buy - stocks[i]
buy_day = stocks.index(buy)
sell_day = i
i+= 1
pair = [buy_day,sell_day]
return pair.inspect
It should return [1,4] instead of [0,7]
Another option is to slice the Array while iterating over it for finding the best profit:
res = ary.each_with_index.with_object([]) do |(buy_val, i), res|
highest_val = ary[i..].max
highest_idx = ary[i..].each_with_index.max[1] + i
res << [highest_val - buy_val, i, highest_idx]
#=> [12, 1, 4]
Where 12 is the profit, 1 is the buy index and 4 is the sell index.
To understand how it works, run this extended version, it worth more than any written explanation:
res = []
ary.each_with_index do |buy_val, i|
p buy_val
p ary[i..]
p highest_val = ary[i..].max
p highest_idx = ary[i..].each_with_index.max[1] + i
res << [highest_val - buy_val, i, highest_idx]
p '----'
res #=> [[0, 0, 0], [12, 1, 4], [9, 2, 4], [6, 3, 4], [0, 4, 4], [2, 5, 8], [4, 6, 8], [9, 7, 8], [0, 8, 8]]
From the Ruby standard library I used Enumerable#each_with_index, Enumerable#each_with_object, Enumerable#max and Enumerable#max_by.
For getting the index of the max I kindly stole from Chuck (, thanks and +1. I didn't look for any better option.
As per a comment from Cary Swoveland in the linked post:
[..] a.index(a.max) will return the index of the first and
a.each_with_index.max[1] will return the index of the last [..]
So, maybe you want to use the first option to keep the time between buy and sell shorter.
Use Array#combination:
select { |(_, idx1), (_, idx2)| idx2 > idx1 }.
reduce([-1, [-1, -1]]) do |(val, acc), ((v1, idx1), (v2, idx2))|
val < v2 - v1 ? [v2 - v1, [idx1, idx2]] : [val, acc]
#⇒ [ 12, [1, 4] ]
You can loop through the stock_prices array selecting for days with greatest positive difference. Your while condition needs to be changed.
#sets value of biggest_profit to 0(biggest_loss if looking for loss)
#sets most_profitable_days to [nil,nil]
#loops through array
#takes buy day
#loops through remainder of array
#if current day-first day>biggest_profit (first_day-current_day for loss)
#make >= for shortest holding period
#reassign biggest_profit
#most_profitable_days.first=buy_day, most_profitable_days.last=sell_day
#sell_day & buy_day are values of indices
#must accept only array
#must return array
#must return correct array
def stock_picker(arr)
#checks to make sure array inputs only are given
raise 'Only arrays allowed' unless arr.instance_of?(Array)
#sets value of biggest_profit to 0(biggest_loss if looking for loss)
#sets most_profitable_days to [nil,nil]
#loops through array
arr.each_with_index do |starting_price, buy_day|
#takes buy day
arr.each_with_index do |final_price,sell_day|
#loops through remainder of array
next if sell_day<=buy_day
#if current day-first day>biggest_profit (first_day-current_day for loss)
#make '>=' for shortest holding period
if final_price-starting_price>=biggest_profit
#reassign biggest_profit
most_profitable_days[0]=buy_day#+1 #to make it more user friendly
most_profitable_days[-1]=sell_day#+1 #to make it more user friendly
#return most_profitable_days
p stock_picker([3,2,5,4,12,3]) #[1,4]

Min, Max, Average, and Median of All Possible Sums (Ruby)

I've been using a piece of Ruby code that I found here.
Here's the code:
a = [1, 4, 7, 13]
def add(ary, idx, sum)
(idx...ary.length).each do |i|
add(ary, i+1, sum + ary[i])
puts sum
add(a, 0, 0)
Thing is, I don't need it to spit out the results of adding all the sums. I need the min, max, median, and average of the sums.
How do I modify this code in order to get them? I'm a total beginner at Ruby. I've been using this code, and then transferring the results to Excel to get the values I want. But it feels like my methods could be more efficient.
Thank you for your help.
EDIT: Expected results - Currently the code spits this out on my screen:
I want it to spit out the min, average, median, and max instead:
a = [1, 4, 7, 13]
def all_sums(array)
combination_lengths = (0..array.length)
all_combinations = combination_lengths.flat_map do |c|
def print_min_max_avg_med(array)
puts array.min
puts array.max
puts array.sum.to_f / array.length
sorted_arr = array.sort
puts sorted_arr[(array.length - 1) / 2] + sorted_arr[array.length / 2] / 2.0
Ok, instead of outputting the values we can store them in an arrary and use that array for the values you need.
(edited after chewing out by Stefan Pochmann)
a = [1, 4, 7, 13]
def add(ary, idx, sum, results = nil)
unless results
results = []
first_run = true
(idx...ary.length).each do |i|
add(ary, i+1, sum + ary[i], results)
results << sum
if first_run
puts results.min
puts results.inject(&:+).to_f / results.size
puts (results.sort[((results.size - 1) / 2)] + results.sort[(results.size / 2)]) / 2.0
puts results.max
add(a, 0, 0)
Alright, after seeing the examples from Pochmann and Bronca, I put this together after googling for a better way to get the median.
a = [1, 4, 7, 13]
def all_sums(array)
combination_lengths = (0..array.length)
all_combinations = combination_lengths.flat_map do |c|
def median(array)
sorted = array.sort
len = sorted.length
(sorted[(len - 1) / 2] + sorted[len / 2]) / 2.0
def print_min_max_avg_med(array)
puts array.min
puts array.empty? ? 0 : array.sum.to_f / array.length
puts median(array)
puts array.max
I've run a few tests, and it seems to work for both odd and even arrays. Hope this is useful to the future somebody else stuck in my present position.
Thank you everyone who helped.
Min and Max
The min and max are easy.
def min_and_max_of_sums a
return [nil, nil] if a.empty?
negs, nonnegs = a.partition { |n| n < 0 }
[negs.any? ? negs.sum : nonnegs.min, nonnegs.any? ? nonnegs.sum : negs.max]
min_and_max_of_sums [1, 4, -5, 7, -8, 13]
#=> [-13, 25]
min_and_max_of_sums [1, 2, 3]
#=> [1, 6]
min_and_max_of_sums [-1, -2, -3]
#=> [-6, -1]
min_and_max_of_sums []
#=> [nil, nil]
Now consider the calculation of the mean.
If n is the size of the array a, there are 2n combinations of elements of a that contain between 0 and n elements.1 Moreover, there is a 1-1 mapping between each of those combinations and an n-vector of zeros and ones, where the ith element of the n-vector equals 1 if and only if the element ai is included in the combination. Note that there are 2n such n-vectors, one-half containing a 1 in the ith position. This means that one-half of the combinations contain the element ai. As i is arbitrary, it follows that each element of a appears in one-half of the combinations.
The mean of the sums of all elements of all combinations equals T/2n, where T is the sum of the sums of the elements of each combination. Each element ai appears in 2n/2 combinations, so its contribution to T equals (in Ruby terms)
a[i] * 2**(n)/2
As this hold for every element of a, the mean equals
a.sum * (2**(n)/2)/2**(n)
=> a.sum/2
Here's an example. For the array
a = [1, 4, 8]
the mean of the sums would be
#=> 13/2 => 6.5
If we were to calculate the mean by its definition we would perform the following calculation (and of course get the same return value).
(0 + (1) + (4) + (8) + (1+4) + (1+8) + (4+8) + (1=4+8))/2**3
#=> (4*1 + 4*4 + 4*8)/8
#=> (1 + 4 + 8)/2
#=> 6.5
I will leave the calculating of the median to others.
1 Search for "Sums of the binomial coefficients" here.

Collatz Chain Algorithm RUBY

I am trying to populate an array according to the Collatz sequence. The constraints for the sequence are as follows:
positive integers:
n → n/2 (n is even)
n → 3n + 1 (n is odd)
Example Output
3 -> 10 -> 5 -> 16 -> 8 -> 4 -> 2 -> 1
Ideally, I wanted to construct a recursive call that would populate the array according to the constraints of the sequence. However, I believe my logic for the recursive call is extremely flawed. The intended behavior is to iterate over the nested array, manipulating only the last element of each sub array until the element reaches 1. I am trying to build my understanding of recursion and would appreciate any suggestions on how to fix this problem.
def collatzSum(maxNumber)
sequenceHash =
i = maxNumber
until i == 0 do
if i.even?
sequenceHash[i] = [(i), (i / 2)]
elsif i.odd? && i != 1
sequenceHash[i] = [(i), (3 * i + 1)]
elsif i == 1
sequenceHash[i] = [i]
i -= 1
p sequenceHash
helper_method recursion. Method should take in hash values and iterate according to if statements.
desired output
hash = {5=>[5,16, 8, 4, 2,1],
collatzChain = lambda do |k|
j = 0
k = j[-1]
until k == 1 do
if k.even?
sequenceHash[k] << (k / 2)
elsif k.odd?
sequenceHash[k] << (3 * k + 1)
j += 1
So you mention that you wanted a recursive algorithm, your current approach looks iterative to me. To be recursive, you need to call the method you're in with values closer and closer to a base condition and then, once you hit the base condition, you return back out, up the call chain building up your return values. So, for the Collatz sequence a recursive approach would look like:
def build_collatz_chain(max_number)
return_value = [max_number]
# our base condition is when the number passed in is equal to 1, so
# when we get 1 as the max_number, we'll return an array looking like
# [1]
return return_value if max_number == 1
if max_number.even?
# here, with an even max_number, we'll recurse and call our method
# again, passing in the new max_number, which is the current
# max_number / 2.
return_value + build_collatz_chain(max_number / 2)
# same as above, but we're odd, so we'll recurse with 3 * max_number + 1
return_value + build_collatz_chain(3 * max_number + 1)
and now when we call this with a value of 5, what will end up happening is something like:
call build_collatz_chain(5)
call build_collatz_chain(16)
call build_collatz_chain(8)
call build_collatz_chain(4)
call build_collatz_chain(2)
call build_collatz_chain(1)
We have hit the base condition! return with [1]
return from 2 with [2, 1]
return from 4 with [4, 2, 1]
return from 8 with [8, 4, 2, 1]
return from 16 with [16, 8, 4, 2, 1]
return from 5 with [5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1]
So, now if you want a hash of all numbers up to the passed in max_number with their Collatz chains as values you can use a helper to call this for each value, up to max (this helper is iterative, but could be made recursive...exercise for the viewer if you want it recursive):
def collatz_sum(max_number)
{ }.tap do |sequence_hash|
max_number.downto(1) do |i|
sequence_hash[i] = build_collatz_chain(i)
and then when you call collatz_sum(5) you get back:
{5=>[5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1], 4=>[4, 2, 1], 3=>[3, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1], 2=>[2, 1], 1=>[1]}
The reason your approach is iterative is in the collatzChain lambda, you are setting a value (j) and then incrementing it and just looping through until k is equal to 1. It's also an infinite loop because you initially set k as:
j = 0
k = j[-1]
and so k == 0, and then you iterate until k == 1 and then you never update what the value of k is again.
It's not clear that a recursive operation is necessary here since this seems to be a straightforward mapping between a value x and f(x). By switching to a simple array output you can achieve what you want with:
def collatz_sum(max)
(2..max).map do |i|
if (i.even?)
i / 2
3 * i + 1
end.reverse + [ [ 1 ] ]

What is the right way to write ruby code?

I am solving the pyramid problem, in which an array is reduced to a single element over time by subtracting two consecutive numbers in each iteration.
input: [1, 5, 9, 2, 3, 5, 6]
[4, 4, -7, 1, 2, 1],
[0, -11, 8, 1, -1],
[-11, 19, -7, -2],
[30, -26, 5],
[-56, 31],
output: 87
What is the best way or ruby way to solve this problem? This can be done by inheriting array and making a new class, but I don't know how. Please help. I write this code to solve it:
a = [1,5,9,2,3,5,6]
class Array
def pyr
a = self.each_cons(2)! { |e| e[1] - e[0] }
while a.length > 1
a = a.pyr
ans = a[0]
p ans
I see three ways to approach this.
Reopen the Array class
Sure, if in your particular ruby script/project this is an elementary functionality of an array, reopen the class. But if you are going to re-open a class, at least make sure the name is something meaningful. pyr? Why not write a full name, so no conflicts are possible, something like next_pyramid_iteration (I have never heard of this pyramid problem, so excuse me if I am way of base here).
Make a class inherit from Array
class Pyramid < Array
def next_iteration
self.each_const(2).map! { |e| e[1] - e[o] }
and then your calculation would become something like
pyramid =[1,5,9,2,3,5,6])
while pyramid.length > 1
Make a specific class to do the calculation
I am not quite sure what you are trying to achieve, but why not just make a specific class that knows how to calculate pyramids?
class PyramidCalculator
def initialize(arr)
#pyramid = arr
def calculate
while #pyramid.length > 1
def self.calculate(arr)
def do_next_iteration
#pyramid = #pyramid.each_const(2).map! { |e| e[1] - e[o] }
because I added a convenience class-method, you can now calculate a result as follows:
My personal preference would be the last option :)
I would just do it as a two-liner.
a = a.each_cons(2).map{|e1, e2| e2 - e1} while a[1]
a.first # => 87
It's certainly easy enough to turn this into a simple function without hacking on the Array class:
def pyr(ary)
return ary[0] if ary.length < 2
pyr(ary.each_cons(2).map { |e| e[1] - e[0] })
p pyr [1,5,9,2,3,5,6] # => 87
Use return ary if you want the answer as a one-element array rather than a scalar.
If you prefer iteration to recursion or have a very large array:
def pyr(ary)
ary = ary.each_cons(2).map { |e| e[1] - e[0] } while ary.length > 1
By encapsulating this as a function rather than doing it inline, you get the ability to do the operation on any number of arrays plus it's non-destructive on the original input array.
It's not necessary to compute the end value by successive computation of differences, which requires (n*(n-1)/2 subtractions and the same number of additions, where n is the size of the array a. Instead, we can compute that value by summing n terms of the form:
for i = 0..(n-1), where:
K equals 0 if the array has an even number of elements, else K equals 1; and
bin_coeff(n,i) is the binomial coefficient for choosing "n items i at a time" (n!/i!*(n-i)!).
I know what you're thinking: the calculation of each binomial coefficient will take some work. True, but that can be done in an efficient way (which I've not done below), by computing bin_coeff(n-1,i+1) from bin_coeff(n-1,i), etc. Of course, that's academic, as no one is likely to actually use the method I'm suggesting.
(I'm hoping nobody will demand a proof, but I'll try to oblige if a request is made.)
class Fixnum
def factorial
(1..self).reduce(1) { |t,i| t*i }
def bin_coeff m
def pyramid_sum(a)
n = a.size-1
sign = n.even? ? -1 : 1
(0..n).reduce(0) do |t,i|
sign = -sign
t + sign * n.bin_coeff(i) * a[i]
pyramid_sum [1, 5] #=> 4
pyramid_sum [1, 5, 9] # #=> 0
pyramid_sum [1, 5, 9, 2] #=> -11
pyramid_sum [1, 5, 9, 2, 3] #=> 30
pyramid_sum [1, 5, 9, 2, 3, 5] #=> -56
pyramid_sum [1, 5, 9, 2, 3, 5, 6] #=> 87

Chunk a Ruby array according to streaks within it

Summary: The basic question here was, I've discovered, whether you can pass a code block to a Ruby array which will actually reduce the contents of that array down to another array, not to a single value (the way inject does). The short answer is "no".
I'm accepting the answer that says this. Thanks to Squeegy for a great looping strategy to get streaks out of an array.
The Challenge: To reduce an array's elements without looping through it explicitly.
The Input: All integers from -10 to 10 (except 0) ordered randomly.
The Desired Output: An array representing streaks of positive or negative numbers. For instance, a -3 represents three consecutive negative numbers. A 2 represents two consecutive positive numbers.
Sample script:
original_array = (-10..10).to_a.sort{rand(3)-1}
original_array.reject!{|i| i == 0} # remove zero
streaks = (-1..1).to_a # this is a placeholder.
# The streaks array will contain the output.
# Your code goes here, hopefully without looping through the array
puts "Original Array:"
puts original_array.join(",")
puts "Streaks:"
puts streaks.join(",")
puts "Streaks Sum:"
puts streaks.inject{|sum,n| sum + n}
Sample outputs:
Original Array:
Streaks Sum:
Original Array:
Streaks Sum:
Note a few things:
The streaks array has alternating positive and negative values.
The sum of the elements streaks array is always 0 (as is the sum of the original).
The sum of the absolute values of the streak array is always 20.
Hope that's clear!
Edit: I do realize that such constructs as reject! are actually looping through the array in the background. I'm not excluding looping because I'm a mean person. Just looking to learn about the language. If explicit iteration is necessary, that's fine.
Well, here's a one-line version, if that pleases you more:
streaks = original_array.inject([]) {|a,x| (a.empty? || x * a[-1] < 0 ? a << 0 : a)[-1] += x <=> 0; a}
And if even inject is too loopy for you, here's a really silly way:
streaks = eval "[#{original_array.join(",").gsub(/((\-\d+,?)+|(\d+,?)+)/) {($1[0..0] == "-" ? "-" : "") + $1.split(/,/).size.to_s + ","}}]"
But I think it's pretty clear that you're better off with something much more straightforward:
streaks = []
original_array.each do |x|
xsign = (x <=> 0)
if streaks.empty? || x * streaks[-1] < 0
streaks << xsign
streaks[-1] += xsign
In addition to being much easier to understand and maintain, the "loop" version runs in about two-thirds the time of the inject version, and about a sixth of the time of the eval/regexp one.
PS: Here's one more potentially interesting version:
a = [[]]
original_array.each do |x|
a << [] if x * (a[-1][-1] || 0) < 0
a[-1] << x
streaks = {|aa| (aa.first <=> 0) * aa.size}
This uses two passes, first building an array of streak arrays, then converting the array of arrays to an array of signed sizes. In Ruby 1.8.5, this is actually slightly faster than the inject version above (though in Ruby 1.9 it's a little slower), but the boring loop is still the fastest.
new_array = original_array.dup
<Squeegy's answer, using new_array>
Ta da! No looping through the original array. Although inside dup it's a MEMCPY, which I suppose might be considered a loop at the assembler level?
EDIT: ;)
original_array.each do |num|
if streaks.size == 0
streaks << num
if !((streaks[-1] > 0) ^ (num > 0))
streaks[-1] += 1
streaks << (num > 0 ? 1 : -1)
The magic here is the ^ xor operator.
true ^ false #=> true
true ^ true #=> false
false ^ false #=> false
So if the last number in the array is on the same side of zero as the number being processed, then add it to the streak, otherwise add it to the streaks array to start a new streak. Note that sine true ^ true returns false we have to negate the whole expression.
Since Ruby 1.9 there's a much simpler way to solve this problem:
original_array.chunk{|x| x <=> 0 }.map{|a,b| a * b.size }
Enumerable.chunk will group all consecutive elements of an array together by the output of a block:
>> original_array.chunk{|x| x <=> 0 }
=> [[1, [3]], [-1, [-4, -6]], [1, [1]], [-1, [-10, -5]], [1, [7]], [-1, [-8]], [1, [9]], [-1, [-3, -7]], [1, [8, 10, 4, 2, 5]], [-1, [-2]], [1, [6]], [-1, [-1, -9]]]
This is almost exactly what OP asks for, except the resulting groups need to be counted up to get the final streaks array.
More string abuse, a la Glenn McDonald, only different:
runs = do |e|
if e < 0
end.join.scan(/-+|\++/).map do |t|
p original_array
p runs
# => [2, 6, -4, 9, -8, -3, 1, 10, 5, -7, -1, 8, 7, -2, 4, 3, -5, -9, -10, -6]
# => [2, -1, 1, -2, 3, -2, 2, -1, 2, -4]
