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Closed 9 years ago.
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Last Friday where I work, an oracle client was upgarded and our IIS server from version 9 to version 10. Now that its on version 10, we are seeing a lot of connections being open up to the database. It is opening up so many connections that we cannot log onto the database using tools like PlSQL developer or Toad. We never had an issue like this when the oracle client was at version 9. Because of the number of clients that exists on this particular box, i dont think it will be possible to revert back to the Oracle 9 client.
Is anyone aware of this problem or know of any possible work arounds?
Any help is greatly appreciated
Which connection library are you using? OO4O, ODP, Other?
I'm working from memories of old issues here, so the details are a little fuzzy. With OO4O there are two different ways to initialize the library. One tries to re-use connections more than the other.
In ODP the default is to use connection pooling. Sometimes this leads to extra connections, in case they're needed again. There are some issues with pooled connections that lead me to turn them off. (PL/SQL procedures can hang if called on a dead connection)
If you get more information I'll try to get clarification
Let us know what you find and good luck
Thanks very much for your response, it was very useful to us.
We sent off our issue to Oracle and got the following back
This is a known issue discussed in
Database Connections Are Left Open By Oracle Objects for OLE (OO4O)
Your question:
"Does 10g client interface allow the ASP code/class functions the same way as 9i client?"
The workaround for this issue is to implement a loop to remove all the parameters. For example -
for i = 1 to OraDatabase.Parameters.Count
Bug 5918934 OO4O Leaves Sessions Behind If OraParameters Are Not Removed
was logged for this behavior, and has been deemed "not feasible to fix" due to architecture changes required to resolve memory issues.
We did have a loop implemented within our code to remove parameters but on looking at it again, it looks like it is not removing all the parameters.
We are currently investigating this.
I will write back to this post once we have identified a solution
I've been trying to find the most efficient/effective way capture change notifications in a single Oracle 11g R2 instance and deliver those events to an Apache Kafka queue, but I haven't been able to find any simple examples or tutorials along these lines.
I've seen some possibilities on the Oracle side (Streams, Change Data Capture,triggers (yuck), etc..), but I'm still not sure which would be best to pursue.
Here is a project utilizing MySQL and Kafka on GitHub called mypipe, I just haven't seen anything similar for Oracle. I'm not sure if it would be best to focus writing an Oracle package for this, or a layer similar to the mypipe project, etc. etc..
Any recommendations, suggestions or examples would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
There is currently just one tool which is open source and has minimal impact on the database. This is OpenLogReplicator.
license is GPL - it is fully open source
it has very low impact on the source database - it requires no licensing options and just turning on supplemental logging on the source (like all other replication tools)
it is written completely in C++ - so it has very low latency and high throughput
it works completely in memory
it supports all Oracle database versions since (11.2, 12.1, 12.2, 18, 19)
It reads binary format of Oracle Redo logs and sends them to Kafka. It can work on the database host, but you can also configure it to read the redo logs using sshfs from another host - with minimal load of the database.
disclaimer #1: I am the author of this solution
disclaimer #2: to other StackOverflow users: please do not delete this answer. This question has a lot of duplicates. But this is the first question and other duplicates should be redirected here and marked as duplicates. Not the other way. I have deleted all other answers from other questions and just leaving this answer as the primary answer.
I think one approach might be to utilize Oracle GoldenGate for Big Data (researching this myself), obviosuly its most likely a costly solution ($)?
Let me know if you got anywhere with this, good luck ...
We are trying to connect oracle db from loadrunner. Could you please help us in providing these details. we wanted the script to get the data from oracle DB before starting the execution. In our testing we are used different application and protocols used Web http/html, Tuxedo and CRM aplls.
You are headed down a path which will cause you harm. Build your data files ahead of time and include them with the scripts. I could tell you how to solve your problem technically, but doing so would the the technical equivalent of instructing you how to use a gun to rob a bank, ultimately a bad set of advice. Your question also exposes a lack of critical skills in client side architecture and communications. This gap will not serve you well as a performance tester.
Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am looking to capacity test my websocket server but don't really know where to start?
I am able to write a AI that will send messages to test the usage, but how would I simulate/make 100, 500, 1000 connections etc...?
I had a similar problem a little while ago when I had to load test thousands of connections against a server using the library. I was not able to find any off-the-shelf-solutions to do this so in the end I ended up building my own test using Node.js and a few for loops.
The advantage of Node is you can pretty much copy and paste the client side javascript into your server code so it's pretty simple to simulate the client and then you only need to make multiple connections to generate load. It's a quick and easy way to run the required javascript to establish the socket connection (assuming this is how you connect to your socket).
The gotcha I hit was running more than 600 listeners tended to max out the CPU on my node box but a little bit of AWS magic solved that.
Another issue is reporting results. There's not really any concept of response time with a socket connection, at least not in the classic sense, so it's hard to know when things are going wrong - at least from the client side perspective. But from monitoring the server we were able to see when connections failed and when resources started to get scarce and this was enough for us to benchmark how many connections it could support.
Autobahn Testsuite was designed to meet that need but the performance section of the tool still says "Under Development".
You could use JMeter for this purpose and get the WebSocket sampler plug-in from here:
For that many connections 1000 you might need to get more than one agent machine to achieve your task. This doesn't necessarily have to be dedicated server as you could deploy agents on few workstations (developers/testers machines) and used them for your test purpose. You could limit the impact by scheduling test execution to run out-of-hours.
Jmeter plugin is having severe limitations with number of concurrent users. It was working well only till ~450 users. Then I tried with artillery library( but this library also has restrictions with loops with their web socket package.
I'm doing and application in which I need to establish a connection with an Oracle database. I was already capable of doing that perfectly with a software using Qt and the QOCIDriver, which means I both have the correct data to connect (username, password, etc.), as well as that my computer is capable of doing this correctly (i.e., the Oracle Client is correctly installed, etc.).
But now, when I moved to do the same in my 'Borland C++ Builder 6 application', using the Zeos library, I couldn't, with the Oracle database returning the error ORA-01017.
I ask myself what could be happening of wrong... I did a research on the web regarding this error and I found out that this is a particular message for a multitude of possible errors, most of which I'm not in position to check and correct - the database is located in a remote, private-access computer -, while at the same time without any clue about which of them is more probably true. Since I have quite a little time to solve this problem, any help indicating the most probable solution would be very thanked :)
Notice that I use the Zeos library to perform connections with a MySQL database with success - which means I know how to correctly program the library to perform such connections as well that the files used by Zeos library to do the connection are not too much old, minimizing the probability of this being a problem related to file incompatibility. The problem is happening only and particularly with the Oracle database.
I work in an enterprise designing, creating and maintening custom applications on the base of ESRI ArcGIS. Some customers use Direct Connect, to connect to databases stored on Oracle or MS SQLServer. I have a problem with a standalone application for several months now.
I have an application, written in Delphi. One of the first things I do, of course, is opening the workspace.
pWorkspaceFactory:= CoSdeWorkspaceFactory.Create as IWorkspaceFactory;
pWorkspaceFactory.OpenFromFile('D:\directconnect.sde', WndHandle, pWorkspace);
This works fine for all "normal" connects, in some cases of direct connect it works fine too. But it may happen that I get on a different database a stackoverflow when calling OpenFromFile. Raising the MaxStackSize in the project options of the delphi project made it work on some Direct Connect databases. But it doesn't work for all.
Does anybody know the correct way to handle Direct Connects in standalone applications, without ArcMap? Accessing the databases in ArcMap has never been a problem, I think ArcMap has a special handling for Direct Connects.
Thanks for all ideas and replies. May the answer be with you ;-)
Thank you for your comment. I can't post more details about the exception at the moment, because I can't reproduce it on my testdatabases. It's only out in the wild the exception occurs. But I can say that it happens in a (for me) closed ESRI-Dll, i cannot see the call stack of the dlls methods (OpenFromFile is an ESRI-Method in an ESRI-Dll). I would like to post such things, but I can't.
Could it have something to do with the DC library you are using? There are separate libraries for each version of ArcGIS and each flavor of database.