Oracle Datadiff - oracle

(Oracle) I have to return all records from last 12 months. How to do that in PL/SQL?
EDIT: Sorry, I forgot to explain, I do have a column of DATA type

Doing this in PL/SQL is pretty much synonymous with doing it in SQL.
FROM table
You might like to fiddle around with the TRUNC statement to get exactly the range you want -- I used TRUNC(SYSDATE) which is the same as TRUNC(SYSDATE,'D') -- ie. remove the time portion of the sysdate. For example, if it is currently Aug 12 but you want values from Feb 01 instead of Feb 12 then use:
FROM table
WHERE date_column >= ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE,'MM'),-12)
Also, see the docs for treatment of months having different numbers of days:

FROM table
WHERE date_column > ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE, -12)
Not sure I deserved down-modding for the earlier posts... was only trying to help.

FROM table
WHERE date_column > SYSDATE - 365


How do I separate the time and date in SQL navigator?

I am trying to separate the time and date in one column to be independent off each other. I am new at writing scripts
this is my query:
to_date([column_name]) in ( '15-Jun-2021', '16-Jun-2021' )
to_char([column_name],'dd-Mon-yyyy HH:MM:ss') < '15-Jun-2021 19:54:30'
The way you put it, it would be
select *
from your_table
where date_column >= date '2021-06-15'
and date_column < to_date('15.06.2021 19:54:30', ' hh24:mi:ss')
date_column should be of date datatype. If it isn't, you'll have problems of many kinds in the future. Therefore,
don't to_date it, it is already a date
don't to_char it either, because you'd be comparing strings and get unexpected result. Use that function when you want to nicely display the result
the second condition you wrote makes the first one questionable. If date_column is less than value you wrote, then you can omit date '2021-06-16' from the first condition because you won't get any rows for that date anyway
date literal (date '2021-06-15') sets time to midnight, so condition I wrote should return rows you want
SQL> select date '2021-06-15' first,
2 to_date('15.06.2021 19:54:30', ' hh24:mi:ss') second
3 from dual;
------------------- -------------------
15.06.2021 00:00:00 15.06.2021 19:54:30

Get days between tow dates

Have a date in the table with format 10/04/14
then use this to_char(nameofcolumn, 'yyyymmdd')) to get this
Now, need rest a this value the sydate
I use this
select nameofcolumn,
to_char(nameofcolumn, 'yyyymmdd')) - to_char(sysdate, 'yyyymmdd') AS days
But te result for example 07/07/14 return 300 days when is 90
Why are you converting these into strings? You can perform basic date arithmetic without converting them:
select nameofcolumn,
nameofcolumn - sysdate AS days
I can't add comments so i will post a little addition as a separate answer.
SELECT to_date('07/07/2014','dd/mm/yyyy') - SYSDATE AS days FROM dual;
would return a number with a floating point instead of an integer. You've got to do either
SELECT trunc(to_date('07/07/2014','dd/mm/yyyy') - SYSDATE) AS days FROM dual;
SELECT to_date('07/07/2014','dd/mm/yyyy') - trunc(SYSDATE) AS days FROM dual;
depeding on what exactly you want to achieve.

Oracle - Another way for month query?

first... sorry for my english.
I have a query like this:
Select *
From tableA
Where (
TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(dateA(+),'SYYYY')) = 2013
AND TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(dateA(+),'MM')) = 02
AND to_number(to_char(dateA(+),'dd')) <= 25
and retrieve me the data from each date until last number that I give as parameter, in this case the day 25. This working but delay very much because the form of "Where" statement... anybody know another way that retrieve the data so fast and with the same functionality?
It sounds like you want
FROM tableA
WHERE dateA BETWEEN trunc( date '2013-02-26', 'MM' ) AND date '2013-02-26'
This will return all the rows where dateA is between the first of the month and the specified date. If there is an index on dateA, Oracle would be able to use it for this sort of query (though whether it actually would is a separate issue).

oracle insert only time [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to store only time; not date and time?
(5 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I would like to insert data to db as time, not date. If I use to_date('2012-08-31 07:39:33', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') it adds date too.
If I use to_date('09:34:00', 'HH24:MI:SS') it adds year, month, day as well, from nowhere :|
Later I need to get rows where time is between x and y, not taking in account the year, month or day. How do I do that?
As an alternative to the date solution Dave shows, you could use an interval data type for the column:
create table t42(id number, t interval day to second);
insert into t42 (id, t) values(123, to_dsinterval('0 07:39:33'));
insert into t42 (id, t) values(456, to_dsinterval('0 09:34:00'));
select id
from t42
where t between to_dsinterval('0 07:00:00') and to_dsinterval('0 07:59:59');
Displaying intervals is a little awkward as they don't have format models, but see this question for some ideas if needed. If you only use them for filtering then that may not be an issue at all.
A DATE type always includes the date component.
One option is to continue using DATE and write your code to ignore the date component. In order to make queries on the time efficient, you might want to create a function-based index on something like TO_CHAR( date_field, 'HH24:MI:SS' ) and use that expression in your queries.
Alternatively, you could use a NUMBER field to store the number of seconds since midnight, and write your queries in terms of that.
you can use number column type and insert value as
INSERT INTO table_name (nTime)
VALUES (date - trunc(date));
and then select values
select *
from table_name t
where t.nTime between (10 / 24 + 15 / 24 / 60) and (12 / 24 + 30 / 24 / 60) --between 10:15 and 12:30

Date comparison in Oracle 11g

I'm new to Oracle 11g & I have a question about a query.
I have a table dummy which has created_date column of type Date.
I want a query which will return all the records where created_date + 7 days is less than today's date.
What type of query in Oracle 11g accomplishes this?
Oracle lets you use + for date arithmetic, so
where table.created_date >= sysdate
and table.created_date < sysdate + 7
will find rows between exactly now and exactly now plus 7 days.
If you don't want to include the time component, you can use the trunc() function
where trunc(table.created_date) >= trunc(sysdate)
and trunc(table.created_date) < trunc(sysdate) + 7
I think rejj's solution will give you the records between now and seven days in the future. From your description, it sounds like you probably want those records within the past seven days. I'd do this as:
WHERE created_date <= SYSDATE
AND created_date >= SYSDATE - 7
This may be more clear, and is equivalent:
Be aware that using TRUNC() will cause the optimizer to bypass any indexes you have on created_date, unless you have a functional index defined.
Using INTERVAL constants can make date arithmetic clearer, as in
Share and enjoy.
