How do I set up a custom build step in Visual Studio 6? - visual-c++-6

Unfortunately it looks like for various reasons I'm going to have to use Visual Studio 6 instead of a newer version of VS.
It's been a long time since I've used it. I'm looking through its menus and don't see any obvious way to set up any custom build steps (pre-build, post-build, pre-link... anything would help actually).
Can anyone give me instructions on how to set up steps like this?

Open your project, then open the Project Settings screen (Project → Settings or ALT-F7). Alternatively, right click on a file in the FileView and select Settings.
From the Project Settings screen, go to the General tab and check "Always use custom build step". This means that the file you just chose will be an input file for a custom build step. From the "Custom Build" tab you can then give the commands to run and specify what files will be generated.
For pre-link, post-build and such, select an executable (or library) from the Project Settings screen. Then use the little arrow button to scroll to the rightmost tabs. From there you'll find the Pre-link and Post-build steps.
It's quite simple, really, I'm sure this is enough to get you started.


How to define or support a code language on Visual Studio

I just got Visual Studio, and every time I try running the code, a message pops up and says "code language not supported or defined. This happens with any language I try to use. How do I fix it?
In the bottom right corner of the window notice where it says "plain text", Click this and you should see all the available language options. It's probably set to autodetect right now.
STEPS to follow:
1) Install the "CODE RUNNER" extension in Visual Studio (VS) (if you have not done so, yet).
2) After that, go to VS "Settings" (by clicking the wheel) and, in the search field on the top, enter: "run code".
3) You'll see, to the right, all the options available for "Code Runner" settings. Scroll down, and you'll see a field that says,
Code-runner: Executor Map By File Extension.
Set the executor of each file extension.
4) Click on: "Edit in Settings.json".
5) Then, scroll down until you see "code-runner.executorMapByFileExtension" field brackets. You'll be able to see all the files extensions (e.g., ".vb", ".scala", etc.) and the corresponding executor application that run such files after the colons, to the right.
6) If you don't see the extension for the file you're trying to run (e.g., ".js"), just enter it following the same (json) format as the ones above, with the executor program (that you need to know) that runs it, to the right.
EXAMPLE: in the Mac, for a javascript (JS) file with extension ".js" (assuming you've already installed NODE, the JS executor app), you should enter a line at the end (inside the last bracket) such as,
".js": "node"
(NOTE: make sure you put a coma (,) at the end of the previous line, right before your addition)
7) SAVE your edit, and run your program by clicking the arrow on the top right corner of Visual Studio window. Your program output will be shown on the OUTPUT tab in the section below.
Here is a solution:
Close your folder from the Explorer and reopen and run your file. It solves the issue
You saw that error message in vscode because you probably used the shortcut Alt+Ctrl+N to run the code while the output terminal is selected instead of the script. try click the mouse in the script area and do it again, it should work. if the run the code by pressing the button on the top right corner and you still see the same error msg that means you need to check .Jason settings.
Read the language support page for MS Visual Studio:
You can define a languages in the files.associations setting.
If you haven't setup language support:
Option 1:
In the right bottom of the window notice where it says "plain text", Click this and you should see all the available options. It probably provides the available list of language .
Option 2: Uninstall the current version and install stable version of visual studio code
On my case, I follow first option at first but I could able to solve the problem so I uninstall the visual studio code and solving the problem using stable version. Try once I may work on your case

Can I get VS2010 to look at VSS when I click Open Project?

My VS2010 environment has the start page come up if I'm not opening a solution. From there, I can open one of the several items on the recent projects list or I can open a project from the link/button in the upper left. When I do that, I get an Open Project dialog that's pointed at my C:\workingvss (which is a convention that everyone on my team follows for where our code lives locally). But I virtually always want to browse to the project in a VSS database and I have to scroll up in the left-hand pane of the dialog to bring 'Microsoft Visual SourceSafe' into visibility. It seems dumb that I can't make it just start at the top of the pane, but if there's a way, I haven't been able to figure out how.
So I'm turning to you. Is there something I can do to avoid this click and drag every time I want to open a project?
I realize it's defaulting to the Projects location parameter set through Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > General. But I think I need to leave that as is because I do want my stuff saved to that location during checkout.
I also think that if I removed ten (in my case) folders from the root of my C:, the left pane would show my VSS option, but I don't think that's even possible in this machine's case and not a reasonable solution in any case.
My question is related to, but not a duplicate of, How to change the default open file dialog path.
Thanks for your time!
This isn't a great answer, but it's my current no-tech work-around. If I make the Open Project dialog large enough to accommodate all of the lines it wants to display, then my VSS line is visible and I don't have to navigate to it. Luckily, Visual Studio remembers the size from use to use.

Make Resharper Code Inspection exclude folder

Working on a rather large project and one of the bigger project folders uses a company standard generated code layer. This code layer triggers a lot of "issues" in Resharper, but right now refactoring the code generator simply isn't going to happen.
Is there a way to tell Resharper to skip this particular folder when its running a solution wide code inspection?
In the Resharper Options menu, click Settings under the Code Inspection section and select "Edit Items to Skip" and select your folder.

Visual Studio 2005 not building solutions

I have a solution with about 20 projects (that use Devexpress controls) in and when I do a normal solution build (ctrl-shift-B) it says everything is completed sucessfully when in actualy fact it has done nothing. To get it to build i have to right click on the solution and use the batch build option.
I've tried deleting the solution and regetting from TFS and i've even gone as far as reinstalling VS!
Anyone got any clues as to what is going wrong?
Sorry should have added that also tried to build from the main menus aswell.
I've had similar issues. It's a long shot, but right-click your solution and go to Properties -> Configuration Properties. Check to make sure all of your projects have the "Build" option checked.
Perhaps Ctrl+Shift+B has been assigned to one of the "check-to-see-if-it-is-needed-before-building" type of functions?
Check in the keyboard setting:
Right-click the toolbar
Select Customize in the popup menu
Click the Keyboard button in the lower right corner of the dialog
In the new dialog, in the "Press shortcut keys", a bit to the right and below the center, hit Ctrl+Shift+B
Verify that it is bound to Build.BuildSolution
at least that is what it is bound to for me. I notice there is an action named Build.RebuildSolution as well, you should experiment.

Unable to start debug in Visual Studio 2005

My "Start debugging" button and element menu are greyed out... but only on one of my projects (an ASP.NET website). I have no idea what I have done to disable it.
I already checked everything in the Property page of both the solution and project. I even compared it to another project, but nothing seems to do the trick... maybe I missed an option ?
It sounds like your startup projects are all set to "start without debugging", since that would cause the button and element to grey out.
This can be fixed from Solution -> Set StartUp Projects.
Is it a startup project? You can only debug projects that can actually be started.
Right click on the project and click properties. Then click on Start Options (or something similar) to see the settings. If it's an executable project, you probably want to choose the option that will start the project output.
If you're able to start the project, you can usually attach the debugger using Ctrl+Alt+P (Or choose Attach to Process from the Debug-menu) and then choose the process from the list that comes up.
Do you have the COM+ Event System service running?
