Visual Studio 2005 Not Loading - visual-studio

After Visual Studio 2005 displays the splash screen it locks up on me. No error, no cpu utilization, just a frozen splash screen. I've tried it in both /safemode and /resetsettings
I'm sure it's one of the services on my machine, just wonder if anyone else has had the problem and can help me with the hunt?
BTW, it's works in a VM in the same machine.
Update: I finally tried something new, I started VS2005 in Windows compatibility 2000 mode, it starts then shuts down immediately. I reset it to not run in compatibility mode and it starts right up. grrrrr
I think it might be a profile issue, but the root cause is still unresolved.

Have you tried running it in safe mode - if that doesn't let you sort it out you can try the /resetsettings switch, which has sorted out similar problems for me in the past.
/resetuserdata can also help.

look at the event log for you machine and see if VS threw any useful info in there; you may have to uninstall and reinstall

I have VMWare installed on my machine. This was the cause of my problem!
I started VS2005 in Windows compatibility 2000 mode as suggested above - it started up then shut down immediately. I then ran without compatibility mode and VS2005 now runs perfectly!
I wasted half a day trying to sort this out!
Thank you for your post!

Try starting up with the log command:
devenv.exe /Log c:\vs.log
And see if anything is noted in it.
Another thing to try is to run VS in a temporary user account to see if the problem is strictly with your user environment or is system-wide. See this post.


Visual Studio 2010 suddenly slow

Recently, the editor for VS2010 suddenly became slow when I installed some extensions then uninstalled them. The program itself is running fine and starts up in seconds. Jumping around the menus is lightning fast, but editing code, there is a 1 second lag between the keyboard and the editor.
This happens on a brand new console application project with nothing in it. I have also uninstalled all extensions, resharper etc. The only extensions remaining are VisualHg, Ankh and Nuget.
I have an i7 with 16 gigs of RAM so hardware is NOT the issue.
Is there some sort of cache or files that VS could have locked onto?
How can I figure out what is causing the issue?
Well thanks to #jv42's suggestion, I installed the perfwatson extension and that sorted out the issue. I've since put some of the extensions back and VS2010 is running better than ever before.
I still don't know what caused the issue.
I would find a rollback point before you installed the plug ins. You could have malware that installed with the plugin but was not part of the uninstall. It could just be that the uninstall did not remove something it installed that was causing the problem. It is most likely going to be far faster for you to find a rollback point and start there than to try and figure out what process is causing you the problem and where it is hooked into the registry.
Try resetting your settings from the command line back to the factory default. Warning You will lose all your settings!
devenv /resetsettings
You can back them up, as well as reset, using this article.
finally refer this to fix my problem.
solution is:
Debug->Options and Settings->Debugging -> Symbols
change from All modules,unless excluded to Only specified modules

Starting Visual Studio causes all running apps to hang and stop responding

After my laptop fell on the floor and its screen was a little damaged, I was able to continue working with it, but failed to build a project of mine. At some point, the system froze, and I was forced to restart the laptop. Ever since, I’m not able to start Visual Studio 2008 or 2010. Moreover, when I do try to start one of the versions, I see no splash screen, and at some point, all running applications stop responding, and I’m forced to restart the laptop.
When I started Visual Studio 2008 with the /SafeMode flag it started OK and worked perfectly, but when I tried it with Visual Studio 2010, I did see a splash screen and the application main window was opened, but then the system got stuck again and forced me to restart.
I use Windows XP SP3, and the addins I recall I have are Visual Assist, IncrediBuild, and Productivity Power Tools for VS 2010 (how can I check what other addins are installed without having Visual Studio running?)
I tried using the /Log flag to find out what’s happening, but there was nothing that seemed related in the generated log.
At the time of the hang, the CPU and memory of the system was low.
The problem happens whether I open Visual Studio with no solution, or with an existing solution.
Do you have any idea why this might happen, or how it can be solved?
I run chkdsk /R /V and it is stuck on "1 percent
completed." for hours now. Is there anything I can do?
I'll try to re-install Visual Studio 2010 next week, when I'm in the office. I hope that will help.
Thanks a lot,
Your drive is torched. Buy a new drive, and salvage whatever you can from the existing drive, then swap them out. If you're lucky you can salvage enough of the existing drive to not need to do a full OS reinstall, but it's likely you're going to need to do some reinstallation.
Looks like the cause if the fall of your laptop. Though what changes happened is unknown it is more likely to be a hardware issue.
Did you reinstall the softwares and check how they work.
If I was diagnosing this issue, I would start from the ground up.
Start of with a basic CheckDisc - CheckDisk Instructions for XP
Progress from that to try re-installing over your existing VS install.
I can't see it being a software problem, so I reckon the checkdisk will discover/fix something, or a reinstall should resolve it.
You've probably damaged your hard disk in an area which is touched by VS. Windows often grinds completely to a halt when it's struggling to read a damaged area of disk.
Check the Windows event log for errors to do with disk drives.

VisualStudio 2010 Freeze after each build

I Recently I installed VS2010 on my desktop. Everything was fine until I started noticing that after each build my computer freezes up(for almost 2-5 minutes). I removed all the extensions and tried still no luck.
Any suggestions ??
Actually during each build, I could see ExpansionsXML.xml file is being processed again and again.
I found a Microsoft support article ( that has resolved my issue.
What I did:
Delete the file C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\1033\ExpansionsXML.xml
Go to the registry and delete the following key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Languages\CodeExpansions
Restart the IDE
I will update more if I see same issue
Install procmon, and see what's happening. Do you have anti-virus running? Does the problem go away if you disable it?
Have you tried starting devenv with the /ResetSettings option?
For spurious waits of a few seconds, I might also look for things like failing network accesses - perhaps with Wireshark and/or Procmon.
The install for VS2010 isn't actual too bad, so an uninstall/reinstall isn't the kind of misery it has been in recent earlier versions.

Debugging in visual studio 2008 freezes entire system

Any time i try to debug in visual studio 2008 my entire system will freeze whenever a breakpoint is hit.
I can move the mouse around and that remains responsive but nothing i click on does anything,
I can bring up the task manager but can't do anything with it and i am able to lock/unlock the machine.
I tried a fix that i found via google that suggested i disable advanced text services but it didn't work. I am using visual studio 2008 with SP1 running on Windows XP Pro, asking here is my last hope before formating/reinstalling so i hope someone can help me out.
I debug by running the application in debug mode, the freeze happens no matter what the project size and it seems as if it is just the entire GUI that freezes, the computer carries on working just fine i just can't do anything with it because the GUI is totaly unresponsive.
I found I only had this issue when I was using the keyboard to debug. If I used the toolbar debug buttons, I didn't have an issue.
To "fix" this, I set the LowLevelHooksTimeout to 300ms (from 5000ms). You may need to add the DWORD if it isn't already there.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Control Panel\Desktop\LowLevelHooksTimeout
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\LowLevelHooksTimeout
Restart after making this change for good measure.
How big is the project you are running? When I did a Find last night on a huge open source project, I got kind of the same behavior.
Also, did you try Uninstalling just VS2008, then Reinstalling with only the options you use.
Have you tried disabling "Call ToString()" debugger option? This is ON by default, and is known to deadlock.

Visual studio 2008 crashes when starting to debug

When I press F5, everything compiles fine, but when the app is to be started, VS crashes, showing the "Just in time debugger" dialog.
More than one (similar) solution has this problem. A new solution containing just a form, works. This problem started out of the blue, I have made no changes to the environment as far as I can understand.
I can start the app without debugging (ctrl+F5), and then attach the debugger.
I'm using VS 2008 sp 1.
Never seen this issue, have you tried turning off all your plug-ins like reSharper, CodeRush, etc.?
Update: When worst comes to worst I usually try this command line.
devenv.exe /ResetSettings
devenv.exe /ResetSkipPkgs
devenv.exe /Setup
try all these you can do them all at once or do them individually it is up to you. But be aware that you will be deleting all your settings that you have customized in to Visual Studio, so you may want to back them up.
The last thing you can try is this, to see if the problem is with something weird that is running.
devenv.exe /SafeMode
Starts Visual Studio in safe mode, and loads only the default environment and services, and shipped versions of third-party packages.
I've found the problem now. I had "Step framework source" enabled, which somehow broke the debugger (strange though, because it usually works). Turning that off, made me debug as usual again.
If you have undocked windows in debug layout search KB960075 on (can't add hrefs).
Do you have CLI.exe error issues? Check your event log. I've had the same issue and simply re-staged my machine out of panic since I was so near a deadline. I assumed that it was an issue with the registry and couldn't find an answer.
try repair or reinstall, don't waste time findin' the reason of the problem
I had the same problem, out of the blue the IDE would crash when I started to debug. Happened with any existing project that I opened, even the visual studio samples. I created a new project, just a blank dialog, ran it, and all was good. After that, the problem went away and I was able to debug again.
This happened to me just now, after my computer rebooted itself last night. When I was pressing F5 the app started but instantly shut down and the VS IDE crashed.
To fix it: Debug->Delete All Breakpoints. It worked for me.
