VisualStudio 2010 Freeze after each build - visual-studio-2010

I Recently I installed VS2010 on my desktop. Everything was fine until I started noticing that after each build my computer freezes up(for almost 2-5 minutes). I removed all the extensions and tried still no luck.
Any suggestions ??

Actually during each build, I could see ExpansionsXML.xml file is being processed again and again.
I found a Microsoft support article ( that has resolved my issue.
What I did:
Delete the file C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\1033\ExpansionsXML.xml
Go to the registry and delete the following key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Languages\CodeExpansions
Restart the IDE
I will update more if I see same issue

Install procmon, and see what's happening. Do you have anti-virus running? Does the problem go away if you disable it?

Have you tried starting devenv with the /ResetSettings option?
For spurious waits of a few seconds, I might also look for things like failing network accesses - perhaps with Wireshark and/or Procmon.
The install for VS2010 isn't actual too bad, so an uninstall/reinstall isn't the kind of misery it has been in recent earlier versions.


Visual Studio 2017 Cannot Modify - Restart Required

I have been trying to update and modify my Visual Studio 2017 for 2 days now, but each time I run the Visual Studio Installer, I get this message:
"A restart is required. If needed, any remaining setup will resume
after the restart."
Obviously I restarted about 10 times...
Any idea what I must delete where to get rid of any temp garbage that is hindering my attempts to modify my installation?
I encountered the same issue while installing Visual Studio 2019. I tried the PowerShell script proposed by #onmyway, to no avail.
Naturally, as with any simple problem in Windows, the fix is to manually edit the Windows Registry 🙄
It appears the installation may leave some stale keys behind. Remove the following keys from the registry according to your platform:
32Bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Setup\Reboot
64Bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Setup\Reboot
This immediately fixed my installation, and Visual Studio 2019 was able to start without further rebooting. I cannot promise that this will fix the issue for VS2017 users, but I leave this here for future readers.
Credit goes to Matt Cavallari from this forum thread.
I eventually found a working solution!
It is a script one runs with PowerShell, that resets the state.
So, for anyone else with the same issue, I hope this helps:
It seems that you've stopped the setup in half-way as same thing happened to me when I stopped the setup in half way. So I uninstalled the download and started downloading component by component which worked.

Visual studio 2017 installer won't run after extracting

visual studio 2017 community.exe won't run after extracting to the temp.
OS: windows 10 x64bit
Setup : community version
in the temp folder bootstrapper log says,
Beginning of the log. Start Time: 3/26/2017 1:14:54 AM
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:3/26/2017 1:14:54 AM: Current Optin root path does not exists
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:3/26/2017 1:14:55 AM: Commandline arguments =
and the dd_vs_community_decompression_log says
[3/26/2017, 11:17:47] === Logging started: 2017/03/26 11:17:47 ===
[3/26/2017, 11:17:47] Executable: C:\Users\Sameera\Downloads\Programs\vs_community.exe v15.0.26228.0
[3/26/2017, 11:17:47] --- logging level: standard ---
[3/26/2017, 11:17:47] Directory 'C:\Users\Sameera\AppData\Local\Temp\4ceac4b7b9cd9fdf2489526c66\' has been selected for file extraction
[3/26/2017, 11:17:48] Extracting files to: C:\Users\Sameera\AppData\Local\Temp\4ceac4b7b9cd9fdf2489526c66\
[3/26/2017, 11:17:48] Extraction took 360 milliseconds
[3/26/2017, 11:17:48] Executing extracted package: 'vs_bootstrapper_d15\vs_setup_bootstrapper.exe ' with commandline ' '
[3/26/2017, 11:18:10] The entire Box execution exiting with result code: 0x0
[3/26/2017, 11:18:10] Launched extracted application exiting with result code: 0xc000000d
[3/26/2017, 11:18:10] === Logging stopped: 2017/03/26 11:18:10 ===
can't find proper solution..
I had this problem too. SHClark's answer didn't work for me. I figured out myself what was causing the problem on my computer: Mirekusoft Install Monitor. I disabled both its services and that solved the problem. (I guess that's not an extremely likely program for someone to have running, but it could be a problem common to install monitors in general?)
I also heard from someone on the Visual Studio Community forum that RivaTunerStatistics (used for gaming) can cause this problem too.
One of my co-workers encountered the same problem. We spent 4 hours searching for solutions, uninstalling VS and other software that we thought might be the culprit.
In the end, THIS LINK helped us figure it out. The problem is somehow explained there and is linked to NODE_OPTIONS variable. If you have that variable set, remove it then restart your computer. This solved his problem.
Widows 10, Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise.
I hope this helps you
I was able to resolve my problem after 4 days of troubleshooting with Microsoft support. I'm developing on a Dell laptop and the support technician believes one of the Dell services was causing issues with the winmgmt service.
Below is a command that failed to run. Then after making sure we had an OS restore point saved, we issued the /resetRepository command. After that, the VS 2017 Pro installer was able to execute without error.
EDIT: Adding the exact steps and code sample below:
Step 1: Create a Windows system restore point.
Step 2: From the command prompt with administrative rights or elevated privileges, execute the following command: net stop winmgmt
Step 3: Open a Windows Explorer and locate the path to C:\windows\system32\WBEM\ folder and rename the Repository folder to something else like RepositoryOLD (right click and choose 'Rename Folder').
Step 4: restart the computer
Step 5: From the command prompt with administrative rights or elevated privileges, execute the following command: net stop winmgmt
C:\>net stop winmgmt
The Windows Management Instrumentation service is stopping.
The Windows Management Instrumentation service could not be stopped.
Step 6: From the command prompt with administrative rights or elevated privileges, execute the following command: winmgmt /resetRepository
C:\>winmgmt /resetRepository
WMI repository has been reset
Step 7: restart the computer.
Hope this helps anyone with a similar Visual Studio 2017 installer issue.
Copy vs_community.exe to a USB and run. It will work.
I had the same (or similar) problem. I couldn't update VS2017, either from within the program or by trying to run the installer.
The web page at had instructions that resolved the problem. For me, deleting the 'Installer' directory and then retrying the installation resolved the problem.
Try deleting this folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\.
Restart the install.
Note for others with installer problems for Visual Studio 2017/2019/vNext
Before messing with your system FIRST TRY CLOSING EVERY OTHER PROGRAM.
Sounds silly, i know! But I almost missed inhahe's answer mentioning that RivaTuner could cause problems. Closing that caused it to start working instantly.
TL;DR: Close all other programs like you always ignore in installation instructions :)
Try to stop MSI AfterBurner. Worked for me.
It's the same answer as in question visual studio 2017 install break : it not get start just in case you don't observe the other question.
I had the same Problem on two different Pc's (both win10) and the only thing that worked for me, was reinstalling Windows's and rerun the visual studio installer. I know, that's not a good, fast or easy solution, but it works.
I have been having this issue all day and MS support were not able to help. To solve my issue, I updated my video driver to the latest version (I was intentionally using an old driver as the new versions don't support my monitor resolution). The visual studio installer must use a GUI tech not supported by my older card and just fails before the installer GUI loads. The same issue happened with the older, offline installers for older versions such as VS2013.
I had the same issue, the fix is: go to reigonal settings from control panel, then on the administrative tab select (or if selected reselect) current language for non-unicode programs. than try again.
I had the same problem. Here is my solution:
right click vs installer, extract with winrar.
go to extracted folder.
run: vs_setup_bootstrapper.exe
This worked for me :)
I had the same problem and the problem was my user name containing both space and a non ascii character (Olcay Ertaş). I have moved the installer to my root folder and it worked. This is probably the reason why #oğuzhan-türk's solution is also working.
I had the same problem also (with a Dell labtop) and SHClark's didn't work for me.
Here is what I did:
I used the command line to create a local cache of the files you need to complete an offline install
[ctrl] [shift] [enter] for the cmd prompt to run as admin
1) typed
d:\vs_community.exe --layout h:\vs2017layout --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NativeDesktop --includeRecommended --lang en-US
once it was done downloading to h:\vs2017layout,
opened h:\vs2017layout\vs_setup.exe
finally got it to open after extracting but ran into this error:
The name of the file cannot be resolved by the system
so I created a link for the c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Visual Studio folder using the following command at windows cmd promt:
mklink /D "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio" "g:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio"
It worked after that. Not sure if the second error was related to the first. Hope this helps.
If you have Win8 you needed to update your system to 8.1 ver. and restart your computer.
I had this problem. Turned out there was an old, failed installation on the drive. I had to go to Control Panel->Add/Remove Programs and remove Visual Studio Install Tool. After that the installer worked fine.
Faced the same problem with Visual Studio 2019, but I think version doesn't matter here. This thread helped me:
The reason was in somehow corrupted .NET files.
Actions applied:
deleted all apps with "Microsoft .NET" in name using
downloaded and installed latest version of .NET Framework Runtime (not .NET Core Runtime) from, in my case it was version 4.8
restarted PC
This helped me.
Nothing worked for me here however i was able to find out that there was an error with the main.js file that he couldn't find the temp folder. so i looked up the environment variables and indeed for my current user TEMP was not set resp. empty. i copied the default temp value(%SystemRoot%\TEMP) for all users to my current user TEMP variable and afterwards everything worked
I have lost a lot of time to solve it. By me, it was an error in machine.config, which I made 2 weeks ago. I have found it only because I have tried to uninstall the JetBrains too. And there was an error too , but with a log, where I could see it.
After search during days and didn't work...
I tried uninstall all .NET frameworks and it works!
I have tried all the answers provided so far and none of them worked for me.
What I did after 2 days of searching for issues online and google-ing, as I have started Windows Event Viewer and googled the error that was logged in the Event Viewer at the time of Bootstrapper crash.
The problem was somewhat similar to #inhanes problem above. It turned out to be the Fresco Logic Driver installation that was causing the issue. I have deleted the driver (add or remove programs -> uninstall) and the damn thing worked.
By the way, this driver is written for USB3.0->HDMI converter.
Anyway, guys and girls: Event Viewer which is a built-in Windows logger can be helpful. :) Now I can just leave in peace and develop my stuff.

Visual Studio 2013 Search Solution Explorer fails to find files

So, I was using Visual Studio 2013, it crashed, and when I restarted it the Search Solution Explorer had stopped functioning correctly:
It fails to find any file if you type in the exact file name
It fails to find any static files e.g. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.
It fails to find any configuration files e.g. Web.config
It seems to still find some files on a partial match, but not all files that you'd expect it to match e.g. if I search for Account I'd expect it to find AccountController.cs and AccountControllerTest.cs but it only finds the latter.
Some further info:
If I start VS 2013 in safe mode Search Solution Explorer works fine without any problems
If I manually disable or uninstall the extensions I'm using and start VS normally, the problem with Search Solution Explorer reappears
Has anyone come across anything similar to this, or got any suggestions of what to try to get Search Solution Explorer working again?
I've had some joy running devenv /ResetSkipPkgs and devenv /ResetSettings. After a I ran those command Search Solution Explorer started working again, and works most of the time now. It still fails occasionally. Sometimes restarting Visual Studio will get it working again, but sometimes it just plain refuses to find certain files that are there.
Update 2
I installed Visual Studio 2013 Update 2, and Search Solution Explorer ran without any problems for just over a week before this problem reappeared. Restarting Visual Studio got Search Solution Explorer working again.
I was able to narrow this down to the extensions I was using, "Productivity Power Tools 2013" seems to break the search feature for me in IIS, so I've disabled it for now. I'm getting a full set of results when searching now.
I came to this conclusion by uninstalling all of my extensions and reinstalling them one by one until the problem reappeared.
A coworker also had some success with this solution, launching DevEnv.exe with /ResetSkipPkgs
The problem returned for me after about 30 minutes, no specific cause noted. It was nice while it lasted. Removing all extensions gets me the same behavior as OP, only running in safe mode appears to work.
Deleting the .suo file also seems to fix the problem for a while, and then it comes back. I'm about to resort to a reinstall of vs2012 just to get this search feature back.
Please try to install VS2013 update 2 CTP before reinstalling everything and see if it fix the bug:
Weird that it works in Safe Mode, or that you manage to fix by removing extensiosn and it then re-appears...
but if some of your projects are in solution folders, then there is a known bug, fixed but not released yet apparently:
I have the same issue and confirmed it related to VS2013 Update 2 RC. Uninstall it will fixed this issue.
Wait for GM version of VS 2013 update 2.
I still had this issue both prior to and after installing VS update 3. I should note that it went away after I installed that for a while, and then came back. I suspect (but cannot confirm) that the broken behavior's return coincided with a lockup of my system which necessitated a reboot...
Anyway, I had the Productivity Power Tools installed, and after reading the answers here wondered if it might be complicit, and so I went to disable it and noticed it had a pending update. I went ahead and updated the add-on, and that resolved the issue for me (again). We'll see if it stays fixed.
This may caused by other extensions you have installed in your visual studio. I have some issue, found out Telerik JustTrace caused this issue.
Running devenv /ResetSkipPkgs will fix the problem but, as noted, it will return. For a permanent solution, add this parameter to the target in the exe's properties:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" -ResetSkipPkgs

Visual Studio 2010 suddenly slow

Recently, the editor for VS2010 suddenly became slow when I installed some extensions then uninstalled them. The program itself is running fine and starts up in seconds. Jumping around the menus is lightning fast, but editing code, there is a 1 second lag between the keyboard and the editor.
This happens on a brand new console application project with nothing in it. I have also uninstalled all extensions, resharper etc. The only extensions remaining are VisualHg, Ankh and Nuget.
I have an i7 with 16 gigs of RAM so hardware is NOT the issue.
Is there some sort of cache or files that VS could have locked onto?
How can I figure out what is causing the issue?
Well thanks to #jv42's suggestion, I installed the perfwatson extension and that sorted out the issue. I've since put some of the extensions back and VS2010 is running better than ever before.
I still don't know what caused the issue.
I would find a rollback point before you installed the plug ins. You could have malware that installed with the plugin but was not part of the uninstall. It could just be that the uninstall did not remove something it installed that was causing the problem. It is most likely going to be far faster for you to find a rollback point and start there than to try and figure out what process is causing you the problem and where it is hooked into the registry.
Try resetting your settings from the command line back to the factory default. Warning You will lose all your settings!
devenv /resetsettings
You can back them up, as well as reset, using this article.
finally refer this to fix my problem.
solution is:
Debug->Options and Settings->Debugging -> Symbols
change from All modules,unless excluded to Only specified modules

Visual Studio 2010 Periodically Hangs for Several Seconds

I'm having a problem where VS2010 Ultimate is freezing up every so often for several seconds before returning to normal operation. This happens several times during a session, and is obviously very annoying. I haven't been able to pin it down to any specific activity-- it seems to hang whenever I scroll around in a document, open/create a document, basically anything. Anyone else have this issue or know what might be the cause?
Incompatible add-ons or system configurations can cause Visual Studio issues (performance issue, error, etc).
Fortunately we can try to troubleshoot the issues by referring to the Visual Studio activity log.
Simply run the following command to run Visual Studio 2010 and log its all activities.
DevEnv.exe /log
The log file will be generated to:
%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Visual Studio\10.0\ActivityLog.xml
Vista & Windows 7
Once you run it, 2 files will be generated: ActivityLog.xml and ActivityLog.xsl
And when you open the ActivityLog.xml, it will contain something like this:
The problem was solved by deleting the user options file called SolutionName.suo.
Somehow it had gotten very big and probably corrupted. You will only lose your breakpoints and open files as far as I know, but rename it to be safe.
I know people have had problems with computers that are older or don't have as much RAM. I know my use of VS 2010 ultimate can run to 500 MB's sometimes and if you don't have enough RAM, then it will hang for a little.
I've had issues with VS2010 when debugging is running or if I'm opening files from a network drive. I'm not sure as I currently don't have any team server repos connected, but if you do maybe the connection to the repo might be an issue as well.
Turns out the issue was network related. One item in my solution was looking to a mapped network drive, which apparently didn't always respond fast enough.
My solution for that problem was beyond the scope of my thinking. I found it on this website, and it goes like:
Launch Internet Explorer. Go to Internet Options, then Advanced tab. Under the Security group, untick “Check for server certificate revocation“. You may need to restart Visual Studio.
My scenario is that I have network drives with references mapped via VPN. That should have to do with that.
I faced similar issue with Visual Studio 2008. I have not thoroughly investigated the issue though.
Reading your post it seems the behavior at your PC is really annoying, but for me it's not that frequent.
One thing I noticed, the frequency at which this happens is dependent on the RAM size and time elapsed since last setup. I came to this conclusion seeing the performance of machines of my colleagues.
I noticed that my anti-virus software tends to lock down my entire system sometimes. If you have an anti-virus application, you might try disabling it for a moment to see if it is the culprit.
I had a similar issue - that still happened after a /resetsettings, reinstall and using /safemode. For me, the issue was that Assembly Binding logging was turned on ago and I forgot to turn it off, it got to the stage where the log files concerned were >200MB and each append was taking ages...
Managed to find the issue with procmon from sysinternals. Suggest that anyone who comes across a similar issue tries procmon if none of the above solutions help.
My VS2010 would hang as well in a similar fashion.
DevEnv.exe /log would indicate it failed to load strings around the time it would hang.
Reinstalling VS2010 SP1 and deinstalling Resharper to install Resharper 7.1.3 solved the problem.
