This question is inspired by Does Linux provide a monotonically increasing clock to applications.
Maybe I should be more precise:
I'm looking for a clock function which is strictly increasing, thus never returning the same value, independant how quick two calls follow each other.
Yes, GetTickCount() does this. If you want a higher fidelity counter, QueryPerformanceCounter is also available. Neither of these counters depend on the time of day.
I want to improve the performance of a program by replacing some of the mutexes
with spinlocks. I have found a spinlock implementation in
which I intend to reuse. I believe this implementation is safer than simpler implementations in which threads keep trying forever like the one found here
But i need to clarify some things on the yield function found here
First of all I can assume that the numbers 4,16,32 are arbitrary. I actually tested some other values and I have found that I got best performance in my case by using other values.
But can someone explain the reasoning behind the yield code. Specifically why do we need all three
sched_yield and
Yes, this concept is known as "adaptive spinlock" - see e.g.
Usually the numbers are chosen for exponential back-off:
So, the numbers aren't arbitrary. However, which "numbers" work for your case depend on your application patterns, requirements and system resources.
The three methods to introduce "micro-delays" are designed explicitly to balance the cost and the potential gain:
zero-cost is to spin on high-CPU, but it results in high power consumption and wasted cycles
a small "cheap" delay might be able to prevent the cost of a context-switch while reducing the CPU load relative to a busy-spin
a simple yield might allow the OS to avoid a context switch depending on other system load (e.g. if the number of threads < number logical cores)
The trade-offs with these are important for low-latency applications where the effect of a context switch or cache misses are significant.
All trade-offs try to find a balance between wasting CPU cycles and losing cache/thread efficiency.
Almost all of the CUDA exemplar code describes doing near-atomic operations on large data sets. What kind of practical limitations are the to the size of a problem each thread can do?
For example, I have another question open at the minute that involves per-thread matrix solving. Is this kind of thing too large to put within each thread?
CUDA is a data parallel programming model for what is effectively an SIMD architecture, so obviously it isn't as flexible as a general purpose multithreaded or MIMD architecture. Certainly kernels can be a lot more complex than simple arithmetic operations.
In my own work I use CUDA a lot for solving partial differential equations (so the finite element, finite difference and finite volume methods), which every thread processes a cell or element from a discretised continuum. In that sort of calculation, there are a lot of FLOPs per thread per cell/element.
The key area to be mindful of is branch divergence. Because it is an SIMD architecture under the hood, code where there is a lot of branching within a warp of threads (which is effectively the SIMD width), will suffer performance penalties. But branch divergence and code complexity need not be synonymous, you can write very "branchy" and "loopy" code which will run well, as long as threads within any given warp don't diverge too often. In FLOP and IOP heavy algorithms, that is usually not too hard to achieve.
I just want to reiterate talonmies and say that there is no real limit to the "size" of a kernel in number of operations. As long as the computation is parallel, CUDA will be effective!
As far a practical considerations, I would just add a few small notes
long running kernels can timeout, depending on os (or when profiling with cudaProf). You might have to change a setting somewhere to increase maximum kernel execution time.
long running kernels on systems without a dedicated gpu can freeze the display (interrupting ui).
warps are executed asynchronously - one warp can access memory while another performs arithmetic in order to use clock cycles effectively. long running kernels might benefit more from attention to this kind of optimization. i'm not really sure about this last one.
I was under the impression that QueryPerformanceCounter was actually accessing the counter that feeds the HPET (High Performance Event Timer)---the difference of course being that HPET is a timer which send an interrupt when the counter value matches the desired interval whereas to make a timer "out of" QueryPerformanceCounter you have to write your own loop in software.
The only reason I had assumed the hardware behind the two was the same is because somewhere I had read that QueryPerformanceCounter was accessing a counter on the chipset. claims that QueryPerformanceCounter use chipset timers which apparently have a specified clock rate. However, I can verify that QueryPerformanceFrequency returns wildly different numbers on different machines, and in fact, the number can change slightly from boot to boot.
The numbers returned can sometimes be totally ridiculous---implying ticks in the nanosecond range. Of course when put together it all works; that is, writing timer software using QueryPerformanceCounter/QueryPerformanceFrequency allows you to get proper timing and latency is pretty low.
A software timer using these functions can be pretty good. For example, with an interval of 1 millisecond, over 30 seconds it's easy to nearly 100% of ticks to fall within 10% of the intended interval. With an interval of 100 microseconds, you still get a high success rate (99.7%) but the worst ticks can be way off (200 microseconds).
I'm wondering if the clock behind the HPET is the same. Supposedly HPET should still increase accuracy since it is a hardware timer, but as of yet I don't know how to access it in Windows.
Sounds like Microsoft has made these functions use "whatever best timer there is":
Did you try updating your CPU driver for your AMD multicore system? Did you check whether your motherboard chipset is on the "bad" list? Did you try setting the CPU affinity?
One can also use the RTC-based time functions and/or a skip-detecting heuristic to eliminate trouble with QPC.
This has some hints: CPU clock frequency and thus QueryPerformanceCounter wrong?
Please improve this. It is a community wiki.
Assume an embedded environment which has either a DSP core(any other processor core).
If i have a code for some application/functionality which is optimized to be one of the best from point of view of Cycles consumed(MCPS) , will it also be a code, best from the point of view of Power consumed by that code in a real hardware system?
Can a code optimized for least MCPS be guaranteed to have least power consumption as well?
I know there are many aspects to be considered here like the architecture of the underlying processor and the hardware system(memory, bus, etc..).
Very difficult to tell without putting a sensitive ammeter between your board and power supply and logging the current drawn. My approach is to test assumptions for various real world scenarios rather than go with the supporting documentation.
No, lowest cycle count will not guarantee lowest power consumption.
It's a good indication, but you didn't take into account that memory bus activity consumes quite a lot of power as well.
Your code may for example have a higher cycle count but lower power consumption if you move often needed data into internal memory (on chip ram). That won't increase the cycle-count of your algorithms but moving the data in- and out the internal memory increases cycle-count.
If your system has a cache as well as internal memory, optimize for best cache utilization as well.
This isn't a direct answer, but I thought this paper (from this answer) was interesting: Real-Time Task Scheduling for Energy-Aware Embedded Systems.
As I understand it, it trying to run each task under the processor's low power state, unless it can't meet the deadline without high power. So in a scheme like that, more time efficient code (less cycles) should allow the processor to spend more time throttled back.
In Win32, is there any way to get a unique cpu cycle count or something similar that would be uniform for multiple processes/languages/systems/etc.
I'm creating some log files, but have to produce multiple logfiles because we're hosting the .NET runtime, and I'd like to avoid calling from one to the other to log. As such, I was thinking I'd just produce two files, combine them, and then sort them, to get a coherent timeline involving cross-world calls.
However, GetTickCount does not increase for every call, so that's not reliable. Is there a better number, so that I get the calls in the right order when sorting?
Edit: Thanks to #Greg that put me on the track to QueryPerformanceCounter, which did the trick.
Heres an interesting article! says not to use RDTSC, but to instead use QueryPerformanceCounter.
Using regular old timeGetTime() to do
timing is not reliable on many
Windows-based operating systems
because the granularity of the system
timer can be as high as 10-15
milliseconds, meaning that
timeGetTime() is only accurate to
10-15 milliseconds. [Note that the
high granularities occur on NT-based
operation systems like Windows NT,
2000, and XP. Windows 95 and 98 tend
to have much better granularity,
around 1-5 ms.]
However, if you call
timeBeginPeriod(1) at the beginning of
your program (and timeEndPeriod(1) at
the end), timeGetTime() will usually
become accurate to 1-2 milliseconds,
and will provide you with extremely
accurate timing information.
Sleep() behaves similarly; the length
of time that Sleep() actually sleeps
for goes hand-in-hand with the
granularity of timeGetTime(), so after
calling timeBeginPeriod(1) once,
Sleep(1) will actually sleep for 1-2
milliseconds,Sleep(2) for 2-3, and so
on (instead of sleeping in increments
as high as 10-15 ms).
For higher precision timing
(sub-millisecond accuracy), you'll
probably want to avoid using the
assembly mnemonic RDTSC because it is
hard to calibrate; instead, use
QueryPerformanceFrequency and
QueryPerformanceCounter, which are
accurate to less than 10 microseconds
(0.00001 seconds).
For simple timing, both timeGetTime
and QueryPerformanceCounter work well,
and QueryPerformanceCounter is
obviously more accurate. However, if
you need to do any kind of "timed
pauses" (such as those necessary for
framerate limiting), you need to be
careful of sitting in a loop calling
QueryPerformanceCounter, waiting for
it to reach a certain value; this will
eat up 100% of your processor.
Instead, consider a hybrid scheme,
where you call Sleep(1) (don't forget
timeBeginPeriod(1) first!) whenever
you need to pass more than 1 ms of
time, and then only enter the
QueryPerformanceCounter 100%-busy loop
to finish off the last < 1/1000th of a
second of the delay you need. This
will give you ultra-accurate delays
(accurate to 10 microseconds), with
very minimal CPU usage. See the code
You can use the RDTSC CPU instruction (assuming x86). This instruction gives the CPU cycle counter, but be aware that it will increase very quickly to its maximum value, and then reset to 0. As the Wikipedia article mentions, you might be better off using the QueryPerformanceCounter function.
System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.GetTimestamp() return the number of CPU cycle since a time origin (maybe when the computer start, but I'm not sure) and I've never seen it not increased between 2 calls.
The CPU Cycles will be specific for each computer so you can't use it to merge log file between 2 computers.
RDTSC output may depend on the current core's clock frequency, which for modern CPUs is neither constant nor, in a multicore machine, consistent.
Use the system time, and if dealing with feeds from multiple systems use an NTP time source. You can get reliable, consistent time readings that way; if the overhead is too much for your purposes, using the HPET to work out time elapsed since the last known reliable time reading is better than using the HPET alone.
Use the GetTickCount and add another counter as you merge the log files. Won't give you perfect sequence between the different log files, but it will at least keep all logs from each file in the correct order.