What happened to NUnit? - tdd

Why isn't this project maintained anymore? I love this app, however not updating it seems like a crime against all .Net developers. There are several items that I would love to add to it given the chance of a future release.
Can anyone share something I don't know?

The NUnit 2.5 Alpha 4 Release was released on September 14, 2008.
Do you consider 16 days as not being maintained?

http://nunit.org shows that the latest release is 2.4.8, released on July 21, 2008. It looks like it's still an active project to me.

You are right. NUnit is a great app (or rather a system).
But since it is a open project, everyone is responsible for maintaining it. The people who originally started the great work might have some personal constraints stopping them actively taking part in development...


Should I install visual studio 12

I'm doing a project with a couple of other guys who have vs10, will it hurt if just I upgrade to vs12. Will it hurt when we all check in on svn? Will everything still be compatible as far as wpf, mvc, etc.. goes. Should I be aware of anything about the new visual studio 2012?
I personally would keep a similar environment to everyone else working on the project - either all go 2012 or all stay 2010.
Not to say that there are or are not known issues with working between the two environments, but why introduce possible problems when you're going to work with the lowest possible common denominator anyways?
Using VS2012 and VS2010 seems to work flawlessly, so far. I installed it a month ago when it became available on MSDN. I've worked on several problems since then without any compatibility issues. Rather worryingly though, we've come across an issue where a linq to entities query works fine on a machine without .net 4.5, but fails on a machine with .net 4.5, despite the project targeting .net 4.0. A colleague is looking at this at the moment, so I don't have any more details

Should I upgrade AjaxControlKit dlls I downloaded in May 2010?

I am running vs2008 aspnet 3.5 and the ajax dll files I am using were downloaded in May 2010.
Is there a newer ajax release that I should be using for new development?
All my old stuff is working ok.
I am going to add that I am trying to get autocompleteextender to work and i cant get it wired up.
It sounds like you are referring to the ajax control toolkit project which is hosted on codeplex
If so then yes there's been a release since May 2010. The most recent one is from November 2011 and can be downloaded here
As to whether or not you should update ... that's a question best left for you to answer. If everything is working fine and you don't find anything compelling in the new release then you're not obligated to update. Though your release is almost 2 years old now, there's likely been changes since then you would benefit from. It's at least worth your time to read up on the changes and see how they would apply to you.

Has S#harp Architecture been updated to work in Visual Studio 2010?

Is anyone out there using S#harp Architecture with VS 2010/.Net 4.0? We are looking for a good ASP.Net MVC framework, and the guys here are already familiar with NHibernate and Spring.Net, so S#harp Arch seems like a good fit. However, they are rolling out VS2010 this week, so we need to know if/how well it will work in VS2010.
Thanks in advance.
S#arp Architecture 1.5 has been released. It provides support for both VS 2008 and VS 2010. The latest version is 1.5.2. You will find the download at:
I'm answering my own question. I found this post after more thorough searching of the Sharp Architecture group, which was posted on April 7th:
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but, this version DOES NOT
support VS 2010. Once v1.5 is
released, I will concentrate on VS
2010 support as well as migrations.
Then we are off to EF 4 support. While
I realize VS 2010 is coming on the
12th (or so I've heard), Billy and I
both felt that supporting two
templates was not a good idea given
the time maintaining one takes. With
that said, v1.5 will be the last
version to support VS 2008. All
future versions will support VS 2010
until another version comes out. Now
if you want to get it working and get
a wiki page together, I for one would
be most appreciative.
Alec Whittington

Should I start using VS2010 Beta 2 for development work now?

Should I start using VS2010 Beta 2 for development work now?
What reasons are there for and against?
You can take two angles with this; using Visual Studio to build your solutions in a .NET 3.5 or earlier OR using it to build applications in .NET 4. Firstly, familiarise yourself with what’s new in both the IDE and the framework (I’ve got a quick, illustrated overview here and there's heaps of other info on the web) and see what you’re actually going to be able to take advantage of in your situation. Secondly, be aware of your target environment; If you’re publishing to shared hosting or client machines you need to consider whether the .NET 4 approach is wise while it's in beta.
I’ve previously built solutions on the last couple of generations of Visual Studio and .NET whilst in beta 2. You’ve got a go-live license so you can actually productionise solutions and both previous generations have been very stable without any significantbugs or changes from beta 2 to alpha versions.
If you can address the issues above, I say go for it!
Only if you're interested in trying it out. Don't use it for real work as it. It's a beta, which means that significant bugs may still be lying around in the code.
We started using VS*2008* Beta 2, when it came out, as our main dev environment - but targeted .NET Framework 2.0 only initially. This was mainly because VS2005 was such a dog. As to whether you want to start targeting .NET 4.0 now is your decision - but I can't see the harm in using it for targeting .NET 2.0 - 3.5.
I think we'll stick with VS 2008 for our main dev environment until at least a 2010-compatible version of CodeRush/Refactor Pro comes out.
I say whats wrong with 2008? You could use 2010 to build for 3.5 framework if you really wanted to, but I'd seriously leave it, it might be more trouble than its worth..who knows?
I have it installed and I've had a play with it and I've even installed resharper beta that works with 2010. But this is only to give the new tools a test run.
The company I work for are really good at keeping up with the latest tools, for example we have already rolled out windows 7 to some developer machines, but we wouldn't go as far as using a beta IDE in a production environment.

Is Visual Studio 2010 beta 1 stable enough to start a serious WPF 4.0 app?

I'm about to start a new WPF project and there are a number of things in 4.0 that I need (multitouch for one). I've heard that VS 2010 beta 2 will be released at PDC in November so I'm considering starting the project in beta 1 now, then migrating to beta 2 when it becomes available. Assuming I only need to live with the environment for about 3 months would it be reasonable to start this project in VS 2010 beta 1 or is it not ready for daily development?
I'm not sure you're going to get the answer you're looking for here. In part because it's really hard to understand what you mean by "ready".
Visual Studio 2010 Beta1 is a beta product and hence will have beta issues. It will crash more often, have more performance issues, less features and generally speaking not as smooth of an experience as an RTM product would. That's essentially the definition of a beta.
But is it ready? I use it on a daily basis at home and work for essentially every project I work on (including those which ship on the 2.0 or 3.5 framework). Yeah I occasionally run into some annoying bugs. But nothing so severe that I stopped using the product.
I've been doing a few things myself with .NET 4.0 recently, nothing major or for production, but it seems stable enough.
Though others may have had a different experience to me.
As it's beta software, I wouldn't recommend using it for Production purposes until it's fully released, or at the point of RC.
However, like I say, it seems to be stable enough in the .NET aspect of things, but I've not tpyed with WPF 4 yet so I would leave that decision up to you.
