What does CreateFile("CONIN$" ..) do? - winapi

I was hacking away the source code for plink to make it compatible with unison.
If you don't know, unison is a file synchronization tool, it runs an "ssh" command to connect to a remote server, but there's no ssh.exe for windows; there's plink, which is very close but not close enough (it doesn't behave like unison expects it to), so people usually make wrappers around it, like this one.
one of the problems is that unison expects the password prompt to print to stderr (but plink prints it to stdout, and causes unison to be confused), so I thought, well, should be simple enough, hack my thru plink's code and make it print the prompt to stdout. so I hacked my way through and did that.
Next problem: I can't respond to the prompt!! no matter what I type, it has no effect.
the code for getting input is roughly like this:
hin = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
r = ReadFile(hin, .....);
I'm not sure why it's done this way, but I'm not an expert in designing command line tools for windows, so what do I know! But I figure something is missing in setting up the input handle.
I looked at the source code for the above wrapper tool and I see this:
and I try it (just for the heck of it)
r = ReadFile( hin ...... )
and surprisingly it works! I can now respond to the prompt!
Why is this? what is "CONIN$"? and why is it different from the STD_INPUT_HANDLE?
I can sort of "guess" that FILE_SHARE_READ and OPEN_EXISTING are playing a role in this (since ssh is being run from within another process), but I want to understand what's going on here, and make sure that this code doesn't have some unwanted side effects or security holes or something scary like that!

CONIN$ is the console input device. Normally, stdin is an open file handle to this, but if stdin is redirected for some reason, then using CONIN$ will allow you to get access to the console despite the redirection. Reference.


How Can I Get System.cmd to End Normally when expecting input on STDIN?

I've spotted something that I find very puzzling about the behavior of System.cmd. I just wanted to ask if anyone might have thoughts on what I may be doing wrong or what may be going on.
I've been trying to wrap an Elixir script around the ack programmer's grep. I tried this:
{_message, errlevel} = System.cmd("ack",[])
And I get back the help text that ack displays on an empty command line; I won't bother to reproduce it here because it's not necessarily germane to the question.
Then I try this:
{_message, errlevel} = System.cmd("ack",[""])
And it looks like iex hangs. Now I realize in the first case the output may be going to stderr rather than stdout. But there's another reason I'm asking about this; I found something even more interesting to me. Because I'm not 100% committed to using ack I thought I'd try ripgrep on the thought that it might interact with stdout better.
So if I do this:
{_message, errlevel} = System.cmd("rg",[])
Same as ack with no arguments--shows me the help text. Again I'm guessing it's probably out to stderr. I could check to confirm my assumption but what's even more interesting to me is that when I do this:
{_message, errlevel} = System.cmd("rg",[""])
It hangs again!
I had always figured the issue is with how ack interacts with stdout but now I'm not so sure since I see the same behavior with ripgrep. This is Elixir 1.13.2 on MacOSX 13.1. I've seen this same behavior with older versions of MacOSX.
Any idea how I can get the ack and/or ripgrep process to terminate so I get a response back? I've seen this https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/main/Port.html#module-zombie-operating-system-processes and I can try it but I was hoping for something slightly less hacky, I guess. Any suggestions? Also if I use the :stderr_to_stdout option set to true, it doesn't seem to make any difference.
I've seen this Q & A but I'm not totally clear on how using Task.start_link would help in this case. I mean would one do a Task.start_link on System.cmd?
You are executing a command that expects input on STDIN, but with System.cmd/3, there is no mechanism to provide the input.
Elixir has no way to know the behaviour of the command you are executing, so waits for the process to terminate, which never happens. As José mentioned on the issue Roger Lipscombe raised, this is expected behaviour.
If you want to send the OS process input via STDIN, you need to use Ports. However, there are limitations there too, which I asked about here.
For ack specifically, it reads from STDIN if you don't provide a filename. So you can workaround the limitation by putting the data in a file, and providing the filename as an argument, rather than piping the data via OS streams.
Looks like a bug. I've filed https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/issues/12321.

Golang get command tty output

I'm using go's exec Run command to get command output, which works great when the command 'Stdout' field is set to os.Stdout, and the error is sent to os.Stderr.
I want to display the output and the error output to the console, but I also want my program to see what the output was.
I then made my own Writer type that did just that, wrote both to a buffer and printed to the terminal.
Here's the problem—some applications change their output to something much less readable by humans when it detects it's not writing to a tty. So the output I get changes to something ugly when I do it in the latter way. (cleaner for computers, uglier for humans)
I wanted to know if there was some way within Go to convince whatever command I'm running that I am a tty, despite not being os.Stdout/os.Stderr. I know it's possible to do using the script bash command, but that uses a different flag depending on Darwin/Linux, so I'm trying to avoid that.
Thanks in advance!
The only practical way to solve this is to allocate a pseudo terminal (PTY) and make your external process use it for its output: since PTY is still a terminal, a process checking whether it's connected to a real terminal thinks it is.
You may start with this query.
The github.com/creack/ptyis probably a good starting point.
The next step is to have a package implementing a PTY actually allocate it, and connect "the other end" of a PTY to your custom writer.
(By the way, there's no point in writing a custom "multi writer" as there exist io.MultiWriter).

How to properly write an interactive shell program which can exploit bash's autocompletion mechanism

(Please, help me adjust title and tags.)
When I run connmanctl I get a different prompt,
enrico:~$ connmanctl
and different commands are available, like services, technologies, connect, ...
I'd like to know how this thing works.
I know that, in general, changing the prompt can be just a matter of changing the variable PS1. However this thing alone (read "the command connmanctl changes PS1 and returns) wouldn't have any effect at all on the functionalities of the commands line (I would still be in the same bash process).
Indeed, the fact that the available commands are changed, looks to me like the proof that connmanctl is running all the time the prompt is connmanctl>, and that, upon running connmanctl, a while loop is entered with a read statement in it, followed by a bunch of commands which process the the input.
In this latter scenario that I imagine, there's not even need to change PS1, as the connmanctl> line could simply be obtained by echo -n "connmanctl> ".
The reason behind this curiosity is that I'm trying to write a wrapper to connmanctl. I've already written it, and it works as intended, except that I don't know how to properly setup the autocompletion feature, and I think that in order to do so I first need to understand what is the right way to write an interactive shell script.

2-way communication with background process (I/O)

I have a program that runs in the command line (i.e. $ run program starts up a prompt) that runs mathematical calculations. It has it's own prompt that takes in text input and responds back through standard-out/error (or creates a separate x-window if needed, but this can be disabled). Sometimes I would like to send it small input, and other times I send in a large text file filled with a series of input on each line. This program takes a lot of resources and also has a large startup time, so it would be best to only have one instance of it running at a time. I could keep open the program-prompt and supply the input this way, or I can send the process with an exit command (to leave prompt) which just prints the output. The problem with sending the request with an exit command is that the program must startup each time (slow ...). Furthermore, the output of this program is sometimes cryptic and it would be helpful to filter the output in some way (eg. simplify output, apply ANSI colors, etc).
This all makes me want to put some 2-way IO filter (or is that "pipe"? or "wrapper"?) around the program so that the program can run in the background as single process. I would then communicate with it without having to restart. I would also like to have this all while filtering the output to be more user friendly. I have been looking all over for ideas and I am stumped at how to accomplish this in some simple shell accessible manor.
Some things I have tried were redirecting stdin and stdout to files, but the program hangs (doesn't quit) and only reads the file once making me unable to continue communication. I think this was because the prompt is waiting for some user input after the EOF. I thought that this could be setup as a local server, but I am uncertain how to begin accomplishing that.
I would love to find some simple way to accomplish this. Additionally, if you can think of a way to perform this, do you think there is a way to also allow for attaching or detaching to the prompt by request? Any help and ideas would be greatly appreciated.
You could create two named pipes (man mkfifo) and redirect input and output:
myprog < fifoin > fifoout
Then you could open new terminal windows and do this in one:
cat > fifoin
And this in the other:
cat < fifoout
(Or use tee to save the input/output as well.)
To dump a large input file into the program, use:
cat myfile > fifoin

Win32 Console -- Backspace to Last Line

I'm writing a command interpreter like BASH, and a \ followed by a newline implies a continuation of the input stream; how can I implement that in Win32?
If I use the console mode with ENABLE_LINE_INPUT, then the user can't press backspace in order to go back to the previous line; Windows prevents him from doing so. But if I don't set ENABLE_LINE_INPUT, then I have to manually reposition the cursor, which is rather tedious given that (1) the user might have redirected the input stream, and that (2) it might be prone to race conditions, and I'd rather have Windows do it if I can.
Any way to have my newline and eat it too?
If this would require undocumented CSRSS port requests, then I'm still interested!
Assuming you want this to run in a window, like command prompt does by default, rather than full screen, you could create a GUI application with a large textbox. Users would type into the textbox, and you could parse whatever was entered, and output to the same box (effectively emulated the Win32 Console).
This way whatever rules you want to set for how the console behaves is completely up to you.
I might be mistaken is saying this, but I believe that the Win32 Console from XP onward works exactly like this, and it just listens for output on stdout; there shouldn't be any reason you can't do the same.
Hope this was helpful.
