How to properly write an interactive shell program which can exploit bash's autocompletion mechanism - bash

(Please, help me adjust title and tags.)
When I run connmanctl I get a different prompt,
enrico:~$ connmanctl
and different commands are available, like services, technologies, connect, ...
I'd like to know how this thing works.
I know that, in general, changing the prompt can be just a matter of changing the variable PS1. However this thing alone (read "the command connmanctl changes PS1 and returns) wouldn't have any effect at all on the functionalities of the commands line (I would still be in the same bash process).
Indeed, the fact that the available commands are changed, looks to me like the proof that connmanctl is running all the time the prompt is connmanctl>, and that, upon running connmanctl, a while loop is entered with a read statement in it, followed by a bunch of commands which process the the input.
In this latter scenario that I imagine, there's not even need to change PS1, as the connmanctl> line could simply be obtained by echo -n "connmanctl> ".
The reason behind this curiosity is that I'm trying to write a wrapper to connmanctl. I've already written it, and it works as intended, except that I don't know how to properly setup the autocompletion feature, and I think that in order to do so I first need to understand what is the right way to write an interactive shell script.


Jenkins and shell script input

I've got automated package configuration test that should also run eula and some other shell user interactions, all y/n style stuff.
I've googled this a quite bit now, however I haven't found anything quite useful yet. Also the parametrized build doesn't seem to be the resolution either (what little I understand about Jenkins). So far I've used free style project with several execute shell steps.
I've tried now like this:
/path/to/my/ < input.txt
with input.txt containing few echos containing " \n"(to scroll down the eula) and "y" (to accept the eula).
Problem is that script in question calls second script that should be the recepient of the input. But now the whole input.txt is outputted before the eula starts and therefore it's not handled.
Is there better way of handling this sort of user input situations? My Jenkins experience is rather limited.

Is prompt available in Vte?

I have a shell running in a Vte.Terminal widget (could be bash, zsh, or any other interactive shell), I would like to monitor it so as to know when the prompt is available and a new command can be started.
I can't seem to come up with a consistent method.
Here are the ideas I've thought of so far:
Monitor for child process exit.
Could work some of the time, but commands that use only built-ins wouldn't spawn a child. (example: "while true; do; echo test; done;") Also When a command is started in background the prompt would be available before the child exited.
Watch for prompt string in Vte output.
Two problems: 1. A simple prompt string such as "#>" could easily be outputted by some script and give a false positive. 2. Knowing what the prompt string is, is problematic.
Any other ideas or a way to get one of the above working?
What my purpose is.
I'm working on a terminal emulator and would like to change the icon based on whether the prompt is available. Also I am attempting to allow commands to be 'queued' to run when next possible.

Bash: how to duplicate input/output from interactive scripts only in complete lines?

How can I capture the input/ output from a script in realtime (such as with tee), but line-by-line instead of character-by-character? My goal is to capture the input typed into the interactive prompts of a script only after backspaces and auto-completion have finished processing (after the RETURN key is hit).
Specifically, I am trying to create a wrapper script for ssh that creates a timestamped log of commands used on remote servers. The script, which uses tee to redirect the output for filtering, works well, but the redirected output gets jumbled with unsubmitted characters whenever I use the backspace key or the up/down keys to scroll through my remote history. For example: service test stopexitservice test stopart or cd ..logs[1Pls -al.
Perhaps there is a way to capture the terminal's scrollback and redirect that like with tee?
Update: I have found a character-based cleanup solution that does what I want most of the time. However, I am still hoping for an answer to this question (which may well be msw's answer that it is very difficult to do).
In the Unix world there are two primary modes of handling keyboard input. These are known as 'raw' in which characters are passed from the terminal to the reading program one at a time. This is the mode that editors (and such) will use because the editor needs to respond immediately when you press a key.
The other terminal discipline is called 'cooked' which is the line by line behavior that you think of as the bash line by line input where you get to backspace and the command is not executed until you press return. Ssh has to take your input in raw, character-by-character mode because it has no idea what is running on the other side. For example, if you are running an editor on the far side, it can't wait for a return before sending the key-press. So, as some have suggested, grabbing shell history on the far side is the only reasonable way to get a command-by-command record of the bash commands you typed.
I oversimplified for clarity; actually most installations of bash take input in raw mode because they allow editor like command modification. For example, Ctrl-P scrolls up the command history or Ctrl-A goes to the beginning of the line. And bash needs to be able to get those keys the moment they are typed not waiting for a return.
This is another reason that capturing on the local side is obnoxiously difficult: if you capture on the local side, the stream will be filled with Backspaces and all of bash's editing commands. To get a true transcript of what the remote shell actually executed you have to parse the character stream as if you were the remote shell. There also a problem if you run something like
vi /some_file/which_is_on_the_remote/machine
the input stream to the local ssh will be filled with movement commands snippets of text including backspaces and so on and it would be bloody difficult to figure out what is part of a bash command and what is you talking to the editor.
Few things involving computers are impossible; getting clean input from the local side of an ssh invocation is really, really hard.
I question the actual utility of recording the commands that you execute on a local or remote machine. The reason is that there is so much state which is not visible from a command log. As a simple example here's a log of two commands:
17:00$ cp important_file important_file.bak
17:15$ rm important_file
and two days later you are trying to figure out whether important_file.bak should have the contents you intended or not. Given that log you can't answer that simple question. Even if you had the sequence
16:58$ cat important_file
17:00$ cp important_file important_file.bak
17:15$ rm important_file
If you aren't capturing the output, the cat in the log will not tell you anything. Give me almost any command sequence and I can envision a scenario in which it will not give you the information you need to make sense of what was done.
For a very similar purpose I use GNU screen which offer the option to record everything you do in a shell session (INPUT/OUTPUT). The log it creates also comes with undesirable characters but I clean them with perl:
perl -ne 's/\x1b[[()=][;?0-9]*[0-9A-Za-z]?//g;s/\r//g;s/\007//g;print' < screenlog.0
I hope this helps.
Some features of screen:
Site I found the perl-oneliner:

Is it possible to create an event driven service in shells

Hi I would like to create a small program that listens for copy comands copied content for later retrival in bash. Is it possible to listen to key strokes while still keeping the shell interactive? And how can this be don arcitectualy. I don't need the whole program just a hint at how it can be done. I have no preferance when it comes to language exept that it should be implemented in a scripting language or maby c++.
Pherhaps this needs to be written like a shell extension or somthing. just a hint would be fine.
Consider the way that the script program works (see man script). I havn't done this in a while, but basically you write your pseudo terminal in C and push that into the stream, then launch the shell.
See tcgetattr/tcsetattr, grantpt, unlockpt, and ptsname, with ptem, ldterm and possibly ttcompat to be pushed using ioctl.
A simpler, though less efficient, is to run script into a pipe and capture the output. You probably will need script -f to flush the buffer (I think the -f is only in the GNU version).

How to bundle bash completion with a program and have it work in the current shell?

I sweated over the question above. The answer I'm going to supply took me a while to piece together, but it still seems hopelessly primitive and hacky compared to what one could do were completion to be redesigned to be less staticky. I'm almost afraid to ask if there's some good reason that completion logic seems to be completely divorced from the program it's completing for.
I wrote a command line library (can be seen in scala trunk) which lets you flip a switch to have a "--bash" option. If you run
./program --bash
It calculates the completion file, writes it out to a tempfile, and echoes
. /path/to/temp/file
to the console. The result is that you can use backticks like so:
`./program --bash`
and you will have completion for "program" in the current shell since it will source the tempfile.
For a concrete example: check out scala trunk and run test/partest.
