Exception thrown in a referenced .dll how do I debug? - ajax

I'm using watermark extenders on textboxes and an exception is being thrown from the AJAX Control Toolkit .dll. It's strange because this just started happening.
I tried debugging from the Ajax solution and Ajax examples (but with my code), but no dice.
Is there a way to step into the Ajax .dll from my solution to see where this is happening?

Couldn't you just get the source for the Ajax Control Toolkit and include it as a project in your solution and then reference it? You'd then be able to step into the code and if you really needed to, you can just put the precompiled one out when you deploy out.

The source code for the AJAX Control Toolkit is available from:
Just download and start debugging.

You don't need to include the AjaxControlToolkit project. Just open the file you need (in the VS instance where your code that currently breaks is), and set a breakpoint where appropriate.

Maybe a black box approach is more appropriate here. You said that this error just started - what has changed in your environment to start this? You may be headed down a rabbit hole by stepping through the code. Can you deploy to a clean environment and not get the error? Or, does it work in the dev but not the test environment?


Visual Studio crash when Deploy SSRS Report

Using Visual Studio 2013, when try to deploy the Report, the session Crash
I attach the messages
Do you have any idea to solve this issue?
by Event Viewer
I already followed this way - BUT the issue has not been resolved.
I had the same issue here, and in my case the problem was a faulty installation of the SQL ADMd.Net components. Try and reinstall those.
There is a DLL, named Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdmomdClient.dll, which could not be found in my case. This caused a stackoverflow exception in my case. The admin reinstalled those components, and the DLL got installed, too. Deploying reports is now possible :).
I figured this out by attaching one VS instance with debugging enabled to another VS instance, with which I tried to deploy reports.
Also, I had to enable debugging for .NET Code in the settings.
I set a breakpoint at the function
And that's where I noticed, that the same block functions were called over and over, trying to load the DLL, but not being able to find it. It is the nLoad function.
This eventally caused the Exception, and the exception code 0xc00000fd, which is a Stackoverflow exception.
I can't post images here, but I hope it's still understandable.
Best regards,

cannot open visual basic 6.0 project due to component 'msconctl.ocx' not registered error

I have a project in visual basic 6.0 with an error message that,
'msconctl.ocx' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered:
a file is missing or invalid.
Can't figure out what is the problem,
i am also getting an error:- object or with block variable.
please help?
First, I'm pretty sure that you are talking about mscomctl.ocx (not msconctl.ocx), the Microsoft Common Control library, which is where you get all the common controls (text box, label, etc.) used in VB6. If you don't have this registered properly, VB6 won't run.
You haven't told us if you're using a 64-bit version of Windows or not. This makes a difference. In any case, you should be able to work out a solution by reading This.
MSComCtl.OCX was in 2012 modified in such a way that it became in-compatibable with legacy VB6 applications. MSComCtl.OCX prior to that was working fine. I ran into this and the only alternative left to me was to remove the control from the project ( in my case a Status Bar ) and use a Label field to cover the duties of the Status Bar. Once I was upgraded to a .Net Codebase I re-introduced the .Net Status Bar and things were back to normal. You probably didn't do anything wrong...its just a change to MSCOMCTL.OCX that once applied to your machine will break old VB6 projects that use that control. If you run or attempt to compile the app, VB6 should point you to the line(s) of code encountering the error. That will tell you which control is being victimized. Consider removing the control, and also the reference to MSComCtl, and creating workarounds. Sorry...just another nail in the VB6 coffin. I hate it but can't prevent it. Hope this helps.

How to tell what is trying to load a specific assembly?

I have an MVC project that is failing once I deploy to Azure because it's trying to load an MVC4 assembly. I have upgraded the project to MVC5.
I am trying to find what has a dependency on the MVC4 dll.
How would I go about finding what is causing it to try and load the MVC4 dll?
Fusion logs are the way to go for something like this. Here's a handy little blog that sums up the registry changes you need to add to capture the log on your instance. Add this as part of a startup task. In this post he also gives the location to the log viewer (on your local dev machine) that you can use to view the log.
Is this the same issue that you asked a week ago and received an answer for? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19716911/web-role-fails-on-azure-after-upgrading-from-mvc4-to-mvc5/19733292#19733292
Rick's Fusion Logs option is also a great way to determine this.

using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims; fails in my Home controller!

I'm following the Microsoft guide for implementing federated identities. As it doesn't state where the code should be placed I created a file \App_Code\Auth.cs for it. when it's time to implement the FederationResult to my home controller I try to use the aforementioned namespace but VS complains of missing an assembly reference.
The weird thing is that the code in Auth.cs doesn't complain... I've looked in the References item of the project and don't see anything I can recognise, although I did "Add STS reference" to the project. I've also looked in NuGet but don't see anything I should add...
what's going on here?
hmm... seems I just needed to add the reference manually. I don't know how come the assembly is available to some pieces of the code and not to others but it works!
One more thing, I needed to use Microsoft.IdentityModel.Web not .Claims

How to debug a program that doesn’t throw any error

I’m having trouble to find a bug in my application.
The problem is random and don’t throw any error. The web site just keeps loading and loading and eventually gets a timeout.
Is a web application using MVC 3 in VS 2010 Pro.
Some time ago, I see a friend to write something in the url, and gets all the trace of the program…
Sadly, I don’t remember what the command was.
Anyone has an idea of what command is it?
Any suggestion on what to use to debug?
I finally found the command... is trace.axd
But Its behave the same way... sometimes load without problems and show me all the trace info... and sometimes.. it keep loading and loading...
Maybe something related with IIS?
Turn on break on every thrown exception, run your application in debug mode and wait. If it executes too long then pause application and check where you are or wait for exception that is handled somewhere.
Your friend may have had something like the following built into his application, to dynamically set tracing on.
Trace.IsEnabled = Request.QueryString["trace"] != null ? true : false;
This provides info only if the page is fully loaded. It's probably best if you use the VS debugger to step through code.
If all you loops look ok, investigate code that could result in circular references or deadlocks. These can be difficult to spot sometimes, look for functions or constructors that require results from a calling class. So code that needs the result from a function which in turn need results from the first.
Well, this sounds like you have an infinite loop somewhere.
Look at the code that runs when you visit the URL that gives you trouble. See if there is any loops in there (for/while). If yes, see why if they never exit. You can do this by putting a breakpoint inside the loop and examining its behavior over the iterations.
in MVC the bugs you do not see are most of time (especially in Razor and Ajax work) view compile errors. Sometimes syntax bugs on views just does not show that view and do not stop working.
Try that:
put a breakpoint in view.
If program stops in there it means this view is working. Othervise there is a syntax error in this view.
Another way to see some bug information more than in visual studio is use browser tools.
I use google Chrome. Just open developer tools in it. Open network. And do your request. It will list the requests and responses. Click the response and see the information. After style (it is written Verdana etc) read exception details. Sometimes there is more information :)
I am using MVC 3 in Razor from start. So this is a small bug in asp.net mvc.
