Algorithm for most recently/often contacts for auto-complete? - algorithm

We have an auto-complete list that's populated when an you send an email to someone, which is all well and good until the list gets really big you need to type more and more of an address to get to the one you want, which goes against the purpose of auto-complete
I was thinking that some logic should be added so that the auto-complete results should be sorted by some function of most recently contacted or most often contacted rather than just alphabetical order.
What I want to know is if there's any known good algorithms for this kind of search, or if anyone has any suggestions.
I was thinking just a point system thing, with something like same day is 5 points, last three days is 4 points, last week is 3 points, last month is 2 points and last 6 months is 1 point. Then for most often, 25+ is 5 points, 15+ is 4, 10+ is 3, 5+ is 2, 2+ is 1. No real logic other than those numbers "feel" about right.
Other than just arbitrarily picked numbers does anyone have any input? Other numbers also welcome if you can give a reason why you think they're better than mine
Edit: This would be primarily in a business environment where recentness (yay for making up words) is often just as important as frequency. Also, past a certain point there really isn't much difference between say someone you talked to 80 times vs say 30 times.

Take a look at Self organizing lists.
A quick and dirty look:
Move to Front Heuristic:
A linked list, Such that whenever a node is selected, it is moved to the front of the list.
Frequency Heuristic:
A linked list, such that whenever a node is selected, its frequency count is incremented, and then the node is bubbled towards the front of the list, so that the most frequently accessed is at the head of the list.
It looks like the move to front implementation would best suit your needs.
EDIT: When an address is selected, add one to its frequency, and move to the front of the group of nodes with the same weight (or (weight div x) for courser groupings). I see aging as a real problem with your proposed implementation, in that it requires calculating a weight on each and every item. A self organizing list is a good way to go, but the algorithm needs a bit of tweaking to do what you want.
Further Edit:
Aging refers to the fact that weights decrease over time, which means you need to know each and every time an address was used. Which means, that you have to have the entire email history available to you when you construct your list.
The issue is that we want to perform calculations (other than search) on a node only when it is actually accessed -- This gives us our statistical good performance.

This kind of thing seems similar to what is done by firefox when hinting what is the site you are typing for.
Unfortunately I don't know exactly how firefox does it, point system seems good as well, maybe you'll need to balance your points :)
I'd go for something similar to:
NoM = Number of Mail
(NoM sent to X today) + 1/2 * (NoM sent to X during the last week)/7 + 1/3 * (NoM sent to X during the last month)/30
Contacts you did not write during the last month (it could be changed) will have 0 points. You could start sorting them for NoM sent in total (since it is on the contact list :). These will be showed after contacts with points > 0
It's just an idea, anyway it is to give different importance to the most and just mailed contacts.

If you want to get crazy, mark the most 'active' emails in one of several ways:
Last access
Frequency of use
Contacts with pending sales
Direct bosses
Then, present the active emails at the top of the list. Pay attention to which "group" your user uses most. Switch to that sorting strategy exclusively after enough data is collected.
It's a lot of work but kind of fun...

Maybe count the number of emails sent to each address. Then:
ORDER BY EmailCount DESC, LastName, FirstName
That way, your most-often-used addresses come first, even if they haven't been used in a few days.

I like the idea of a point-based system, with points for recent use, frequency of use, and potentially other factors (prefer contacts in the local domain?).
I've worked on a few systems like this, and neither "most recently used" nor "most commonly used" work very well. The "most recent" can be a real pain if you accidentally mis-type something once. Alternatively, "most used" doesn't evolve much over time, if you had a lot of contact with somebody last year, but now your job has changed, for example.
Once you have the set of measurements you want to use, you could create an interactive apoplication to test out different weights, and see which ones give you the best results for some sample data.

This paper describes a single-parameter family of cache eviction policies that includes least recently used and least frequently used policies as special cases.
The parameter, lambda, ranges from 0 to 1. When lambda is 0 it performs exactly like an LFU cache, when lambda is 1 it performs exactly like an LRU cache. In between 0 and 1 it combines both recency and frequency information in a natural way.

In spite of an answer having been chosen, I want to submit my approach for consideration, and feedback.
I would account for frequency by incrementing a counter each use, but by some larger-than-one value, like 10 (To add precision to the second point).
I would account for recency by multiplying all counters at regular intervals (say, 24 hours) by some diminisher (say, 0.9).
Each use:
UPDATE `addresslist` SET `favor` = `favor` + 10 WHERE `address` = ''
Each interval:
UPDATE `addresslist` SET `favor` = FLOOR(`favor` * 0.9)
In this way I collapse both frequency and recency to one field, avoid the need for keeping a detailed history to derive {last day, last week, last month} and keep the math (mostly) integer.
The increment and diminisher would have to be adjusted to preference, of course.


How to optimize events scheduling with unknown future events?

I need to give users opportunity to book different times for the service.
Caveat is that i dont have bookings in advance but i need to fill them as they come in.
Bookings can be represented as keyvalue pairs:
[startTime, duration]
So, for example, [9,3] would mean event starts at 9 o’clock and has duration of 3 hours.
users come in one by one, there is never a batch of users requests
no bookings can overlap
service is available 24/7 so no need to worry about “working time”
users choose duration on their own
obviously, once user chooses&confirms his booking we cannot shuffle it anymore
we dont want gaps to be lesser than some amount of time. this one is based on probability that future users will fill in the gap. for example, if distribution of durations over users bookings is such that probability for future users filling the gap shorter than x hours is less than p then we want a rule that gap cannot be shorter than x. (for purpose of this question, we can assume x being hardcoded, here i just explain reasons)
the goal is to have service-busy-duration maximized
My thinking so far...
I keep the list of bookings made so far
I also keep track of gaps (as they are potential slots for new users booking)
When new user comes with his booking [startTime, duration] i first check for ideal case where gapLength = duration. if there is no such gaps, i find all slots (gaps) that satisfy condition gapLength - duration > minimumGapDuration and order them in descending order by that gapLength - duration value
I assign user to the first gap with maximum value of gapLength - duration since that gives me highest probability that gap remaining after this booking will also get filled in future
Are there some problems with my approach that i am missing?
Are there some algorithms solving this particular problem?
Is there some usual approach (good starting point) which i could start with and optimize later? (i am actually trying to get enough infos to start but not making some critical mistake; optimizations can/should come later)
From research so far it sounds this might be the case for constraint programming. I would like to avoid it if possible as i have no clue about it (maybe its simple, i just dont know) but if it makes a real difference, i will go for its benefits and implement it.
I went through stackoverflow for similar problems but didnt find one with unknown future events. If there is such and this is direct duplicate, please refer to it.

Coding: Keep track of last N days of records for each user.

Im solving an interesting problem wherein for each user, I would like to keep his last N days of activity. This can be applied to many a use-cases and one such simple one is:
For each user - user can come to gym some random day - I want to get the total number of times he hit the gym over the last 90 days.
This is a tricky one for me.
My thoughts: I thought of storing a vector where each entry would determine a day and then a boolean value might represent his visit. To count, just linear processing of that section in the array would suffice.
What is the best way?
Depending on how complex you need it to be, a simple array that stores each of a clients visits should suffice.
Upon each visit, add a new entry containing the date/time. Each day, run a check to see if any clients contain visit records that are older than 90 days. The first record that is not old enough means there are no more records to check, so you can safely move to the next client.
Hope this helps you!
Make for every client a Queue data structure containing elements with visit date.
When client visits gym, just add current date
When you need to get a track for him:
while (not Q[ClientIdx].Empty) and (Today - Q[ClientIdx].Peek > 90)
Q[ClientIdx].Remove //dequeue too old records
VisitCount = Q.Count
You can use standard Queue implementations in many languages or simple own implementation based on array/list if standard one is not available.
Note that every record is added and removed once, so amortized complexity is O(1) per add/count operation
Your idea will work, but is it really space-wise efficient?
Your data-structure would be something like this: A boolean 2D vector (you can imagine it as a matrix), where every row is a user and every column is a day (sorted), so that would consist of a:
matrix of size U x N
where U is the number of users.
To answer the question I initially asked, you need to think how dense this matrix is going to be. If it's going to be much, then you made the right choice, if not, then you wasted (much) space. You can see the trade-off here.
Of course, you have to think about your use case. In the gym example, I do not think this would be space efficient, since most people do not go to the gym every day (I think), which will result in a sparse matrix, meaning that we wasted space.
Another idea would be to have a single vector os size N, where the days are sorted. Every entry would be a single linked list, where every node would be a user.
If a user is found in the list of a day, then it means that he went to gym at that day.
With this approach we allocate exactly as much space as needed, so it's space optimal, regardless of the density I mentioned in the matrix's case.
However, is this it? No, of course not! I discussed about space, but what about time efficiency? For example, search is a usually frequent method we want our data structure to support, and if we would like that to be fast!
In the matrix's case, search would be an O(1) operation, which is sweet, since accessing the matrix is a constant operation.
In the vector+list's case however, the search would take O(L), where L is the average size of the lists our vector has in total.
So which one? It depends on your application!
I would try a hashtable as well, which would not require sorting and is space efficient (What is the space complexity of a hash table?).
How about having an Queue with fixed size (90) of visit details for every user? You can generalise it for multiple users and key advantage is you don't have to worry about maintaining last 90 days of data.
You can dump a queue to list or array and persist if needed in O(n). And as you have mentioned the check for no.of presence will be O(n) as well.

n! combinations, how to find best one without killing computer?

I'll get straight to it. I'm working on an web or phone app that is responsible for scheduling. I want students to input courses they took, and I give them possible combinations of courses they should take that fits their requirements.
However, let's say there's 150 courses that fits their requirements and they're looking for 3 courses. That would be 150C3 combinations, right?.
Would it be feasible to run something like this in browser or a mobile device?
First of all you need a smarter algorithm which can prune the search tree. Also, if you are doing this for the same set of courses over and over again, doing the computation on the server would be better, and perhaps precomputing a feasible data structure can reduce the execution time of the queries. For example, you can create a tree where each sub-tree under a node contains nodes that are 'compatible'.
Sounds to me like you're viewing this completely wrong. At most institutions there are 1) curriculum requirements for graduation, and 2) prerequisites for many requirements and electives. This isn't a pure combinatorial problem, it's a dependency tree. For instance, if Course 201, Course 301, and Course 401 are all required for the student's major, higher numbers have the lower numbered ones as prereqs, and the student is a Junior, you should be strongly recommending that Course 201 be taken ASAP.
Yay, mathematics I think I can handle!
If there are 150 courses, and you have to choose 3, then the amount of possibilities are (150*149*148)/(3*2) (correction per jerry), which is certainly better than 150 factorial which is a whole lot more zeros ;)
Now, you really don't want to build an array that size, and you don't have to! All web languages have the idea of randomly choosing an element in an array, so you get an element in an array and request 3 random unique entries from it.
While the potential course combinations is very large, based on your post I see no reason to even attempt to calculate them. This task of random selection of k items from n-sized list is delightfully trivial even for old, slow devices!
Is there any particular reason you'd need to calculate all the potential course combinations, instead of just grab-bagging one random selection as a suggestion? If not, problem solved!
Option 1 (Time\Space costly): let the user on mobile phone browse the list of (150*149*148) possible choices, page by page, the processing is done at the server-side.
Option 2 (Simple): instead of the (150*149*148)-item decision tree, provide a 150-item bag, if he choose one item from the bag, remove it from the bag.
Option 3 (Complex): expand your decision tree (possible choices) using a dependency tree (parent course requires child courses) and the list of course already taken by the student, and his track\level.
As far as I know, most educational systems use the third option, which requires having a profile for the student.

How to notice unusual news activity

Suppose you were able keep track of the news mentions of different entities, like say "Steve Jobs" and "Steve Ballmer".
What are ways that could you tell whether the amount of mentions per entity per a given time period was unusual relative to their normal degree of frequency of appearance?
I imagine that for a more popular person like Steve Jobs an increase of like 50% might be unusual (an increase of 1000 to 1500), while for a relatively unknown CEO an increase of 1000% for a given day could be possible (an increase of 2 to 200). If you didn't have a way of scaling that your unusualness index could be dominated by unheard-ofs getting their 15 minutes of fame.
update: To make it clearer, it's assumed that you are already able to get a continuous news stream and identify entities in each news item and store all of this in a relational data store.
You could use a rolling average. This is how a lot of stock trackers work. By tracking the last n data points, you could see if this change was a substantial change outside of their usual variance.
You could also try some normalization -- one very simple one would be that each category has a total number of mentions (m), a percent change from the last time period (δ), and then some normalized value (z) where z = m * δ. Lets look at the table below (m0 is the previous value of m) :
Name m m0 δ z
Steve Jobs 4950 4500 .10 495
Steve Ballmer 400 300 .33 132
Larry Ellison 50 10 4.0 400
Andy Nobody 50 40 .20 10
Here, a 400% change for unknown Larry Ellison results in a z value of 400, a 10% change for the much better known Steve Jobs is 495, and my spike of 20% is still a low 10. You could tweak this algorithm depending on what you feel are good weights, or use standard deviation or the rolling average to find if this is far away from their "expected" results.
Create a database and keep a history of stories with a time stamp. You then have a history of stories over time of each category of news item you're monitoring.
Periodically calculate the number of stories per unit of time (you choose the unit).
Test if the current value is more than X standard deviations away from the historical data.
Some data will be more volatile than others so you may need to adjust X appropriately. X=1 is a reasonable starting point
Way over simplified-
store people's names and the amount of articles created in the past 24 hours with their name involved. Compare to historical data.
Real life-
If you're trying to dynamically pick out people's names, how would you go about doing that? Searching through articles how do you grab names? Once you grab a new name, do you search for all articles for him? How do you separate out Steve Jobs from Apple from Steve Jobs the new star running back that is generating a lot of articles?
If you're looking for simplicity, create a table with 50 people's names that you actually insert. Every day at midnight, have your program run a quick google query for past 24 hours and store the number of results. There are a lot of variables in this though that we're not accounting for.
The method you use is going to depend on the distribution of the counts for each person. My hunch is that they are not going to be normally distributed, which means that some of the standard approaches to longitudinal data might not be appropriate - especially for the small-fry, unknown CEOs you mention, who will have data that are very much non-continuous.
I'm really not well-versed enough in longitudinal methods to give you a solid answer here, but here's what I'd probably do if you locked me in a room to implement this right now:
Dig up a bunch of past data. Hard to say how much you'd need, but I would basically go until it gets computationally insane or the timeline gets unrealistic (not expecting Steve Jobs references from the 1930s).
In preparation for creating a simulated "probability distribution" of sorts (I'm using terms loosely here), more recent data needs to be weighted more than past data - e.g., a thousand years from now, hearing one mention of (this) Steve Jobs might be considered a noteworthy event, so you wouldn't want to be using expected counts from today (Andy's rolling mean is using this same principle). For each count (day) in your database, create a sampling probability that decays over time. Yesterday is the most relevant datum and should be sampled frequently; 30 years ago should not.
Sample out of that dataset using the weights and with replacement (i.e., same datum can be sampled more than once). How many draws you make depends on the data, how many people you're tracking, how good your hardware is, etc. More is better.
Compare your actual count of stories for the day in question to that distribution. What percent of the simulated counts lie above your real count? That's roughly (god don't let any economists look at this) the probability of your real count or a larger one happening on that day. Now you decide what's relevant - 5% is the norm, but it's an arbitrary, stupid norm. Just browse your results for awhile and see what seems relevant to you. The end.
Here's what sucks about this method: there's no trend in it. If Steve Jobs had 15,000 a week ago, 2000 three days ago, and 300 yesterday, there's a clear downward trend. But the method outlined above can only account for that by reducing the weights for the older data; it has no way to project that trend forward. It assumes that the process is basically stationary - that there's no real change going on over time, just more and less probable events from the same random process.
Anyway, if you have the patience and willpower, check into some real statistics. You could look into multilevel models (each day is a repeated measure nested within an individual), for example. Just beware of your parametric assumptions... mention counts, especially on the small end, are not going to be normal. If they fit a parametric distribution at all, it would be in the Poisson family: the Poisson itself (good luck), the overdispersed Poisson (aka negative binomial), or the zero-inflated Poisson (quite likely for your small-fry, no chance for Steve).
Awesome question, at any rate. Lend your support to the statistics StackExchange site, and once it's up you'll be able to get a much better answer than this.

Programmatically determine the relative "popularities" of a list of items (books, songs, movies, etc)

Given a list of (say) songs, what's the best way to determine their relative "popularity"?
My first thought is to use Google Trends. This list of songs:
Subterranean Homesick Blues
Empire State of Mind
California Gurls
produces the following Google Trends report: (to find out what's popular now, I restricted the report to the last 30 days)
Empire State of Mind is marginally more popular than California Gurls, and Subterranean Homesick Blues is far less popular than either.
So this works pretty well, but what happens when your list is 100 or 1000 songs long? Google Trends only allows you to compare 5 terms at once, so absent a huge round-robin, what's the right approach?
Another option is to just do a Google Search for each song and see which has the most results, but this doesn't really measure the same thing
Excellent question - one song by Britney Spears, might be phenomenally popular for 2 months then (thankfully) forgotten, while another song by Elvis might have sustained popularity for 30 years. How do you quantitatively distinguish the two? We know we want to think that sustained popularity is more important than a "flash in the pan", but how to get this result?
First, I would normalize around the release date - Subterranean Homesick Blues might be unpopular now (not in my house, though), but normalizing back to 1965 might yield a different result.
Since most songs climb in popularity, level off, then decline, let's choose the area when they level off. One might assume that during that period, that the two series are stationary, uncorrelated, and normally distributed. Now you can just apply a test to determine if the means are different.
There's probably less restrictive tests to determine the magnitude of difference between two time series, but I haven't run across them yet.
You could search for the item on Twitter and see how many times it is mentioned. Or look it up on Amazon to see how many people have reviewed it and what rating they gave it. Both Twitter and Amazon have APIs.
There is an unoffical google trends api. See I have not used it but perhaps it is of some help.
I would certainly treat Google's API of "restricted".
In general, comparison functions used for sorting algorithms are very "binary":
input: 2 elements
output: true/false
Here you have:
input: 5 elements
output: relative weights of each element
Therefore you will only need a linear number of calls to the API (whereas sorting usually requires O(N log N) calls to comparison functions).
You will need exactly ceil( (N-1)/4 ) calls. That you can parallelize, though do read the user guide closely as for the number of requests you are authorized to submit.
Then, once all of them are "rated" you can have a simple sort in local.
Intuitively, in order to gather them properly you would:
Shuffle your list
Pop the 5 first elements
Call the API
Insert them sorted in the result (use insertion sort here)
Pick up the median
Pop the 4 first elements (or less if less are available)
Call the API with the median and those 4 first
Go Back to Insert until your run out of elements
If your list is 1000 songs long, that 250 calls to the API, nothing too scary.
