How do I build a VB6 Console App - winapi

I did some googling to try to answer this question but even after that I'm not quite clear about something. Is it possible to create a console app from VB6?
I've got a VB6 app that doesn't put up a window. I always assumed that it was a console app. However, I want to be able to use the Windows API SetConsoleCtrlHandler function from within it. I believe that with C++/MFC apps you have to set a linker switch to create a console app. And one of my fellow developers told me that VB6 doesn't create a true console app and therefore this would not work. So is it possible to create a console app that Windows will recognize as a console app from VB6?
Platform: Windows XP SP2
Development Platform: VB6

Yes. It's also possible to create totally headless applications (which I've done a few times in the past). This link gives an example with a code snippet.

You can use Karl E. Peterson's code at
to create a very full-featured console application.
Simpler ones can be made by relinking the compiled VB6 EXE for the console subsystem. Karl goes into this at that same Web page. Scroll down for LinkConsole.vbs there.

See this article.
Or you could rewrite the VB6 app as a VBScript program.


what is the development tool of this GUI

I have a light/simple app (Winodws GUI), I want to know what is the development tool of this app? most of the app's files are as bellow.
I am newer to app development, I expected to know like "this app is developed by WPF&C#, Electron&Js, Qt&C++" this message. I am not sure if this message could be idenfied from the files shown
btw, there is an .exe with them
It is impossible to say exactly because these libraries are pretty common.
msvcp140 implies that the base is C++ developed with Visual Studio 2015 or later.
d3d* means something there is using Direct3D as well (could be Chromium). EGL/GLES is more graphics stuff, probably used by Chromium.
The presence of Chrome* means it is either using Chromium to display some web content or the entire app is HTML/Javascript based like Electron.
You should inspect the .exe in a hex editor. And a strings tool.
Use something like WinSpy to inspect the main application window. What is the class name?

c++ hide terminal with GTKMM gui apps

I've been looking around on the cplusplus forum and here on stackoverflow, but I have not been able to find an answer. All I find is Windows stuff or people working with IDE'S that do the work for them.
I am creating an application with c++ and GTKMM and nothing else, I just have a texteditor and a compiler that I control with my terminal (I adress this because a lot of people always talk about IDE'S and stuff) on UNIX based computers.
When I run my application (./application) I always see my terminal along with my gui application and I would like to hide the terminal. How would I achieve this?
Thanks in prior :)
So I found out it differs from operation system. I've written out what I've found on my website, so check it out if you want to create a mac application.

Creating a screensaver for windows and mac - Silverlight?

I am not sure even of a starting point with this.. however knowing that Silverlight works across win/mac platforms (as far as I know!), is it possible to create a silverlight based screensaver?
If not, are there any tools (no flash skills unfortunately!)
Any starter points would be cool..
By now Silvelight is being deprecated, but if you need to run web pages as a screensaver, my startup is creating a product to do exactly that, it's called Screensaver Ninja and you can find more about it at That means that all you have to do is develop the web app and leave the screensaver part to us.
Here's a screenshot of how you configure it:
Silverlight is only usable as a web browser plugin on Mac OS X. It cannot be practically used to build screensavers.
Additionally, there's good reason to believe that Silverlight is being abandoned by Microsoft. I'd avoid it for any new development.

newbie question on win32 app log

I am new in in Visual Studio Win32 (C++) Applications
In java where I work, logging is easy using log4j for instance.
How is the logging done in a Win32 app?
I have seen some code using macros to write to files.
Am I responsible to create some logging mechanism?
Is there a standard way to log in win32?
Use the Event Log API to write to Windows Event Log
Another way is using log4net since you have experience of log4j, there are very similar.
"Windows application" doesn't mean much of anything, Java apps can also run on Windows. There's log4net to adding logging to a .NET application. Log4cxx to do so for an app written in C++. Exact same approach as log4j. The project's home page is here.
It depends on who is going to be using your software's logging facility:
The Windows Event Log API is best if you are writing a service or "system" type task that needs to be supported by an IT support department. Support tools for Windows support remote access of system event logs to create system health alerts and so on.
Other than that, Windows does not have a convenient Logging API. So you need to roll-your own if the system event log is inappropriate.
For developers / debugging purposes theres OutputDebugString that will emit text to your debuggers "Output" window.
It is convenient when writing GUI apps, to make the debug build a console application, so that a console window is displayed in addition to the GUI. printf() can display messages to the console.
Otherwise, some OSS projects I built on windows did include a variant of log4c that had been ported to windows. So log4c can be coerced into working on windows if you really need it.

Firefox minimal build

I want to compile a portable version of Firefox 3 on a low cost Intel Celeron Windows Xp machine to run as a kiosk computer. So i just want the browsing functionality since i'll be running it on the fullscreen mode. What are the steps to do a minimal rebuild from the sources?
Also what is firefox's command line parameters to open a site from the cmd?
A "Stripped down minimal build" doesn't really make any sense. You can't really exclude any functionality that would make it run faster or be any smaller, since most of the code that Firefox needs to render webpages is the same code that it uses to render its user interface. Forget about trying to "strip down" the code.
That being said, it sounds like you probably want to use XULRunner, which will let you use all the web browsing functionality of Firefox, but wrap it in your own GUI. You can find an ultra-minimalist browser XUL application here:
There is a Kiosk mode addon (more for a lock-down) for Firefox.
You may be in general interested in this other question here:
How to lock down Windows XP for use as an internet kiosk?
Here is a gHacks reference for custom builds.
and, a Prism reference. provides a minimalistic OS build featuring Firefox. There is also build instructions if you want to build your own customised images.
