Attaching to a remote process for debugging - xcode

Using Xcode 3.1 on OSX 10.5; is it possible to attach (the debugger) to a running remote process?
I know that it's possible to start and debug a remote process (as explained here), but it would be great if I could find a way to attach to an already running remote process...
edit to add: Thanks. I've submitted a bug report to Apple. Will update this question if/when I hear back from them.

There is no nice gui for it in XCode but you can do it this way:
start a second instance of the program from XCode with remote debugging,
use the GDB attach command from the console
Step by step instructions:
Follow Apple's instructions to set up remote debuging:
Find out the process-id of the running instance of your program on the remote box:
ssh "remotemachine" 'ps -x -w -w' | grep "AppName"
(you can also use ARD and ActivityMonitor)
Put a breakpoint to your app main, and start a second instance from the Debugger (on the remote box)
In the GDB console (Run/Console menu) enter:
attach process-id
Now you have you XCode attached to the running process. You can now use the graphical debugger.
(In early XCode, there was no GUI for attaching to local processes, so this trick/hack was the solution...)


GDB on Windows machine

Let us say I am on a Windows machine and I goto its command line terminal and type 'gdb' there. I get gdb prompt (gdb) as shown in the following image. It means gdb.exe is installed on the machine.
My understanding is that the GDB is client-server application. I want to know is this gdb.exe the gdbserver or gdbclient? If its the former then where would be the later and if its the later then where would be the former in this case?
GDB can be a client server application, but it doesn't have to be.
What you started is gdb itself, so, the client side. The server is actually called, gdbserver.
Usually, you'd make use of gdbserver when you want to debug something running on a different machine over a network (though there's nothing to stop you running gdbserver on the same machine as gdb itself).
You can also use gdb to directly start an application to debug, so at the (gdb) prompt you might do:
(gdb) file /path/to/some/executable
(gdb) break main
(gdb) run
For further reading the manual has lots of details, there's a simple example session and more details on remote debug.

How to kill server via terminal in VS Code?

Our local Macs are set up to run our local server via grep serve
When running from standard terminal, that command builds the project then spins up the local server. To kill it, I can use the break command (command-.).
We're doing a lot more in VS Code now which has the great feature of Terminal built in. However, it appears the command-. doesn't apply to that version of the terminal. So I'm at a bit of a does one stop the server via the terminal in VS Code?
Crtl+c should kill the currently running process in your terminal (VSCode or otherwise).

XCode: custom lldb or adding args to existing one

Recently I found that it's possible to debug via lldb remotely but from command line. So the question: is it possible somehow to replace standard lldb with my version or to have any control over command line which is passed from xcode when it's launched.
there are two reason for doing this:
pure remote debugging, extremely convenient when debugging focus/eventTarget issues (window/process activation/deactivation)
debugging of root processes following the manual Debugging in XCode as root . I'm aware about "debug as root" in xcode 6 option, but it doesn't work for me for some reason... Also notice that there an option to select a debugger in lld Debugger/Attach to Process/By Process Identifier (PID) or Name... However the option is only.

How can I automatically run my programs in a Terminal window & debug with Xcode?

I am building a program on Mac OS that uses the curses library. When I attempt to run it inside Xcode, I get this error message:
Error opening terminal: unknown.
And then curses calls exit.
Obviously, it works from a Terminal window.
Is it possible to launch my program in a terminal window from Xcode? I know that I can use the "Wait for XXX to launch" option, but a lot of Xcode's helpfulness in starting programs vanishes that way, so I would be looking for another way.
Xcode uses GDB, or LLDB for debugging.
You can invoke them directly from a terminal. This way, your executable will be attached to a working one.
gdb path/to/my/executable
Then, from the GDB prompt, type:
To start your program in debugging mode.
Take a look at the GDB manual for learning stuff like debugging commands, breakpoints, etc.

Can I use my gdb to debug an XCode project

I have a XCode which builds and runs under XCode.
I would like to know if it is possible to debug it using a gdb I build under Mac OSX (gdb 7 to be specified). If yes, can you please tell me how can I do that?
Thank you.
gdb-7.0 reverse debugging currently can only work with two classes of targets:
1) a remote simulator/emulator/virtual-machine that supports going backwards, or
2) the built in "process record" target, which at present has only been ported to x86-linux, x86-64 linux, and moxie linux.
Well, now -- I take that back. I recently discovered that process record can work with any remote x86 target, so if you're connecting with your macintosh target via "target remote", you might just be able to do it!
There is an online tutorial for process record here:
More info about process record here:
And about gdb reverse debugging here:
So you want to use your own version of gdb to debug your executable? Easy!
Open Terminal, and do something like this:
$ cd <directory where Xcode project lives>
$ cd build/Debug (for example - depends on project configuration)
$ /usr/local/bin/my-gdb ./MyExecutable
Of course, specifying the actual path to your custom gdb version.
XCode's debugger is gdb (likely with Apple-specific modifications.) When you debug an application you can get to the gdb command line by opening the Console from the Run menu.
What requirements are imposed on your application that would require you to debug with your own version of gdb?
