Debugging issues - debugging

I have a certain application in MSVC6.0 all C code. I have it as two workspaces :
1.) First workspace creates a static library file, *.lib after compiling the source.
2.)Second workspace has a test application(main()) and links the previously generated *.lib library and creates and exe.
When i try to single step the test application, i am not able to do so.
It keeps asking for a file crt0.c and even after pointing it to that file, i am not able to step in my main function at all, it exits without even entering my main.
[The same setup works if i just exectute Ctrl-F5. It works fine with correct output, so no issues in execution]
But i need to debug/single-step.
So i did one thing to verify.
Created one new workspace in MSVC6.0 (Win32 console application without generating this library et al. A single workspace generating an exe. In this new setup, i am able to debug through the main().
1.) Any pointers what is happening? Why am i not able to debug in my library-executable setup?
2.) How can i do the debugging in that setup? Any project settings i am missing on?

Under Project Settings / C++ / General, ensure you have debug information enabled, e.g. set to Program Database. Under Project Settings / Link / Debug, make sure Debug info is ticked and Microsoft format is selected.


VS2017 code changes not affecting .exe file

So I have a problem facing VS code changes.
Whatever changes I have applied to my solution and built, it is working fine and I can see those changes being applied when I debug. But the same changes aren't applying to the .exe file.
I have tried release build as well, Same with that. It Debugs the release build fine but doesn't apply those changes to the .exe file.
It Debugs the release build fine but doesn't apply those changes to
.exe file.
When you debug the project, VS debug engine will try to fetch the output project.exe and project.pdb for debugging. So if the debugging works well(those changes being applied), the output project.exe should also work without any issues(changes applied).
See this(for C++, similar situation with C#, VB):
This error message comes when VS debug engine can't find the output .exe, that's why I say if the changes are applied during debugging, it actually indicates the changes have been applied to your .exe file.
Let me name the project which outputs the .exe ProjectA, other projects in your solution are B,C,D. Here are two directions you can check:
If the code changes you mean is in Project A:
Right click project A in Solution Explorer=>Properties, check the value of your Output Directory(C++) or Output path in build tab(C#), it represents where the output .exe will actually exist, and VS debug engine will fetch the .exe in this path.
So make sure you tested the .exe in this path instead of old versions from other locations.
If the code changes you mean is in B,C,D, and A depends on B,C,D:
In most of the time VS will help copy the assemblies from B,C,D into A's bin folder, but I'm not sure if something's wrong with your environment which breaks this. You should make sure all the assemblies in your bin folder are updated.
I think this issue comes from your project instead of IDE(create a new simple project to check if the issue occurs in it). And in which way did you check if the changes are applied? Make sure you use the same way no matter checking during debugging or checking the .exe.
According to Sandesh, this issue could be resolved by a clean(clean
old versions completely) rebuild.
Right click your project and click property, in General page, set "Enable Managed Incremental Build" as "Yes". It will replace the old exe file after every builds.

How to tell linker that I want my dll build in debug mode to have d suffix

I'm building a library in debug mode and it builds fine, but the built version of this library doesn't indicate in any way that it is built in debug mode. What I mean is that if the library is called mylib and after building it in debug mode I'm getting mylib.dll I don't really know in what mode did I built it. I'd prefer that I would have my output called mylibd.dll or mylib_d_.dll, but is this possible to specify something like it in Visual Studio 2015?
In Visual Studio you can have settings that differ per build configuration. Therefore, to achieve what you want, you would change the library names only for the Debug configuration.
In Solution Explorer, right click on the library in question, and go to Properties. Make sure the Configuration combo is set to Debug. Then, in Configuration Properties select the General group and change the Target Name setting as you like.
There are also several individual settings for the output files generated:
Linker/General/Output File
Linker/Manifest File/Manifest File
Linker/Debugging/Generate Program Database File
Linker/Advanced/Import Library
You can double check the full command line in Linker/Command Line to make sure all the filenames match your expectations.
Similarly, this can be done for static libraries as well. The appropriate configuration properties group in this case is called Librarian.

Force Visual Studio 2010 to use source server for finding files

When I use Visual Studio 2010 to debug a crash dump file (native code), it attempts to load C/C++ source files from the original build folder (and it gives the message "The source file is different from when the module was built. Would you like the debugger to use it anyway?"). The message is correct; the file is not the correct version.
What I would like VS2010 to do is to check out the source file using source server. If the file does not currently exist in its original build location, VS2010 will correctly use source server and retrieve the appropriate revision of the file (from Subversion). In order to force it to check out the correct revision, I have to physically delete the file from the original build location.
As a side note, VS2005 works as desired (well ... as I desire, perhaps not as others desire). VS2005 will always check out the correct revision from source control regardless of whether a copy of the file exists in the original build folder.
I believe the question comes down to one of the following:
Is there some kind of setting available that will change VS2010's precedence for finding source files?
Alternatively, is it possible to make VS2010 offer a choice/option to check out the source file in question? (Currently the only option I see in this situation is to browse for it.)
Or is it possible to completely exclude a specific path (folder) from the search?
I have the same problem with VS2010 and made an attempt to figure it out. I monitored devenv.exe with procmon but didn't see anything out of the order with the files & registry keys it was accessing. Pretty much the same information you see in the error report when VS2010 can't find the source. My solution is to use VS2005 as it works fine. I did see some correspondence on MSDN about a similar (if not the same) bug and they claimed it would be fixed in the final release of 2012. I believe I have that final release of 2012 and it has the same problem.
Here's a maybe slightly complicated solution
1) Create a script that will download and replace the pdb file (a .bat, a python script, whatever)
2) Create a new External Tool within VS2010 (Tools -> External Tools -> Add)
3) Point the tool to your script and pass any project-specific stuff to it as arguments
4) Create a post-build or pre-build step in your project that will call your new External Tool (project properties -> Build Events -> whatever)
This is a lot of work, but at least it will fully integrate it into your building process.
Note: Sometimes I've noticed that my post-build steps won't run unless I've compiled at least on cpp file. I usually press F7 and build some source and then build fully, to make sure everything works as expected.
You can change the local source directory to a different name when you are debugging crash dump file.
Or you can change the build directory to a different path with your local directory.

How to make F12 work in MSDEV for non MSDEV project

I am working on a legacy (20 years plus) code base and doing the development in MSDEV 2010. The code is not built in MSDEV, it is done via a batch file using nmake.
I have created an empty windows project in MSDEV and pointed it at the relevant binaries. This works, I can either attach to the exe when it is running or run it in debug from the start - breakpoints, stepping etc all work.
However, I cannot use F12 to lookup the definition of things. When I press it I just get told it cannot find the definition. I have tried adding the files in but that does not seem to help.
Anyone know how I can set this up?
It was far easier than I thought. There is a separate option in 2010 to create a project from existing code.
I simply created the project and added the code from the root of my source tree. Intellisense now works (as does Phat Studio).
I am now trying to figure out how to set the build system up within MSDEV!

VS2010 - add custom compiler for certain file extensions

I've written a command-line OpenCL compiler. I'd like to have VS compile my kernel source files using this whenever I build the C# project that includes them. I've looked around and found information and custom build tasks, custom tools, etc, but I haven't been able to get it to work correctly.
How can I tell VS to run my exe on the source files in the same way that it runs the c# compiler, etc for other files in the project?
I report errors from this tool by calling Console.Error.WriteLine(). This dutifully places the errors in the Output pane, where I can double-click them, taking me to the appropriate place in the .cl kernel source file. However, the errors don't appear in the VS error panel. ??
Alternatively, if anyone's aware of an existing OpenCL compiler - it's annoying to have to run the host application just to compile the kernel - I'd appreciate a link.
I've managed to get this working by adding a post-build step to the project options. However, I'd really prefer for this exe to be run for every *.cl file in the project.
Update I had neglected to include an error code when formatting my error messages. Correcting them to match any of the formats listed here took care of that issue. Still trying to figure out how to associate an exe with a given file extension, though.
