Find the prefix substring which gives best compression - algorithm

Given a list of strings, find the substring which, if subtracted from the beginning of all strings where it matches and replaced by an escape byte, gives the shortest total length.
"foo", "fool", "bar"
The result is: "foo" as the base string with the strings "\0", "\0l", "bar" and a total length of 9 bytes. "\0" is the escape byte. The sum of the length of the original strings is 10, so in this case we only saved one byte.
A naive algorithm would look like:
for string in list
for i = 1, i < length of string
calculate total length based on prefix of string[0..i]
if better than last best, save it
return the best prefix
That will give us the answer, but it's something like O((n*m)^2), which is too expensive.

Use a forest of prefix trees (trie)...
f_2 b_1
/ |
o_2 a_1
| |
o_2 r_1
then, we can find the best result, and guarantee it, by maximizing (depth * frequency) which will be replaced with your escape character. You can optimize the search by doing a branch and bound depth first search for the maximum.
On the complexity: O(C), as mentioned in comment, for building it, and for finding the optimal, it depends. If you order the first elements frequency (O(A) --where A is the size of the languages alphabet), then you'll be able to cut out more branches, and have a good chance of getting sub-linear time.
I think this is clear, I am not going to write it up --what is this a homework assignment? ;)

I would try starting by sorting the list. Then you simply go from string to string comparing the first character to the next string's first char. Once you have a match you would look at the next char. You would need to devise a way to track the best result so far.

Well, first step would be to sort the list. Then one pass through the list, comparing each element with the previous, keeping track of the longest 2-character, 3-character, 4-character etc runs. Then figure is the 20 3-character prefixes better than the 15 4-character prefixes.


Check if string includes part of Fibonacci Sequence

Which way should I follow to create an algorithm to find out whether fibonacci sequence exists in a given string ?
The string includes only digits with no whitespaces and there may be more than one sequence, I need to find all of them.
If as your comment says the first number must have less than 6 digits, you can simply search for all positions there one of the 25 fibonacci numbers (there are only 25 with less than 6 digits) and than try to expand this 1 number sequence in both directions.
After your update:
You can even speed things up when you are only looking for sequences of at least 3 numbers.
Prebuild all 25 3-number-Strings that start with one of the 25 first fibonnaci-numbers this should give much less matches than the search for the single fibonacci-numbers I suggested above.
Than search for them (like described above and try to expand the found 3-number-sequences).
here's how I would approach this.
The main algorithm could search for triplets then try to extend them to as long a sequence as possible.
This leaves us with the subproblem of finding triplets. So if you are scanning through a string to look for fibonacci numbers, one thing you can take advantage of is that the next number must have the same number of digits or one more digit.
e.g. if you have the string "987159725844" and are considering "[987]159725844" then the next thing you need to look at is "987[159]725844" and "987[1597]25844". Then the next part you would find is "[2584]4" or "[25844]".
Once you have the 3 numbers you can check if they form an arithmetic progression with C - B == B - A. If they do you can now check if they are from the fibonacci sequence by seeing if the ratio is roughly 1.6 and then running the fibonacci iteration backwards down to the initial conditions 1,1.
The overall algorithm would then work by scanning through looking for all triples starting with width 1, then width 2, width 3 up to 6.
I'd say you should first find all interesting Fibonacci items (which, having 6 or less digits, are no more than 30) and store them into an array.
Then, loop every position in your input string, and try to find upon there the longest possible Fibonacci number (that is, you must browse the array backwards).
If some Fib number is found, then you must bifurcate to a secondary algorithm, consisting of merely going through the array from current position to the end, trying to match every item in the following substring. When the matching ends, you must get back to the main algorithm to keep searching in the input string from the current position.
None of these two algorithms is recursive, nor too expensive.
Ok. If no tables are allowed, you could still use this approach replacing in the first loop the way to get the bext Fibo number: Instead of indexing, apply your formula.

Make palindrome from given word

I have given word like abca. I want to know how many letters do I need to add to make it palindrome.
In this case its 1, because if I add b, I get abcba.
First, let's consider an inefficient recursive solution:
Suppose the string is of the form aSb, where a and b are letters and S is a substring.
If a==b, then f(aSb) = f(S).
If a!=b, then you need to add a letter: either add an a at the end, or add a b in the front. We need to try both and see which is better. So in this case, f(aSb) = 1 + min(f(aS), f(Sb)).
This can be implemented with a recursive function which will take exponential time to run.
To improve performance, note that this function will only be called with substrings of the original string. There are only O(n^2) such substrings. So by memoizing the results of this function, we reduce the time taken to O(n^2), at the cost of O(n^2) space.
The basic algorithm would look like this:
Iterate over the half the string and check if a character exists at the appropriate position at the other end (i.e., if you have abca then the first character is an a and the string also ends with a).
If they match, then proceed to the next character.
If they don't match, then note that a character needs to be added.
Note that you can only move backwords from the end when the characters match. For example, if the string is abcdeffeda then the outer characters match. We then need to consider bcdeffed. The outer characters don't match so a b needs to be added. But we don't want to continue with cdeffe (i.e., removing/ignoring both outer characters), we simply remove b and continue with looking at cdeffed. Similarly for c and this means our algorithm returns 2 string modifications and not more.

Searching strings with . wildcard

I have an array with so much strings and want to search for a pattern on it.
This pattern can have some "." wildcard who matches (each) 1 character (any).
For example:
myset = {"bar", "foo", "cya", "test"}
find(myset, "f.o") -> returns true (matches with "foo")
find(myset, "foo.") -> returns false
find(myset, ".e.t") -> returns true (matches with "test")
find(myset, "cya") -> returns true (matches with "cya")
I tried to find a way to implement this algorithm fast because myset actually is a very big array, but none of my ideas has satisfactory complexity (for example O(size_of(myset) * lenght(pattern)))
myset is an huge array, the words in it aren't big.
I can do a slow preprocessing. But I'll have so much find() queries, so find() I want find() to be as fast as possible.
You could build a suffix tree of the corpus of all possible words in your set (see this link)
Using this data structure your complexity would include a one time cost of O(n) to build the tree, where n is the sum of the lengths of all your words.
Once the tree is built finding if a string matches should take just O(n) where n is length of the string.
If the set is fixed, you could pre-calculate frequencies of a character c being at position p (for as many p values as you consider worth-while), then search through the array once, for each element testing characters at specific positions in an order such that you are most likely to exit early.
First, divide the corpus into sets per word length. Then your find algorithm can search over the appropriate set, since the input to find() always requires the match to have a specific length, and the algorithm can be designed to work well with all words of the same length.
Next (for each set), create a hash map from a hash of character x position to a list of matching words. It is quite ok to have a large amount of hash collision. You can use delta and run-length encoding to reduce the size of the list of matching words.
To search, pick the appropriate hash map for the find input length, and for each non . character, calculate the hash for that character x position, and AND together the lists of words, to get a much reduced list.
Brute force search through that much smaller list.
If you are sure that the length of the words in your set are not large. You could probably create a table which holds the following:
List of Words which have first Character 'a' , List of Words which have first Character 'b', ..
List of Words which have second Character 'a', List of words which have second Character 'b', ..
and so on.
When you are searching for the word. You can look for the list of words which have the first character same as the search strings' first character. With this refined list, look for the words which have the second character same as the search strings' second character and so on. You can ignore '.' whenever you encounter them.
I understand that building the table may take a large amount of space but the time taken will come down significantly.
For example, if you have myset = {"bar", "foo", "cya", "test"} and you are searching for 'f.o'
The moment you check for list of words starting with f, you eliminate the rest of the set. Just an idea.. Hope it helps.
I had this same question, and I wasn't completely happy with most of the ideas/solutions I found on the internet. I think the "right" way to do this is to use a Directed Acyclic Word Graph. I didn't quite do that, but I added some additional logic to a Trie to get a similar effect.
See my isWord() implementation, analogous to your desired find() interface. It works by recursing down the Trie, branching on wildcard, and then collecting results back into a common set. (See findNodes().)
getMatchingWords() is similar in spirit, except that it returns the set of matching words, instead of just a boolean as to whether or not the query matches anything.

Efficient data structure for word lookup with wildcards

I need to match a series of user inputed words against a large dictionary of words (to ensure the entered value exists).
So if the user entered:
"orange" it should match an entry "orange' in the dictionary.
Now the catch is that the user can also enter a wildcard or series of wildcard characters like say
"or__ge" which would also match "orange"
The key requirements are:
* this should be as fast as possible.
* use the smallest amount of memory to achieve it.
If the size of the word list was small I could use a string containing all the words and use regular expressions.
however given that the word list could contain potentially hundreds of thousands of enteries I'm assuming this wouldn't work.
So is some sort of 'tree' be the way to go for this...?
Any thoughts or suggestions on this would be totally appreciated!
Thanks in advance,
Put your word list in a DAWG (directed acyclic word graph) as described in Appel and Jacobsen's paper on the World's Fastest Scrabble Program (free copy at Columbia). For your search you will traverse this graph maintaining a set of pointers: on a letter, you make a deterministic transition to children with that letter; on a wildcard, you add all children to the set.
The efficiency will be roughly the same as Thompson's NFA interpretation for grep (they are the same algorithm). The DAWG structure is extremely space-efficient—far more so than just storing the words themselves. And it is easy to implement.
Worst-case cost will be the size of the alphabet (26?) raised to the power of the number of wildcards. But unless your query begins with N wildcards, a simple left-to-right search will work well in practice. I'd suggest forbidding a query to begin with too many wildcards, or else create multiple dawgs, e.g., dawg for mirror image, dawg for rotated left three characters, and so on.
Matching an arbitrary sequence of wildcards, e.g., ______ is always going to be expensive because there are combinatorially many solutions. The dawg will enumerate all solutions very quickly.
I would first test the regex solution and see whether it is fast enough - you might be surprised! :-)
However if that wasn't good enough I would probably use a prefix tree for this.
The basic structure is a tree where:
The nodes at the top level are all the possible first letters (i.e. probably 26 nodes from a-z assuming you are using a full dictionary...).
The next level down contains all the possible second letters for each given first letter
And so on until you reach an "end of word" marker for each word
Testing whether a given string with wildcards is contained in your dictionary is then just a simple recursive algorithm where you either have a direct match for each character position, or in the case of the wildcard you check each of the possible branches.
In the worst case (all wildcards but only one word with the right number of letters right at the end of the dictionary), you would traverse the entire tree but this is still only O(n) in the size of the dictionary so no worse than a full regex scan. In most cases it would take very few operations to either find a match or confirm that no such match exists since large branches of the search tree are "pruned" with each successive letter.
No matter which algorithm you choose, you have a tradeoff between speed and memory consumption.
If you can afford ~ O(N*L) memory (where N is the size of your dictionary and L is the average length of a word), you can try this very fast algorithm. For simplicity, will assume latin alphabet with 26 letters and MAX_LEN as the max length of word.
Create a 2D array of sets of integers, set<int> table[26][MAX_LEN].
For each word in you dictionary, add the word index to the sets in the positions corresponding to each of the letters of the word. For example, if "orange" is the 12345-th word in the dictionary, you add 12345 to the sets corresponding to [o][0], [r][1], [a][2], [n][3], [g][4], [e][5].
Then, to retrieve words corresponding to "", you find the intersection of the sets at [o][0], [r][1], [g][4], [e][5].
You can try a string-matrix:
0,1: A
1,5: APPLE
2,5: AXELS
3,5: EAGLE
4,5: HELLO
5,5: WORLD
Let's call this a ragged index-matrix, to spare some memory. Order it on length, and then on alphabetical order. To address a character I use the notation x,y:z: x is the index, y is the length of the entry, z is the position. The length of your string is f and g is the number of entries in the dictionary.
Create list m, which contains potential match indexes x.
Iterate on z from 0 to f.
Is it a wildcard and not the latest character of the search string?
Continue loop (all match).
Is m empty?
Search through all x from 0 to g for y that matches length. !!A!!
Does the z character matches with search string at that z? Save x in m.
Is m empty? Break loop (no match).
Is m not empty?
Search through all elements of m. !!B!!
Does not match with search? Remove from m.
Is m empty? Break loop (no match).
A wildcard will always pass the "Match with search string?". And m is equally ordered as the matrix.
!!A!!: Binary search on length of the search string. O(log n)
!!B!!: Binary search on alphabetical ordering. O(log n)
The reason for using a string-matrix is that you already store the length of each string (because it makes it search faster), but it also gives you the length of each entry (assuming other constant fields), such that you can easily find the next entry in the matrix, for fast iterating. Ordering the matrix isn't a problem: since this has only be done once the dictionary updates, and not during search-time.
If you are allowed to ignore case, which I assume, then make all the words in your dictionary and all the search terms the same case before anything else. Upper or lower case makes no difference. If you have some words that are case sensitive and others that are not, break the words into two groups and search each separately.
You are only matching words, so you can break the dictionary into an array of strings. Since you are only doing an exact match against a known length, break the word array into a separate array for each word length. So byLength[3] is the array off all words with length 3. Each word array should be sorted.
Now you have an array of words and a word with potential wild cards to find. Depending on wether and where the wildcards are, there are a few approaches.
If the search term has no wild cards, then do a binary search in your sorted array. You could do a hash at this point, which would be faster but not much. If the vast majority of your search terms have no wildcards, then consider a hash table or an associative array keyed by hash.
If the search term has wildcards after some literal characters, then do a binary search in the sorted array to find an upper and lower bound, then do a linear search in that bound. If the wildcards are all trailing then finding a non empty range is sufficient.
If the search term starts with wild cards, then the sorted array is no help and you would need to do a linear search unless you keep a copy of the array sorted by backwards strings. If you make such an array, then choose it any time there are more trailing than leading literals. If you do not allow leading wildcards then there is no need.
If the search term both starts and ends with wildcards, then you are stuck with a linear search within the words with equal length.
So an array of arrays of strings. Each array of strings is sorted, and contains strings of equal length. Optionally duplicate the whole structure with the sorting based on backwards strings for the case of leading wildcards.
The overall space is one or two pointers per word, plus the words. You should be able to store all the words in a single buffer if your language permits. Of course, if your language does not permit, grep is probably faster anyway. For a million words, that is 4-16MB for the arrays and similar for the actual words.
For a search term with no wildcards, performance would be very good. With wildcards, there will occasionally be linear searches across large groups of words. With the breakdown by length and a single leading character, you should never need to search more than a few percent of the total dictionary even in the worst case. Comparing only whole words of known length will always be faster than generic string matching.
Try to build a Generalized Suffix Tree if the dictionary will be matched by sequence of queries. There is linear time algorithm that can be used to build such tree (Ukkonen Suffix Tree Construction).
You can easily match (it's O(k), where k is the size of the query) each query by traversing from the root node, and use the wildcard character to match any character like typical pattern finding in suffix tree.

Algorithm to find lenth of longest sequence of blanks in a given string

Looking for an algorithm to find the length of longest sequence of blanks in a given string examining as few characters as possible?
Hint : Your program should become faster as the length of the sequence of blanks increases.
I know the solution which is O(n).. But looking for more optimal solution
You won't be able to find a solution which is a smaller complexity than O(n) because you need to pass through every character in the worst case with an input string that has at most 0 or 1 consecutive whitespace, or is completely whitespace.
You can do some optimizations though, but it'll still be considered O(n).
For example:
Let M be the current longest match so far as you go through your list. Also assume you can access input elements in O(1), for example you have an array as input.
When you see a non-whitespace you can skip M elements if the current + M is non whitespace. Surely no whitespace longer than M can be contained inside.
And when you see a whitepsace character, if current + M-1 is not whitespace you know you don't have the longest runs o you can skip in that case as well.
But in the worst case (when all characters are blank) you have to examine every character. So it can't be better than O(n) in complexity.
Rationale: assume the whole string is blank, you haven't examined N characters and your algorithms outputs n. Then if any non-examined character is not blank, your answer would be wrong. So for this particular input you have to examine the whole string.
There's no way to make it faster than O(N) in the worst case. However, here are a few optimizations, assuming 0-based indexing.
If you already have a complete sequence of L blanks (by complete I mean a sequence that is not a subsequence of a larger sequence), and L is at least as large as half the size of your string, you can stop.
If you have a complete sequence of L blanks, once you hit a space at position i check if the character at position i + L is also a space. If it is, continue scanning from position i forwards as you might find a larger sequence - however, if you encounter a non-space until position i + L, then you can skip directly to i + L + 1. If it isn't a space, there's no way you can build a larger sequence starting at i, so scan forwards starting from i + L + 1.
If you have a complete sequence of blanks of length L, and you are at position i and you have k positions left to examine, and k <= L, you can stop your search, as obviously there's no way you'll be able to find anything better anymore.
To prove that you can't make it faster than O(N), consider a string that contains no spaces. You will have to access each character once, so it's O(N). Same with a string that contains nothing but spaces.
The obvious idea: you can jump by K+1 places (where K is the current longest space sequence) and scan back if you found a space.
This way you have something about (n + n/M)/2 = n(M+1)/2M positions checked.
Another idea would be to apply a kind of binary search. This is like follows: for a given k you make a procedure that checks whether there is a sequence of spaces with length >= k. This can be achieved in O(n/k) steps. Then, you try to find the maximal k with binary search.
During the consequent searches, you can utilize the knowledge that the sequence of some length k already exist, and start skipping at k from the very beginning.
What ever you do, the worst case will always be o(n) - if those blanks are on the last part of the string... (or the last "checked" part of the string).
