Make palindrome from given word - algorithm

I have given word like abca. I want to know how many letters do I need to add to make it palindrome.
In this case its 1, because if I add b, I get abcba.

First, let's consider an inefficient recursive solution:
Suppose the string is of the form aSb, where a and b are letters and S is a substring.
If a==b, then f(aSb) = f(S).
If a!=b, then you need to add a letter: either add an a at the end, or add a b in the front. We need to try both and see which is better. So in this case, f(aSb) = 1 + min(f(aS), f(Sb)).
This can be implemented with a recursive function which will take exponential time to run.
To improve performance, note that this function will only be called with substrings of the original string. There are only O(n^2) such substrings. So by memoizing the results of this function, we reduce the time taken to O(n^2), at the cost of O(n^2) space.

The basic algorithm would look like this:
Iterate over the half the string and check if a character exists at the appropriate position at the other end (i.e., if you have abca then the first character is an a and the string also ends with a).
If they match, then proceed to the next character.
If they don't match, then note that a character needs to be added.
Note that you can only move backwords from the end when the characters match. For example, if the string is abcdeffeda then the outer characters match. We then need to consider bcdeffed. The outer characters don't match so a b needs to be added. But we don't want to continue with cdeffe (i.e., removing/ignoring both outer characters), we simply remove b and continue with looking at cdeffed. Similarly for c and this means our algorithm returns 2 string modifications and not more.


How to get the smallest in lexicographical order?

I am doing a leetcode exercise
The question is:
# Given a string which contains only lowercase letters, remove duplicate
# letters so that every letter appear once and only once. You must make
# sure your result is the smallest in lexicographical order among all possible results.
# Example:
# Given "bcabc"
# Return "abc"
# Given "cbacdcbc"
# Return "acdb"
I am not quite sure about what is the smallest in lexicographical order and why Given "cbacdcbc" then the answer would be "acdb"
Thanks for the answer in advance :)
The smallest lexicographical order is an order relation where string s is smaller than t, given the first character of s (s1) is smaller than the first character of t (t1), or in case they are equivalent, the second character, etc.
So aaabbb is smaller than aaac because although the first three characters are equal, the fourth character b is smaller than the fourth character c.
For cbacdcbc, there are several options, since b and c are duplicates, you can decided which duplicates to remove. This results in:
cbacdcbc = adbc
cbacdcbc = adcb
cbacdcbc = badc
cbacdcbc = badc
since adbc < adcb, you cannot thus simply answer with the first answer that pops into your mind.
You cannot reorder characters. You can only choose which occurrence to remove in case of duplicated characters.
We can remove either first b or second b, we can remove either first c or second c. All together four outputs:
Sort these four outputs lexicographically (alphabetically):
And take the first one:
clearly, the wanted output must contain only letter once.
now, from what i understand, you must pick the letters in a manner that will give you the best order when the leftmost letters come before in (abc? ascii?)
now you'd ask why "acdb" than and not "abcd". i think you don't take the first "cb" since you more c and b later, but you're have to take the "a" since there's only one coming now. then you must take c 'cause there are no more "d" after the next b. that's why you take c, and then d because no more d's later.
in short, you want to take it with best lexicographical order from low to high, but make sure you take all the letters while iterating over the input string.
String comparison usually can be done in 2 ways:
compare for first unmatched letter (called lexicographical ) for example aacccccc is less than ab because at second position b has been met (and a < b).
compare string length first and shorter string is treated as less. If strings length are equal then apply lexicographical.
Second one may be faster if length of strings are known.
You question contains small error:
why Given "bcabc" then the answer would be "acdb"
While origin was: "Given "bcabc" Return "abc"". That make sense that abc should be returned instead of bca
There seems to be some misunderstanding; the example states that for the input bcabc, the expected output should be abc, not acdb, which refers to the input cbacdcbc.
the smallest in lexicographical order - your answer should be a subsequence of initial string, containing one instance of every char.
If there are many such subsequences possible (bca, bac, cab, abc for the first example), return the smallest one, comparing them as strings (consider string order in vocabulary).
why Given "bcabc" then the answer would be "acdb"
You confused two different examples

Best way to implement partial key hashing

I appeared for an interview where I was asked to write an algorithm for partial key hashing i.e; if ABCBC is inserted in the hash then searching for any of the sub strings should return the value stored.
My answer was to create a collection of all possible substrings of a given key and maintain a mapping between each substring to its one or more parent string. Then maintain a BST of the collection of all substrings. Each node will point to a collection of actual values which that substring might match to.
For eg.
A, AB, ABC, ABCB, ABCBC, B, BC, BCB, BCBC, C, CB, CBC are possible substrings for this string. There may be other strings also like BAB of which, AB and B are substring of.
So given AB, it will map to two strings BAB and ABCBC.
Is there any other more efficient way ?
Store each substring in the hash, with a note for whether it is final, and the possible next characters and previous characters. Store previous characters for all words that could have this substring in the middle, and next characters for all words that have this substring as their start.
Thus the entry for a does not need to have all words with a in it. But it is easy enough to build that list if you want to. Also during an insert as soon as you are going down in size on substrings and you find that you already have the current substring with the current continuation, you can stop.
Assuming that you have many words with the same letters, this will save some on space and inserts, at the cost of making actually generating the list slower. Worst case is still O(n*n) for an n letter string though.
To delete you can follow a similar procedure, stopping deletes at any substring that has other substrings coming into it.

Searching strings with . wildcard

I have an array with so much strings and want to search for a pattern on it.
This pattern can have some "." wildcard who matches (each) 1 character (any).
For example:
myset = {"bar", "foo", "cya", "test"}
find(myset, "f.o") -> returns true (matches with "foo")
find(myset, "foo.") -> returns false
find(myset, ".e.t") -> returns true (matches with "test")
find(myset, "cya") -> returns true (matches with "cya")
I tried to find a way to implement this algorithm fast because myset actually is a very big array, but none of my ideas has satisfactory complexity (for example O(size_of(myset) * lenght(pattern)))
myset is an huge array, the words in it aren't big.
I can do a slow preprocessing. But I'll have so much find() queries, so find() I want find() to be as fast as possible.
You could build a suffix tree of the corpus of all possible words in your set (see this link)
Using this data structure your complexity would include a one time cost of O(n) to build the tree, where n is the sum of the lengths of all your words.
Once the tree is built finding if a string matches should take just O(n) where n is length of the string.
If the set is fixed, you could pre-calculate frequencies of a character c being at position p (for as many p values as you consider worth-while), then search through the array once, for each element testing characters at specific positions in an order such that you are most likely to exit early.
First, divide the corpus into sets per word length. Then your find algorithm can search over the appropriate set, since the input to find() always requires the match to have a specific length, and the algorithm can be designed to work well with all words of the same length.
Next (for each set), create a hash map from a hash of character x position to a list of matching words. It is quite ok to have a large amount of hash collision. You can use delta and run-length encoding to reduce the size of the list of matching words.
To search, pick the appropriate hash map for the find input length, and for each non . character, calculate the hash for that character x position, and AND together the lists of words, to get a much reduced list.
Brute force search through that much smaller list.
If you are sure that the length of the words in your set are not large. You could probably create a table which holds the following:
List of Words which have first Character 'a' , List of Words which have first Character 'b', ..
List of Words which have second Character 'a', List of words which have second Character 'b', ..
and so on.
When you are searching for the word. You can look for the list of words which have the first character same as the search strings' first character. With this refined list, look for the words which have the second character same as the search strings' second character and so on. You can ignore '.' whenever you encounter them.
I understand that building the table may take a large amount of space but the time taken will come down significantly.
For example, if you have myset = {"bar", "foo", "cya", "test"} and you are searching for 'f.o'
The moment you check for list of words starting with f, you eliminate the rest of the set. Just an idea.. Hope it helps.
I had this same question, and I wasn't completely happy with most of the ideas/solutions I found on the internet. I think the "right" way to do this is to use a Directed Acyclic Word Graph. I didn't quite do that, but I added some additional logic to a Trie to get a similar effect.
See my isWord() implementation, analogous to your desired find() interface. It works by recursing down the Trie, branching on wildcard, and then collecting results back into a common set. (See findNodes().)
getMatchingWords() is similar in spirit, except that it returns the set of matching words, instead of just a boolean as to whether or not the query matches anything.

Tokenize valid words from a long string

Suppose you have a dictionary that contains valid words.
Given an input string with all spaces removed, determine whether the string is composed of valid words or not.
You can assume the dictionary is a hashtable that provides O(1) lookup.
Some examples:
helloworld-> hello world (valid)
isitniceinhere-> is it nice in here (valid)
zxyy-> invalid
If a string has multiple possible parsings, just return true is sufficient.
The string can be very long. Hence think an algorithm that is both space & time efficient.
I think the set of all strings that occur as the concatenation of valid words (words taken from a finite dictionary) form a regular language over the alphabet of characters. You can then build a finite automaton that accepts exactly the strings you want; computation time is O(n).
For instance, let the dictionary consist of the words {bat, bag}. Then we construct the following automaton: states are denoted by 0, 1, 2. Edges: (0,1,b), (1,2,a), (2,0,t), (2,0,g); where the triple (x,y,z) means an edge leading from x to y on input z. The only accepting state is 0. In each step, on reading the next input sign, you have to calculate the set of states that are reachable on that input. Given that the number of states in the automaton is constant, this is of complexity O(n). As for space complexity, I think you can do with O(number of words) with the hint for construction above.
For an other example, with the words {bag, bat, bun, but} the automaton would look like this:
Supposing that the automaton has already been built (the time to do this has something to do with the length and number of words :-) we now argue that the time to decide whether a string is accepted by the automaton is O(n) where n is the length of the input string.
More formally, our algorithm is as follows:
Let S be a set of states, initially containing the starting state.
Read the next input character, let us denote it by a.
For each element s in S, determine the state that we move into from s on reading a; that is, the state r such that with the notation above (s,r,a) is an edge. Let us denote the set of these states by R. That is, R = {r | s in S, (s,r,a) is an edge}.
(If R is empty, the string is not accepted and the algorithm halts.)
If there are no more input symbols, check whether any of the accepting states is in R. (In our case, there is only one accepting state, the starting state.) If so, the string is accepted, if not, the string is not accepted.
Otherwise, take S := R and go to 2.
Now, there are as many executions of this cycle as there are input symbols. The only thing we have to examine is that steps 3 and 5 take constant time. Given that the size of S and R is not greater than the number of states in the automaton, which is constant and that we can store edges in a way such that lookup time is constant, this follows. (Note that we of course lose multiple 'parsings', but that was not a requirement either.)
I think this is actually called the membership problem for regular languages, but I couldn't find a proper online reference.
I'd go for a recursive algorithm with implicit backtracking. Function signature: f: input -> result, with input being the string, result either true or false depending if the entire string can be tokenized correctly.
Works like this:
If input is the empty string, return true.
Look at the length-one prefix of input (i.e., the first character). If it is in the dictionary, run f on the suffix of input. If that returns true, return true as well.
If the length-one prefix from the previous step is not in the dictionary, or the invocation of f in the previous step returned false, make the prefix longer by one and repeat at step 2. If the prefix cannot be made any longer (already at the end of the string), return false.
Rinse and repeat.
For dictionaries with low to moderate amount of ambiguous prefixes, this should fetch a pretty good running time in practice (O(n) in the average case, I'd say), though in theory, pathological cases with O(2^n) complexity can probably be constructed. However, I doubt we can do any better since we need backtracking anyways, so the "instinctive" O(n) approach using a conventional pre-computed lexer is out of the question. ...I think.
EDIT: the estimate for the average-case complexity is likely incorrect, see my comment.
Space complexity would be only stack space, so O(n) even in the worst-case.

Find the prefix substring which gives best compression

Given a list of strings, find the substring which, if subtracted from the beginning of all strings where it matches and replaced by an escape byte, gives the shortest total length.
"foo", "fool", "bar"
The result is: "foo" as the base string with the strings "\0", "\0l", "bar" and a total length of 9 bytes. "\0" is the escape byte. The sum of the length of the original strings is 10, so in this case we only saved one byte.
A naive algorithm would look like:
for string in list
for i = 1, i < length of string
calculate total length based on prefix of string[0..i]
if better than last best, save it
return the best prefix
That will give us the answer, but it's something like O((n*m)^2), which is too expensive.
Use a forest of prefix trees (trie)...
f_2 b_1
/ |
o_2 a_1
| |
o_2 r_1
then, we can find the best result, and guarantee it, by maximizing (depth * frequency) which will be replaced with your escape character. You can optimize the search by doing a branch and bound depth first search for the maximum.
On the complexity: O(C), as mentioned in comment, for building it, and for finding the optimal, it depends. If you order the first elements frequency (O(A) --where A is the size of the languages alphabet), then you'll be able to cut out more branches, and have a good chance of getting sub-linear time.
I think this is clear, I am not going to write it up --what is this a homework assignment? ;)
I would try starting by sorting the list. Then you simply go from string to string comparing the first character to the next string's first char. Once you have a match you would look at the next char. You would need to devise a way to track the best result so far.
Well, first step would be to sort the list. Then one pass through the list, comparing each element with the previous, keeping track of the longest 2-character, 3-character, 4-character etc runs. Then figure is the 20 3-character prefixes better than the 15 4-character prefixes.
