Creation of Dynamic Entities in MS CRM 4.0 - dynamics-crm

I am trying to create a new contact using Dynamic Entity. The sample i found in CRM SDK had this code.
// Set the properties of the contact using property objects.
StringProperty firstname = new StringProperty();
firstname.Name = "firstname";
firstname.Value = "Jesper";
StringProperty lastname = new StringProperty();
lastname.Name = "lastname";
lastname.Value = "Aaberg";
// Create the DynamicEntity object.
DynamicEntity contactEntity = new DynamicEntity();
// Set the name of the entity type.
contactEntity.Name =;
// Set the properties of the contact.
contactEntity.Properties = new Property[] {firstname, lastname};
In my code i have the following implementation.
StringProperty sp_Field1 = new StringProperty("Field1","Value1");
StringProperty sp_Field2 = new StringProperty("Field2","Value1");
CrmService service = new CrmService();
service.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
// Create the DynamicEntity object.
DynamicEntity contactEntity = new DynamicEntity();
// Set the name of the entity type.
contactEntity.Name =;
// Set the properties of the contact.
contactEntity.Properties = new Property[] {sp_Field1,sp_Field2};
I don't see much differences in the code. In the examples i found in the internet i have the same implementation as i found in SDK. But if i run the same i get the following error
CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.StringProperty' to 'Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.PropertyCollection'
I tried created a new variable of type PropertyCollection(one that belongs in mscrm namespace) and added the stringpropertys into that and passed it to the entity.
Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.PropertyCollection propTest = new Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.PropertyCollection();
contactEntity.Properties = new Property[] {propTest};
This gave me the following error
CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.PropertyCollection' to 'Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Property'
I am sure its a minor typecasting error but i am not able to figure out where the error is. And moreover, even if it was a typecasting error why is it working for all the samples given in the internet and not for me. I tried getting the code sample to run but i am encountering the same conversion error. Please let me know if you need more info on this, any help on this would be appreciated.

Here is an article from Microsoft that makes an attempt to discuss this topic:
This is not a bug that you are running into but more of a difference in design between the way the two assemblies work and what they are designed to do.
If you want to continue to use the Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.dll you should be able to accomplish your goal with the following...
StringProperty sp_Field1 = new StringProperty("Field1","Value1");
StringProperty sp_Field2 = new StringProperty("Field2","Value1");
CrmService service = new CrmService();
service.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
// Create the DynamicEntity object.
DynamicEntity contactEntity = new DynamicEntity();
// Set the name of the entity type.
contactEntity.Name =;
// Set the properties of the contact.
PropertyCollection properties = new PropertyCollection();
contactEntity.Properties = properties;

Thanks SaaS Developer, that code is working fine now. One more way of doing it would be to directly add the StringProperty to the entity property collection.
Thanks again for replying :)

I believe the issue is that you are referencing the dynamic entity class in the Microsoft.Crm.Sdk assembly. The sample in the SDK is using a reference to the CRM web service. This can get confusing as both assemblies contain many of the same types, however they are different.


FaultException when using ExecuteTransactionRequest (CRM 2015)

I'm doing a bit of a technical investigation into the ExecuteTransactionRequest. It's not something I've ever used before so I knocked up a very quick experiment just to see how it works. However, when sending off the request the OrganizationService is throwing back a FaultException (below). What I believe is happening is that my version of CRM doesn't support that OrganizationRequest. Although I'm pretty sure I have the right assemblies and version.
Can anyone please shed some light on what I'm missing?
CRM Deployment Version:
Organization Version:
Microsoft.Xrm Assembly Version: (Also happened with
An unhandled exception of type 'System.ServiceModel.FaultException'
occurred in Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll
Additional information: The formatter threw an exception while trying
to deserialize the message: There was an error while trying to
deserialize parameter The
InnerException message was 'Error in line 1 position 451. Element
contains data from a type that maps to the name
The deserializer has no knowledge of any type that maps to this name.
Consider changing the implementation of the ResolveName method on your
DataContractResolver to return a non-null value for name
'ExecuteTransactionRequest' and namespace
''.'. Please see
InnerException for more details.
CrmConnection connection = CrmConnection.Parse(GetCrmConnectionString("unmanaged"));
IOrganizationService orgService = new OrganizationService(connection);
ExecuteTransactionRequest transactionRequest = new ExecuteTransactionRequest()
ReturnResponses = true,
Requests = new OrganizationRequestCollection()
Entity newContact = new Entity("contact");
newContact["firstname"] = "Stack";
newContact["lastname"] = "Overflow";
CreateRequest createRequest = new CreateRequest()
Target = newContact
ExecuteTransactionResponse transactionResponse = (ExecuteTransactionResponse)orgService.Execute(transactionRequest);
Quick look at your code, looked like it was because of the CreateRequest not being added to the collection. After your comments and double checking the crm organization version, you are on CRM 2015 (not on update 1). ExecuteTransactionRequest is only supported by CRM 2015 update 1 (version 7.1.XXX) and up (version 8.0.XXX) organizations. So unfortunately, your query won't work until at least the 2015 update is applied to the organization.
You did not add your create request to the ExecuteTransactionRequest - Requests collection. An empty request collection is causing the exceptions most likely.
ExecuteTransactionRequest transactionRequest = new ExecuteTransactionRequest()
ReturnResponses = true,
Requests = new OrganizationRequestCollection()
Entity newContact = new Entity("contact");
newContact["firstname"] = "Stack";
newContact["lastname"] = "Overflow";
CreateRequest createRequest = new CreateRequest()
Target = newContact
transactionRequest.Requests.Add(createRequest); //missing
ExecuteTransactionResponse transactionResponse = (ExecuteTransactionResponse)orgService.Execute(transactionRequest);

XrmServiceContext object is not getting the latest data from CRM

i have a wcf which connects to crm (on prem) to retrieve an account record. i can see when the entity is retrieved it does not hold the current record i.e. some field will still hold the old column value. i tried with various merge option with no avail. please see the code below
using (XrmServiceContext cContext = new XrmServiceContext(con))
Entity ent = cContext.Retrieve(ConstantKVP.AccountSchema.ENTITY_LOGICAL_NAME, AccountId, new ColumnSet(true));
any suggestions?
Is it possible the data is being cached?
cContext.TryAccessCache(cache => cache.Mode = OrganizationServiceCacheMode.Disabled);
I took this approach for a CrmOrganizationServiceContext, so perhaps the same theory applies.
After save use clear changes cContext.ClearChanges();
For retrieves use MergeOption.OverwriteChanges
Create a new XrmServiceContext object by passing a newed up organizationservice:
var uncachedOrganizationService = new OrganizationService("Xrm");
var uncachedXrmServiceContext = new XrmServiceContext(uncachedOrganizationService);
var ent = uncachedXrmServiceContext.Retrieve(ConstantKVP.AccountSchema.ENTITY_LOGICAL_NAME,AccountId,new ColumnSet(true));

Dynamics CRM saving Entity Changes - Getting Errors

I'm really scratching my head with this. I'm trying to use the Dynamics CRM SDK to update an account record. No matter what I try, it's failing. Here goes.
Account sampleAccount = CrmAccount.GetAccountsBySubmissionCode(crmService, "ERZZUP").Single<Account>();
sampleAccount.Name = "AMC Edited";
Gives the error: EntityState must be set to null, Created (for Create message) or Changed (for Update message)
XrmServiceContext ctx = new XrmServiceContext(crmService);
Account sampleAccount = CrmAccount.GetAccountsBySubmissionCode(crmService, "ERZZUP").Single<Account>();
sampleAccount.Name = "AMC Edited";
Gives the error: The context is not currently tracking the 'account' entity.
XrmServiceContext ctx = new XrmServiceContext(crmService);
Account sampleAccount = CrmAccount.GetAccountsBySubmissionCode(crmService, "ERZZUP").Single<Account>();
sampleAccount.Name = "AMC Edited";
Gives the error: The 'account' entity is already attached to a context.
For reference,
1. The Account object is created by the SDK Early Bound Code Generation Tool
2. crmService is the IOrganizationService connection object
3. GetAccounts ... performs a LINQ query and return an IEnumerable
Please help.
Refer to, particularly the "Multiple Data Contexts" part. It seems you're using multiple contexts to track the entities. The CrmAccount.GetAccountsBySubmissionCode method just hides this from you.
Make sure within the CrmAccount.GetAccountsBySubmissionCode method to dispose of the context/service before returning the IEnumerable<Account>, or make sure you use the same context/service to Update.

CIM in an MVC3 app - how to instantiate ServiceSoap?

I'm integrating CIM into an MVC3 app. I've added a service reference using the development url and coded the following:
public long x()
var u = this.User.Identity as IClaimsIdentity;
var id = u.Claims.First(x => x.ClaimType == ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier);
AuthorizeNet.CustomerProfileType cust = new AuthorizeNet.CustomerProfileType();
cust.merchantCustomerId = id.Value;
AuthorizeNet.MerchantAuthenticationType merch = new AuthorizeNet.MerchantAuthenticationType(); = "8aFRk4663XMd";
merch.transactionKey = "4MS675e62fQEdUXN";
AuthorizeNet.ServiceSoap svc = new AuthorizeNet.ServiceSoap();
AuthorizeNet.CreateCustomerProfileResponseType response = svc.CreateCustomerProfile(
merch, cust, AuthorizeNet.ValidationModeEnum.none
return response.customerProfileId;
but, of course, it doesn't work because one cannot instantiate an interface like that (.ServiceSoap is an interface). The sample code makes a reference to a .Service - but that doesn't exist AFAICT.
so how is this supposed to work?
TIA - e!
p.s. I did find an old posting with precisely my problem, but alas, no solution
well... at least for now the answer seems to be: don't generate a Service Reference but a Web Reference (you can do it by clicking on the Advanced button of the Service Reference dialogue).
so eeky.

Windows Workflow Foundation 4.0 and Persistence

I'm using the Beta 2 version of Visual Studio 2010 to get a head start on learning to use WF4, and have run into a problem with persistence. In the code below, if I use the commented out creattion of a WorkflowApplication object, persistence works fine. If I use the un-commented creation below, where I pass a dictionary for arguments I want to pass in, then persistence breaks. Any ideas why this may be, and how to fix it?
List<Approver> approversRequired = new List<Approver>();
approversRequired.Add(new Approver("Dept Manager"));
approversRequired.Add(new Approver("Center Manager"));
Dictionary<String, Object> wfArguments = new Dictionary<string, object>();
wfArguments.Add("ApproversRequired", approversRequired);
//WorkflowApplication workflowApp = new WorkflowApplication(
// new WebCARSWorkflow());
WorkflowApplication workflowApp = new WorkflowApplication(
new WebCARSWorkflow(), wfArguments);
InstanceStore instanceStore = new SqlWorkflowInstanceStore(
#"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=True;Initial Catalog=WorkflowInstanceStore");
InstanceView view = instanceStore.Execute(
instanceStore.CreateInstanceHandle(), new CreateWorkflowOwnerCommand(),
instanceStore.DefaultInstanceOwner = view.InstanceOwner;
workflowApp.InstanceStore = instanceStore;
workflowApp.PersistableIdle = (waie) => PersistableIdleAction.Unload;
WorkflowGuid.Text = workflowApp.Id.ToString();
workflowApp.ResumeBookmark("RequestSubmitted", "Submitted");
Is the Approver you pass in as a parameter decorated with the Serializable or the DataContract attribute?
You can see persitence errors using the Aborted callback
workflowApp.Aborted = e => Console.WriteLine(e.Reason);
