Dynamics CRM saving Entity Changes - Getting Errors - dynamics-crm

I'm really scratching my head with this. I'm trying to use the Dynamics CRM SDK to update an account record. No matter what I try, it's failing. Here goes.
Account sampleAccount = CrmAccount.GetAccountsBySubmissionCode(crmService, "ERZZUP").Single<Account>();
sampleAccount.Name = "AMC Edited";
Gives the error: EntityState must be set to null, Created (for Create message) or Changed (for Update message)
XrmServiceContext ctx = new XrmServiceContext(crmService);
Account sampleAccount = CrmAccount.GetAccountsBySubmissionCode(crmService, "ERZZUP").Single<Account>();
sampleAccount.Name = "AMC Edited";
Gives the error: The context is not currently tracking the 'account' entity.
XrmServiceContext ctx = new XrmServiceContext(crmService);
Account sampleAccount = CrmAccount.GetAccountsBySubmissionCode(crmService, "ERZZUP").Single<Account>();
sampleAccount.Name = "AMC Edited";
Gives the error: The 'account' entity is already attached to a context.
For reference,
1. The Account object is created by the SDK Early Bound Code Generation Tool
2. crmService is the IOrganizationService connection object
3. GetAccounts ... performs a LINQ query and return an IEnumerable
Please help.

Refer to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg695783.aspx, particularly the "Multiple Data Contexts" part. It seems you're using multiple contexts to track the entities. The CrmAccount.GetAccountsBySubmissionCode method just hides this from you.
Make sure within the CrmAccount.GetAccountsBySubmissionCode method to dispose of the context/service before returning the IEnumerable<Account>, or make sure you use the same context/service to Update.


XrmServiceContext object is not getting the latest data from CRM

i have a wcf which connects to crm (on prem) to retrieve an account record. i can see when the entity is retrieved it does not hold the current record i.e. some field will still hold the old column value. i tried with various merge option with no avail. please see the code below
using (XrmServiceContext cContext = new XrmServiceContext(con))
Entity ent = cContext.Retrieve(ConstantKVP.AccountSchema.ENTITY_LOGICAL_NAME, AccountId, new ColumnSet(true));
any suggestions?
Is it possible the data is being cached?
cContext.TryAccessCache(cache => cache.Mode = OrganizationServiceCacheMode.Disabled);
I took this approach for a CrmOrganizationServiceContext, so perhaps the same theory applies.
After save use clear changes cContext.ClearChanges();
For retrieves use MergeOption.OverwriteChanges
Create a new XrmServiceContext object by passing a newed up organizationservice:
var uncachedOrganizationService = new OrganizationService("Xrm");
var uncachedXrmServiceContext = new XrmServiceContext(uncachedOrganizationService);
var ent = uncachedXrmServiceContext.Retrieve(ConstantKVP.AccountSchema.ENTITY_LOGICAL_NAME,AccountId,new ColumnSet(true));

CRM do not support direct update of Entity Reference properties, Use Navigation properties instead

I am using Ms Dynamic Web Api with Simple OData. I need to add new record for link entities.
I am using the below code snip and refer the documentation on
var newContactData = await _oDataClient
firstname = contactData.ContatDetails.firstname,
lastname = contactData.ContatDetails.lastname,
emailaddress1 = contactData.ContatDetails.emailaddress1
var newContactLink = await _oDataClient.For<New_project_contactses>()
_new_contact_project_name_new_value = contactData.ContatDetailsLink._new_contact_project_name_new_value,
new_project_contactsid = new Guid("0eb46b24-21a2-e611-80eb-c4346bc5b2d4"),
new_contact_type = contactData.ContatDetailsLink.new_contact_type,
.InsertEntryAsync(resultRequired: true);
i am getting exception
CRM do not support direct update of Entity Reference properties, Use
Navigation properties insteadS
Well, it is possible, but you need to use the special "#odata.bind" syntax to update your single-navigation properties.
For example, to update an account so that it references an existing primarycontactid, you can use a PATCH operation to the /api/data/v8.2/accounts endpoint with the following body:
"name":"Sample Account",
See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg328090.aspx#Anchor_3 (it is discussed in terms of creating an entity, but it works for updating as well).
I figure out the issue With Dynamc CRM you cannot directly update reference entities Field. You can identify reference entity properties start with "_".

What is the correct way to call patch from an OData client in Web Api 2

Following the OData samples created by the web api team, my controller has the following for supporting Patch:
public HttpResponseMessage Patch([FromODataUri] int key, Delta<Foo> item)
var dbVersion = myDb.GetById(key);
if(dbVersion == null)
throw Request.EntityNotFound();
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NoContent);
and using the auto-generated client (derived from DataServiceContext), I submit a patch request like this:
var foo = svcContainer.Foos.Where (f => f.Id == 1).SingleOrDefault();
foo.Description = "Updated Description";
However, tracing the call in fiddler, I see that all other properties of Foo are serialized and sent to the service. Is that the correct behavior? I expected only the Id and Description to be sent over the wire. Also, if I debug the service method and call
GetChangedPropertyNames on item, all its property names are returned.
Should I be creating some sort of Delta instance on the client?
I understand the disconnected nature of the service and thus the service side does not have a context for tracking changes, but it seems to me the api team added support for patch for a reason, so I'd like to know if the client ought to be invoking the update in a different manner.
The link YiDing provided explains how to create a true PATCH request from the client (using the Microsoft.OData.Client.DataServiceContext created by the Microsoft.OData.Client 6.2.0 and above.
For convenience, here is the code snippet:
var svcContainer = new Default.Container(<svcUri>);
var changeTracker = new DataServiceCollection<Foo>(svcContainer.Foos.Where(f => f.Id == 1));
changeTracker[0].Description = "Patched Description";
The DataServiceCollection implements property tracking, and using this pattern, only the updated properties are sent to the service.
Without using DataServiceCollection and simply using
all properties are still sent over the wire despite documentation to the contrary, at least as of Microsoft.OData.Client 6.7.0
The client side property tracking is now supported from Microsoft.OData.Client version 6.2.0. It will detect only the modified properties of an entity and send the update request as PATCH instead of PUT to meet the requirement of your scenario. Please refer to this blog post for more details:

LINQ CRM 2011 Update - Create

I notice the the CRM moderator David Jennaway on the technet forum states that you can't use LINQ to update/Create records in CRM 2011 see here http://social.microsoft.com/Forums/en-IE/crmdevelopment/thread/682a7be2-1c07-497e-8f58-cea55c298062
But I have seen a few threads that make it seem as if it should work. Here is my attempt which doesn't work. Any ideas why not?
IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory = (IOrganizationServiceFactory)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IOrganizationServiceFactory));
IOrganizationService service = serviceFactory.CreateOrganizationService(context.UserId);
OrganizationServiceContext orgContext = new OrganizationServiceContext(service);
EntityState state = new EntityState();
state = EntityState.Changed;
var counter = from c in orgContext.CreateQuery<pcx_entitycounter>()
where c.pcx_name.Contains("pcx_candidate")
select new pcx_entitycounter
{Id = c.Id,
pcx_name = c.pcx_name, pcx_Sequence = c.pcx_Sequence, pcx_Prefix = c.pcx_Prefix
foreach (var c in counter)
string prefix = c.pcx_Prefix.ToString(); ;
string sequence = c.pcx_Sequence.ToString();
c.pcx_Sequence = c.pcx_Sequence + 1;
c.EntityState = state;
**service.Update(c);** //FAILS HERE
In my experience, it's been difficult-to-impossible to retrieve an entity from the Context, update it, then use the Service to save the changes. It has caused me headaches figuring it out!
Since your retrieval code uses a query from the Context, all of those entities should be attached to the Context and their states are being tracked. Thus you need to use the Context's method for updating:
foreach (var c in counter) {
string prefix = c.pcx_Prefix.ToString(); ;
string sequence = c.pcx_Sequence.ToString();
c.pcx_Sequence = c.pcx_Sequence + 1;
// Use the Context to save changes
Since a lot of my code will retrieve entities in different ways (i.e. Service or Context) depending on the situation, I have developed a simple method that knows how to update the entity correctly. To expand on your example, you might have an update method that looks like:
public void UpdatePcxEntityCounter(pcx_entitycounter c) {
if (!orgContext.IsAttached(c)) {
else {
This assumes both orgContext and service are available at a scope above that of the method. Otherwise, they'd have to be passed as additional parameters.
Without seeing the difficult its difficult to discern what the issue is but have you tried using orgContext.UpdateObject(c); before doing the update step? Also, not sure why you are assigning the prefix and sequence to local variables within your loop since they don't appear to be being used. Its possible that you are getting a SOAP Exception or something for assigning values that don't work. Do you have any plugins registered on the entity?
See the following links for possible resolutions -
How to update a CRM 2011 Entity using LINQ in a Plugin?

Creation of Dynamic Entities in MS CRM 4.0

I am trying to create a new contact using Dynamic Entity. The sample i found in CRM SDK had this code.
// Set the properties of the contact using property objects.
StringProperty firstname = new StringProperty();
firstname.Name = "firstname";
firstname.Value = "Jesper";
StringProperty lastname = new StringProperty();
lastname.Name = "lastname";
lastname.Value = "Aaberg";
// Create the DynamicEntity object.
DynamicEntity contactEntity = new DynamicEntity();
// Set the name of the entity type.
contactEntity.Name = EntityName.contact.ToString();
// Set the properties of the contact.
contactEntity.Properties = new Property[] {firstname, lastname};
In my code i have the following implementation.
StringProperty sp_Field1 = new StringProperty("Field1","Value1");
StringProperty sp_Field2 = new StringProperty("Field2","Value1");
CrmService service = new CrmService();
service.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
// Create the DynamicEntity object.
DynamicEntity contactEntity = new DynamicEntity();
// Set the name of the entity type.
contactEntity.Name = EntityName.contact.ToString();
// Set the properties of the contact.
contactEntity.Properties = new Property[] {sp_Field1,sp_Field2};
I don't see much differences in the code. In the examples i found in the internet i have the same implementation as i found in SDK. But if i run the same i get the following error
CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.StringProperty' to 'Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.PropertyCollection'
I tried created a new variable of type PropertyCollection(one that belongs in mscrm namespace) and added the stringpropertys into that and passed it to the entity.
Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.PropertyCollection propTest = new Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.PropertyCollection();
contactEntity.Properties = new Property[] {propTest};
This gave me the following error
CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.PropertyCollection' to 'Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Property'
I am sure its a minor typecasting error but i am not able to figure out where the error is. And moreover, even if it was a typecasting error why is it working for all the samples given in the internet and not for me. I tried getting the code sample to run but i am encountering the same conversion error. Please let me know if you need more info on this, any help on this would be appreciated.
Here is an article from Microsoft that makes an attempt to discuss this topic:
This is not a bug that you are running into but more of a difference in design between the way the two assemblies work and what they are designed to do.
If you want to continue to use the Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.dll you should be able to accomplish your goal with the following...
StringProperty sp_Field1 = new StringProperty("Field1","Value1");
StringProperty sp_Field2 = new StringProperty("Field2","Value1");
CrmService service = new CrmService();
service.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
// Create the DynamicEntity object.
DynamicEntity contactEntity = new DynamicEntity();
// Set the name of the entity type.
contactEntity.Name = EntityName.contact.ToString();
// Set the properties of the contact.
PropertyCollection properties = new PropertyCollection();
contactEntity.Properties = properties;
Thanks SaaS Developer, that code is working fine now. One more way of doing it would be to directly add the StringProperty to the entity property collection.
Thanks again for replying :)
I believe the issue is that you are referencing the dynamic entity class in the Microsoft.Crm.Sdk assembly. The sample in the SDK is using a reference to the CRM web service. This can get confusing as both assemblies contain many of the same types, however they are different.
