How to disable the "auto format" feature of VisualStudio2008 editor? - visual-studio

When writing the HTML part of a page in a VS2008 Web App, the editor keeps formatting the HTML with linebreaks that break the readability of the code (to my eyes).
Can this feature be disabled?

Have you tried Tools/Options/Text Editor/HTML ?

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Text Editor/HTML
Wrap tags when exceeding specified lenght
If any interested.

You're probably looking at the Tag Wrapping option inside the Text Editor -> HTML options under the text editor settings. You can either disable it altogether or extend it beyond the 80 character default.
However, there is still some level of code reformatting that happens behind the scenes when you drag new controls into the page that I haven't found any solution to other than just staying in the text editor as much as possible.
Two good things to note: 1. VS2K8 does a MUCH better job that VS2K5 when it comes to formatting HTML. 2. With the new intellisense built into VS2K8, it makes it really easy to stay in the text editor while adding tags. I think I do most of my HTML stuff there now. You can keep your display in "split view" and just refresh every now and then to see how your controls are coming up.


Work in 'source mode' but enable toolbar buttons

I am building a simple forum on my website using CKEditor as a BBCode editor. I managed to make CKEditor output BBCode just fine by following the example.
However, I do not want to use the 'WYSIWYG' interface. I just want a plain "bbcode source" editor. The WYSIWYG output is not exactly the same as how the output will look on my forum (because I translate the bbcode to html myself and then apply some additional styling) and I don't really like the difference. More importantly, I have a couple "custom bbcode" tags that make no sense outside of my forum and obviously CKEditor doesn't know what to do with them, so I get a mix of bbcode and WYSIWYG output which looks odd.
I can force the CKEditor into 'source mode' by setting the startupMode and removing the source button, but when I do that it disables the entire toolbar!
I want to work in source mode, but still use the various buttons like B, I, etc. When such a button is pressed I just want it to insert the [b] [/b] tags for example around the selected text.
This is pretty much how every forum I've ever seen works, but I can't figure out how to configure CKEditor to do this.
Unfortunately it's impossible. Most of the plugins require WYSIWYG mode and don't work without it.
However you could try to control the output of the editor and change it according to your needs by adjusting editor's filter or implementing custom data processor.

How to Control Closing Tags For Autocomplete

Sometimes the autocomplete feature is great but other times where there is some nested code, it doesn't place the tag in the right position and I have to highlight the tag and then delete it. Is there a shortcut to this?
when you finish the tag Rubymine (my text editor) automatically does but sometimes there is code that is after that and I have to highlight and delete it.
Is there some keyboard feature that I can use to control this feature or will I have to completely turn this feature off?
Thanks for the help.

How to disable Greasemonkey's smart coding?

I have very hard time coding in Greasemonkey editor on Firefox, because it is constantly trying to be smarter than me and thus adding things that I never intend to add on the first place.
How can I disable those extra "smart" features?
That editor is not Greasemonkey's; it's the Firefox Scratchpad and it's actually pretty kick-ass.
But if you don't like it, you can set Greasemonkey to use your favorite text editor via the options:
(Click an image for a larger view)
You can set the text editor to just about anything, but it's best if the editor has real UTF-8 support. (Notepad++ works well.)

Font-awesome codes overrided by toggle editor

I am editing an article and adding FontAwesome in it using Toggle Editor. I've found out that when I add the code using programmer view, it works fine. However, when I change to the designer view from the programmer view, the editor automatically edit the code like this:
After clicking "Toggle Editor":
It is quite inconvenient for me because I use the designer view to style the article frequently. Is there any solution for it?
You'll have to look into the allowed tags for the editor you're using.
In your case using JCK Editor - you can see this article on why it removes certain code
At first glance it appears there are whitelist & blacklists for some HTML. You'll probably be able to add your selectors to the whitelist and they will no longer get stripped.

Webpage hosted HTML editor that graphically shows tag nesting in WYSIWYG view

I once found a webpage hosted HTML editor that optionally included the tags, as highlighted colour coded elements with the tag type, in the (almost) WYSIWYG view, but now cannot find the project anywhere.
I thought it an excellent compromise between WYSIWYG ease of use an markup flexibility.
Does anyone know which editor this was? Or maybe there is more then one editor with this feature?
Here is one that looks promising.
This appears to match your request.
I found one such, and only one. Unfortunately it isn't the one I had seen before and so I'm still looking. They are called What You See Is What You Mean editors - WYSIWYM.
Also see -
