How to disable Greasemonkey's smart coding? - firefox

I have very hard time coding in Greasemonkey editor on Firefox, because it is constantly trying to be smarter than me and thus adding things that I never intend to add on the first place.
How can I disable those extra "smart" features?

That editor is not Greasemonkey's; it's the Firefox Scratchpad and it's actually pretty kick-ass.
But if you don't like it, you can set Greasemonkey to use your favorite text editor via the options:
(Click an image for a larger view)
You can set the text editor to just about anything, but it's best if the editor has real UTF-8 support. (Notepad++ works well.)


Work in 'source mode' but enable toolbar buttons

I am building a simple forum on my website using CKEditor as a BBCode editor. I managed to make CKEditor output BBCode just fine by following the example.
However, I do not want to use the 'WYSIWYG' interface. I just want a plain "bbcode source" editor. The WYSIWYG output is not exactly the same as how the output will look on my forum (because I translate the bbcode to html myself and then apply some additional styling) and I don't really like the difference. More importantly, I have a couple "custom bbcode" tags that make no sense outside of my forum and obviously CKEditor doesn't know what to do with them, so I get a mix of bbcode and WYSIWYG output which looks odd.
I can force the CKEditor into 'source mode' by setting the startupMode and removing the source button, but when I do that it disables the entire toolbar!
I want to work in source mode, but still use the various buttons like B, I, etc. When such a button is pressed I just want it to insert the [b] [/b] tags for example around the selected text.
This is pretty much how every forum I've ever seen works, but I can't figure out how to configure CKEditor to do this.
Unfortunately it's impossible. Most of the plugins require WYSIWYG mode and don't work without it.
However you could try to control the output of the editor and change it according to your needs by adjusting editor's filter or implementing custom data processor.

Sublime Text Plugin Modification

So I found this plugin:
And it is very close to what I'm looking for. I am trying to use sublime text 3 for note taking, and need some way to store images in my notes. Since sublime is a text editor, I do not hope to have actual inline images. Instead, what makes the most sense to me is to have local file links which I can click to open up an image. This plugin has the same click link feature, but it opens web links in a browser rather than local files. I'm actually not sure on what the most user friendly option would be, but here is one idea.
Hover mouse over local link (e.g. /Users/gus/image.jpg)
Press some hotkey
Image opens up either in preview or the quick look feature in OSX (would be nice since you could close with a simple spacebar)
If necessary there could be some kind of tag for a local link.
I am not experienced with making sublime plugins, but something tells me this could be a quite simple endeavor for a skilled coder. If you can help me out I would greatly appreciate it (and so would anyone trying to use sublime for note taking and even coding at times)

Information about Aptana Studio 3's "web browser editor"?

I'm trying to evaluate Aptana Studio 3 as an alternative to Dreamweaver CC, primarily for "production" writing of highly formatted web content.
The big factor for me is tight coupling between source (HTML) editing and WYSIWYG display. Dreamweaver lets me display source and WYSIWYG side by side and edit either one. Any other editor I consider must have a comparable feature, or at least present a WYSIWYG display and let me click it to position the insertion point in the source.
The Aptana menu has a command called Window > Show View > Web Browser Editor which sounds like it ought to do the what I want, but when I click it, it just opens a window in my default browser and displays the home page. I've looked for information about this command, both in Aptana's documentation and on the Web at large, but I can't find any.
What is Aptana's "Web Browser Editor" command? It it does what I think, how can I make it work?
I stand by my earlier assessment. The Web Browser Editor view you are talking about is not a WYSIWYG editor. Aptana is not Dreamweaver. All this view will do for you is provide a quick preview of your changes without having to upload your files to a separate server. I gave instructions on how to set up your browser to use Aptana's internal browser so you would not have to change windows to see your preview of the page, instead you can dock it with your editor. Here is all the documentation I could find: (unless you speak Spanish, you will need to translate)
All these pages will really tell you is what the editor should look like (first) and how someone is using it in their workflow (second).
Aptana is primarily for Ruby, Python, and PHP development. It has some HTML features because HTML is often used with those others, but it is not the best choice for HTML development. There are many other editors available:
You will probably have more luck with this sort of question on (but I doubt Aptana is the best choice for what you are doing, unless Ruby, Python, or PHP are more important to you than WYSIWYG HTML).

How do I disable Firefox's "Search for text when I start typing" on pages with keyboard shortcuts?

Some web pages such as GMail and Reddit(with the Reddit Enhancement Suite) have useful keyboard shortcuts that I'd like to use. However, whenever I start typing on one of these pages, the first onkeypress event fires, but then the "Search for text when I start typing" search bar opens and blocks further keys.
I don't want to disable "Search for text when I start typing" as I use it on most other web pages. Is there any way to selectively disable it, or to make a keyboard shortcut/bookmarklet to toggle it?
To disable this in firefox, just go to "Options->General Tab->Browsing and disable "Search for text when I start typing". More info here . This is very useful in some cases, for example when you try to play WebGL games or when using pages like Gmail or Protonmail that have their own kb shortcuts.
UPDATED to version 73.0.1- In previous versions of Firefox this is in "Tools->Options->Advanced->General Tab" or in "Preferences->General->Browsing"
This is still an issue huh? I love this feature but It also bothers me every now and then. There are some pages that get it right. I never dug into how they do it. For instance: - JS browser typing game. Would be pretty bad if typing caused searching here. It actually captures the keys just when the game starts and NOT by default on the page.
That is not Firefox or any other browser feature. To do this, you have to write server and client side code.
Catch text that user types into input, and send it using preferably AJAX to server-side script. Then server side script should look up for matches in DB (some search engine), and return possible combinations. All you have to do on client side (JS) is to show returned results in some nice way - like in google - you can use for example simple html lists, but you have to code some css to make it look properly. Also nice feature is to code JS to work on up/down keys and enter for selecting element (it should also work for mouse).
It's not very simple to do by yourself, but you have now idea how to do it. You could also google for some scripts - surely there is something :)
Good luck!

How to disable the "auto format" feature of VisualStudio2008 editor?

When writing the HTML part of a page in a VS2008 Web App, the editor keeps formatting the HTML with linebreaks that break the readability of the code (to my eyes).
Can this feature be disabled?
Have you tried Tools/Options/Text Editor/HTML ?
[Show all settings]
Text Editor/HTML
Wrap tags when exceeding specified lenght
If any interested.
You're probably looking at the Tag Wrapping option inside the Text Editor -> HTML options under the text editor settings. You can either disable it altogether or extend it beyond the 80 character default.
However, there is still some level of code reformatting that happens behind the scenes when you drag new controls into the page that I haven't found any solution to other than just staying in the text editor as much as possible.
Two good things to note: 1. VS2K8 does a MUCH better job that VS2K5 when it comes to formatting HTML. 2. With the new intellisense built into VS2K8, it makes it really easy to stay in the text editor while adding tags. I think I do most of my HTML stuff there now. You can keep your display in "split view" and just refresh every now and then to see how your controls are coming up.
