Visual Studio Task Panel - visual-studio

Does anyone know how to prevent task panes from expanding unless you click on them? Sometimes I hover over one, and it takes a bit to load breaking my concentration.
EDIT: Now that I've had a few days to reflect on my question, I realize the answer is to close it. Let me provide an example. When you are in Word, and you want to look up a synonym to a word, you open the a thesaurus to find an alternate word. You press ALT+F7 and it bring it up. The thesaurus opens in a Task Pane, and when you are done, you click the X to close it. You don't unpin it and have it sit on the side and get annoyed when you hover over it and it pops into view, covering your content and getting in the way. With that being said, the same mental model applies to visual studio. Don't have windows or panes open which you don't need. Open them when you want to preform a task, "close" the task pane, don't hide it.
P.S. This doesn't mean I feel it isn't bad design to pop open windows when you hover over them (I'm sure someone will debate me on this). I still would like an option to choose when to open collapsed windows.

I keep it closed. I open it only when needed. I do the same for tools and servers.

Try to memorize their shortcuts, and keep'em closed.

Use the little "Pin" icon (right between the triangle and "X" icon of the pane) to fix it, then resize or close it.


Cloud9 IDE Main Menu Bar (File, Edit, Run, etc.) stuck minimized?

I've seemed to minimize the Main Menu Bar (not the specific term), resting at the top, or ceiling, in the Cloud9 IDE. There's a small drop-down arrow located on the top-center and you'd think that would be indicative of bringing it back down or something, but I'm getting no functionality out of my numerous, calculated clicks.
I've tried to enlarging it no avail, refreshing the URL, copy command, etc. and to my very little knowledge, surprisingly, have had no success. I'm using ChromeOS, if to supply any more assistance. Any ideas? Thanks for reading if you got this far, I sure do appreciate it.
Click on the thin empty space right at the top of the window and the bar will re-appear.
The arrow in the top center of the screen should show the File menu again. Try opening up the IDE in an incognito window to make sure no browser extensions are interfering.
If this doesn't work, you may try appending ?reset=1 to your workspace URL. Be warned that this will reset all your workspace settings, such as themes, keybindings, etc. This should reset your workspace layout as well.
The answer above is correct. The mouse will change to a hand once you click right above the top line. Tricky one.

RStudio: can I pop out the source pane?

I have a dual monitor and I wish I can pop out the "source pane"(where I edit my code), so that I can edit the code in one monitor and track everything else in another.
Does anyone know if this is possible?
Thank you very much for your help.
This feature was just added to RStudio this week. You can try it in our daily builds (0.99.636 or newer):
To pop out your file to a new window, either:
Drag the tab outside the RStudio window to where you want your new code window to appear, or
Click the "Show in new window" button on the editor toolbar (it's next to forward/back)
If you try it, let us know what you think on the support forum.
I'm using the latest Studio and encountered similar needs. I found that ctrl+shift+number will suit my needs most of the time since it zooms to the pane that I desire and can also back to the full four window layout.
An additional trick is customize the hotkey to alt+number [1,2,3,4,5] so the pane zooms more handy with one click by your left hand on the keyboard.
Hope it helps.

how to change how the window looks in visual basic

So basically what I am trying to do is in Visual Studio I am trying to change how the VBS window will look instead of the way that it is now because I have seen it done before where people make the window look cool without having the bar or anything. Thanks hopefully I explained it correctly please let me know if you need further infomation.
A window without a title bar doesn't really look cool. And even if it did, it would suddenly stop looking cool the instant that the user tried to move it someplace else on their screen. So I don't recommend doing this.
But if you want to do it anyway, investigate the FormBorderStyle property of your form. You'll see it in the Properties Window at design time. You can pick any of the available options, but if what you're aiming at is an window with no borders, you'll want to select FormBorderStyle.None.

Eclipse's tab double click on Visual Studio?

On Eclipse, whenever I double click a tab, it fills the workspace (by hiding all other views like project tree, console, etc).
Is there any way to do this on Visual Studio?
Note: i'm not looking for full screen, just want a way to declutter the workspace but still have access to menus.
Are you after this?
Set shortcuts for the Window.AutoHideAll function and for the Window.ResetWindowLayout function. In order for the ResetWindowLayout to work, you have to export your settings (make sure you select "All Settings") with all windows expanded and then import them again.
ResetWindowLayout will restore all windows to the way they were the last time you imported your settings.
Not with double click on tab, but you can do the same with Shift+Alt+Enter key combination.
This keyboard shorcut was changed to F11 from 1.9.1 vscode version.
All keyboard Shortcuts:
I was looking for that, as well, and I now just got used to using full screen (Shift+Alt+Enter), which hides a little too much, which you seem to think, as well, but does in fact still show the menus.
Looks like drby got it on this one. Just FYI. I pinged the VS team to ask about this and here is the response:
"There is no way to reverse the command automatically. For it to work as a toggle we would need to save which toolwindows were auto hidden and which ones were not when the command was run, which we don’t do (it would cause lots of interesting persistence questions, across profiles and VS sessions)."
The idea of a "Unhide All" command is what I suggested. So if you hide all then you can unhide all as well. There might be some windows you don't want to unhide but the 1 or 2 extra windows is better than not having an unhide IMHO.

Multiple Monitors with Visual Studio 2008

I've got 2 monitors, and most of the time I've got some reference material open on one screen, and Visual Studio on the other. To really get in the zone, though, I need my code to be the only thing I see. Does anyone know if it's possible to have multiple code windows in Visual Studio? So far the best I can do is put debugger output and the solution explorer on my left monitor, and the rest of VS on the right. I would love to have code on both windows, however.
If you right click on the file tabs, there's an option for "New Vertical Tab group" Just maximize across both monitors and put the divider on the monitor divide and I think that's what you're after.
See also the "Visual Studio and dual/multiple monitors: how do I get optimized use out of my monitors?" question.
Though I use StudioTools for other purposes, it has a "Tear off Editor" option, with which you can "tear off" the file to a window and resize the window. Find it quite helpful
Instead of enlarging the VS2008 window to span the two monitors, you can display the 'Code Definition Window' on another monitor: just drag it outside the main window! I find this very handy to avoid switching between code windows: it is very often that one is interested in the definition of the symbol under the cursor...
The same is true for other windows like the 'Class View', the 'Call Browser', etc. You can choose to keep them grouped in the same group with tabs, or drag each of them separately (click on the label of the tab to start the drag).
