Cloud9 IDE Main Menu Bar (File, Edit, Run, etc.) stuck minimized? - drop-down-menu

I've seemed to minimize the Main Menu Bar (not the specific term), resting at the top, or ceiling, in the Cloud9 IDE. There's a small drop-down arrow located on the top-center and you'd think that would be indicative of bringing it back down or something, but I'm getting no functionality out of my numerous, calculated clicks.
I've tried to enlarging it no avail, refreshing the URL, copy command, etc. and to my very little knowledge, surprisingly, have had no success. I'm using ChromeOS, if to supply any more assistance. Any ideas? Thanks for reading if you got this far, I sure do appreciate it.

Click on the thin empty space right at the top of the window and the bar will re-appear.

The arrow in the top center of the screen should show the File menu again. Try opening up the IDE in an incognito window to make sure no browser extensions are interfering.
If this doesn't work, you may try appending ?reset=1 to your workspace URL. Be warned that this will reset all your workspace settings, such as themes, keybindings, etc. This should reset your workspace layout as well.

The answer above is correct. The mouse will change to a hand once you click right above the top line. Tricky one.


Reset perspective in R Studio?

I'm pretty new to R programming. I'm using R studio, and all of a sudden it's no longer showing the workspace, it's only showing the console.
This is what it is supposed to look like
And this is what mine looks like now.
In Eclipse, whenever the workspace gets out of wack, I can just reset the perspective and everything it back to normal. I can't figure out how to do that in R Studio.
The default layout seemed to disappear after I restarted my computer.
Go to View > Panes > Show all panes
Opening a script file should split the windows horizontaly. If that doesn't work, click on the icon on the top-right corner of the RStudio window showing to windows:
This should at least show the console and file panels.
To restore the side panels, move your cursor to the extreme right of the window, until the cross arrows cursor appears (), and drag it to the middle of the screen.
For all panes to be shown, go to View-> Panes and tick show all panes.
Otherwise, ctrl+Shift+Alt+0 also worked for me.
Thank you.
Can you try saving an image of your workspace? Below are a couple of links that might help.
Workspace link 1
Workspace link 2
My computer is set up already in such a way that it automatically loads up the previous workspace I decided to save. A more qualified person would be able to tell you how and why it retrieves the previous saved image instead of a blank one like yours.
I also just got stuck for some time with the vertical split of the panes malfunctioning. I was always stuck with just 2 out of 4 panes.
I'm a pretty confident RStudio user and I tried many things like 'show all panes', moving panes around, clicking the 'hide-window', 'enlarge-window' and 'double-window' icons.
In the end I realised that the panes that were minimized didn't actually have the bar with the title. Instead these we only lines of 1 pixel height.
The solution for me was to expand the bottom panes and then hover near the 1 pixel height line at the top. This changed the cursor into the hand-cursor, which allowed me to drag the top window down, and back into view with the other pane.

RStudio: can I pop out the source pane?

I have a dual monitor and I wish I can pop out the "source pane"(where I edit my code), so that I can edit the code in one monitor and track everything else in another.
Does anyone know if this is possible?
Thank you very much for your help.
This feature was just added to RStudio this week. You can try it in our daily builds (0.99.636 or newer):
To pop out your file to a new window, either:
Drag the tab outside the RStudio window to where you want your new code window to appear, or
Click the "Show in new window" button on the editor toolbar (it's next to forward/back)
If you try it, let us know what you think on the support forum.
I'm using the latest Studio and encountered similar needs. I found that ctrl+shift+number will suit my needs most of the time since it zooms to the pane that I desire and can also back to the full four window layout.
An additional trick is customize the hotkey to alt+number [1,2,3,4,5] so the pane zooms more handy with one click by your left hand on the keyboard.
Hope it helps.

Cloud 9 ( terminal will not allow me to enter text

I am very new to this, and my c9 terminal seems to be frozen. The cursor is blinking, but when I try to enter text, nothing shows up. I have tried exiting my workspace and reloading and it still will not work.
Opening a new terminal tab with the View menu or pressing ALT-T is the best bet to get a working terminal back (as mentioned in the comment above)... you may also find that having selected the broken terminal though, you can't click things in your menus anymore. I've found that pressing the Preview button and then closing it, seems to get the UI to be responsive again.
Supports official response is that you should perform workspace reset using ?reset=1 after your workspace url (which doesn't last or work very well in my experience).
This can happen after pressing ctrl-s, pressing ctrl-q should restore it. See for explanation.
I tried ALT-T and ?reset=1. Nothing helped in my case.
I managed to bring my frozen terminal back to life by closing its tab. I ignored the warning that all processes would stop. Then I clicked on the rightmost tab with a plus sign. In the menu I selected "New Terminal".
You can click at the top right where CPU usage is shown. Then click on "Restart" when the menu appears.

How to increase RStudio editor size?

In Eclipse, I am able to do Ctrl+M while I am typing in the editor to full-screen the editor and temporarily hide all the side-windows. Is there a way to achieve this in RStudio? The code editor portion of the window is very small and yet I don't feel like manually fiddling with the mouse to resize my console/plots/workspace windows.
The view menu doesn't offer much else than zooming in/out.
All shortcuts Alt+Shift+K
You can make the editor fill up the entire rstudio window with Ctrl+Shift+1. Also to restore.
To move between the panes, the shortcut is CTRL + number.
1 - source
2 - console
Adding shift to the shortcut makes that pane fill up the spaces.
The best solution I've found is to use a "source window", i.e. pop out the editor into a separate window temporarily:
This window can then be expanded to fill the whole screen:
Only way I know how is to click on the right hand side of the title bar of the source code section where it has 2 windows symbols. The right-most one expands the code window to the entire left hand side.
Instructions and documentation below from the R studio manual:
If you're running on Linux, you can install RStudio Server, just for use on the same computer. It's almost exactly like the regular RStudio, but inside a browser. I prefer it because I can full screen, and can use the browser's Find in the console.

Visual Studio Task Panel

Does anyone know how to prevent task panes from expanding unless you click on them? Sometimes I hover over one, and it takes a bit to load breaking my concentration.
EDIT: Now that I've had a few days to reflect on my question, I realize the answer is to close it. Let me provide an example. When you are in Word, and you want to look up a synonym to a word, you open the a thesaurus to find an alternate word. You press ALT+F7 and it bring it up. The thesaurus opens in a Task Pane, and when you are done, you click the X to close it. You don't unpin it and have it sit on the side and get annoyed when you hover over it and it pops into view, covering your content and getting in the way. With that being said, the same mental model applies to visual studio. Don't have windows or panes open which you don't need. Open them when you want to preform a task, "close" the task pane, don't hide it.
P.S. This doesn't mean I feel it isn't bad design to pop open windows when you hover over them (I'm sure someone will debate me on this). I still would like an option to choose when to open collapsed windows.
I keep it closed. I open it only when needed. I do the same for tools and servers.
Try to memorize their shortcuts, and keep'em closed.
Use the little "Pin" icon (right between the triangle and "X" icon of the pane) to fix it, then resize or close it.
