How can I tell if a window has focus? (Win32 API) - windows

Using the Win32 API (in C, but that's inconsequential), how can I tell if a given window (identified by HWND) has focus?
I'm hooking an application watching for an event, and when that event occurs I want to check if the application already has focus. If it doesn't, I want to flash the window until they give focus to it.
Alternately, does the FlashWindowEx struct flag FLASHW_TIMERNOFG that flashes until the window has focus just not flash if the window already has focus?
I cannot test this now since I am not in my development environment, but I was under the impression that it would flash anyways, which is what I'm trying to avoid.
Also, if it matters, the application uses DirectX in this window.

GetActiveWindow will return the top-level window that is associated with the input focus. GetFocus will return the handle of the window that has the input focus.
This article might help:

Besides gkrogers answer using GetActiveWindow, you can also maintain a boolean variable for the window you want to know if it has focus or not by trapping the WM_SETFOCUS and WM_KILLFOCUS events, or WM_ACTIVATE:
WndProc() ..
puts( "Got the focus" ) ;
break ;
puts( "Lost the focus" ) ;
if( LOWORD(wparam) == WA_INACTIVE )
puts( "I AM NOW INACTIVE." ) ;
puts( "MEGAZORD ACTIVATED kew kew kew (flashy-eyes)" ) ;
break ;

Do you really mean "focus" or do you mean "active?"
One window has the focus -- the one that's first in line to get keyboard events. The outer window (that the user can drag around the screen) is "active" if one of its subwindows has the focus, but it might or might not have focus itself.

Use GetForegroundWindow function to get the Hwnd that you are focusing right now. Then you just need to compare it to the window of your application to check whether it contains focus or not.

For multiple modeless children:
Within the child you could save the focus, 13/08/2019 Visual Studio 2017.
You can save the focus so the parent knows which modeless child was clicked on.
In the child's callback handler:
case WM_CHILDACTIVATE: // Only gets called when the child border is click on.
//CurrentFocus = hDlg; // Example: can save the focus globally for parent usage.
//Beep(2000, 250); // So you can test
case WM_GETMINMAXINFO: // Gets called when child window is being moved or sized.
//Beep(2000, 250);
case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: // Only called when cursor is inside the child client area
//CurrentFocus = hDlg; // Following the focus.
//Beep(2000, 250);


How to capture the action about starting dragging a window and releasing the capture of a window?

When cursor honver over the title zone (HTCAPTION),press left mouse button, then you can drag a window and move it. When you release the left mouse button , you can stop this dragging action. When you move a window , it triggered the message WM_MOVE. When release the mouse button , I don't know which message should be handled for catching this action.
What I'm doing is when you drag a window(let's say window A) into another window's area(window B), make window A a child window of window B, when drag window A out of window B's area , make window A a WS_POPUP window, without WS_CHILD style.
I handled message WM_MOVE and WM_CAPTURECHANGED( I don't think it's the right one).
In WM_CAPTURECHANGED , I found something wired. The API SetWindowPos seemed not work well. To be percise, the 3rd and the 4th parmater , specified the window's position not work.
RECT rcc;
// here main is the handler of window B , hwnd is for window A,as referrence above.
if(docker_mode==DOCKER_LEFT) {
// docker_mode is assigned by WM_MOVE message handler. recording which area window A was moved into.
if((WS_CHILD&GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd,GWL_STYLE))!=WS_CHILD) {
//The following code not work. It should be moved into the left-top corner of window B,
//but NOT in fact.
else {
if((WS_CHILD&GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd,GWL_STYLE))==WS_CHILD) {
} break;
SetWindowLongPtr(...,GWL_STYLE,...) was called to set the window style . A top level has no WS_CHILD style, and the handle of parent window should be NULL , I use SetParent(hwnd,NULL) to do this. A child window should have WS_CHILD style, and the parent window should be assigned.
I put a button into the window , and copy those code into the handle of button click event. When click the button it works well , change a popup window into a sub window , put the sub window into right position. SetWindowPos has no problem at all. I don't know why.
SetWindowPos is a very interesting API when working on WM_CAPTURECHANGED handler. What's wrong ?
If I recall correctly, when the user drags a window, that window receives a sequence of messages like this:
(There are other messages, too, but I don't think you need to worry about those. There may be some final messages after WM_EXITSIZEMOVE with the final resting place for the window.)
The steps in the middle will happen repeatedly as the user drags the window. (In the Old Days, only some of those middle steps would happen, and there may still be an option to cut down on the messages during the drag operation.)
You can try using Spy++ (included with Visual Studio) to confirm the above.
So you shouldn't need to deal with the mouse capture messages. Have window A watch for WM_EXITSIZEMOVE. At that point, window A can check its position to see if it overlaps the target window (B). If it does overlap, then it should send a message to window B to initiate the docking operation.

WinApi capturing messages in default proc is not "definitive"?

I can disable window movement by doing this in the message loop:
GetWindowRect(hWnd, (RECT*)lParam);
This, however does not work if you remove the call to GetWindowRect(). Why ?
This looks like the message loop is only modifying the message in passing (WM_MOVING.lParam points to the destination RECT of the movement). The message still gets processed (by the system ?). Just doing a break; does not throw away the message, the window is movable.
The message is processed no matter what (even if you don't call DefWindowProc() on it), you can just set its lParam so that the window goes back to its initial position. Is there no way to discard the message completely ? And who's doing the processing ? (obviously, the system is, is there a ubiquitous DefWindowProc() up there in the sky - that you cannot turn off- ?)
What is exactly going on ?
WM_MOVING is one of calbacks done inside callig SetWindowPos. Window is moved after returnig from callback, and after finally moving window next is send WM_MOVE. There are also WM_NCCALCSIZE, WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING, WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGE, WM_GETMINMAXINFO, WM_SIZING, WM_SIZE.
Some messages when routed to DefWindowProc do real work (for example WM_NCPAINT, WM_ERASEBKGND), some are used for gathering information for further processing (WM_NCHITTEST, WM_GETMINMAXINFO), some are used for notifying you about changes (WM_MOVING, WM_MOVE, WM_SETTINGCHANGE) or actions (WM_COMMAND, WM_LBUTTONDOWN). It is recommended that when you don't process message, you should route it through DefWindowProc. If you fail to do this for some messages that wouldn't have any effect, but for others you will miss essential functionality.
For modifying interactive moving or sizing of a window, WM_NCHITTEST is a good choice. You can disable default action activated by part of window, or implement selected action on any part of the window.
LRESULT r = DefWindowProc( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam );
if ( r == HTCAPTION )
return r;
Or try bellow code and see what happens when left or top border is dragged.
LRESULT r = DefWindowProc( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam );
if ( r == HTLEFT )
r = HTTOP;
else if ( r == HTTOP )
return r;
The "Window Procedures" doc says:
For example, the system defines a window procedure for the combo box
class (COMBOBOX); all combo boxes then use that window procedure
I imagine that procedure belongs with the system (the appropriate system DLL, comctl32.dll I guess, unless you subclass it), but it executes in the app thread of course (after it loads that DLL). What that excerpt, and the apparent behavior suggest is the following:
If the style you select requires a title bar, a title bar window (a
system facility) is instantiated for your app, with its own
windowProc, let's say "sysTtlBarProc".
When you try to move this window,
messages (system-created, starting from the input driver) are sent to
both your app's windowProc() and to sysTtlBarProc()
sysTtlBarProc() waits on your windowProc() (which can call DefWindowProc() or not) to return before acting on the message
This would explain the behavior: this protocol gives your windowProc() a chance to act (on its own) and/or modify the message, thus potentially modifying sysTtlBarProc's behavior. This is just a general concept, some messages I guess are purely informative (you can't change sysTtlBarProc's behavior for these), you can only monitor what's happening, and do something of your own next to what sysTtlBarProc() does.
This can easily be demonstrated by doing this :
You can then try and move/resize the window and watch the new "sluggish" behavior. Whoever is processing those two WM_SIZING/MOVING messages (you're not calling DefWinProc(), and you're not doing anything with the messages) is definitely delaying his work by a second now.

Win32 App (Aero): Prevent dialog move

I've a dialog based Win32-app on Win7-Aero which only displays a dialog. The dialog should have a title bar. I don't want that the user can move the dialog on the screen.
I've no luck so far... handling WM_NCHITTEST, WM_SYSCOMMAND... setting SWP_NOMOVE.
What is the best way to achieve NoMove? I think DWM changes something on Win7.
You could do this by handling WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING and when you see an attempted move, change the coordinates back to where they should be. E.g.
switch (uMsg)
if (!(reinterpret_cast<LPWINDOWPOS>(lParam)->flags & SWP_NOMOVE))
reinterpret_cast<LPWINDOWPOS>(lParam)->x = g_iMyXCoord;
reinterpret_cast<LPWINDOWPOS>(lParam)->y = g_iMyYCoord;
return 0;
You would probably need to add some intelligence to this to distinguish between attempted moves by the user, and moves that your own program makes (or that the system makes if necessary - e.g. if a monitor disappears for instance).
Even though you say it doesn't work, I would have thought you could also do this by trapping WM_NCHITTEST and returning HTBORDER whenever HTCAPTION would have been returned - however you would have to do this by sub-classing the window rather than in the DialogProc (because you would need to call the default handler first and then process/change the return value). Same for WM_SYSCOMMAND (to catch moves the user attempts via the system menu).

Modeless dialog keyboard handling (winapi)

I've got an application with a main window which has a bunch of controls, including the spacebar, which is handled by a simple method called onSpacebar(). On top of that main window, I've got a persistent modeless dialog.
I need the spacebar to behave the exact same way, regardless of whether the dialog has focus, or the main window has focus.
This dialog is backed by a DialogProc which looks something like this:
BOOL CALLBACK DialogProc(HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
std::cout<< "WM_NOTIFY" <<std::endl;
// which component caused the message?
if(((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code == NM_DBLCLK){
// other components...
case WM_CLOSE:
// the dialog can only be closed when the whole app is closed
//EndDialog(hDlg, IDCANCEL);
return TRUE;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
From what I gather, I should call my onSpacebar() method from within the DialogProc, similarily how I handle the double click. I can see that WM_NOTIFY is received by the dialog when the spacebar is pressed (the phrase WM_NOTIFY is printed to cout), but I can't seem to differentiate the spacebar notification from the other numerous notifications the dialog receives.
Please, tell me how to recognize that the particular WM_NOTIFY was in response to a spacebar keypress.
A WM_NOTIFY message is not the standard way that a window processes key press events. When a key is pressed, your window should be receiving WM_KEYDOWN, WM_KEYUP, and possibly WM_CHAR messages. WM_NOTIFY serves an entirely different purpose altogether: passing on a message from a common control to its parent window.
So the fact that you're receiving a WM_NOTIFY message in response to a key press is a fairly unusual thing, explainable when you understand how focus works (which is key to solving your ultimate question).
In Windows, only one window can be focused at a time, and the currently focused window is the one that receives all keyboard input. Thus, if a dialog box has the focus, it will receive key press notifications. If a child control on that dialog box has the focus, it (not its parent dialog) will receive key press notifications. And there is a focusable child control on a dialog box, it will always receive the focus in preference to its parent dialog, therefore it will also always receive key press notifications.
So the likely explanation for your curious WM_NOTIFY messages is that one of the common controls on your dialog has the focus, it is receiving the space key press event, and after processing it, passing on a notification to its parent window (your dialog) in the form of a WM_NOTIFY message. As you might imagine, this is not a reliable method of detecting that the space bar has been pressed.
Instead, you need to figure out some way of trapping key press notifications before they get sent to the focused control. To do that, you'll need to modify your application's message loop to trap WM_KEYDOWN or WM_KEYUP messages before calling either DispatchMessage or IsDialogMessage.
If the key event corresponds to the space bar, you will call your onSpacebar function and indicate that the message was handled, preventing it from being passed on and processed by another window.
If the key event does not correspond to the space bar, then you will need to handle the message as you usually would, ensuring that it does get passed on and processed by the other window.
Since this approach filters out space key presses at a global level, it solves both the problems of child controls on a dialog stealing the key press and the other modeless dialog. However, you do need to be careful because it's very easy to screw things up so that the user can't navigate your dialog using the keyboard at all.
More fundamentally, I think your idea to handle presses of the space bar is fundamentally flawed. The logic of certain common controls basically requires that they process presses of the space bar. For example, consider a textbox: if you filter out all presses of the space bar at a global level, the user will never be able to type a space in a textbox. If you insist on handling the space bar, you will need to check the focused control in your global handler, and if it's a textbox (or other common control that you wish to receive spaces), pass it on; otherwise, handle it yourself.
Honestly, what I'd do instead is choose a more unique key combination (like, I don't know, Ctrl+Space) and set that up as an accelerator. Presumably, your global message loop is already processing accelerator keys by calling the TranslateAccelerator function, so that would take care of all the dirty work for you. No code is even required—you'd do everything simply by editing the accelerators resource file in your project. The MSDN documentation on keyboard accelerators is here, but you'll probably have an easier time consulting your favorite book on Visual C++.

Detect application windows

I use CBT Windows Hook to detect window creation/deletion/min-max/move-size events.
I works well, but I need to filter whose events coming from normal widgets. Practically I need to being notified by CBT hook only for those windows that the user consider windows.
The problem that I'm facing make me mad, since I continuosly get spurious events even if I filter window as follow:
BOOL FilterWindowHandle(HWND hwnd)
// Filtered window having WS_CHILDWINDOW style
if ((GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & WS_CHILDWINDOW) != 0)
return (TRUE);
// Filtered window not having WS_CAPTION style
if ((GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & WS_CAPTION) == 0)
return (TRUE);
// Not filtered
return (FALSE);
Those spurious events comes from shadow effects, menus and everything displayed on screen.
Is there a robust method to filter real windows from its children?
I avoid the test of WS_BORDER or similar, since some applications could create their main window without border... or am I wrong?
A good fit for "things the user considers windows" is the set of windows displayed in the Alt-Tab list (or on the Taskbar).
This OldNewThing article explains the rules (although the rules are not fixed or guaranteed to remain the same):
Which windows appear in the Alt+Tab list?
The general rule is:
For each visible window, walk up its
owner chain until you find the root
owner. Then walk back down the visible
last active popup chain until you find
a visible window. If you're back to
where you're started, then put the
window in the Alt+Tab list.
This can be overridden with explicit window styles:
A window with the WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW
extended style is treated as if it
weren't visible, even if it is. A
window with the WS_EX_APPWINDOW
extended style is treated as if it has
no owner, even if it does.
See the full OldNewThing post which those two quotes come from for more detail.
A useful criteria that I've used in the past is to test whether the window is a top-level window, i.e. its parent is NULL.
