Is there a good VB6 documentation system similar to Javadoc? - vb6

I'm working with a VB6 code base and I'm interested in beginning to generate documentation for future development efforts. I'm traditionally a Java developer and I've gotten quite used to the Javadoc system for generating such documentation. I found VB.DOC but from what I can see it's meant for a .NET environment. Are there any that will work in VB6?
Thanks in advance!

There are a few filters that will allow you to use Doxygen with VB6.

I had some good time with VbDox.

I used Document! X version 4, but I have to say it was not the most stable program to use and sometimes caused crashes in the IDE. Perhaps later versions have improved; they still seem to support VB 5&6.


Java11 SetComponentMixingCutoutShapte alternative

I have an application written on Java SE 8 that was heavily using features for mixing Heavyweight and Lightweight components.
In particular, the function "SetComponentMixingCutoutShape" was used, which was later deprecated in future versions of Java.
Now I have an option to switch to Java 11 - and I run into a problem. Seemingly, there's simply no alternative for this functionality in later versions of Java. Or at least I couldn't find one.
So what does that mean - that I simply don't have access to that feature AT ALL anymore?
Thanks for replies!
As soon as I asked I found the answer.
The functionality has been moved to component class
Before you used to call setComponentMinxngCutoutShape(component, shape);
Now you need to go component.setMixingCutoutShape(shape);

Remote Debugging Hosted Lua

I am using Lua 5.3, hosting it in a C++ application. The C++ application provides various functions to a running Lua script. I would like to allow users to debug their Lua, while it is running in my application. I believe this is possible, but I can not find any recent information on doing this, only for older versions of Lua and this does not seem to work.
Can anyone please help me to get debugging a Lua script running under my application up and running? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
The easiest way that I know of is to use ZeroBrane's remote debugging capabilities. Their document explains it pretty nicely, but for the sake of self-containment:
Set your embedded Lua's path/cpath to zerobrane's stuff, or copy the mobdebug.lua file to your sources.
Add require('mobdebug').start() to the beginning of your code
You should be able to debug now. After you start your program, breakpoints set in the Lua sources should get hit.
This approach works best if you use ZB to edit your Lua files, which implies using a different editor for the C++ part. I found this to work reasonably well in practice, though.

Using windows.pas with Lazarus on OS X

I was wondering if it's possible somehow to use windows.pas on OS X with Lazarus?
I need to use special library in my project, and one of key-files uses windows.pas :( Any ideas?
Windows.pas only works on Windows. You will have to edit the library to put an IFDEF around it in the uses clause, and then provide alternatives for any functionality that is then broken. Or contact the library author and see if there is already a non-Windows version available.
You certainly cannot use Windows.pas under OSX. Because Windows.pas exposes the functionality of the Win32 library.
If you need to execute Win32 code on OSX pretty much your only option is Wine.
A more plausible solution is that you find an alternative to this "special" library to which you refer.
Windows.pas is mostly a wrapper around different DLLs contained in the Windows operating system. As it is unlikely that you will find those DLLs in OSX I guess you are out of luck.
You could check the library's source code and try to identify the constants, procedures and functions that are used in windows.pas. If it is not too much code you could try to modify the library so that it uses corresponding Carbon functions instead.
While the various answers are correct, and the vast bulk of unit windows is not portable, some functionality IS abstracted. Structures like interlockedincrement, Rect and ColorRef, and some message related functionality. Have a look at types and lcltype and the system unit interface of FPC.
A lot of Delphi code still uses Windows for that functionality, while e.g. unit types already exists since D6.
Some other things are abstracted, but not using the same (windows unit) calls. Better explain what exactly you need in a separate post.

Free Alternative to VB6 (easy gui building and programming)

I wonder if anyone knows any free alternative to VB6.
I need (or want), some easy gui building and ability to program.
I have no problem with learning any program language, I just want the gui building to be as easy as possible.
Thnx in advance
Sorry, I wasn't really clear before, I was trying to stay way from Microsoft... open source would be great, but freeware is also OK.
Why not try anything different? Do you know Delphi? Nice, clean and easy with a lot of adapters an wrappers. The free version is Lazarus.
Visual Basic Express or C# Express perhaps?
A newer option we have is B4J, which is not open source but it is free.
The programming language is somewhere between VB and VB.Net, perhaps closest to the abandoned Jabaco language. It targets Java and JavaFX so the resulting programs are cross-platform, but the development tools require Windows today.

Good resources for writing console style applications for Windows?

For certain programs nothing beats the command line. Unfortunately, I have never seen good documentation or examples on how to write console applications that go beyond "Hello World". I'm interested in making console apps like Vim or Emacs. Well not exactly like Vim or Emacs but one that takes over the entire command prompt while it is in use and then after you exit it leaves no trace behind. I know that on Unix there is the curses library but for Windows? ...
PDCurses works on Win32.
I found List of Console Functions on msdn, PDCurses, and The Console Module.
You can certainly write that kind of application with Delphi, which has reasonable commandline support. People often overlook that Delphi can build any kind of Windows executable, not just GUI apps.
I don't know off-hand if the free 'Turbo' edition of Delphi has anything cobbled into it to PREVENT you from using it to build console apps - I would have thought it would be fine for this kind of thing.
There is a small but good tutorial on using C++ for the Windows console at going as far as coding a simple painting program.
You could also try Free Pascal. It is a free ((L)GPL) Object Pascal compiler which is compatible with the Delphi-compiler. It has an console-based IDE, which proves that you can make very good console-applications with it, and which you can use as an example.
If you want to use a graphical IDE to build your console-application, you can download the Lazarus IDE.
As a bonus your application will run on Windows (32/64 bit), Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Solaris etc...
In Windows or DOS, I used the conio library from Borland. It's very old but fine enough for a beginner like me.
As Robsoft says Delphi would be a good start. There is Turbo Delphi (Pascal based) or Turbo C++ both free editions.
web site here.
Check out some of the mono libs. They have a great one to parse command line arguments but can't remember the namespace.
Miguel just posted some terminal code as well.
For ncurses-like library/framework on Windows, I'll highly suggest to get your hand dirty with PDCurses.
If you trying/using C#, there's Curses-Sharp.
This is the best tool for it I've ever seen!!
1) Create any application using VB6 IDE
2) Convert it to Console Application, using THIS!
