Download and install Ning on other servers - social-networking

Is it possible to download and install Ning on one's own server? Also does anyone ning's license.
My sense is that you cannot install Ning locally or on a test server. If that is the case does anyone know a good open source social networking platform?

Ning is a hosted application, you can't download it. I would try Elgg: - it's open source and pretty mature at this point.
There are also various modules/plugins for various CMSs (Drupal, Plone, Joomla, WordPress, etc.) that you can use to add socnet functionality to a site.

Sitefinity from Telerik has a Social Network starter pack if you into ASP.NET programming.

that's not hard. if you pay the monthly fee to get rid of their google ads, you can redirect your ning address to any URL you wish (it will still be hosted on their servers though)


Where to begin with WebDAV, Cloud storage, and Laravel

Is it possible to give users the ability to remotely edit documents that are stored in the cloud storage of my web application?
I know that with the webdav, you can remotely open and edit ms-office documents on the local machine and save files back to the cloud storage. I want to add this feature on my laravel web-application and i cant find the solution.
I heard about ITHit Webdav Library and i need something like this.
Do I need my own webdav server for this?
Are there any free solutions or libraries for this?
I use minio as cloud storage, can this library help me?
I need at least some guidance for this. Thank you very much in advance.
To answer your questions:
Yes, you need your own WebDAV server, cloud storage providers typically don't have this built-in.
The most popular library for PHP would be sabre/dav
It does not matter which cloud storage provider you use, with WebDAV it will work for most (if not all) and will definitely work with Minio. As for my recommended package, see above.
ITHit WebDAV Library is a commercial library and you should stick with open-source in my opinion.
Implementing it into Laravel would be quite opinionated, but doing so ultimately depends on what you need to achieve from a user experience and functionality perspective.
There is nothing simple about the road you're travelling and it is quite complex.

Recommended method for communicating with QuickBooks Pro 2012

I am attempting to integrate a web site with Quickbooks Pro 2012 and would like to know what the recommended method is as I'm having a hard time getting information from the Intuit site.
Can I use QBFC13 with Quickbooks 2012 or do I have to use QBFC12?
Since this is a website, I think the correct method is to use Web Connector, although the web server could have direct access to the QuickBooks company file.
I'm been looking for a recent Web Connector sample (one that doesn't use Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB)
1. Can I use QBFC13 with Quickbooks 2012 or do I have to use QBFC12?
To my knowledge, all newer version of the SDK should work fine on older version of Quickbooks. I believe I read somewhere that they make an effort to keep it backwards compatible.
2. Since this is a website, I think the correct method is to use Web Connector, although the web server could have direct access to the QuickBooks company file.
I personally did not go with the webconnector route, because I needed real time comms. The webconnector will periodically "connect" to your website, and ask if it has any work for it to do. I personally created my own WCF Self Hosted service, which the website conencts to when needed. This wcf service, then interfaces with the quickbooks SDK, and passes the required info back to my website, when it wants it.
3. I'm been looking for a recent Web Connector sample (one that doesn't
use Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB)
Cant help you out here, although the QB specific stuff should generally still apply? Can't see why an example using a Jet DB would make the QB part of it unclear?
You can use either. You just need to make sure the QBXML version used is supported by QB.
Yes, you will need to use the web connector since this is going to a web site.

Why use AppHarbor addons?

Why should I use AppHarbor addons when I can get an account directly from the provider and have additional benefits (like multiple users or projects per account)? I know having addons per application centralizes configuration but it also means you have to go through AppHarbor.
In addition AppHarbor adds their header on the website of some providers (notably Airbrake), which ruins the design (looks out of place and has massive margins). On some addons pricing is much more flexible than the addon pricing (again, Airbrake is a good example - no idea what those plans offer!).
Provisioning add-ons through AppHarbor gives you the advantages of automatic application configuration, consolidated billing and being able to manage everything from AppHarbor (and not having to remember X logins and not having to remember to keep X credit cards updated at various services providers).
We've tried to make make the header as inconspicuous as possible, and it seems to work well on most of our add-on partners sites. Please drop us a line at if it causes breakage anywhere.
We're also continuously working with our add-on partners to keep their add-on plan offerings up-to-date and I've just shot the AirBrake guys an email. Thanks for alerting us to the problem!

How to use Windows Azure in Indonesia?

I plan to implement my website ( & sql2008) using windows azure, but I have difficulty to do it because windows azure has not released yet in my location (Indonesia).
Should someone like to share the solution the same with my problem would be appreciated.
The question was asked on MSDN and the answer is that it is not possible. The only solution is to wait for Windows Azure available in your country.
MSDN Forum
Just run your apps on HK or Singapore Windows Azure Public Data Centers, these are the APAC Data Centers for your region.
for testing reasons, I wanted to create an Azure account, and faced the same here in Egypt.
I've made it by remotely logging into one of our U.S-based servers, and registered from there :) If you can't do so, and need this account badly, and don't have such server, try using TOR.
Update: TOR is a proxy-like solution for your internet connection, it will redirect all requests/responses to a node on the TOR network, which consists of volunteers like you and me.
so my solution is simple, we gonna use tor to simulate that you are inside one of the permitted countries, and register your account with ease.
what you gonna need is to install TOR and configure your browser to use it, but my personal recommendation is to install TOR browser bundle, it's TOR+a Browser that is pre-configured to use it.
you gonna find a nice video on the TOR browser bundle page that will give you an overview about it.
give it a try, and tell me what happened.

Where can host some server side logic without having a web site?

I'd like to host some php or perl/cgi script, without having a full blown web site, does anybody know someone is offering this kind of service, free, hopefully.
you can sign up for a developer account with Amazon Web Services and get a server instance of your choice for free for one year -
You could run your own Linux or Windows webserver - both are completely capable of hosting as simple or complex a site you want. Unless you want to make this script available for others to use as a service, there's no need to find an "outside" provider.
Hmm, Free File Hosting. Or, if you don't need to actually access the files from anywhere, and you just want them hosted somewhere, gist might work well for you.
