Where can host some server side logic without having a web site? - hosting

I'd like to host some php or perl/cgi script, without having a full blown web site, does anybody know someone is offering this kind of service, free, hopefully.

you can sign up for a developer account with Amazon Web Services and get a server instance of your choice for free for one year - http://aws.amazon.com/

You could run your own Linux or Windows webserver - both are completely capable of hosting as simple or complex a site you want. Unless you want to make this script available for others to use as a service, there's no need to find an "outside" provider.

Hmm, Free File Hosting. Or, if you don't need to actually access the files from anywhere, and you just want them hosted somewhere, gist might work well for you.


Setting up web farm for DNN 6.2.6 CE with multiple file servers

We are planning to convert our website which is running on single server to a web farm with two servers on Windows 2008 R2. I am afraid I haven't found lot of documentation on how to achieve this. Can any one please point me to the proper documentation for this. The one document I found is
This one explains using single UNC share as file server but we are looking into to use every server in the web farm as file server (i.e. have dotnetnuke folder on all the server's local drive) since UNC share becomes single point of failure. So my questions are:
Can we do DNN web farm with multiple file servers, if so, how?
And also, how does the modules updates should be done? Does it need to be done on all the servers separately or does the DNN has any inbuilt mechanism for this or do we need to use DFS replication between the servers?
Also, we use heavy caching. Since we have to use file caching in the DNN CE web farms, how does the caching works with multiple file servers?
Also, please let me know any points or gotcha that I need be aware of. Any help is greatly appreciated.
The recommended way or doing a web farm for DNN is to use a single UNC share. Even with the paid editions of DNN that is the recommended approach.
Is it possible to do it any other way, yes, but there is nothing build into DNN to help you do so.
If you want to use multiple file servers you start running into issues with file based caching, module installations, etc.
Using UNC Share is best and easy to setup method to run DNN portal on webfarm. If you use single UNC share from all servers then possibly you do not get cache issue.
I had setup webfarm of DNN portal which was running on 4 web servers and 5th one was being used as file sever (UNC share) and DNN Database server and it was working quite well.
One more thing you should consider is that - Sessions.
DNN itself do not make use of Session and session variables. But if you are using your own modules or third party modules using session then it will be good to implement Session State Server.

Where is the source code of a site located?

I'm an enthusiast on web-technology. I want to know where does the code of a website resides? Is it hosting in all possible cases? Do usually people give access code to source code from admin panel? What if I want such functionality in my site? Will it be secure enough?
The site's code lives on your web server. The security depends on the web server itself.
It highly depends on the features of your hosting environment. If they provide ssh or ftp access, then yes, you can most likely access and modify the source code of your sites. Otherwise you are at the mercy of the control panel(s) of the hosting or the admin area of your particular website.

How to use Windows Azure in Indonesia?

I plan to implement my website (asp.net & sql2008) using windows azure, but I have difficulty to do it because windows azure has not released yet in my location (Indonesia).
Should someone like to share the solution the same with my problem would be appreciated.
The question was asked on MSDN and the answer is that it is not possible. The only solution is to wait for Windows Azure available in your country.
MSDN Forum
Just run your apps on HK or Singapore Windows Azure Public Data Centers, these are the APAC Data Centers for your region.
for testing reasons, I wanted to create an Azure account, and faced the same here in Egypt.
I've made it by remotely logging into one of our U.S-based servers, and registered from there :) If you can't do so, and need this account badly, and don't have such server, try using TOR.
Update: TOR is a proxy-like solution for your internet connection, it will redirect all requests/responses to a node on the TOR network, which consists of volunteers like you and me.
so my solution is simple, we gonna use tor to simulate that you are inside one of the permitted countries, and register your account with ease.
what you gonna need is to install TOR and configure your browser to use it, but my personal recommendation is to install TOR browser bundle, it's TOR+a Browser that is pre-configured to use it.
you gonna find a nice video on the TOR browser bundle page that will give you an overview about it.
give it a try, and tell me what happened.

FTP access on Windows Azure

Quick question. I'm currently moving a asp.net MVC web application to the Windows Azure platform. Everything is working out okay apart from one thing.
In the application at the moment, we make use of FTP accounts for each user to import large quantities of files to our database.
I understand FTP on Azure is not as straightforward.
I've googled and found this article: Ftp on Azure
This seems to be what I need except obviously we'll need to be able to add new users with their own separate FTP account. Does anyone know of an easy workaround for this?
Thanks in advance
Did you consider running a (FTP) service that's not IIS based, and you could add users programatically? Also, how are you going to solve data sync issues when the role recycles or when you upgrade it? Make sure to backup to blob on a somewhat regular basis!
Personally, I'd mount a VHD drive (Azure Drive) which is actually hosted on blob storage, and have my FTP server point to that drive. However, make sure you only have one instance of the server (problem #1) unless you don't need higher than 99,9% reliability you can solve this by running a single instance. Step 2 is I'd implement user management in relation to that program.
It's not straightforward, and I'd advise against it though. But I understand that sometimes you have to do this. I would solve it like I described above.

It would be useful to have a local version of the site available to my office network as I am developing it, anyone know how to configure this?

I develop on my machine and use my local IIS to test the site. I was thinking it would be really useful for showing people in the office a prototype or demo if I could just IM them a URL to this instance of the site that would be available on the local network in the office. Then they could browse to it instead of having to get up and come over here. Also it would allow them to test it in their browser as an extra perk.
Has anyone done this kind of thing, how would I configure it?
Yes, if you are just using your local IIS, you should be able to hand our your IP or machine name and others could access it. Give this a try and let us know if you have any errors doing so ... please note you might have to toy around with anonymous access permissions so just keep that in mind coming out of the gate.
