How can I access the MySQL command line with XAMPP for Windows? - windows

How can I access the MySQL command line with XAMPP for Windows?

Your MySQL binaries should be somewhere under your XAMPP folder. Look for a /bin folder, and you'll find the mysql.exe client around. Let's assume it is in c:\xampp\mysql\bin, then you should fireup a command prompt in this folder.
That means, fire up "cmd", and type:
cd c:\xampp\mysql\bin
mysql.exe -u root --password
If you want to use mysqldump.exe, you should also find it there.
Log into your mysql server, and start typing your commands.

On the Mac, or at least on my Mac using a default install, I accessed it at:
/Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/bin/mysql -uroot -p

For Linux:
/opt/lampp/bin/mysql -u root -p
To use just 'mysql -u root -p' command then add '/opt/lampp/bin' to the PATH of the environment variables.

To access the mysql command in Windows without manually changing directories, do this:
Go to Control Panel > System > Advanced system settings.
System Properties will appear.
Click on the 'Advanced' tab.
Click 'Environment Variables'.
Under System Variables, locate 'Path' and click Edit.
Append the path to your MySQL installation to the end of the exisiting 'Variable value'. Example:
or, if you prefer
Finally, open a new command prompt to make this change take effect.
Note that MySQL's documentation on Setting Environment Variables has little to say about handling this in Windows.

Open the XAMPP control panel.
Click Shell.
Type mysql --user=your_user_name --password=your_password.

You can access the MySQL command line with XAMPP for Windows
click XAMPP icon to launch its cPanel
click on Shell button
Type this mysql -h localhost -u root and click enter
You should see all the command lines and what they do
Setting environment for using XAMPP for Windows.
Your PC c:\xampp
# mysql -h localhost - root
mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.1.19-MariaDB, for Win32 (AMD64)
Copyright (c) 2000, 2016, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.
Usage: mysql [OPTIONS] [database]
Default options are read from the following files in the given order:
C:\WINDOWS\my.ini C:\WINDOWS\my.cnf C:\my.ini C:\my.cnf C:\xampp\mysql\my.ini C:\xampp\mysql\my.cnf C:\xampp\mysql\bin\my.ini C:\xampp\mysql\bin\my.cnf
The following groups are read: mysql client client-server client-mariadb
The following options may be given as the first argument:
--print-defaults Print the program argument list and exit.
--no-defaults Don't read default options from any option file.
--defaults-file=# Only read default options from the given file #.
--defaults-extra-file=# Read this file after the global files are read.
-?, --help Display this help and exit.
-I, --help Synonym for -?
Abort 'source filename' operations in case of errors
--auto-rehash Enable automatic rehashing. One doesn't need to use
'rehash' to get table and field completion, but startup
and reconnecting may take a longer time. Disable with
(Defaults to on; use --skip-auto-rehash to disable.)
-A, --no-auto-rehash
No automatic rehashing. One has to use 'rehash' to get
table and field completion. This gives a quicker start of
mysql and disables rehashing on reconnect.
Automatically switch to vertical output mode if the
result is wider than the terminal width.
-B, --batch Don't use history file. Disable interactive behavior.
(Enables --silent.)
Directory for character set files.
--column-type-info Display column type information.
-c, --comments Preserve comments. Send comments to the server. The
default is --skip-comments (discard comments), enable
with --comments.
-C, --compress Use compression in server/client protocol.
-#, --debug[=#] This is a non-debug version. Catch this and exit.
--debug-check Check memory and open file usage at exit.
-T, --debug-info Print some debug info at exit.
-D, --database=name Database to use.
Set the default character set.
--delimiter=name Delimiter to be used.
-e, --execute=name Execute command and quit. (Disables --force and history
-E, --vertical Print the output of a query (rows) vertically.
-f, --force Continue even if we get an SQL error. Sets
abort-source-on-error to 0
-G, --named-commands
Enable named commands. Named commands mean this program's
internal commands; see mysql> help . When enabled, the
named commands can be used from any line of the query,
otherwise only from the first line, before an enter.
Disable with --disable-named-commands. This option is
disabled by default.
-i, --ignore-spaces Ignore space after function names.
--init-command=name SQL Command to execute when connecting to MySQL server.
Will automatically be re-executed when reconnecting.
--local-infile Enable/disable LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE.
-b, --no-beep Turn off beep on error.
-h, --host=name Connect to host.
-H, --html Produce HTML output.
-X, --xml Produce XML output.
--line-numbers Write line numbers for errors.
(Defaults to on; use --skip-line-numbers to disable.)
-L, --skip-line-numbers
Don't write line number for errors.
-n, --unbuffered Flush buffer after each query.
--column-names Write column names in results.
(Defaults to on; use --skip-column-names to disable.)
-N, --skip-column-names
Don't write column names in results.
--sigint-ignore Ignore SIGINT (CTRL-C).
-o, --one-database Ignore statements except those that occur while the
default database is the one named at the command line.
-p, --password[=name]
Password to use when connecting to server. If password is
not given it's asked from the tty.
-W, --pipe Use named pipes to connect to server.
-P, --port=# Port number to use for connection or 0 for default to, in
order of preference, my.cnf, $MYSQL_TCP_PORT,
/etc/services, built-in default (3306).
--progress-reports Get progress reports for long running commands (like
(Defaults to on; use --skip-progress-reports to disable.)
--prompt=name Set the mysql prompt to this value.
--protocol=name The protocol to use for connection (tcp, socket, pipe,
-q, --quick Don't cache result, print it row by row. This may slow
down the server if the output is suspended. Doesn't use
history file.
-r, --raw Write fields without conversion. Used with --batch.
--reconnect Reconnect if the connection is lost. Disable with
--disable-reconnect. This option is enabled by default.
(Defaults to on; use --skip-reconnect to disable.)
-s, --silent Be more silent. Print results with a tab as separator,
each row on new line.
Base name of shared memory.
-S, --socket=name The socket file to use for connection.
--ssl Enable SSL for connection (automatically enabled with
other flags).
--ssl-ca=name CA file in PEM format (check OpenSSL docs, implies
--ssl-capath=name CA directory (check OpenSSL docs, implies --ssl).
--ssl-cert=name X509 cert in PEM format (implies --ssl).
--ssl-cipher=name SSL cipher to use (implies --ssl).
--ssl-key=name X509 key in PEM format (implies --ssl).
--ssl-crl=name Certificate revocation list (implies --ssl).
--ssl-crlpath=name Certificate revocation list path (implies --ssl).
Verify server's "Common Name" in its cert against
hostname used when connecting. This option is disabled by
-t, --table Output in table format.
--tee=name Append everything into outfile. See interactive help (\h)
also. Does not work in batch mode. Disable with
--disable-tee. This option is disabled by default.
-u, --user=name User for login if not current user.
-U, --safe-updates Only allow UPDATE and DELETE that uses keys.
-U, --i-am-a-dummy Synonym for option --safe-updates, -U.
-v, --verbose Write more. (-v -v -v gives the table output format).
-V, --version Output version information and exit.
-w, --wait Wait and retry if connection is down.
--connect-timeout=# Number of seconds before connection timeout.
The maximum packet length to send to or receive from
The buffer size for TCP/IP and socket communication.
--select-limit=# Automatic limit for SELECT when using --safe-updates.
--max-join-size=# Automatic limit for rows in a join when using
--secure-auth Refuse client connecting to server if it uses old
(pre-4.1.1) protocol.
--server-arg=name Send embedded server this as a parameter.
--show-warnings Show warnings after every statement.
--plugin-dir=name Directory for client-side plugins.
--default-auth=name Default authentication client-side plugin to use.
--binary-mode By default, ASCII '\0' is disallowed and '\r\n' is
translated to '\n'. This switch turns off both features,
and also turns off parsing of all clientcommands except
\C and DELIMITER, in non-interactive mode (for input
piped to mysql or loaded using the 'source' command).
This is necessary when processing output from mysqlbinlog
that may contain blobs.
Variables (--variable-name=value)
and boolean options {FALSE|TRUE} Value (after reading options)
--------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
abort-source-on-error FALSE
auto-rehash FALSE
auto-vertical-output FALSE
character-sets-dir (No default value)
column-type-info FALSE
comments FALSE
compress FALSE
debug-check FALSE
debug-info FALSE
database (No default value)
default-character-set auto
delimiter ;
vertical FALSE
force FALSE
named-commands FALSE
ignore-spaces FALSE
init-command (No default value)
local-infile FALSE
no-beep FALSE
host localhost
html FALSE
line-numbers TRUE
unbuffered FALSE
column-names TRUE
sigint-ignore FALSE
port 3306
progress-reports TRUE
prompt \N [\d]>
quick FALSE
reconnect TRUE
shared-memory-base-name (No default value)
socket C:/xampp/mysql/mysql.sock
ssl-ca (No default value)
ssl-capath (No default value)
ssl-cert (No default value)
ssl-cipher (No default value)
ssl-key (No default value)
ssl-crl (No default value)
ssl-crlpath (No default value)
ssl-verify-server-cert FALSE
table FALSE
user (No default value)
safe-updates FALSE
i-am-a-dummy FALSE
connect-timeout 0
max-allowed-packet 16777216
net-buffer-length 16384
select-limit 1000
max-join-size 1000000
secure-auth FALSE
show-warnings FALSE
plugin-dir (No default value)
default-auth (No default value)
binary-mode FALSE

The reason that you can't see the other tables is that you need to log in as 'root' in order to see them
mysql -h localhost -u root

In terminal:
cd C:\xampp\mysql\bin
mysql -h --port=3306 -u root --password
Hit ENTER if the password is an empty string. Now you are in.
You can list all available databases, and select one using the fallowing:
USE database_name_here;
DESC table_name_here;
SELECT * FROM table_name_here;
Remember about the ";" at the end of each SQL statement.
Windows cmd terminal is not very nice and does not support Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V (copy, paste) shortcuts. If you plan to work a lot in terminal, consider installing an alternative terminal cmd line, I use cmder terminal - Download Page

Go to /xampp/mysql/bin
and find for mysql. exe
open cmd, change the directory to mysq
after write in cmd
mysql -h localhost -u root

Xampp control panel v2.3.1
I got errors while using -h localhost
mysql -h localhost -u root
ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10060)
So, if you installed xampp as is and did not customize any documentroot, serverroot, etc. then the following works :-
start both the services on the xampp control panel
click shell
enter: # mysql -h -u root
that works just fine.
Below is the logtrail:-
# mysql -h -u root
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 1
Server version: 5.6.21 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

To access MySQL in Windows you need to install the XAMPP.
Open the XAMPP Control Panel and start MySQL.
Now go to the command prompt and open
C:\>cd xampp
C:\xampp>cd MySQL
C:\xampp\mysql>cd bin
C:\xampp\mysql\bin>mysql -h localhost -u root
Your database is now ready to be executed.

I had the same issue. Fistly, thats what i have :
win 10
git bash
and i have done this to fix my problem :
go to search box(PC)
tape this environnement variable
go to 'path' click 'edit'
add this "%systemDrive%\xampp\mysql\bin\" C:\xampp\mysql\bin\
click ok
go to Git Bash and right click it and open it and run as administrator
right this on your Git Bash winpty mysql -u root if your password is empty
or winpty mysql -u root -p if you do have a password

run xampp shell to solve connect to root using pw
mysql -h localhost -u root -p and enter root pw

To access SQL via the command line we simply navigate to the xampp folder.
the folder is usually on the c:\ drive.
type: cd c:\xampp\mysql\bin then press enter.
type: in mysql -u root -p then press enter.
in the new line enter the password of the database.
type: show databases; to see all the databases that you have access to.
once you know what database you want to use type (ex. cms_database), type use cms_data or any other db_name, it should say Database changed
// Bonus Note
you shouldn't use the root user when working with databases. you would want to create a separate account (ex. cms_user) with special privileges to limit errors.
to do that type:
TO 'cms_user'#'localhost'
IDENTITIED BY 'yourpassword'
double check by using the command:
SHOW GRANT FOR 'cms_user'#localhost;
if you already have the name of the user and the specific database you wish to use, change step 2 to this.
mysql -u cms_user -p cms_database

For windows
mysql -u root -p
Just a simple commands for linux to open mysql :
sudo /opt/lampp/bin/mysql

to enter MySQL's command-line interface, I find this:
C:\xampp\mysql\bin\mysql -u root

for linux users who are getting
Command 'mysql' not found, but can be installed with:
sudo apt install mysql-client-core-8.0 # version 8.0.30-0ubuntu0.20.04.2, or
sudo apt install mariadb-client-core-10.3 # version 1:10.3.34-0ubuntu0.20.04.1
but have xampp installed
you can just add /opt/lampp/bin to your bashrc file and run mysql


Postgres easy login with pgpass and alias not working

I am trying to use a one word alias to access a postgres database, the problem I am having is it needs a carriage return to work. Can anyone help me to get it to log in without the carriage return?
This is my alias which is in an environment file I am dotting:
alias pgres='psql --host -p 8367 -U kevin -W kev_db'
This is my .pgpass file which is in the users home directory:
If I type "pgres" then I get a prompt for a password. I have to hit enter again to log in.
Shouldn't it just log me straight in?
Prompting for a password is what -W is for. If you don't want that behavior, then don't use -W.
You can specify the database connection parameters in a postgresql service file called ~/.pg_service.conf in you home. Based on your connection string:
You would enter the following in ~/.pg_service.conf:
# Kevin's database service
And you would then connect to the database with:
psql service=kev

Why is .pgpass file not supplying a password for the pg_dump, vacuumdb, or reindexdb commands?

I'm trying to execute several different PostgreSQL commands inside of different bash scripts. I thought I had the .pgpass file properly configured, but when I try to run pg_dump, vacuumdb, or reindexdb, I get errors about how a password isn't being supplied. For my bash script to execute properly, I need these commands to return an exit code of 0.
I'm running PostgreSQL 9.5.4 on macOS 10.12.6 (16G1408).
In an admin user account [neither root nor postgres], I have a .pgpass file in ~. The .pgpass file contains:
The user is indeed postgres and the password is indeed DaVinci.
Permissions on the .pgpass file are 600.
In the pg_hba.conf file, I have:
# pg_hba.conf file has been edited by DaVinci Project Server. Hence, it is recommended to not edit this file manually.
local all all md5
host all all md5
host all all ::1/128 md5
So, for example, from a user account [neither root nor postgres], I run:
/Library/PostgreSQL/9.5/ --host localhost --username postgres testworkflow13 --blobs --file /Users/username/Desktop/testdestination1/testworkflow13_$(date "+%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M").backup --format=custom --verbose --no-password
And I get the following error:
pg_dump: [archiver (db)] connection to database "testworkflow13" failed: fe_sendauth: no password supplied
I get the same result if I run this with sudo as well.
Curiously, pg_dump does execute, and does export out a .backup file to the testdestination1 directory, but since it throws an error, if it's in a bash script, the script is halted.
Where am I going wrong? How can I make sure that the .pgpass file is being properly read so that the --no-password flag in the command works?
Please start with a read to official docs.
Also, even this topic is more than 2 years also, i strongly suggest to update to at least to version 10, anyhow nothing relevant has been changed around .pgpass
.pgpass need to be chmod 600, fine, the user that uses that must can read, so that must be the owner of that file.
Please remove the --no-password that just confuse and is not needed.
Using instead of localhost clarify where you are going, "usually" are the same.
... from a user account [neither root nor postgres] ...
The user you are using for must have read access to .pgpass, as said, so you have to clarify that and provide that file to that user, maybe using the PGPASSFILE env variable could be useful for you.
Another way is the use of .pg_service.conf file with or without the .pgpass, for what you have written it looks like that may be more appropriate
Also you could set the PGPASSWORD in the env of the user.
Think about security, some choices look the simpliest but can expose accesses .. and as DBA I'm frankly tired about peoples that store password in visible places, printed in logs or on github or set "trust" in pg_hba and finally comes to me to say "postgreSQL is insecure".. hahaha!
Final note, you do not have a pg_hba error, in case you will have a "pg_hba" error message.
Turns out that changing all three lines in the pg_hba.conf file to the trust method of authentication solved this.
local all all trust
host all all trust
host all all ::1/128 trust
Since the method is trust, the .pgpass file may be entirely irrelevant--I'm not sure, but at least I got it working.

Start Vertica database during boot on Linux

I have Vertica installed in an Ubuntu virtual machine and I'd like to have a specific database started during the boot, instead of me having to login, open admintools and start from there.
So, is there a command line that would allow me to start it without user interaction?
In which run level should I add this?
Also, I use a specific user to run everything Vertica related, does this need to be taken into account in my boot script?
Why not just set the restart policy(reboot on boot) in your admintools "Set Restart Policy"
You have 3 option :
always -- chose this one to start on boot.
And that is it !
admintools -t start_db
[dbadmin#hostname ~]$ admintools -t start_db --help
Usage: start_db [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DB, --database=DB Name of database to be started
Database password in single quotes
-i, --noprompts do not stop and wait for user input(default false)
-F, --force force the database to start at an epoch before data
consistency problems were detected.

WinSCP connect to Amazon AMI EC2 Instance changing user after login to "root"

I followed instructions here carefully however I haven't get this working right. Here is what I did:
Run WinSCP enter Hostname (Elastic IP of my Instance)
enter username "ec2-user"
enter public key file
chose SCP for the protocol
Under SCP/Shell settings I chose "sudo su -"
Hit Login
WinSCP asks me for passphrase key, Hit OK
Shows up this error
Error skipping startup message. Your
shell is probably incompatible with
the application (BASH is recommended).
NOTE: This works on Putty
With credit to this post and this AWS forum thread, it seems the trick is to
comment out Defaults requiretty in sudoers. My procedure now:
Log in to your EC2 instance using Putty.
Run sudo visudo, a special command to edit /etc/sudoers.
Press the Insert key to start Insert mode.
Find the line Defaults requiretty. Insert a hash symbol (#) before that line to comment it out:
#Defaults requiretty
Press the Esc key to exit Insert mode.
Type :wq to write the file and quit visudo.
In WinSCP:
Under Advanced > Environment > SCP/Shell, change the Shell to sudo su -.
Under SSH > Authentication, choose your Private key file (.ppk file).
WinSCP does not support commands that require terminal emulation or user input.
Since sudo su - expects a password, it wouldn't work.
There is a way around it: make root logon without being prompted for a password. You can do this by editing your sudoers file usually located at /etc/sudoers and adding:
Needless to say, this is Not a Very Good Thing To Do - for reasons which should be obvious :)
I was having the same problem and solved it using the steps in this tutorial. I would have posted it here, but I don't have enough rep for images/screens.
The following tutorial worked for me and provides helpful screenshots. Logging in as a regular user with sudo permissions just required tweaking a few WinSCP options.
Set Session/File protocol to: SCP, enter host/instance ip, port - usually 22, and regular username. Enter password credentials if the login requires it.
Add Advanced/SSH/Authentication/Private key file.
Unchecking Advanced/SSH/Authentication/attempt "keyboard interactive" authentication should allow Advanced/Environment/SCP Shell/Shell/Shell: sudo su - to provide sudo permissions for accessing webserver directories as a non-owner user.
Update 08/03/2017
WinSCP logging can be helpful to troubleshoot issues:
[WinSCP] Logging can be enabled from Logging page of Preferences dialog.
Logging can also be enabled from command-line using /log and /xmllog
parameters respectively, what is particularly useful with scripting.
In .NET assembly, session logging is enabled using
Depending on WinSCP connection errors, some server installations may need a directive added to the (Ubunto, CentOS, other-Linux-Server) /etc/sudoers file to not require TTY for a specified user. Creating a file in /etc/sudoers.d/ (using a tool such as Amazon Command Line Interface or PuTTY) may be a better option than editing /etc/sudoers. Some /etc/sudoers versions recommend it:
This file MUST be edited with the 'visudo' command as root.
Please consider adding local content in /etc/sudoers.d/ instead of
directly modifying this file.
See the man page for details on how to write a sudoers file.
When editing a sudoers file (as root) through the command-line, the 'visudo' command should be used to open the file as it will parse the file for syntax errors. /etc/sudoers.d/ files are typically owned by root and chmoded with minimal permissions. The default /etc/sudoers file may be referenced as it should automatically have recommended chmod permissions on installation. e.g.: 0440 r--r----- . :
visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/somefilename
Defaults:username !requiretty
Helpful Links:
Stackoverflow: cloud-init how to add default user to sudoers.d
WinSCP Forum:
WinSCP Doc:
With SCP protocol, you can specify following command as custom shell
on the SCP/Shell page of Advanced Site Settings dialog:
sudo -s
Note that as WinSCP cannot implement terminal emulation, you need to
have sudoers option requiretty turned off.
Instructions in Ubuntu Apache /etc/sudoers recommend adding directives to /etc/sudoers.d rather than editing /etc/sudoers directly. Depending on the installation, adding directive to /etc/sudoers.d/cloud-init may work as well.
It may be helpful to create an SSH test user with sudo permissions by following the steps provided in instance documentation to ensure that the user has recommended instance settings and any updates to server sudoer files can be effected and removed without affecting other users.
I enabled SSH root login on Debian Linux Server:
To enable SSH login for a root user on Debian Linux system you need to first configure SSH server. Open /etc/ssh/sshd_config and change the following line:
PermitRootLogin without-password
PermitRootLogin yes
Once you made the above change restart your SSH server:
/etc/init.d/ssh restart
Then i used SCP File protocol with root user name in winscp.
Under SCP/Shell settings, instead of "sudo su -", choose /bin/bash.
It should work.

Windows PSQL command line: is there a way to allow for passwordless login?

My goal is to be able to fire off a command without having to be prompted for my password. Is there any way to achieve this from the windows command line? In Linux I feel I could send the password to standard in or something, but I am not sure if I could do this for windows.
There are two ways:
Set environment variable PGPASSWORD e.g. set PGPASSWORD=yoursecretpassword
Use password file %APPDATA%\postgresql\pgpass.conf as described in documentation
Within password file (my location is C:\Users\Grzesiek\AppData\Roaming\postgresql\pgpass.conf) use specified in doc format. For example to connect database postgres as role postgres on local 5432 server add:
I checked this and it works well (for me), but don't use
Another handy option (specially if your PG server runs in your own client machine, and if this does not poses any security problem for you) is to allow login without password in the server ("trust" authentication mode).
For example, this line in pg_hba.conf (in your DATA dir, a typical location: C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.0\data\ ) grants access without password from your local machine.
host all all trust
Then, connect with
psql.exe -h -U postgres -w [YOUR_DB_NAME]
I know it is an old question but for anyone looking like I was, it is hard to find a solution for windows. stick this in a .bat file and it will work (at least for me it did). change director to postres directory, set environment variable PGPASSWORD execute copy command to a csv file and then clear environment variable, then go back to root directory.
cd C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\bin\
set PGPASSWORD=yourpassword
psql -d databasename -U yourusername -w -c "\COPY (select * from yourtable) TO 'c:/Users/yourdirectory/yourcsvfilename.csv' DELIMITER '|' CSV HEADER;"
cd c:\
I realize this question is a bit old now, but I believe there is a better means for secure, password-free PostgreSQL logon on Windows - SSPI.
Create a local or domain user account and PostgreSQL login with the same name.
In pg_ident.conf, create a mapping:
SSPI username#AUTHORITY loginname
Replace username with the Windows user name (this is the sAMAccountName attribute for domain accounts), and replace AUTHORITY with the computer name or short domain name. If you're not sure what to use for AUTHORITY, check the PostgreSQL log file. For a local account, this will be the computer name; for a domain account, it's probably the short domain name. Lastly, replace loginname with the PostgreSQL login name (to reduce confusion, I would recommend using the same name for both username and loginname).
In pg_hba.conf, allow the logon; e.g.:
host all loginname sspi map=SSPI
host all loginname ::1/128 sspi map=SSPI
If a domain account, set a SPN for it; e.g.:
setspn -S POSTGRES/serverfqdn username
Now you can log onto Windows using the specified username and run psql.exe, etc. without needing a password.
First ENviroment Var PGPASSWORD
C:\Windows\system32>set PGPASSWORD=clave
psql -d basededatos -U usuario
I got it working in Postgres 15 with:
psql -U postgres -h -p 54322 -f some_file password=postgres
If you're able to use Powershell, you can set environment variables inline, similar to bash.
This should work:
$Env:PGPASSWORD='your-pass'; psql -U postgres
Note the semicolon between setting the variable and actual command, this is important since those are inline but two separate commands.
I found another useful solution that worked for me on this link. It basically sets the PGPASSWORD at the beginning of your command like this:
