Windows PSQL command line: is there a way to allow for passwordless login? - windows

My goal is to be able to fire off a command without having to be prompted for my password. Is there any way to achieve this from the windows command line? In Linux I feel I could send the password to standard in or something, but I am not sure if I could do this for windows.

There are two ways:
Set environment variable PGPASSWORD e.g. set PGPASSWORD=yoursecretpassword
Use password file %APPDATA%\postgresql\pgpass.conf as described in documentation
Within password file (my location is C:\Users\Grzesiek\AppData\Roaming\postgresql\pgpass.conf) use specified in doc format. For example to connect database postgres as role postgres on local 5432 server add:
I checked this and it works well (for me), but don't use

Another handy option (specially if your PG server runs in your own client machine, and if this does not poses any security problem for you) is to allow login without password in the server ("trust" authentication mode).
For example, this line in pg_hba.conf (in your DATA dir, a typical location: C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.0\data\ ) grants access without password from your local machine.
host all all trust
Then, connect with
psql.exe -h -U postgres -w [YOUR_DB_NAME]

I know it is an old question but for anyone looking like I was, it is hard to find a solution for windows. stick this in a .bat file and it will work (at least for me it did). change director to postres directory, set environment variable PGPASSWORD execute copy command to a csv file and then clear environment variable, then go back to root directory.
cd C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\bin\
set PGPASSWORD=yourpassword
psql -d databasename -U yourusername -w -c "\COPY (select * from yourtable) TO 'c:/Users/yourdirectory/yourcsvfilename.csv' DELIMITER '|' CSV HEADER;"
cd c:\

I realize this question is a bit old now, but I believe there is a better means for secure, password-free PostgreSQL logon on Windows - SSPI.
Create a local or domain user account and PostgreSQL login with the same name.
In pg_ident.conf, create a mapping:
SSPI username#AUTHORITY loginname
Replace username with the Windows user name (this is the sAMAccountName attribute for domain accounts), and replace AUTHORITY with the computer name or short domain name. If you're not sure what to use for AUTHORITY, check the PostgreSQL log file. For a local account, this will be the computer name; for a domain account, it's probably the short domain name. Lastly, replace loginname with the PostgreSQL login name (to reduce confusion, I would recommend using the same name for both username and loginname).
In pg_hba.conf, allow the logon; e.g.:
host all loginname sspi map=SSPI
host all loginname ::1/128 sspi map=SSPI
If a domain account, set a SPN for it; e.g.:
setspn -S POSTGRES/serverfqdn username
Now you can log onto Windows using the specified username and run psql.exe, etc. without needing a password.

First ENviroment Var PGPASSWORD
C:\Windows\system32>set PGPASSWORD=clave
psql -d basededatos -U usuario

I got it working in Postgres 15 with:
psql -U postgres -h -p 54322 -f some_file password=postgres

If you're able to use Powershell, you can set environment variables inline, similar to bash.
This should work:
$Env:PGPASSWORD='your-pass'; psql -U postgres
Note the semicolon between setting the variable and actual command, this is important since those are inline but two separate commands.

I found another useful solution that worked for me on this link. It basically sets the PGPASSWORD at the beginning of your command like this:


How to use PGPASS file in Powershell to avoid password prompt?

I had to automate my postgre database backup. As instructed by my software vendor I am trying to use pg_dump.exe (see below) file to take a backup but that prompts me for password.
.\pg_dump.exe -h localhost -p 4432 -U postgres -v -b -F t -f "C:\Backup\Backup.tar" Repo
So googled and found that as per "" I can create a pgpass.conf file within 'C:\Users\User1\AppData\Roaming\postgresql\pgpass.conf" which I did.
Then I tried to pass data of pgpass.conf file to env variable before executing my pg_dump command. But it is not working. Still I am getting prompt to enter password. This is the content of pgpass.conf file: *:*:*:postgres:password
Below is the code I am trying in PowerShell,
cd "C:\Program Files\Qlik\Sense\Repository\PostgreSQL\9.6\bin"
.\pg_dump.exe -h localhost -p 4432 -U postgres -v -b -F t -f "C:\Backup\Backup.tar" Repo
Why am I still being asked for password?
When I type following code $Env:AppData I get following response "C:\Users\User1\AppData\Roaming"
Everywhere there are guidance on how to use it in UNIX or command prompt but not in powershell. Any help is appreciated. Also if you could direct me how to secure this password file then it will be great.
With password prompt I cannot automate it with windows task scheduler.
I suspect you have a suitable solution, however, as a quick (and not secure) workaround via the command prompt, you can use the variable PGPASSWORD to hold the password then run the backup script.
A sample might be something like:
cd "C:\Program Files\Qlik\Sense\Repository\PostgreSQL\9.6\bin" pg_dump.exe -h localhost -p 4432 -U postgres -b -F t -f "d:\qs_backup\QSR_backup.tar" QSR
I have yet to get the damned thing to work yet, but I did find this:
--no-password Never issue a password prompt. If the server requires password authentication and a password is not available by other means
such as a .pgpass file, the connection attempt will fail. This option
can be useful in batch jobs and scripts where no user is present to
enter a password.
I don't see a -w parameter in your call to pg_dump
I used pg_hba file to allow connection "trust" this is riskier method but I had to get things done ASAP. Thank you for your time and effort

Postgres easy login with pgpass and alias not working

I am trying to use a one word alias to access a postgres database, the problem I am having is it needs a carriage return to work. Can anyone help me to get it to log in without the carriage return?
This is my alias which is in an environment file I am dotting:
alias pgres='psql --host -p 8367 -U kevin -W kev_db'
This is my .pgpass file which is in the users home directory:
If I type "pgres" then I get a prompt for a password. I have to hit enter again to log in.
Shouldn't it just log me straight in?
Prompting for a password is what -W is for. If you don't want that behavior, then don't use -W.
You can specify the database connection parameters in a postgresql service file called ~/.pg_service.conf in you home. Based on your connection string:
You would enter the following in ~/.pg_service.conf:
# Kevin's database service
And you would then connect to the database with:
psql service=kev

Why is .pgpass file not supplying a password for the pg_dump, vacuumdb, or reindexdb commands?

I'm trying to execute several different PostgreSQL commands inside of different bash scripts. I thought I had the .pgpass file properly configured, but when I try to run pg_dump, vacuumdb, or reindexdb, I get errors about how a password isn't being supplied. For my bash script to execute properly, I need these commands to return an exit code of 0.
I'm running PostgreSQL 9.5.4 on macOS 10.12.6 (16G1408).
In an admin user account [neither root nor postgres], I have a .pgpass file in ~. The .pgpass file contains:
The user is indeed postgres and the password is indeed DaVinci.
Permissions on the .pgpass file are 600.
In the pg_hba.conf file, I have:
# pg_hba.conf file has been edited by DaVinci Project Server. Hence, it is recommended to not edit this file manually.
local all all md5
host all all md5
host all all ::1/128 md5
So, for example, from a user account [neither root nor postgres], I run:
/Library/PostgreSQL/9.5/ --host localhost --username postgres testworkflow13 --blobs --file /Users/username/Desktop/testdestination1/testworkflow13_$(date "+%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M").backup --format=custom --verbose --no-password
And I get the following error:
pg_dump: [archiver (db)] connection to database "testworkflow13" failed: fe_sendauth: no password supplied
I get the same result if I run this with sudo as well.
Curiously, pg_dump does execute, and does export out a .backup file to the testdestination1 directory, but since it throws an error, if it's in a bash script, the script is halted.
Where am I going wrong? How can I make sure that the .pgpass file is being properly read so that the --no-password flag in the command works?
Please start with a read to official docs.
Also, even this topic is more than 2 years also, i strongly suggest to update to at least to version 10, anyhow nothing relevant has been changed around .pgpass
.pgpass need to be chmod 600, fine, the user that uses that must can read, so that must be the owner of that file.
Please remove the --no-password that just confuse and is not needed.
Using instead of localhost clarify where you are going, "usually" are the same.
... from a user account [neither root nor postgres] ...
The user you are using for must have read access to .pgpass, as said, so you have to clarify that and provide that file to that user, maybe using the PGPASSFILE env variable could be useful for you.
Another way is the use of .pg_service.conf file with or without the .pgpass, for what you have written it looks like that may be more appropriate
Also you could set the PGPASSWORD in the env of the user.
Think about security, some choices look the simpliest but can expose accesses .. and as DBA I'm frankly tired about peoples that store password in visible places, printed in logs or on github or set "trust" in pg_hba and finally comes to me to say "postgreSQL is insecure".. hahaha!
Final note, you do not have a pg_hba error, in case you will have a "pg_hba" error message.
Turns out that changing all three lines in the pg_hba.conf file to the trust method of authentication solved this.
local all all trust
host all all trust
host all all ::1/128 trust
Since the method is trust, the .pgpass file may be entirely irrelevant--I'm not sure, but at least I got it working.

psql asks for password and does not read from pgpass.conf

I have installed my Postgresql database on a Windows server environment. I'd like to schedule a job using Windows Task scheduler to run every night so I need to run the following command without asking for password:
psql -U myUserName-d myDBName -c "select MyFunctionName()"
When I run the above query in my cmd shell, it asks me for password. When I enter the password manually, the function is correctly run.
So my solution is to read from the pgpass.conf file so no password is required.
Here are the things I have done to achieve this:
I created the pgpass.conf file in a directory I created in the %appdata% (AppData\Roaming\postgresql to be precise).
Here are the contents of this file:
I have also tried with the value instead of localhost above.
I, then, added the an environment variable (in the user variables for administrator list) called PGPASSFILE and gave it the pgpass.conf location.
Finally I stopped and restarted my Postgres service on Windows services and re-ran the command. But it is still asking for password.
How can I let my command know from where to read the password?
If you don't want to set the PGPASSFILE environment variable, put the password file in the standard location %APPDATA%\postgresql\pgpass.conf as described by the documentation.

Bash script to ssh to particular server

I'm wondering how I would go about creating my own bash script to ssh to a server. I know it's lazy, but I would ideally want not to have to type out:
ssh username#server
And just have my own two letter command instead (i.e. no file extension, and executable from any directory).
Any help would be much appreciated. If it helps with specifying file paths etc, I am using Mac OS X.
You can set configs for ssh in file ~/.ssh/config:
Host dev
User myname
Then, just type
$> ssh dev
And you're done. Also, you can add your public key to the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys so you won't get prompted for your password every time you want to connect via ssh.
Use an alias.
For example: alias sv='ssh user#hostname', then you can simply type sv.
Be sure to put a copy of the aliases in your profile, otherwise they will disappear at the end of your session.
you could create an alias like this:
alias ss="ssh username#server" and write it into your .bash_profile. ".bash_profile" is a hidden file is located in your home directory. If .bash_profile doesn't exist yet (check by typing ls -a in your home directory), you can create it yourself.
The bash_profile file will be read and executed every time you open a new shell.
You can use ssh-argv0 to avoid typing ssh.
To do this, you need to create a link to ssh-argv0 with the name of the host you want to connect, including the user if needed. Then you can execute that link, and ssh will connect you to the host of the link name.
Setup the link:
ln -s /usr/bin/ssh-argv0 ~/bin/my-server
/usr/bin/ssh-argv0 is the path of ssh-argv0 on my system, yours could be different, check with which ssh-argv0
I have put it in ~/bin/ to be able to execute it from any directory (in OS X you may need to add ~/bin/ manually to your path on .bash_profile)
my-server is the name of my server, and if needed to set the user, it would be user#my-server
Execute it:
Even more
You can also combine this with mogeb answer to configure your server connection, so that you can call it with a shorter name, and avoid to include the user even if it is different than on the local system.
Host serv
HostName my-server
User my-user
Port 22
then set a link to ssh-argv0 with the name serv, and connect to it with
