How do I re-install Visual's trial edition? - visual-studio

I'm working on getting the full license for VS 2008 (or my boss is) but my trial has expired, and I need to do some work.
How can I re-install?
Or, if I install on a different machine (or virtual machine) - how can I get another key without going through the whole download process from MS again?

I'd think you could probably do most of the same work in the free Express Edition, until you get the full license.


Installing VS2005 on Windows 7

I'm trying to install Visual Studio 2005 on a Windows 7 box but am repeatedly getting the same error. When I run the installer it starts to run then pops up with a message saying:
"A problem has been encountered while loading the setup components. Canceling setup."
Various suggestions has said that maybe the install is corrupted so I downloaded a fresh copy of the ISO from MSDN today, same issue. Another suggestion is that installing from the ISO may be the issue so I extracted the contents of the ISO to a folder on my HDD, same issue. I have also tried running the files as administrator and in XP compatability mode, same issue.
Searching for this issue the most common responses I've found have been about installing SP1, however I cannot get the base product to install and therefore cannot apply SP1.
Does anyone have any further suggestions as to what I can do to fix this issue and get VS2005 installed? If anyone wants any log files of any variety I am happy to supply so long as you tell me where to look as I'm not sure.
As for why I am using VS2005 and not a newer product, it is required for the ongoing support and maintenance of some older applications we manage. These cannot be easily migrated to a newer version of Visual Studio without some considerable investment of time and that would probably be longer than the time it will take to develop newer, replacement applications (which is currently in progress). Until the new applications are available though we need to maintain an environment to use.
Did you try running setup.exe in compatibility mode with Windows XP? Some discussion here on how to do this.
Another alternative since you alluded to having an MSDN subscription. Download Windows XP and install it into a VM. (If HyperV isn't already in installed with your Win7, you can add it from Control Panel->Programs&Features->Turn Windows Features on/off). Then install VS2005 from there.

Visual Studio 2013 RTM install hangs

I have been trying to install the new Visual Studio 2013 Professional RTM all day, and the installation keeps hanging at the same place every time.
I have been searching high and low for help resources for this and can find absolutely nothing, so this is kind of my last resort.
The system configuration is as follows;
Windows 8.1 RTM 64-bit Professional
Intel i7 CPU
I am trying to install with only the C++ Foundation Classes, Web Developer Tools, and SQL Developer Tools.
I continue to get locked up at this part of the process.
The first thing to confirm is that the hash for your downloaded ISO matches that published by Microsoft. Since ISO's don't have built-in CRC checking, this is a common problem. Depending on the source of your download (MSDN,, etc.) the SHA1 hash is usually published along with the download. On MSDN Subscriber downloads click on Details for the relevant download.
If that doesn't help, please contact Microsoft Support ( for assistance.
Hope that helps.

How to install powershell as a prerequisite?

I am using Visual Studio 2010 setup project
I don't think you are allowed to redistribute PowerShell. And at any rate, it is built in to Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2. All the other platforms have separate installers as well. I think it would be best to just notify your customers that they need PowerShell 2.0.
I had a similar problem in the StudioShell installer - wanted to make sure PoSh 2.0 is installed. I did a cursory check for the executable with a minimum version number, and added a launch condition that notified the user of the missing prerequisite and offered to open a web page to the PowerShell download. Seemed like the most legally helpful approach.
There is a way, albiet requiring you to build some MSI thing manually that will get it from MS and install it for you. I know the exchange install used that technique. You can also get a license/permission from MS to redistribute the official installers.

Installing Team Foundation Server (Migrate from StarTeam)

We are currently using StarTeam as our source control, but I am looking into alternatives. We are licensed for Team Foundation Server so I am thinking of using that as I believe it can integrate with VB6 and VS2010 Prof? (StarTeam doesn't integrate with either - at least the version we have doesn't)
Looking briefly at the features of TFS it seems there is a lot in there. To start with I just want SourceCode control. Does anyone know of a good step by step idiot's guide to setting this up? What needs to be installed where, what needs to be backed up etc, etc?
Also do I need to install anything else on my client to get VS2010 to work with it?
I don't really care about migrating the data from StarTeam but if anyone knows how this can be done I would be interested!
For your Visual Studio clients, you'll have to install Team Explorer - there's an installer on the TFS media, or you can download it separately. Each Visual Studio has to have a matching Team Explorer version installed (so if you have VS2008, you'll have to install Team Explorer for 2008), but to access later TFS servers, you generally have to install an extra update. For VB 6 (or VS2003), you'll have to use the TFS MSSCCI provider.
As to installing the server, all I'd recommend is install it somewhere first and play around with it before you install it for production use - get some familiarity with it. The install process is relatively straightforward.

How to set up a SharePoint 2010 developer machine?

As the release date for the public beta of SharePoint 2010 is coming closer and closer, I'm wondering how to set up a developer machine for it. I've heard that for developing on SharePoint a 64 bit system is needed and that Microsoft advises to use Windows 7 64 bit and install SharePoint 2010 on it.
I think that won't be an option for me as I only have one computer here at work and I don't like to install SharePoint on the same machine that I use for my normal office work (email stuff, writing concept papers, ...).
Am I right that I only have two other options? Using Server 2008 as a desktop operating system and install SharePoint 2010 on a virtual machine or using Windows 7 64 and use VMWare to host the SharePoitn 2010.
So I'm wondering if there are any other options and which one you chose? What experiences have you already made?
If you decide to install 2010 on your Vista/Windows 7 machine, make sure you have at least 4GB of RAM (I'd personally want at least 6, if not 8), and follow the instructions from MSDN: "Setting Up the Development Environment for SharePoint Server"
Yes, you are right there are only three options:
Install SharePoint onto the OS natively (new for 2010 and aimed at developers)
Install SharePoint into a VM you run on your machine
Get a second machine and install SharePoint on it.
In addition you will need Visual Studio 2010 for the developer experience to be complete.
I would highly recommend trying the install native route as it will provide a great development experience and will run fairly light. Also at worst you can have two batch files, one of which starts and the other stops the services so there will be zero impact except disk.
I am doing some SP2010 development at the moment. I have:
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard with Sharepoint 2010 and Visual Studio 2010 installed, running on Hyper-V. I just connect to it via Remote Desktop. Works a treat. I do all my dev in the VS2010 instance running on the VM, leaving my physical work computer free for everything else. I back up my work using TFS, so if I mess up the Sharepoint install (somehow), I can just roll back to a previous snapshot.
hope that helps. :D
Sharepoint 2010 development takes a lot of hardware resources. You can't use Hyper-V on Windows 7 but if you have the Enterprise version of the OS, you can build and boot directly from VHD, taking normal advantage of hardware resources. To learn how, you can visit this post:
