Windows process structure: How to store user information? - windows

I want to store some information in the EPROCESS structure of the process in windows NT kernel. My aim is that when winlogon is called I want to assign a unique value to the next process based on which user logs in. But I do not know where to store this unique ID. I have tried and succeeded in modifying some information (like the tokens) in the EPROCESS block of a process by the method of Direct kernel object modification and I wonder if there is any structure in this EPROCESS block where some other information can be stored.
p.s. For modifying the EPROCESS block I used a device driver.

The EPROCESS structure is opaque and undocumented, meaning you shouldn't be messing with its internals. Doing so requires you, among other things, to test on every OS version and service pack you plan on supporting.

Do not modify EPROCESS. It will bring you great sorrow.
Furthermore, if you do, do not install it on anyone elses machine. It is absolutely wrong to impose such a profoundly damaging, system destabilizing change on another persons computer. How would like it if I gave you tuberculosis?


Windows: where can I store data secretly in order to implement a time-limited demo?

I'm writing a Windows app that has a time limited demo. There's not going to be a server that the app can phone home to, so I need to store data on the system in order to figure out if the demo has been started and how much time is remaining. The location of this data needs to be obfuscated so that a typical user (and possibly even some power users) are unlikely to be able to find it.
I already know the logistics of how to implement a time limited demo as long as I can store data secretly somewhere on the system, but I'm not sure how to do that last part. The requirements here are:
The data needs to be globally readable and writable so that any user account can access it and modify it without requiring elevated privileges (as the demo applies system-wide and not on a per-user basis)
Preferably it doesn't require elevated permissions to create the data, but if it's necessary to do that once (for example to create the data and adjust its permissions so that everyone has write access) that's acceptable though not ideal.
Whatever method or combination of methods I use to do this needs to work in Windows 7 and later
Does anyone have any idea on how I can accomplish this?

How to monitor an application (Smartcard) access

This is my first post so please bear with me, will i get use to the posting requirements.
I need help finding out when i insert a smartcard (on Windows 64bit machine), what it then access in the background. I have tried using process monitor, process explorer and TCP View. These didn't provide me with what i needed which is to be able to see ports, registry keys, background network access and so on.I need something that will allow me to activate it to observe what happens when i use a smartcard. The idea is that a smartcard is inserted and then it looks at certain registry keys and also checks via an connection various URL's, ports to ensure access is granted. The problem is the software we have installed hasn't put the registry keys where they should be so i can't change them, and these are what i really need to get at. I have also tried searching the registry keys for a value one would be logged under and i can't seem to find it that way either.
I use to have a piece of software years ago that provided it, was a listener of some sort, but i can't think of it for the life of me what it is called. If anyone can point me in the direction of what i need to be thinking off i would be so grateful!
If i need to be clearer please let me know, thanks!
Actually a smartcard accesses nothing on its own. I'm aware, that Windows might look up the ATR in the registry in order to provide a "friendly card name", but if absent no harm is done except not having the friendly card name.
Any actions like internet request are more likely to be associated with a software tool called Service Provider, which knows, what commands to send for this specific card in order to perform actions like:
User authentication
Signature computation
Significant knowledge concerning the specific card is required, so entering some registry entries is far from sufficient. If the card contains a certificate, some software may try to verify the certificate chain or ensure, that the key was not revoked, but this is also not initiated by the card.

Windows _EPROCESS Structure

Is there any source to find details of each field in _EPROCESS structure? I'm working on a VM introspection project where I try to get detailed information of each running process. I can read the data for each fields but I don't really know what those fields represent. I couldn't find any link explaining those fields, probably because Windows being a closed source OS.
I understand that I might not be able to find details of each and every fields but it would really help me if I can get at least some of them.
EPROCESS is a structure very internal to the operating system kernel and changes quite a lot accross individual Windows versions. That's another reason why it is not documented. It would be probably better if you write down the fields you are interested in. Maybe, somebody would know their meaning. In some cases, the meaning can be guessed from their names.
Keep also in mind that access to certain fields may be synchronized via a lock so you may receive inconsistend data when reading them without acquiring the lock.
If you are interested in information that is available via certain kernel API (e.g. PSXxx routines), you can reverse the API and decode their references into EPROCESS and other structures.

Reliable way of generating unique hardware ID

Question: I have to come up with unique ID for each networked client, such that:
it (ID) should persist once client software is installed on target computer, and should continue to persist if software is re-installed on same computer and same OS installment,
it should not change if hardware configuration is modified in most ways (except changing the motherboard)
When hard drive with client software installed is cloned to another computer with identical hardware configuration (or, as similar as possible), client software should be aware of that change.
A little bit of explanation and some back-story:
This question is basically age old question that also touches the topic of software copy-protection, as some of the mechanisms used in that area are mentioned here. I should be clear at this point that I'm not looking for a copy-protection scheme. Please, read on. :)
I'm working on a client-server software that is supposed to work in a local network. One of the problems I have to solve is to identify each unique client in the network (not so much of a problem), so that I can apply certain attributes to every specific client, retain and enforce those attributes during the deployment lifetime of a specific client.
While I was looking for a solution, I was aware of the following:
Windows activation system uses some kind of heavy fingerprinting mechanism that is extremely sensitive to hardware modifications,
Disk imaging software copies along all Volume IDs (tied to each partition when formatted), and custom, uniquely generated IDs during installation process, during first run, or in any other way, that is strictly software in its nature, and stored in registry or on hard drive, so it's very easy to confuse two.
The obvious choice for this kind of problem would be to find out BIOS identifiers (not 100% sure if this is unique through identical motherboard models, though), as that's the only thing I can rely on that isn't duplicated, transferred by cloning, and that can't be changed (at least not by using some user-space program). Everything else fails as either being not reliable (MAC cloning, anyone?), or too demanding (in terms that it's too sensitive to configuration changes).
Sub-question that I'd like to ask is, am I doing it correctly, architecture-wise? Perhaps there is a better tool for the task that I have to accomplish...
Another approach I had in mind is something similar to a handshake mechanism, where a server maintains an internal lookup table of connected client IDs (which can be even completely software-based and non-unique at any given moment), and tells the client to come up with a different ID during handshake, if a duplicate ID is provided upon connection. That approach, unfortunately, doesn't play nicely with one of the requirements to tie attributes to specific client during lifetime.
It seems to me that you should construct the unique ID corresponding to your requirements. This ID can be constructed as a hash (like MD5, SHA1 or SHA512) from the information which is important for you (some information about software and hardware component).
You can make your solution more secure if you sign such hash with your private key and your software verify during the starting, that the key (signed hash value) is signed (only public key must be installed together with your software). One can expand such kind of solution with different online services, but corporate clients could find online services not so nice.
What you're looking for is the Windows WMI. You can get the motherboard ID (which is unique across the same type of motherboard) or many many other types of unique identifiers and come up with some clever seeded function to generate a UHID. Whoa did I just make up an acronym?
And if you're looking specifically for getting the Motherboard (BIOS) ID:
WMI class: Win32_BIOS
Namespace: \Root\Cimv2
Sample code:
Edit: You didn't specify a language (and I assumed C++), but this can be done in Java (with a COM driver), and any .NET language, as well.
Many programs use the hostId in order to build a license code (like those based on FlexLM). Have a look at what Matlab does depending on the operative system:
Also have a look at this question:
Getting a unique id from a unix-like system
Once I also saw some programs basing their licenses on the serial number of the hard drive, an maybe that is the less likely thing to change. Some would suggest to use the MAC of your ethernet card, but that can be reprogrammed.
DON'T RELY ON MAC! EVER. It is not permanent. The user can easily change it (under 30 seconds).
Volume ID
DON'T RELY ON Volume ID! EVER. It is not permanent. The user can easily change it. It also changes by simply formatting the drive.
WMI is a service. Can be easily disabled. Actually, I tried that and I find out that on many computers is disabled or broken (yes, quite often broken).
License server
Connection to a validation server may cause you also lots of troubles because:
* your customers may not always be connected to the Internet.
* your customers may connect with special settings (router/NAT/proxy/gateway) that they need to input into your program in order to let it connect to the validation server.
* they may be behind a firewall that will block all programs except a few (my case). In some cases the firewall may not be under their control (valid for MOST corporate users)!
* it is super easy to redirect your program to a local fake webserver that emulates your licensing server.
Hardware data
If you need strong protection you need to rely on hardware. Something that cannot be edited by the user. Something like CPU ID instruction available in the Intel/AMD CPUs and the serial number written into the drive's IDE interface.
The CPU ID and HDD ID are permanent. They will never change, not even after you format the computer and reinstall Windows.
It is doable. For example this library reads the hardware ID of a computer. There is a compiled demo and also sourcecode/DLL. Disclaimer: the link leads to a commercial product (19€/no royalties).

Getting Information From Master File Table on Windows

I need to get some information that is contained in the MFT on a Windows machine, and I'm hoping that there is some super-secret API for getting this information. I need to be able to get to this information programmatically, and because of legal concerns I might not be able to use the tools provided by the company formally known as sysinternals.
My other option (which I really don't want to have to do) is to get the start sector of the MFT with DeviceIoControl, and manually parse through the information.
Anyway, in particular, what I really need to get out of the Master File Table is the logical sectors used to hold the data that is associated with a file.
There is a documented API for getting info on file positions on disk since Windows 2000. Look for DeviceIoControl function with FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTERS control code on MSDN:
The API has been provided for writing custom disk defragmenters and consists of several other control codes.
