Windows _EPROCESS Structure - windows

Is there any source to find details of each field in _EPROCESS structure? I'm working on a VM introspection project where I try to get detailed information of each running process. I can read the data for each fields but I don't really know what those fields represent. I couldn't find any link explaining those fields, probably because Windows being a closed source OS.
I understand that I might not be able to find details of each and every fields but it would really help me if I can get at least some of them.

EPROCESS is a structure very internal to the operating system kernel and changes quite a lot accross individual Windows versions. That's another reason why it is not documented. It would be probably better if you write down the fields you are interested in. Maybe, somebody would know their meaning. In some cases, the meaning can be guessed from their names.
Keep also in mind that access to certain fields may be synchronized via a lock so you may receive inconsistend data when reading them without acquiring the lock.
If you are interested in information that is available via certain kernel API (e.g. PSXxx routines), you can reverse the API and decode their references into EPROCESS and other structures.


Off-Chain Worker Framework

I haven’t entirely given up on the idea of validators moonlighting as oracles for off-chain computation…based on this extensive discussion:
So far from studying Sputnik’s code, I have figured out the mechanics of how to upload a blob to a smart contract. Let's say that a blob represents a storage-less contract, having only stateless functions that act only on input to the function, and return those inputs modified.
Now I’m missing the piece of how Validators can download and execute the blob. As mentioned by Ilya in the link above, the NearSDK would be able to interpret the blob (if the blob is essentially a compiled contract), but it needs to be a modified version of the SDK...
Think of this like sandbox mode…blob cannot modify state of any other contract, but can read state (forget about the internet access part for now). Results of the blob execution are then fed back to a smart contract, where they have to match the results of every other validator who executed the blob. This can be done by hash comparison (rather than looping through the results individually), so it’s not an expensive comparison, especially because it’s all or nothing.
Question: how can a Validator download the blob and execute it via a sandboxed SDK, and post the result via the regular SDK to the blockchain? I am missing a lot of architectural context…and this is bringing me to the edge of giving on the idea. Please help prevent that from happening!
If you are implementing this as a separate binary, your binary will be doing next things:
Use RPC to load the WASM file from the blockchain. See RPC reference
Use runtime-standalone to run this WASM with specific inputs. An example of using runtime standalone is here, but you will need to customize this with few things.
The result should be sent as a transaction signed by this binary again via RPC.
If you want these WASM files to have access to state, you will need to load state inside this binary. There are two options:
Modify a nearcore node to also do the above items
Run nearcore in parallel, and open the database on read when you are initializing Trie (e.g. here load from disk instead).
If you want to add more host functions (like accessing internet), you will need to fork runtime-standalone to expose those functions.

Realtime one-way mirroring of a SQLite database

I am dealing with a 3rd party application that's running a SQLite 3 database with WAL (Write-Ahead Logging) on a local computer, and I'm looking to mirror that database (read only, this is a one-way mirroring) to another system. The challenge is that I'm running in a separate process, which seems to complicate things somewhat.
The database is being created and opened with a normal locking mode so there's no problem reading it from another process, but I'm trying to either find an existing implementation or get some pointers on where to get started. My understanding, based on other posts is that the standard sqlite update hooks (such as sqlite3_update_hook) will not work out of process.
A key issue is speed, I'd like to ideally be able to detect each update as soon as it happens and begin transmitting it. This means that most polling options would be out of the question, but even if they were, how would you detect the most recent changes?
I'm seeing two files that look promising: the actual WAL file (foo.db-wal), and that memory mapped index file (foo.db-shm). I'm hoping that those two contain the information I need to: A. Detect when changes occur in the database and B. Be able to grab just the incremental changes since the last update.
But a pointer to some existing solution would be much preferred... :-)
SymmetricDS might be the solution for you

Where to begin with SNMP agent implementation?

before I start I realise there are a few SNMP related questions here already but not many seem to have been answered - that could mean I'm asking in the wrong place but I don't know where else to go at the moment.
I've been reading up as best I can on SNMP for a couple of days but am finding it difficult to get my head around what is meant to be happening. The idea is eventually we will integrate SNMP into our Java application server which will allow the end users to incorporate it into their pre-existing Network Management Systems(NMS).
Unfortunately I'm feeling entirely confused by what is meant to be going on. From what I understood from talking to the end users (which was unfortunately before any research) was that the monitoring allows their existing NMS to give their admin guys a view of the vital statistics in a tree type display, giving them feedback regarding different parts of the system at a high level and allowing them to dig down into specific subsystems.
From reading around we would implement an 'Agent' which has several defined interfaces allowing for GET requests etc to be processed and responded to. That makes sense but I am at a loss to work out what the format of the communication is - there don't seem to be any specific examples of what any of the messages look like, how the information is encoded.
More of my confusion though is regarding Management Information Base(MIB). I had, wrongly, assumed that the interface of the agent would allow for the monitored attributes to be requested and then in turn the values for those attributes requested. Allowing any new Agent to be started and detected without any configuration on the NMS end (with the exception of authentication in v3). This, if I understand correctly, is not the case and the Agent must instead define MIBs which can be used by the NMS to determine those attributes. My confusion is increased when people start referring to thousands of existing MIBs and that they can be reused which I don't understand. Is the intention that a single MIB definition can be used to say describe how a particular attribute of a network device (something simple like internet connected on a router:yes/no) for many different devices? If so I don't believe that our software would allow the monitoring of anything common to any other device/system but should we be looking for already exising MIBs? At the moment I don't really see any good rational for such a system, surely it would be easier for the Agent to export that information - so I'd appreciate it if someone could enlighten me!
I think it would help if I was able to setup a simple SNMP agent and some sort of client, I could begin to see the process and eventually inspect the communication between the two but am finding it difficult to find anywhere that provides any information on doing such a thing. Nagios has been recommended to us as a test 'client'/NMS but their 'get started quick' section recommends downloading a 600Mb virtual machine - surely there is a quicker way to get started?
Any help or suggestions will be appreciated, I have been through the Wiki page but it doesn't seem to go into much detail about the MIBs and the having not had to deal with anything like the referenced RFCs before, while they may contain all of the information they seem completely impenetrable to me at the moment. Or if there are any books that can be recommended for an overview and implementation of v3?
Thanks for reading and even more thanks if you think you can help!
It seems to me that you read all SNMP information piece by piece in an disorganized way. This is highly not recommended and of course lead you to confusion.
What about forgetting what you have learnt so far and dive into a good book such as Essential SNMP?
Click the Google Preview icon to preview it please.
You could not depend on a network forum to tell you the ABCs, as that's impractical I find out.
The communications interface is SNMP. That's the protocol used for transmission (usually on top of UDP). The thing that services information requests is an SNMP Agent. The thing that sends information requests is an SNMP Manager.
The definition of what information should be made available by the Agent, and requested by the Manager, goes in a MIB. A MIB is the "glue", a directory of what sort of things any particular system can/should offer. It maps numeric codes to names and types that allow us to make sense of the data, much like how a phone directory maps phone numbers to people's names and addresses.
Generally you would create and ship and use your own MIBs that can describe aspects specific to your own product, but you are supposed to service some standard information requests as well, which are defined in existing MIBs. Yes there are thousands of other pre-existing MIBs and the likelihood that you need more than one or two of these is remote. They are typically published versions of MIBs for existing products.
The conventional way to "toy around" is to install Net-SNMP (a software suite that includes an agent implementation and allows you to "bolt on" your own logic and your own MIBs fairly easily) then examine the results using a packet capturer like Wireshark.
For a fuller implementation in production you may stick with Net-SNMP, or write your own Agent software, or do what I did and create a hybrid of the two that's a little more flexible and performant but uses Net-SNMP's backend for handling all the low-level SNMP stuff.
Your first step, though, is to read a book or some other teaching material that can clear all your misconceptions, because guesswork won't cut it.
I had success using the samples from this page. Both the shell and Perl NetSNMP code was very straightforward to implement and query.

Windows process structure: How to store user information?

I want to store some information in the EPROCESS structure of the process in windows NT kernel. My aim is that when winlogon is called I want to assign a unique value to the next process based on which user logs in. But I do not know where to store this unique ID. I have tried and succeeded in modifying some information (like the tokens) in the EPROCESS block of a process by the method of Direct kernel object modification and I wonder if there is any structure in this EPROCESS block where some other information can be stored.
p.s. For modifying the EPROCESS block I used a device driver.
The EPROCESS structure is opaque and undocumented, meaning you shouldn't be messing with its internals. Doing so requires you, among other things, to test on every OS version and service pack you plan on supporting.
Do not modify EPROCESS. It will bring you great sorrow.
Furthermore, if you do, do not install it on anyone elses machine. It is absolutely wrong to impose such a profoundly damaging, system destabilizing change on another persons computer. How would like it if I gave you tuberculosis?

Getting Information From Master File Table on Windows

I need to get some information that is contained in the MFT on a Windows machine, and I'm hoping that there is some super-secret API for getting this information. I need to be able to get to this information programmatically, and because of legal concerns I might not be able to use the tools provided by the company formally known as sysinternals.
My other option (which I really don't want to have to do) is to get the start sector of the MFT with DeviceIoControl, and manually parse through the information.
Anyway, in particular, what I really need to get out of the Master File Table is the logical sectors used to hold the data that is associated with a file.
There is a documented API for getting info on file positions on disk since Windows 2000. Look for DeviceIoControl function with FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTERS control code on MSDN:
The API has been provided for writing custom disk defragmenters and consists of several other control codes.
