Image viewer - standard gui controls, bottom-up or what? - user-interface

I need to make a basic image viewer.
The main concern is how to implement (in terms of gui components and image manipulation) such features as: zoom in-out, scroll and 'hand tool'.
There seems to be several options for achieving this goal, differing mainly in degree of putting responsibilities on the graphical interface framework as opposed to manually implementing things.
Two solutions that are obvious to me are:
1) Resizing and cropping the visible part of the image is crafted on its own using functionality of some image manipulation library. The image (or it's part) is then drawn on some window/control in an overridden onPaint() method. Scrollbars updating (when 'hand tool' used) and operation (when used directly) code needs to be written.
2) An oversized control (StaticBitmap or whatever) containing the image is put inside a window with automatic scrolling. Then one needs to figure out how to convert image coordinates to scrolling coordinates.
Both ways look awkward. Any ideas how to do it in a neat way? Or is what I feel as being ugly just the only way to go?
I'm using Python with wxPython/wxWidgets and PIL, but the question is to a large extent language- and platform- independent.
Sample code and links to sources (of something that is not too bloated) are welcome.

Here's a tutorial that might help. Build a wxPython Image Viewer
I didn't actually watch all the videos, so I can't speak to how well it address's your specific problems.
Also, here's a blog post by Jeff Atwood on Coding Horror that could apply. Programming Is Hard, Let's Go Shopping! It speaks to when you should take the time to write your own code and when to just use a third party solution.

I'm new here, and after searching for a while I still can't find a way to upload files. Oh well, here's the code in a post. Sorry for the non-descriptive variable names and lack of comments. I guess the main functions you'll want to look at are processPicture and showPicture.
Edit: and just to reiterate, I started this with the example in this tutorial.
import wx, os, string, sys
from PIL import Image
# Scroll wheel and +/- do zoom in/out. f toggles full screen. r rotates.
# m changes PIL mode from low quality (fast) to high quality (slow).
# Images under 1000x1000 are automatically on high quality.
# Middle button down while dragging moves image around, as do arrow
# keys (if image is bigger than window).
# Left and right mouse buttons are next and previous image.
# There is no functionality to load an image. When an executeable is made, the
# viewer is started by opening an image with it.
# To run this file from command line, comment out line 55 and uncomment
# line 54, then do " sampleImage"
# There are several lines that are Windows specific. They (probably) all have
# to do with paths, i.e, "/" vs "\".
class ImageFrame(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self):
wx.Frame.__init__(self,None,title = "viewer")
self.Size = (450,450)
self.imageBox = wx.Window(self)
self.vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
self.SetStatusWidths([-1, 70, 50, 50, 30])
self.cursor = wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_ARROW)
self.moveCursor = wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_SIZING)
self.vbox.Add(self.imageBox,proportion=1,flag = wx.EXPAND)
self.sbm = 0
self.sbmList = [] = ''
self.url = ''
self.dir = ''
self.factor = 1.0
self.rotation = 0
self.width = 0
self.height = 0
self.count = 0
self.size = 0
self.numOfPics = 0 = False
self.fs = False
self.mode = 0
self.SetStatusText(str(self.mode), 4)
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
#self.url = os.getcwd() + '\\' + sys.argv[1]
self.url = sys.argv[1] = self.url.split('\\')[len(self.url.split('\\'))-1]
self.dir = self.url.replace('\\' +,'')
self.imageBox.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, lambda evt: self.rescale(evt,1))
self.imageBox.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.keyEvent)
self.imageBox.Bind(wx.EVT_MIDDLE_UP, self.endDrag)
self.imageBox.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, self.prev)
def nameFromUrl(self,url):
name = url.split('\\')
name = name[len(name)-1]
return name
def processPicture(self, factor = 0):
img =
self.width = img.size[0]
self.height = img.size[1]
ogHeight = self.height
ogWidth = self.width
xWin = self.imageBox.Size[0]
yWin = self.imageBox.Size[1]
winRatio = 1.0*xWin/yWin
imgRatio = 1.0*self.width/self.height
self.factor = factor*self.factor
if factor == 0:
self.factor = 1
mode = 0
if (ogWidth <=1000 and ogHeight <= 1000) or self.mode == 1:
mode = 1
if imgRatio >= winRatio: #match widths
self.width = self.factor*xWin
self.height = self.factor*xWin/imgRatio
img = img.resize((int(self.width),int(self.height)),mode)
else: #match heights
self.height = self.factor*yWin
self.width = self.factor*yWin*imgRatio
img = img.resize((int(self.width),int(self.height)),mode)
label = str(int(100*self.width/ogWidth))
name = self.nameFromUrl(self.url)
index = self.sbmList.index(name)
self.SetStatusText(name, 0)
self.SetStatusText(str(ogWidth) + 'x' + str(ogHeight), 1)
self.SetStatusText(label + '%', 2)
self.SetStatusText(str(index+1) + '/' + str(self.numOfPics), 3)
if self.rotation % 360 != 0:
img = img.rotate(self.rotation)
self.width = img.size[0]
self.height = img.size[1]
wximg = wx.EmptyImage(img.size[0],img.size[1])
def showPicture(self,img):
bmp = wx.BitmapFromImage(img)
x = (self.imageBox.Size[0] - self.width)/2.0
y = (self.imageBox.Size[1] - self.height)/2.0
tmp = wx.StaticBitmap(self.imageBox,wx.ID_ANY,bmp,(x,y))
tmp.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, self.prev)
tmp.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.drag)
tmp.Bind(wx.EVT_MIDDLE_UP, self.endDrag)
if self.sbm:
self.sbm = tmp
def loadDirectory(self,dir):
self.sbmList = []
for image in os.listdir(dir):
if image.lower().endswith('jpg') or image.lower().endswith('png') or image.lower().endswith('jpeg') or image.lower().endswith('gif') or image.lower().endswith('bmp'):
self.numOfPics = len(self.sbmList)
def next(self,event):
if in self.sbmList:
n = self.sbmList.index(
if n == len(self.sbmList) - 1:
n = -1 = self.sbmList[n + 1]
self.url = self.dir + '\\' +
self.rotation = 0
def prev(self,event):
if in self.sbmList:
n = self.sbmList.index(
if n == 0:
n = len(self.sbmList) = self.sbmList[n - 1]
self.url = self.dir + '\\' +
self.rotation = 0
def rescale(self,event,factor):
if self.url and self.GetStatusBar(): #close is seen as a size event.
def zoom(self,event):
factor = 1.25
if event.GetWheelRotation() < 0:
factor = 0.8
def keyEvent(self,event):
code = event.GetKeyCode()
if code == 43: #plus
elif code == 45: #minus
elif code == 82 and self.url: #r
self.rotation = self.rotation + 90
elif code == 70: #f
elif (code == 314 or code == 315 or code == 316 or code == 317) and self.sbm:
#left, up, right, down
elif code == 77: #m
if self.mode == 0:
self.mode = 1
self.mode = 0
self.SetStatusText(str(self.mode), 4)
def scroll(self,code):
boxPos = self.imageBox.GetScreenPositionTuple()
imgPos = self.sbm.GetScreenPositionTuple()
delta = 20
if code == 314 and self.width > self.imageBox.Size[0]:
compare = boxPos[0] - imgPos[0]
if compare <= delta:
delta = max(compare,0)
if code == 315 and self.height > self.imageBox.Size[1]:
compare = boxPos[1] - imgPos[1]
if compare <= delta:
delta = max(compare,0)
if code == 316 and self.width > self.imageBox.Size[0]:
compare = imgPos[0] + self.sbm.Size[0] - boxPos[0] - self.imageBox.Size[0]
if compare <= delta:
delta = max(compare,0)
if code == 317 and self.height > self.imageBox.Size[1]:
compare = imgPos[1] + self.sbm.Size[1] - boxPos[1] - self.imageBox.Size[1]
if compare <= delta:
delta = max(compare,0)
def drag(self,event):
if event.MiddleIsDown():
if not
self.SetCursor(self.moveCursor) = True
boxPos = self.imageBox.GetScreenPositionTuple()
imgPos = self.sbm.GetScreenPositionTuple()
if self.count == 0:
self.x = event.GetX()
self.y = event.GetY()
self.count = self.count + 1
if self.count > 1:
deltaX = event.GetX() - self.x
deltaY = event.GetY() - self.y
if imgPos[0] >= boxPos[0] and deltaX > 0:
deltaX = 0
if imgPos[0] + self.width <= boxPos[0] + self.imageBox.Size[0] and deltaX < 0:
deltaX = 0
if imgPos[1] >= boxPos[1] and deltaY > 0:
deltaY = 0
if imgPos[1] + self.height <= boxPos[1] + self.imageBox.Size[1] and deltaY < 0:
deltaY = 0
self.count = 0
def endDrag(self,event):
self.count = 0
self.SetCursor(self.cursor) = False
def toggleFS(self):
if self.fs:
self.fs = False
self.fs = True
app = wx.App(redirect = False)
frame = ImageFrame()

And there is Cornice an open source image viewer written in wxPython which might help you

You can try Document/View architecture.
I think it should be available in Python. You can take a look at this tutorial, it is for C++ but approach should be similar. It also shows how to implement selection rectangle.

I actually just made a simple image viewer with wxPython and PIL. I didn't want to, but I was having a hard time finding a viewer as simple as I wanted. Anyway, I started from this page and worked myself up to an app that zooms, rotates, and browses all images in the folder it was started from. When I get home I can post the full code if you like.


Pygame sprite hitboxes don't follow as screen scrolls/zooms

First, the CameraGroup class is attributed to the wonderful youtube channel Clear Code.
Second, the hitboxes will not zoom (mousewheel) or scroll (WASD keys) with the planet icons. Try clicking the planets before zooming or scrolling and you will see the hitbox in action.
Third, as the screen is zoomed out the planets get smaller and the camera window shrinks towards the middle of the screen. Ideally, the camera window should stay the full size of the parent window to allow displaying more planets in the zoomed out state.
Finally, I am eager to learn, so please be brutal. Just drop the two planet icons in the folder with the .py file.
import os
import pygame
from pygame import *
from sys import exit
class CameraGroup(pygame.sprite.Group):
def __init__(self):
self.display_surf_foreground = pygame.display.get_surface()
# camera offset
self.offset = pygame.math.Vector2()
self.half_w = self.display_surf_foreground.get_size()[0] // 2
self.half_h = self.display_surf_foreground.get_size()[1] // 2
self.scroll_offset = (0, 0)
# box setup
self.camera_borders = {'left': 200, 'right': 200, 'top': 100, 'bottom': 100}
l = self.camera_borders['left']
t = self.camera_borders['top']
w = self.display_surf_foreground.get_size()[0] - (self.camera_borders['left'] + self.camera_borders['right'])
h = self.display_surf_foreground.get_size()[1] - (self.camera_borders['top'] + self.camera_borders['bottom'])
self.camera_rect = pygame.Rect(l, t, w, h)
# camera speed
self.keyboard_speed = 10
# zoom
self.zoom_scale = 1
self.foreground_surf_size = (400, 400)
self.foreground_surf = pygame.Surface(self.foreground_surf_size, pygame.SRCALPHA)
self.foreground_rect = self.foreground_surf.get_rect(center=(self.half_w, self.half_h))
self.foreground_surf_size_vector = pygame.math.Vector2(self.foreground_surf_size)
self.foreground_offset = pygame.math.Vector2()
self.foreground_offset.x = self.foreground_surf_size[0] // 2 - self.half_w
self.foreground_offset.y = self.foreground_surf_size[1] // 2 - self.half_h
# planets and labels
self.planet_surf = pygame.Surface
self.planet_rect = pygame.Rect
def keyboard_control(self):
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if keys[pygame.K_a]:
self.camera_rect.x -= self.keyboard_speed
if keys[pygame.K_d]:
self.camera_rect.x += self.keyboard_speed
if keys[pygame.K_w]:
self.camera_rect.y -= self.keyboard_speed
if keys[pygame.K_s]:
self.camera_rect.y += self.keyboard_speed
self.offset.x = self.camera_rect.left - self.camera_borders['left']
self.offset.y = - self.camera_borders['top']
def zoom_keyboard_control(self):
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if keys[pygame.K_q]:
self.zoom_scale += 0.1
if self.zoom_scale > 2:
self.zoom_scale = 2
if keys[pygame.K_e]:
self.zoom_scale -= 0.1
if self.zoom_scale < .5:
self.zoom_scale = .5
def custom_draw(self, planets):
self.foreground_surf.fill((0, 0, 0, 255))
# active elements
for planet in planets:
self.planet_surf = pygame.image.load(planet.icon).convert_alpha()
offset_coord = planet.coord - self.offset + self.foreground_offset
self.planet_rect = self.planet_surf.get_rect(center=offset_coord)
self.foreground_surf.blit(self.planet_surf, self.planet_rect)
scaled_surf = pygame.transform.scale(self.foreground_surf, self.foreground_surf_size_vector * self.zoom_scale)
scaled_rect = scaled_surf.get_rect(center=(self.half_w, self.half_h))
self.display_surf_foreground.blit(scaled_surf, scaled_rect)
class Game:
def __init__(self):
self.game_over = False
self.game_year = 0
self.game_state = 'splash'
def activate_planet(screen, planets):
active_planet_coord = None
for planet in planets:
if planet.rect.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()):
active_planet_coord =
return active_planet_coord
return active_planet_coord
def heartbeat(screen, active_planet_coord):
# global heartbeat_mod
global heartbeat
ticks = pygame.time.get_ticks()
heartbeat_thump = round(ticks / 1000) % 2
if heartbeat_thump == 0:
heartbeat_mod = .1
heartbeat_mod = -.1
heartbeat += heartbeat_mod
if heartbeat < 1:
heartbeat = 1
elif heartbeat > 6:
heartbeat = 6
heartbeat_color = (0, 255, 0), heartbeat_color, active_planet_coord, 25 + round(heartbeat), round(heartbeat) + 2)
class Planet(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, icon, group):
self.icon = icon
self.coord = (0, 0) = group
self.image = pygame.image.load(self.icon).convert_alpha()
self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center=self.coord)
self.planet_icons = []
self.planet_names = []
def update_coords(planets, star_coords):
i = 0
for planet in planets:
planet.coord = tuple(star_coords[i])
planet.rect = planet.image.get_rect(center=planet.coord)
i += 1
if i == len(star_coords):
del planets[len(star_coords):]
return planets
def main():
global heartbeat
global heartbeat_mod
width, height = 400, 400
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))
active_planet_coord = (-100, -100)
heartbeat = 0
heartbeat_mod = .1
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
game = Game()
camera_group = CameraGroup()
planet_array = os.listdir('./')
planet_array.pop(0) # remove 'camera scroll' file
planet_icons = planet_array
planets = []
for new_planet in range(2):
icon = planet_icons.pop()
planet = Planet(icon, camera_group)
star_coords = [[100, 100], [200, 200]]
planets = planet.update_coords(planets, star_coords)
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if event.button == 1:
active_planet_coord = game.activate_planet(screen, camera_group)
if active_planet_coord is None:
active_planet_coord = (-100, -100)
elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEWHEEL:
camera_group.zoom_scale += event.y * 0.1
if camera_group.zoom_scale > 2:
camera_group.zoom_scale = 2
elif camera_group.zoom_scale < .5:
camera_group.zoom_scale = .5
game.heartbeat(screen, active_planet_coord)
if __name__ == '__main__':
An alternative way to solve this problem is to "inverse zoom" the mouse position when you use it for click detection:
p_zoom = (p - zoom_center) * zoom_scale + zoom_center
inverse zoom:
p = (p_zoom - zoom_center) / zoom_scale + zoom_center
Apply this to your code:
class Game:
# [...]
def activate_planet(screen, planets):
zoom_scale = planets.zoom_scale
zoom_center = pygame.math.Vector2(screen.get_rect().center)
pos = pygame.math.Vector2(pygame.mouse.get_pos())
pos = (pos - zoom_center) / zoom_scale + zoom_center
active_planet_coord = None
for planet in planets:
if planet.rect.collidepoint(pos):
planet_center = ( - zoom_center) * zoom_scale + zoom_center
active_planet_coord = round(planet_center.x), round(planet_center.y)
return active_planet_coord
return active_planet_coord

for loop does not work for random images in tkinter

It seems like with one image - I can create 36 pictures, but for some reason, I cannot create 36 different images and display them on Canvas. Only one random image is shown in position 30, for the reason I do not quite get :)
There will be an image added. It seems like generating a random image in the for loop does not work. I have tried to move it around - does not help.
Here is what I get
from tkinter import *
import math
import random
time_to_remember = 60
suit = ["clubs","diamonds","spades","hearts"]
names_cards = ["6","7","8","9","10","jack","ace","king"]
def countdown(count):
count_min = math.floor(count / 60)
count_sec = math.floor(count % 60)
if count_sec < 10:
count_sec = f"0{math.floor(count % 60)}"
timer_text.config( text=f"{count_min}:{count_sec}")
if count < 10:
timer_text.config( fg ="red")
if count > 0:
global timer
timer = window.after(1000, countdown, count - 1)
window = Tk()
window.minsize(1000, 800)
canvas = Canvas(height=1000, width = 1000)
canvas.grid(row = 1, rowspan=6, column=0,columnspan=10 )
b_img = PhotoImage(file= "/Users/oleksandrzozulia/PycharmProjects/memory_project/Images/Screenshot 2022-08-27 at 11.48.49.png",
y_cor = 20
x_cor = 90
leng = 10
count = 0
ii = []
for i in range(0,4):
if count == 3:
leng = 6
for i in range(0,leng):
i = canvas.create_image(x_cor,y_cor, image=b_img, anchor="ne")
x_cor += 100
count +=1
x_cor = 90
y_cor += 150
#Display Random cards==================================================================
y_n = 20
x_n = 90
leng_n = 10
count_n = 0
for i in range(0,3):
if count_n == 3:
leng_n = 6
for i in range(0,leng_n):
img_n = PhotoImage(
file = f"Images/PNG-cards-1.3/{random.choice(names_cards)}_of_{random.choice(suit)}.png",
width = 80)
i = canvas.create_image(x_n,y_n, image=img_n, anchor="ne")
x_n += 100
count +=1
x_n = 90
y_n += 150

How Do I Make Enemies In My Game Shoot Missles randomnly?

So I'm trying to create space Invaders currently and i'm trying to make the aliens shoot at the player randomnly. I've made it so that one projectile or enemy missle is shot at the player, but I can't figure out how I can make this happen from random places where the aliens are located, and how I can make the enemy repeatedly shoot missles,as opposed to just once as it's doing right now. My code that i'm using is down below (variables related to the shooting of the enemy are enemMissleFire and enemymissles)....
import pygame
import sys
import time
#initialize pygame
width = 800
height = 600
# set the size for the surface (screen)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height),pygame.FULLSCREEN)
width = screen.get_width()
height = screen.get_height()
# set the caption for the screen
pygame.display.set_caption("Space Invaders")
def checkCollision(missles, type, score):
for missle in missles:
collision = missle.collidelist((type))
if collision > -1:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, WHITE, missle,0)
# define colours you will be using
WHITE = (255,255,255)
GREEN = (0,255,0)
RED = (255,0,0)
BLUE = (0,0,255)
BLACK = (0,0,0)
YELLOW = (255,255,0)
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
FPS = 60
s = 25
#load and scale images
smallInvaderImg = pygame.image.load("images/smallinvader.png")
smallInvaderImg = pygame.transform.scale(smallInvaderImg,(s,s))
medInvaderImg = pygame.image.load("images/crabinvader.png")
medInvaderImg = pygame.transform.scale(medInvaderImg, (s,s))
bigInvaderImg = pygame.image.load("images/biginvader.png")
bigInvaderImg = pygame.transform.scale(bigInvaderImg, (s,s))
shipImg = pygame.image.load("images/ship.png")
shipImg = pygame.transform.scale(shipImg, (60,60))
smallInvaders = []
medInvaders = []
bigInvaders = []
enemiesMap = ["sssssssssss",
invadertype = [smallInvaders,medInvaders,bigInvaders]
dx = 1
dy = 0
x = 240
y = 0
gap = 10
for element in enemiesMap:
for char in element:
if char == "s":
elif char == "m":
elif char == "b":
x += s + gap
y += s + gap
x = 240
score = 2
ship = pygame.Rect(width/2,525,60,60)
if ship.right == width:
ship.right = width
maxMissles = 3
missleSpeed = -6
missleWidth = 5
missleHeight = 30
enemmissleWidth = 5
enemmissleHeight = 25
missles = []
missleFired = False
lives = 3
playbutton = pygame.Rect(width/2,height/2,155,90) = (width/2,height/2)
quitbutton = pygame.Rect(width/2,height/2,155,90) = (width/2,height/2+110)
playagn = pygame.Rect(width/2,height/2,155,90) = (width/2,height/2)
playword = pygame.font.SysFont("comicsanms", 35)
title = pygame.font.SysFont("comicsanms", 90)
quitword = pygame.font.SysFont("comicsanms",35)
endscreen = pygame.font.SysFont("comicsanms", 90)
playagaintext = pygame.font.SysFont("comicsanms", 35)
enemMissleFire = False
enemmislist = []
enemymissles = (pygame.Rect(ship.centerx,y,enemmissleWidth,enemmissleHeight))
invaderDirSwapped = False
screenControl = 0
main = True
while main:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
main = False
for element in smallInvaders:
for element in smallInvaders:
if element.right >= width or element.left <= 0:
dx *= -1
invaderDirSwapped = True
for element in medInvaders:
if not invaderDirSwapped:
for element in medInvaders:
if element.right >= width or element.left <= 0:
dx *= -1
invaderDirSwapped = True
for element in bigInvaders:
if not invaderDirSwapped:
for element in bigInvaders:
if element.right >= width or element.left <=0:
dx *= -1
invaderDirSwapped = True
key_input = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if key_input[pygame.K_RIGHT] and ship.right < width:
if key_input[pygame.K_LEFT] and ship.left > 0:
if key_input[pygame.K_SPACE] and not missleFired:
missleFired = True
if screenControl == 0:
texttitle = title.render("SPACE INVADERS", True, WHITE)
textrect = texttitle.get_rect() = (width/2, 100)
if playbutton.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()) and pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]:
screenControl = 1
pygame.draw.rect(screen,WHITE,(playbutton), 0)
if playbutton.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()):
pygame.draw.rect(screen,BLUE, (playbutton), 4)
if quitbutton.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()) and pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]:
main = False
pygame.draw.rect(screen,WHITE,(quitbutton), 0)
if quitbutton.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()):
textplay = playword.render("PLAY", True, BLUE)
textrect2 = textplay.get_rect() = (width/2,height/2)
textquit = quitword.render("QUIT",True,BLUE)
textrect3 = textquit.get_rect() = (width/2,height/2+110)
if screenControl == 1:
if len(missles) > 0:
if missleFired and missles[-1].bottom < ( - 120) and not key_input[pygame.K_SPACE]:
missleFired = False
if len(missles) == 0:
missleFired = False
if enemMissleFire:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, WHITE, enemymissles,0)
for invader in smallInvaders:
screen.blit(smallInvaderImg, invader)
for invader in medInvaders:
screen.blit(medInvaderImg, invader)
for invader in bigInvaders:
screen.blit(bigInvaderImg, invader)
#move and draw missles
if smallInvaders == [] and medInvaders == [] and bigInvaders == []:
screenControl = 2
if screenControl == 2:
if playagn.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()) and pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]:
screenControl = 0
if quitbutton.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()) and pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]:
main = False
pygame.draw.rect(screen,WHITE, (quitbutton),0)
if playagn.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()):
pygame.draw.rect(screen,BLUE,(playagn), 4)
if quitbutton.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()):
textend = endscreen.render("YOU WON!", True, WHITE)
textrect4 = textend.get_rect() = (width/2, 150)
textplayagn = playagaintext.render("PLAY AGAIN", True, BLUE)
textrect5 = textplayagn.get_rect() = (width/2,height/2)
textquit = quitword.render("QUIT",True,BLUE)
textrect3 = textquit.get_rect() = (width/2,height/2+110)
Regardless, I can't figure out how I can make it so that projectiles can be shot from random aliens, over the course of the player shooting, and so any help would be appreicated.
Import Random and Time
this will get the random and time functions built in
from random import randint as ran
import time
Get the Number
this will get the time between the previous shot and the next
t = ran(Min_Time,Max_Time)
Get The Countdown
this will count a second between numbers
t -= 1
if t == 0:
FINAL CODE (trumpet fanfare)
from random import randint as ran
import time
def randshot(Min_Time,Max_Time):
t = ran(Min_Time,Max_Time)
while t:
t -= 1
if t == 0:
while True:
Hope this Helped!

Jython (JES) - Function for rotating a picture [duplicate]

I need to write a function spin(pic,x) where it will take a picture and rotate it 90 degrees counter clockwise X amount of times. I have just the 90 degree clockwise rotation in a function:
def rotate(pic):
width = getWidth(pic)
height = getHeight(pic)
new = makeEmptyPicture(height,width)
tarX = 0
for x in range(0,width):
tarY = 0
for y in range(0,height):
p = getPixel(pic,x,y)
color = getColor(p)
tarY = tarY + 1
tarX = tarX +1
return new
.. but I have no idea how I would go about writing a function on rotating it X amount of times. Anyone know how I can do this?
You could call rotate() X amount of times:
def spin(pic, x):
new_pic = duplicatePicture(pic)
for i in range(x):
new_pic = rotate(new_pic)
return new_pic
a_file = pickAFile()
a_pic = makePicture(a_file)
show(spin(a_pic, 3))
But this is clearly not the most optimized way because you'll compute X images instead of the one you are interested in. I suggest you try a basic approach first (even if this statement doesn't exists in Python ;):
xx = (x % 4) # Just in case you want (x=7) to rotate 3 times...
if (xx == 1):
new = makeEmptyPicture(height,width)
tarX = 0
for x in range(0,width):
tarY = 0
for y in range(0,height):
p = getPixel(pic,x,y)
color = getColor(p)
tarY = tarY + 1
tarX = tarX +1
return new
elif (xx == 2):
new = makeEmptyPicture(height,width)
# Do it yourself...
return new
elif (xx == 3):
new = makeEmptyPicture(height,width)
# Do it yourself...
return new
return pic
Then, may be you'll be able to see a way to merge those cases into a single (but more complicated) double for loop... Have fun...

Matlab SVM for Image Classification

I am using SVM function of Matlab to classify images that are read from a folder. What I want to do is first read 20 images from the folder, then use these to train the SVM, and then give a new image as input to decide whether this input image falls into the same category of these 20 training images or not. If it is, then the classification result should give me 1, if not, then I expect to receive -1.
Up to now, my written code is as follows:
imagefiles = dir('*.jpg');
nfiles = 20;
for i = 1:nfiles
currentfilename = imagefiles(i).name;
currentimage = imread(currentfilename);
images{i} = currentimage;
images{i} = im2double(images{i});
images{i} = rgb2gray(images{i});
images{i} = imresize(images{i},[200 200]);
images{i} = reshape(images{i}', 1, size(images{i},1)*size(images{i},2));
trainData = zeros(nfiles, 40000);
for ii=1:nfiles
trainData(ii,:) = images{ii};
class = [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1];
SVMStruct = svmtrain (trainData, class);
inputImg = imread('testImg.jpg');
inputImg = im2double(inputImg);
inputImg = rgb2gray(inputImg);
inputImg = imresize(inputImg, [200 200]);
inputImg = reshape (inputImg', 1, size(inputImg,1)*size(inputImg,2));
result = svmclassify(SVMStruct, inputImg);
Since the images are read by series from the folder, so camethe cell images. Then I converted them to grayscale as shown in the code, and resized them, since those images were NOT of same size. Thus after this step, I had 20 images, all of each with size 200x200. And at last, I gave these to serve as my training dataset, with 20 rows, and 200x200 columns. I checked all of these size results, and they seemed to work fine. But right now the only problem is, no matter what kind of input image I give it to predict, it always gives me a result as 1, even for those very different images. Seems like it is not working correctly. Could someone help me check out where should be the problem here? I couldn't find any explanation from the existing sources on the internet. Thanks in advance.
Here is a function to read all images that may help you
function X = ReadImgs(Folder,ImgType)
Imgs = dir(fullfile(Folder, ImgType));
NumImgs = size(Imgs,1);
image = double(imread(fullfile(Folder, Imgs(1).name)));
X = zeros([NumImgs size(image)]);
for i=1:NumImgs,
img = double(imread(fullfile(Folder, Imgs(i).name)));
if (size(image,3) == 1)
X(i,:,:) = img;
X(i,:,:,:) = img;
this is should be works in MATLAB
clear all;
folder = 'gambar 1';
dirImage = dir( folder );
numData = size(dirImage,1);
M ={} ;
% read image
for i=1:numData
nama = dirImage(i).name;
if regexp(nama, '(lion|tiger)-[0-9]{1,2}.jpg')
B = cell(1,2);
if regexp(nama, 'lion-[0-9]{1,2}.jpg')
B{1,1} = double(imread([folder, '/', nama]));
B{1,2} = 1;
elseif regexp(nama, 'tiger-[0-9]{1,2}.jpg')
B{1,1} = double(imread([folder, '/', nama]));
B{1,2} = -1;
M = cat(1,M,B);
% convert image holder from cell to array
numDataTrain = size(M,1);
class = zeros(numDataTrain,1);
arrayImage = zeros(numDataTrain, 300 * 300);
for i=1:numDataTrain
im = M{i,1} ;
im = rgb2gray(im);
im = imresize(im, [300 300]);
im = reshape(im', 1, 300*300);
arrayImage(i,:) = im;
class(i) = M{i,2};
SVMStruct = svmtrain(arrayImage, class);
% test for lion
lionTest = double(imread('gambar 1/lion-test.jpg' ));
lionTest = rgb2gray(lionTest);
lionTest = imresize(lionTest, [300 300]);
lionTest = reshape(lionTest',1, 300*300);
result = svmclassify(SVMStruct, lionTest);
