Where can I find documentation for WSPBuilder 1.03? - wspbuilder

I can't seem to find any documentation on how to get WSPBuilder working. The codeplex project is located here :http://www.codeplex.com/wspbuilder/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=16820

I've been using this run through here


Not able to find go_router's official documentation

I was not able to find flutter go_router's official documentation. Their official link was gorouter.dev but now it is redirecting to https://pub.dev/packages/go_router. Any other recourses for go_router?
Was missing it as well, was able to find a mirror here: https://docs.page/bizz84/go_router_archived
Will also point to the respective github issue for this question: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/112159

PCL library setup using vcpkg seems to be missing include files (pcl/visualization in particular)

My goal is to visualize a point cloud using PCL. This is possible according to their official tutorial (link). In the tutorial there is an include path pointing to cloud_viewer.h file (located under visualization folder). After a vcpkg install using "vcpkg install pcl:x64-windows" I couldn’t find the visualization folder. After some research it I found out that "visualization" does not come with default PCL install, but it is an optional feature (link). Then I used the "vcpkg install pcl[vtk]:x64-windows --featurepackages" and I am still missing the needed folder. If anyone could point out to me where am I making a mistake I would appreciate it.
I got the same problem with you. It seems vcpkg is not a good choice for pcl library. Many people have the same problem with visualization module
Using vcpkg does not provide all files, includes and headers for pcl.
I had the same issue, and downloading pcl all in one solved it.
You can find it here for example: http://unanancyowen.com/en/pcl181/
Other thing that can help, is to use this command on vcpkg:
.\vcpkg install pcl:x64-windows-static

How to build OpenCV with extra modules from opencv_contrib on Xcode?

Not sure how to go about this have been searching and can't really find the solution I need.
Solved through it based on the official guide from opencvs github page https://github.com/opencv/opencv_contrib!

How to setup OpenACS?

I am trying to setup OpenACS Project. I tried some Open Source Projects available on net. I am trying to setup OpenACS from below link.
But it is showing inactive and code is not there. Can i found this code somewhere else.
Your link points to the "Automatic Configuration Server" (ACS), a project that unfortunately has a name-clash with the Open Architecture Community System (OpenACS). If you are referring to the latter, here you go:
You can find the official OpenACS code here: http://openacs.org/news/item?item_id=4197887
Two great installer scripts are located at github: https://github.com/gustafn/install-ns. It works great to get you up and running with a simple NaviServer, PostgreSQL OpenACS installation.
This should get you started!
http://sourceforge.net/projects/OpenACS has a fork https://sourceforge.net/projects/libreacs/ and several its clones on github (I don't actually know which one is official). You'll find minimal installation instructions in acs/doc/README after cloning e.g.:
git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/libreacs/code libreacs-code

Where to find a working version of codecampserver?

Where can I find a working copy of codecampserver? I tried downloading the source code from google project but I can not get it to work or figure out how I should get it working.
Here do you have a ready to use CodeCampServerPackage.
The existing answer requires a login for Team City.
It appears that the project is available here:
