Syncing a Core Data Model With A Web Service - cocoa

This problem has been kicking my butt for a few days now.
I have a web service that serves XML that looks like this:
<level>Level 1</level>
<level>Level 2</level>
<level>Office Support</level>
This data needs to go into an entity in my Core Data model so that they can be used by my application. I've been able to parse them into the model just fine, my problem arises when one of the levels changes. I can create, read, and delete, but I can't figure out how to update because I need to maintain the relationships that exist with other entities in my model. I come from a strong PHP and MySQL background so my first instinct was to add a key to the model that I could use to relate, but since Core Data isn't really a database it feels wrong, and I know there must be a better way. I've searched Google a bit and could not find any answer. Am I on the right track with the key or does Core Data offer something I am missing?

I'd need more information to understand exactly how your model works, but in general I don't think there's anything wrong to adding your own unique key to a Core Data model. I'm doing the same thing for one of my applications, I keep a UUID on each object for syncing with an iPhone application.


Core-data raises "The file has been changed by another application"

When changing data in my core-data application, a error message comes up:
The document “xyz.sqlite” could not be saved. The file has been
changed by another application.
In fact, there is no other application that has changed data. I observed in addition, that the undo management is not working well then.
Probably, I should not use more than one (unique?) Arraycontroller bound to the managedObjectContext for one entity ?
In my app, I use a classical master-detail relationship setup with 2 controllers for each entity - and 2 table views to display the data.
But, in addition I want to present a list of all details, where I can change the master. Therefore, I am using another Array controller bound to the same managedObjectContext. This one does not have a content set to the master, so it will have all detail objects. Using this approach makes it easy to manage the relationship in the associated tableview (by simply binding "selected Object" to the relationship of the detail) - but it seems to impact the app.
Does anybody else face this issue ? Any idea is welcome !
Core Data on the Mac has never dealt well with multiple programmatic changes to the underlying data, especially in document-based apps. See, for example, autosavesInPlace causes New Document save to fail.
I think you're on the right track by using the same MOC for all of your views. If you use multiple MOCs, you ave the risk of getting the data out of sync between views. Using Cocoa Bindings on the array controllers ought to be keeping everything in sync.
Is there a situation where you're making programmatic changes to the data in the background? Those should probably be done in a child of the viewContext. Or take other steps to make sure they get synced to the viewContext.

How to best represent database views/summary info in "3-Tiered" application

This is basically asking the same question as in How to handle views in a multilayer-application. However, that post didn't receive much feedback.
Here's the problem: we have built a 3-tiered web application with the following tiers:
-Data Access (using repositories)
-UI (MVC 3)
DTO's are passed between the UI (Controller) Layer and Service Layer. Heavier Domain Models, containing a lot of domain-level logic, are passed between the Service and Data Access Layers. Everything is decoupled using IOC and the app follows SOLID principals (or tries too) --a big happy decoupled family!
Currently the DTO->Domain Model and Domain Model->DTO conversion happens all in the service layer.
So, finally to my question:
We are going to need to start displaying more complex read-only subsets of information, (i.e. summary views joining multiple entities doing rollup totals, etc). So what is the best practice for representing this type of read-only data in the n-tiered system? Having to map read-only Domain Model types to DTO types in this case doesn't make sense to me. In most cases, there would be no difference between the 2 types anyway. My thought would be to "break" the layering boundaries for these read-only types, having the Data Access Layer serve up the DTO's directly and pass those through to the Service Layer and on to the UI.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Much Thanks!
Your thought on breaking the layering for reading and then displaying values make sense completely. After all, the architecture/design of the system should help you and not the other way around.
Displaying report-like data to the user should be queried simply from the database and pushed to the view; no domain/dto conversion, especially if you're in a web app. You will save yourself a lot of trouble by doing this.
Personally, I had some attempts to go through these mappings just to display some read only data and it worked poorly; the performance, the unnecessary mappings, the odd things I had to do just to display some kind of report-like views. In this case, you'll likely have your domain model and a read model. You can look up CQRS pattern, it might guide you away from thinking that you want to use the same data model for both writes and reads.
So, to answer you question, I believe that in this case the best way would be to skip layering and read DTOs directly from the database through a thin layer.

Cache Management with Numerous Similar Database Queries

I'm trying to introduce caching into an existing server application because the database is starting to become overloaded.
Like many server applications we have the concept of a data layer. This data layer has many different methods that return domain model objects. For example, we have an employee data access object with methods like:
findEmployeesForAccount(long accountId)
findEmployeesWorkingInDepartment(long accountId, long departmentId)
findEmployeesBySearch(long accountId, String search)
Each method queries the database and returns a list of Employee domain objects.
Obviously, we want to try and cache as much as possible to limit the number of queries hitting the database, but how would we go about doing that?
I see a couple possible solutions:
1) We create a cache for each method call. E.g. for findEmployeesForAccount we would add an entry with a key account-employees-accountId. For findEmployeesWorkingInDepartment we could add an entry with a key department-employees-accountId-departmentId and so on. The problem I see with this is when we add a new employee into the system, we need to ensure that we add it to every list where appropriate, which seems hard to maintain and bug-prone.
2) We create a more generic query for findEmployeesForAccount (with more joins and/or queries because more information will be required). For other methods, we use findEmployeesForAccount and remove entries from the list that don't fit the specified criteria.
I'm new to caching so I'm wondering what strategies people use to handle situations like this? Any advice and/or resources on this type of stuff would be greatly appreciated.
I've been struggling with the same question myself for a few weeks now... so consider this a half-answer at best. One bit of advice that has been working out well for me is to use the Decorator Pattern to implement the cache layer. For example, here is an article detailing this in C#:
This allows you to literally "wrap" your existing data access methods without touching them. It also makes it very easy to swap out the cached version of your DAL for the direct access version at runtime quite easily (which can be useful for unit testing).
I'm still struggling to manage my cache keys, which seem to spiral out of control when there are numerous parameters involved. Inevitably, something ends up not being properly cleared from the cache and I have to resort to heavy-handed ClearAll() approaches that just wipe out everything. If you find a solution for cache key management, I would be interested, but I hope the decorator pattern layer approach is helpful.

Data Storage question

Another newbie question: What's the best way to store data in a Cocoa application written in Obj-C? For example if I want to create a sort of "quizzer" that quizzes the user with pre-written (and user-written) questions? How would I store these questions and answers? Core Data?
Of course it's Core Data!
It will handle everything.. take a look here:
It's a full API that can handle:
ORM between databases and run-time objects
automatic building tools (like an ER-editor)
it's ready out of the box, you won't need to implement almost anything.. you will already have access to your data by just querying it to the object controllers
Probably this solution is over-sized for your problem but you will learn how to use it with a simple case, and I will come handy in the future..
Core Data is certainly an excellent option, as #Jack has shown. There are some other options as well.
NSCoding - You can make your model objects conform to the NSCoding protocol (similar to, which means you'd be able to directly write them to files. I've found that this is a great option when I don't have massive amounts of data to persist, and the data that I am persisting has a relatively simple structure.
SQLite - If your data is very relational, you may want to consider using a database (probably SQLite) directly. Core Data is an object store, and while it handles things like relationships between objects, it doesn't allow you to do really useful things like INNER/LEFT/OUTER/CROSS/NATURAL JOIN or other multi-table operators.
NSUserDefaults - if your data is very small and is just essentially key-value pairs, then you can probably throw it all into the NSUserDefaults object, which will persist it for you in the preferences file. However, even if your data is simple, NSUserDefaults might not be the best option if you have lots of it.

Generating UI from DB - the good, the bad and the ugly?

I've read a statement somewhere that generating UI automatically from DB layout (or business objects, or whatever other business layer) is a bad idea. I can also imagine a few good challenges that one would have to face in order to make something like this.
However I have not seen (nor could find) any examples of people attempting it. Thus I'm wondering - is it really that bad? It's definately not easy, but can it be done with any measure success? What are the major obstacles? It would be great to see some examples of successes and failures.
To clarify - with "generating UI automatically" I mean that the all forms with all their controls are generated completely automatically (at runtime or compile time), based perhaps on some hints in metadata on how the data should be represented. This is in contrast to designing forms by hand (as most people do).
Added: Found this somewhat related question
Added 2: OK, it seems that one way this can get pretty fair results is if enough presentation-related metadata is available. For this approach, how much would be "enough", and would it be any less work than designing the form manually? Does it also provide greater flexibility for future changes?
We had a project which would generate the database tables/stored proc as well as the UI from business classes. It was done in .NET and we used a lot of Custom Attributes on the classes and properties to make it behave how we wanted it to. It worked great though and if you manage to follow your design you can create customizations of your software really easily. We also did have a way of putting in "custom" user controls for some very exceptional cases.
All in all it worked out well for us. Unfortunately it is a sold banking product and there is no available source.
it's ok for something tiny where all you need is a utilitarian method to get the data in.
for anything resembling a real application though, it's a terrible idea. what makes for a good UI is the humanisation factor, the bits you tweak to ensure that this machine reacts well to a person's touch.
you just can't get that when your interface is generated mechanically.... well maybe with something approaching AI. :)
edit - to clarify: UI generated from code/db is fine as a starting point, it's just a rubbish end point.
hey this is not difficult to achieve at all and its not a bad idea at all. it all depends on your project needs. a lot of software products (mind you not projects but products) depend upon this model - so they dont have to rewrite their code / ui logic for different client needs. clients can customize their ui the way they want to using a designer form in the admin system
i have used xml for preserving meta data for this sort of stuff. some of the attributes which i saved for every field were:
friendlyname (label caption)
haspredefinedvalues (yes for drop
down list / multi check box list)
multiselect (if yes then check box
list, if no then drop down list)
enabled (to show or not to show)
sortkey (order on the web form)
regarding positioning - i did not care much and simply generate table tr td tags 1 below the other - however if you want to implement this as well, you can have 1 more attribute called CssClass where you can define ui specific properties (look and feel, positioning, etc) here
UPDATE: also note a lot of ecommerce products follow this kind of dynamic ui when you want to enter product information - as their clients can be selling everything under the sun from furniture to sex toys ;-) so instead of rewriting their code for every different industry they simply let their clients enter meta data for product attributes via an admin form :-)
i would also recommend you to look at Entity-attribute-value model - it has its own pros and cons but i feel it can be used quite well with your requirements.
In my Opinion there some things you should think about:
Does the customer need a function to customize his UI?
Are there a lot of different attributes or elements?
Is the effort of creating such an "rendering engine" worth it?
Okay, i think that its pretty obvious why you should think about these. It really depends on your project if that kind of model makes sense...
If you want to create some a lot of forms that can be customized at runtime then this model could be pretty uselful. Also, if you need to do a lot of smaller tools and you use this as some kind of "engine" then this effort could be worth it because you can save a lot of time.
With that kind of "rendering engine" you could automatically add error reportings, check the values or add other things that are always build up with the same pattern. But if you have too many of this things, elements or attributes then the performance can go down rapidly.
Another things that becomes interesting in bigger projects is, that changes that have to occur in each form just have to be made in the engine, not in each form. This could save A LOT of time if there is a bug in the finished application.
In our company we use a similar model for an interface generator between cash-software (right now i cant remember the right word for it...) and our application, just that it doesnt create an UI, but an output file for one of the applications.
We use XML to define the structure and how the values need to be converted and so on..
I would say that in most cases the data is not suitable for UI generation. That's why you almost always put a a layer of logic in between to interpret the DB information to the user. Another thing is that when you generate the UI from DB you will end up displaying the inner workings of the system, something that you normally don't want to do.
But it depends on where the DB came from. If it was created to exactly reflect what the users goals of the system is. If the users mental model of what the application should help them with is stored in the DB. Then it might just work. But then you have to start at the users end. If not I suggest you don't go that way.
Can you look on your problem from application architecture perspective? I see you as another database terrorist – trying to solve all by writing stored procedures. Why having UI at all? Try do it in DB script. In effect of such approach – on what composite system you will end up? When system serves different businesses – try modularization, selectively discovered components, restrict sharing references. UI shall be replaceable, independent from business layer. When storing so much data in DB – there is hard dependency of UI – system becomes monolith. How you implement MVVM pattern in scenario when UI is generated? Designers like Blend are containing lots of features, which cannot be replaced by most futuristic UI generator – unless – your development platform is Notepad only.
There is a hybrid approach where forms and all are described in a database to ensure consistency server side, which is then compiled to ensure efficiency client side on deploy.
A real-life example is the enterprise software MS Dynamics AX.
It has a 'Data' database and a 'Model' database.
The 'Model' stores forms, classes, jobs and every artefact the application needs to run.
Deploying the new software structure used to be to dump the model database and initiate a CIL compile (CIL for common intermediate language, something used by Microsoft in .net)
This way is suitable for enterprise-wide software and can handle large customizations. But keep in mind that this approach sets a framework that should be well understood by whoever gonna maintain and customize the application later.
I did this (in PHP / MySQL) to automatically generate sections of a CMS that I was building for a client. It worked OK my main problem was that the code that generates the forms became very opaque and difficult to understand therefore difficult to reuse and modify so I did not reuse it.
Note that the tables followed strict conventions such as naming, etc. which made it possible for the UI to expect particular columns and infer information about the naming of the columns and tables. There is a need for meta information to help the UI display the data.
Generally it can work however the thing is if your UI just mirrors the database then maybe there is lots of room to improve. A good UI should do much more than mirror a database, it should be built around human interaction patterns and preferences, not around the database structure.
So basically if you want to be cheap and do a quick-and-dirty interface which mirrors your DB then go for it. The main challenge would be to find good quality code that can do this or write it yourself.
From my perspective, it was always a problem to change edit forms when a very simple change was needed in a table structure.
I always had the feeling we have to spend too much time on rewriting the CRUD forms instead of developing the useful stuff, like processing / reporting / analyzing data, giving alerts for decisions etc...
For this reason, I made long time ago a code generator. So, it become easier to re-generate the forms with a simple restriction: to keep the CSS classes names. Simply like this!
UI was always based on a very "standard" code, controlled by a custom CSS.
Whenever I needed to change database structure, so update an edit form, I had to re-generate the code and redeploy.
One disadvantage I noticed was about the changes (customizations, improvements etc.) done on the previous generated code, which are lost when you re-generate it.
But anyway, the advantage of having a lot of work done by the code-generator was great!
I initially did it for the 2000s Microsoft ASP (Active Server Pages) & Microsoft SQL Server... so, when that technology was replaced by .NET, my code-generator become obsoleted.
I made something similar for PHP but I never finished it...
Anyway, from small experiments I found that generating code ON THE FLY can be way more helpful (and this approach does not exclude the SAVED generated code): no worries about changing database etc.
So, the next step was to create something that I am very proud to show here, and I think it is one nice resolution for the issue raised in this thread.
I would start with applicable use cases:
I worked to add details on how to use, but if something is still missing please let me know here!
You can change database structure, and with no line of code you can start edit data, and more like this, you have available an API for CRUD operations.
I am still a fan of the "code-generator" approach, and I think it is just a flavor of using XML/XSLT that I used for DATA-SEED. I plan to add code-generator functionalities.
