Data Storage question - cocoa

Another newbie question: What's the best way to store data in a Cocoa application written in Obj-C? For example if I want to create a sort of "quizzer" that quizzes the user with pre-written (and user-written) questions? How would I store these questions and answers? Core Data?

Of course it's Core Data!
It will handle everything.. take a look here:
It's a full API that can handle:
ORM between databases and run-time objects
automatic building tools (like an ER-editor)
it's ready out of the box, you won't need to implement almost anything.. you will already have access to your data by just querying it to the object controllers
Probably this solution is over-sized for your problem but you will learn how to use it with a simple case, and I will come handy in the future..

Core Data is certainly an excellent option, as #Jack has shown. There are some other options as well.
NSCoding - You can make your model objects conform to the NSCoding protocol (similar to, which means you'd be able to directly write them to files. I've found that this is a great option when I don't have massive amounts of data to persist, and the data that I am persisting has a relatively simple structure.
SQLite - If your data is very relational, you may want to consider using a database (probably SQLite) directly. Core Data is an object store, and while it handles things like relationships between objects, it doesn't allow you to do really useful things like INNER/LEFT/OUTER/CROSS/NATURAL JOIN or other multi-table operators.
NSUserDefaults - if your data is very small and is just essentially key-value pairs, then you can probably throw it all into the NSUserDefaults object, which will persist it for you in the preferences file. However, even if your data is simple, NSUserDefaults might not be the best option if you have lots of it.


My company uses memcache as object just fine, can't see need for redis in caching

I'm learning about redis/memcache and redis is clearly the more popular option. My question is about supported data types. At my company we use the memcashier library which is built in memcached. We store temporary user data when they're making a purchase in memcache. We can easily update this object as things are added to the cart or more info about the user is given. This appears to be the same functionality as a hash in redis. I don't understand how this is only a basic string data type and how it's less powerful than a hash.
If you are using strings, that's fine - but any change involves loading the data to your application, parsing it, modifying it, and serializing it back to Redis/Memcache.
This has two problems: it's slow and non atomic. You can have two servers modifying the same object arriving in an inconsistent state - such as double or missing items in a shopping cart. And again, it's slow.
With a Redis hash key, you can atomically modify specific fields of the object without loading the entire object into memory. Instead of read, parse, modify, save - you just update.
Besides, Redis has many many data structures that can create very flexible data stores with different properties, whereas Memcache can only store strings.
BTW Redis has a module that allows you to store JSON objects just as you would a string, and manipulate them directly and atomically without getting them to the client. See for details.
Memcached doesn't support complex datastructures
In redis you have Lists, Sets, SortedSets, HashTables , and more.
Each data-structure mentioned above supports mutation of one or more of its elements atomically and without replacing the entire data-structure/value.
Memcached on the other hand , is a simple key-value store - that means every operation involving an attribute change within a complex object is a read-modify-write. If you just go around blindly replacing fields in objects then you are risking race-conditions and operations atomicity issues (which you can get away from by using CAS )
If the library abstracts that complexity, well - that's great but it's still less efficient than mutating only the relevant field(s)
This answer only relates to your usecase. Redis holds many other virtues over memcached, which are not relevant to this question.

Best way to cache an NSArray of text/dictionaries and have it useable across the entire app?

I am making a request for an array of perhaps 10-100 objects, all of which are JSON objects that I parse into NSDictionary's. I want to cache this and use this data across the entire application. Is NSCache useful for this or is it better to use NSUserDefaults or what is actually the most accepted way of persisting data across an entire app? CoreData? I'm a iOS newb and don't have too much experience in this.
What you are looking for is a way to access data across your app. This is typically the role a Model plays in MVC.
CoreData and NSUserDefaults are ways to save data so it is not lost when your app closes or is quit. They can be parts of a Model, but do not help in having that data be accessible throughout your app.
If you want an object that stores data and can be accessed anywhere in your code, you are probably looking for a Singleton.
As this excellent Stack Overflow answer explains:
Use a singleton class, I use them all the time for global data manager classes that need to be accessible from anywhere inside the application.
The author provides some sample code you might find helpful.
This would allow you to create a simple object accessible throughout your program that has your NSDictionaries. Because it is a singleton, other classes in your program can easily access it - meaning they can also easily access the NSDictionaries you've stored in it.
If you do decide you want to save data, that singleton object would also be an ideal location to write any load and save code.
Good luck!
Other good resources are:
Wikipedia's Entry on Singeltons
What Should My Objective C Singleton Look Like?
Singeltons and ARC/GCD

cocoa: what's the best way of designing a persistent cache?

I have to download some info from the Internet, like what's the phone number of a person. I want to save the info in disk in order to load it when my application starts. So I want to know whether Core data is the best choice? I mean is it fast enough? I want to load the info into NSCache object, is it a good class I can use?
It is a Plist type caching; key->value, only strings. Easy coding. For a few data I would recommend this. described here
The other one with NSArchiver->NSData: binary storage, any type of data, but you have to deserialize and deserialize. More coding, no limits ( well, you are doing the transformation) . I do proffer this one, because during the development, maybe I will need later some other data than text. Usually need to cache images. presented here actually the good answer is with downvote!
If you are storing anything that will be used between launches of the application then using Core Data is the way to go unless you have really, really basic requirements. NSCache is better as a temporary cache that is used by the application as it is running and for data that can be recalculated if it does not already exist.

How to best represent database views/summary info in "3-Tiered" application

This is basically asking the same question as in How to handle views in a multilayer-application. However, that post didn't receive much feedback.
Here's the problem: we have built a 3-tiered web application with the following tiers:
-Data Access (using repositories)
-UI (MVC 3)
DTO's are passed between the UI (Controller) Layer and Service Layer. Heavier Domain Models, containing a lot of domain-level logic, are passed between the Service and Data Access Layers. Everything is decoupled using IOC and the app follows SOLID principals (or tries too) --a big happy decoupled family!
Currently the DTO->Domain Model and Domain Model->DTO conversion happens all in the service layer.
So, finally to my question:
We are going to need to start displaying more complex read-only subsets of information, (i.e. summary views joining multiple entities doing rollup totals, etc). So what is the best practice for representing this type of read-only data in the n-tiered system? Having to map read-only Domain Model types to DTO types in this case doesn't make sense to me. In most cases, there would be no difference between the 2 types anyway. My thought would be to "break" the layering boundaries for these read-only types, having the Data Access Layer serve up the DTO's directly and pass those through to the Service Layer and on to the UI.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Much Thanks!
Your thought on breaking the layering for reading and then displaying values make sense completely. After all, the architecture/design of the system should help you and not the other way around.
Displaying report-like data to the user should be queried simply from the database and pushed to the view; no domain/dto conversion, especially if you're in a web app. You will save yourself a lot of trouble by doing this.
Personally, I had some attempts to go through these mappings just to display some read only data and it worked poorly; the performance, the unnecessary mappings, the odd things I had to do just to display some kind of report-like views. In this case, you'll likely have your domain model and a read model. You can look up CQRS pattern, it might guide you away from thinking that you want to use the same data model for both writes and reads.
So, to answer you question, I believe that in this case the best way would be to skip layering and read DTOs directly from the database through a thin layer.

Organizing memcache keys

Im trying to find a good way to handle memcache keys for storing, retrieving and updating data to/from the cache layer in a more civilized way.
Found this pattern, which looks great, but how do I turn it into a functional part of a PHP application?
The Identity Map pattern:
Update: I have been told about the modified memcache (memcache-tag) that apparently does do a lot of this, but I can't install linux software on my windows development box...
Well, memcache use IS an identity map pattern. You check your cache, then you hit your database (or whatever else you're using). You can go about finding information about the source by storing objects instead of just values, but you'll take a performance hit for that.
You effectively cannot ask the cache what it contains as a list. To mass invalidate, you'll have to keep a list of what you put in and iterate it, or you'll have to iterate every possible key that could fit the pattern of concern. The resource you point out, memcache-tag can simplify this, but it doesn't appear to be maintained inline with the memcache project.
So your options now are iterative deletes, or totally flushing everything that is cached. Thus, I propose a design consideration is the question that you should be asking. In order to get a useful answer for you, I query thus: why do you want to do this?
