How to protect a running column within Oracle/PostgreSQL (kind of MAX-result locking or something) - oracle

I'd need advice on following situation with Oracle/PostgreSQL:
I have a db table with a "running counter" and would like to protect it in the following situation with two concurrent transactions:
T1 T2
-- C for new : result + 1
-- C for new : result + 1
So, in both cases, the column value for INSERT is calculated from the old result added by one.
From this, some running counter handled by the db would be fine. But that wouldn't work because
the counter values or existing rows are sometimes changed
sometimes I'd like there to be multiple counter "value groups" (as with the CODE mentioned) : with different values for CODE the counters would be independent.
With some other databases this can be handled with SERIALIZABLE isolation state but at least with Oracle&Postgre the phantom reads are prevented but as the result the table ends up with two distinct rows with same counter value. This seems to have to do with the predicate locking, locking "all the possible rows covered by the query" - some other db:s end up to lock the whole table or something..
SELECT ... FOR UPDATE -statements seem to be for other purposes and don't even seem to work with MAX() -function.
Setting an UNIQUE contraint on the column would probably be the solution but are there some other ways to prevent the situation?
b.r. Touko
EDIT: One more option could probably be manual locking even though it doesn't appear nice to me..

Both Oracle and PostgreSQL support what's called sequences and the perfect fit for your problem. You can have a regular int column, but define one sequence per group, and do a single query like
insert into table (id, ... ) values (nextval(sequence_name_for_group_xx), ... )
insert into table (id, ... ) values (sequence_name_for_group_xx.nextval, ... )
Increments in sequences are atomic, so your problem just wouldn't exist. It's only a matter of creating the required sequences, one per group.

the counter values or existing rows are sometimes changed
You should to put a unique constraint on that column if this would be a problem for your app. Doing so would guarantee a transaction at SERIALIZABLE isolation level would abort if it tried to use the same id as another transaction.
One more option could probably be manual locking even though it doesn't appear nice to me..
Manual locking in this case is pretty easy: just take a SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE or stronger lock on the table before selecting the maximum. This will kill concurrent performance, though.
sometimes I'd like there to be multiple counter "value groups" (as with the CODE mentioned) : with different values for CODE the counters would be independent.
This leads me to the Right Solution for this problem: sequences. Set up several sequences, one for each "value group" you want to get IDs in their own range. See Section 9.15 of The Manual for the details of sequences and how to use them; it looks like they're a perfect fit for you. Sequences will never give the same value twice, but might skip values: if a transaction gets the value '2' from a sequence and aborts, the next transaction will get the value '3' rather than '2'.

The sequence answer is common, but might not be right. The viability of this solution depends on what you actually need. If what you semantically want is "some guaranteed to be unique number" then that is what a sequence is for. However, if what you want is to make sure that your value increases by exactly one on each insert (as you have asked), then DO NOT USE A SEQUENCE! I have run into this trap before myself. Sequences are not guaranteed to be sequential! They can skip numbers. Depending on what sort of optimizations you have configured, they can skip LOTS of numbers. Even if you have things configured just right so that you shouldn't skip any numbers, that is not guaranteed, and is not what sequences are for. So, you are only asking for trouble if you (mis)use them like that.
One step better solution is to bundle the select into the insert, like so:
INSERT INTO table(code, c, ...)
VALUES ('XX', (SELECT MAX(c) + 1 AS c FROM table WHERE code = 'XX'), ...);
(I haven't test run that query, but I'm pretty sure it should work. My apologies if it doesn't.) But, doing something like that reflects the semantic intent of what you are trying to do. However, this is inefficient, because you have to do a scan for MAX, and the inference I am taking from your sample is that you have a small number of code values relative to the size of the table, so you are going to do an expensive, full table scan on every insert. That isn't good. Also, this doesn't even get you the ACID guarantee you are looking for. The select is not transactionally tied to the insert. You can't "lock" the result of the MAX() function. So, you could still have two transactions running this query and they both do the sub-select and get the same max, both add one, and then both try to insert. It's a much smaller window, but you may still technically have a race condition here.
Ultimately, I would challenge that you probably have the wrong data model if you are trying to increment on insert. You should insert with a unique key, most commonly a sequence value (at least as an easy, surrogate key for any natural key). That gets the data safely inserted. Then, if you need a count of things, then have one table that stores your counts.
CREATE TABLE code_counts (
code VARCHAR(2), --or whatever
count NUMBER
If you really want to store the code count of each item as it is inserted, the separate count table also allows you to do so correctly, transactionally, like so:
UPDATE code_counts SET count = count + 1 WHERE code = 'XX' RETURNING count INTO :count;
INSERT INTO table(code, c, ...) VALUES ('XX', :count, ...);
The key is that the update locks the counter table and reserves that value for you. Then your insert uses that value. And all of that is committed as one transactional change. You have to do this in a transaction. Having a separate count table avoids the full table scan of doing SELECT MAX().... In essense, what this does is re-implements a sequence, but it also guarantees you sequencial, ordered use.
Without knowing your whole problem domain and data model, it is hard to say, but abstracting your counts out to a separate table like this where you don't have to do a select max to get the right value is probably a good idea. Assuming, of course, that a count is what you really care about. If you are just doing logging or something where you want to make sure things are unique, then use a sequence, and a timestamp to sort by.
Note that I'm saying not to sort by a sequence either. Basically, never trust a sequence to be anything other than unique. Because when you get to caching sequence values on a multi-node system, your application might even consume them out of order.

This is why you should use the Serial datatype, which defers the lookup of C to the time of insert (which uses table locks i presume). You would then not specify C, but it would be generated automatically. If you need C for some intermediate calculation, you would need to save first, then read C and finally update with the derived values.
Edit: Sorry, I didn't read your whole question. What about solving your other problems with normalization? Just create a second table for each specific type (for each x where A='x'), where you have another auto increment. Manually edited sequences could be another column in the same table, which uses the generated sequence as a base (i.e if pk = 34 you can have another column mypk='34Changed').

You can create sequential collumn by using sequence as default value:
First, you have to create the sequence counter:
So, you can use it as default value:
Now you don't need to worry about sequence on inserting rows:
INSERT INTO T (collumn1, collumn2) VALUES (value1, value2);


after alter system flush shared_pool low performance Oracle

We did refactoring and replaced 2 similar requests with parameterized request
a.isGood = :1
after that request that used this parameter with parameter 'Y' was executed longer that usually (become almost the same with parameter 'N'). We used alter system flush shared_pool command and request for parameter 'Y' has completed fast (as before refactoring) while request with parameter 'N' hangs for a long time.
As you could understand number of lines in data base with parameter 'N' much more then with 'Y'
Oracle 10g
Why it happened?
I assume that you have an index on that column, otherwise the performance would be the same regardless of the Y/N combination. I have seen this happening quite bit on 10g+ due to Oracle's optimizer Bind Peeking combined to histograms on columns with skewed data distribution. The histograms get created automatically when one gathers tables statistics using the parameter method_opt with 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO' (among other values). Oracle optimizes the query for the value in the bind variables provided in the very first execution of that query. If you run the query with Y the first time, Oracle might want to use an index instead of a full table scan, since Y will return a small quantity of rows. The next time you run the query with N, then Oracle will repeat the first execution plan, which happens to be a poor choice for N, since it will return the vast majority of rows.
The execution plans are cached in the SGA. Once you flush it, you get a brand new execution plan the very first time the query runs again.
My suggestion is:
Obtain the explain plan of both original queries (one with a hardcoded Y and one with a hardcode N). Investigate if the two plans use different indexes or one has a much higher Cost than the other. I have the feeling that one uses a full table scan and the other uses an index. The first one should be faster for N and the second should be faster for Y.
Try to remove the statistics on the table and see if it makes a difference on the query that has the bind variable. Later you need to gather statistics again for the table or other queries on that table might suffer.
You can also gather statistics for that one table using method_opt => FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE 1. That will keep the statistics without the histograms on any columns of that table.
A bitmap index on this column might fix the issue as well. Indexes on a column that have only two possible values (Y and N) are not exactly very efficient.
If column isGood has 99,000 'N' values and 1,000 'Y' values and you run with the condition isGood = 'Y', then it may be appropriate to use an index to find the results: you are returning 1% of the rows. If you run the query with the condition isGood = 'N', a full table scan would be more appropriate since you are returning most of the table anyway. If you were to use an index for the N condition, you would be doing an extra index lookup for every data item lookup.
Although the general rule is that bind parameters are good, it can be problematic in this kind of instance if really two different plans are required for the query. With the bind parameter scenario:
SELECT * FROM x WHERE isGood = :1
The statement will be parsed and a plan computed and saved in the sql cache. The same plan will be used for both query scenarios which is not desirable. But:
SELECT * FROM x WHERE isGood = 'Y'
SELECT * FROM x WHERE isGood = 'N'
will result in two plans being stored in the sql cache, hopefully each with the appropriate plan for the query. Version 11g avoids this problem with adaptive cursor sharing, which can use different plans for different bind variable values.
You need to look at your plans (EXPLAIN PLAN) to see what is happening in your case. Flush the cache, try one method, examine the plan; try the other, examine the plan. It might give you an idea what is happening in your case. There are a bunch of other topics you might follow up on that may help, for example:
using a hint to force the use of an index
cursor_sharing parameter
histograms on statistics

Oracle: difference between max(id)+1 and sequence.nextval

I am using Oracle
What is difference when we create ID using max(id)+1 and using sequance.nexval,where to use and when?
insert into student (id,name) values (select max(id)+1 from student, 'abc');
insert into student (id,name) values (SQ_STUDENT.nextval, 'abc');
SQ_STUDENT.nextval sometime gives error that duplicate record...
please help me on this doubt
With the select max(id) + 1 approach, two sessions inserting simultaneously will see the same current max ID from the table, and both insert the same new ID value. The only way to use this safely is to lock the table before starting the transaction, which is painful and serialises the transactions. (And as Stijn points out, values can be reused if the highest record is deleted). Basically, never use this approach. (There may very occasionally be a compelling reason to do so, but I'm not sure I've ever seen one).
The sequence guarantees that the two sessions will get different values, and no serialisation is needed. It will perform better and be safer, easier to code and easier to maintain.
The only way you can get duplicate errors using the sequence is if records already exist in the table with IDs above the sequence value, or if something is still inserting records without using the sequence. So if you had an existing table with manually entered IDs, say 1 to 10, and you created a sequence with a default start-with value of 1, the first insert using the sequence would try to insert an ID of 1 - which already exists. After trying that 10 times the sequence would give you 11, which would work. If you then used the max-ID approach to do the next insert that would use 12, but the sequence would still be on 11 and would also give you 12 next time you called nextval.
The sequence and table are not related. The sequence is not automatically updated if a manually-generated ID value is inserted into the table, so the two approaches don't mix. (Among other things, the same sequence can be used to generate IDs for multiple tables, as mentioned in the docs).
If you're changing from a manual approach to a sequence approach, you need to make sure the sequence is created with a start-with value that is higher than all existing IDs in the table, and that everything that does an insert uses the sequence only in the future.
Using a sequence works if you intend to have multiple users. Using a max does not.
If you do a max(id) + 1 and you allow multiple users, then multiple sessions that are both operating at the same time will regularly see the same max and, thus, will generate the same new key. Assuming you've configured your constraints correctly, that will generate an error that you'll have to handle. You'll handle it by retrying the INSERT which may fail again and again if other sessions block you before your session retries but that's a lot of extra code for every INSERT operation.
It will also serialize your code. If I insert a new row in my session and go off to lunch before I remember to commit (or my client application crashes before I can commit), every other user will be prevented from inserting a new row until I get back and commit or the DBA kills my session, forcing a reboot.
To add to the other answers, a couple of issues.
Your max(id)+1 syntax will also fail if there are no rows in the table already, so use:
Coalesce(Max(id),0) + 1
There's nothing wrong with this technique if you only have a single process that inserts into the table, as might be the case with a data warehouse load, and if max(id) is fast (which it probably is).
It also avoids the need for code to synchronise values between tables and sequences if you are moving restoring data to a test system, for example.
You can extend this method to multirow insert by using:
Coalesce(max(id),0) + rownum
I expect that might serialise a parallel insert, though.
Some techniques don't work well with these methods. They rely of course on being able to issue the select statement, so SQL*Loader might be ruled out. However SQL*Loader has support for this technique in general through the SEQUENCE parameter of the column specification:
Assuming MAX(ID) is actually fast enough, wouldn't it be possible to:
First get MAX(ID)+1
Then get NEXTVAL
Compare those two and increase sequence in case NEXTVAL is smaller then MAX(ID)+1
Use NEXTVAL in INSERT statement
In that case I would have a fully stable procedure and manual inserts would also be allowed without worrying about updating the sequence

ORACLE Mutating Table error in one trigger, but not another; Why?

Okay, I have two tables - ORDERS and ORDERLINES - which have essentially the same problem, with triggers on each to address the issue. The issue is that in addition to the PK with table-level uniqueness, on a field called RECID, there is another field, RECNO, which needs to be unique with relation to another field.
The tables are FK related as follows:
On ORDERS and ORDERSLINES I have BEFORE INSERT triggers to assign the realm-specific unique RECNO.
In ORDERS, RECNO needs to be unique within the realm of a CUSTOMERS record.
In ORDERLINES, RECNO needs to be unique within the realm of an ORDERS record.
The trigger on ORDERS works perfectly fine. When a new order is inserted, it is assigned the next unique RECNO within the customer it belongs to.
The trigger on ORDERLINES on the other hand, which should assign the next unique RECNO within the order it belongs to, throws the dreaded {ORA-04091: table ORDERLINES is mutating, trigger/function may not see it} exception.
Here is the trigger that works:
And here is the trigger that does NOT work:
Can SOMEONE please explain WHY the first one works, and the second one doesn't?
And is there some way I can re-write the second to make it work?
I looked at your code first, rather than your explanation. My first thought was "this person is trying to fake a sequence." This obviously isn't the answer to your question but it's the reason you're getting into trouble in the first place.
The obvious solution when you're having problems faking sequences is to use a real one.
As Nicholas has already noted ORA-04091 occurs when you try to read from the table from which a trigger is fired. There are various ways to avoid this, most of which avoid trying to do something slightly funky. However, they don't influence the root cause of the error; that is you're doing something wrong. This error is normally indicative of one or both of two things:
You're putting far too much logic into a trigger
Your data-model is flawed.
The solution to the first is to move the logic to a package, which has the added benefit of removing a layer of obfuscation. The solution to the second is to normalise your database properly.
In your case, from what information you've provided, your data-model seems to be okay, though as I've said I disagree with the implementation.
This leaves you with four options to solve your problem, which I detail in order I would do them
Remove your triggers.
Replace your current logic with a sequence.
Remove all your trigger logic into a procedure.
Hack around your error.
I'm not going to discuss point 3 as you can do that yourself. Nicholas has partially covered point 4 and I'm not going to advocate something I disagree with. This leaves points 1 and 2. You say
In ORDERS, RECNO needs to be unique within the realm of a CUSTOMERS
This is not how you've implemented it. Your code makes RECNO consecutive within the realm of a CUSTOMERS record. The primary key of both ORDERS and ORDERLINES are by definition unique within the realm of a CUSTOMERS record.
In itself, this implies that option 1 is best for you. Remove the triggers entirely; the primary keys of the table are already doing everything you need. This also invalidates option 2; if you add a sequence then it will basically be a separate primary key.
There is no reason I can think of that you would need an order to be consecutively unique within each customer; why bother doing so?
You are getting that error because the second trigger is trying to read table while it is being modified. This can also happen when a trigger on a parent table causes an insert on a child table referencing a foreign key.
As a quick work around create view and try to use instead of trigger.
Also take a look at Tom's example of how to deal with mutating issues.
Besides, if leave the second trigger as it is, any inserts into your_table select .. from table will raise mutating error. For example:
This insert will work
insert into ORDERLINES(column1, column2... columnN)
values(val1, val2,..., valN)
But this one wont.
insert into ORDERLINES(column1, column2... columnN)
select val, val..val from table

Should I use Oracle's sys_guid() to generate guids?

I have some inherited code that calls SELECT SYS_GUID() FROM DUAL each time an entity is created. This means that for each insertion there are two calls to Oracle, one to get the Guid, and another to insert the data.
I suppose that there may be a good reason for this, for example - Oracle's Guids may be optimized for high-volume insertions by being sequential and thus they maybe are trying to avoid excessive index tree re-balancing.
Is there a reason to use SYS_GUID as opposed to building your own Guid on the client?
Why roll your own if you already have it provided to you. Also, you don't need to grab it first and then insert, you can just insert:
create table my_tab
val1 raw(16),
val2 varchar2(100)
insert into my_tab(val1, val2) values (sys_guid(), 'Some data');
You can also use it as a default value for a primary key:
drop table my_tab;
create table my_tab
val1 raw(16) default sys_guid(),
val2 varchar2(100),
primary key(val1)
Here there's no need for setting up a before insert trigger to use a sequence (or in most cases even caring about val1 or how its populated in the code).
More maintenance for sequences also. Not to mention the portability issues when moving data between systems.
But, sequences are more human friendly imo (looking at and using a number is better than a 32 hex version of a raw value, by far). There may be other benefits to sequences, I haven't done any extensive comparisons, you may wish to run some performance tests first.
If your concern is two database calls, you should be able to call SYS_GUID() within your INSERT statement. You could even use a RETURNING clause to get the value that Oracle generated, so that you have it in your application for further use.
SYS_GUID can be used as a default value for a primary key column, which is often more convenient than using a sequence, but note that the values will be more or less random and not sequential. On the plus side, that may reduce contention for hot blocks, but on the minus side your index inserts will be all over the place as well. We generally recommend against this practice.
for reference click here
I have found no reason to generate a Guid from Oracle. The round trip between Oracle and the client for every Guid is likely slower than the occasional index rebalancing that occurs is random value inserts.

Incrementing Oracle Sequence by certain amount

I am programming a Windows Application (in Qt 4.6) which - at some point - inserts any number of datasets between 1 and around 76000 into some oracle (10.2) table. The application has to retrieve the primary keys, or at least the primary key range, from a sequence. It will then store the IDs in a list which is used for Batch Execution of a prepared query.
(Note: Triggers shall not be used, and the sequence is used by other tasks as well)
In order to avoid calling the sequence X times, I would like to increment the sequence by X instead.
What I have found out so far, is that the following code would be possible in a procedure:
SELECT my_sequence.CURVAL + 1, my_sequence.NEXTVAL
INTO v_first_number, v_last_number
FROM dual;
I have two major concerns though:
I have read that ALTER SEQUENCE produces an implicit commit. Does this mean the transaction started by the Windows Application will be commited? If so, can you somehow avoid it?
Is this concept multi-user proof? Or could the following thing happen:
Sequence is at 10,000
Session A sets increment to 2,000
Session A selects 10,001 as first and 12,000 as last
Session B sets increment to 5,000
Session A sets increment to 1
Session B selects 12,001 as first and 12,001 as last
Session B sets increment to 1
Even if the procedure would be rather quick, it is not that unlikely in my application that two different users cause the procedure to be called almost simultaneously
1) ALTER SEQUENCE is DDL so it implicitly commits before and after the statement. The database transaction started by the Windows application will be committed. If you are using a distributed transaction coordinator other than the Oracle database, hopefully the transaction coordinator will commit the entire distributed transaction but transaction coordinators will sometimes have problems with commits issued that it is not aware of.
There is nothing that you can do to prevent DDL from committing.
2) The scenario you outline with multiple users is quite possible. So it doesn't sound like this approach would behave correctly in your environment.
You could potentially use the DBMS_LOCK package to ensure that only one session is calling your procedure at any point in time and then call the sequence N times from a single SQL statement. But if other processes are also using the sequence, there is no guarantee that you'll get a contiguous set of values.
CREATE PROCEDURE some_proc( p_num_rows IN NUMBER,
p_first_val OUT NUMBER,
p_last_val OUT NUMBER )
l_lockhandle VARCHAR2(128);
l_lock_return_code INTEGER;
dbms_lock.allocate_unique( 'SOME_PROC_LOCK',
l_lockhandle );
l_lock_return_code := dbms_lock.request( lockhandle => l_lockhandle,
lockmode => dbms_lock.x_mode,
release_on_commit => true );
if( l_lock_return_code IN (0, 4) ) -- Success or already owned
<<do something>>
end if;
dbms_lock.release( l_lockhandle );
Altering the sequence in this scenario is really bad idea. Particularly in multiuser environment. You'll get your transaction committed and probably several "race condition" data bugs or integrity errors.
It would be appropriate if you had legacy data alredy imported and want to insert new data with ids from sequence. Then you may alter the sequence to move currval to max existing ...
It seems to me that here you want to generate Ids from the sequence. That need not to be done by
select seq.nextval into l_variable from dual;
insert into table (id, ...) values (l_variable, ....);
You can use the sequence directly in the insert:
insert into table values (id, ...) values (seq.nextval, ....);
and optionally get the assigned value back by
insert into table values (id, ...) values (seq.nextval, ....)
returning id into l_variable;
It certainly is possible even for bulk operations with execBatch. Either just creating the ids or even returning them. I am not sure about the right syntax in java but it will be something about the lines
insert into table values (id, ...) values (seq.nextval, ....)
returning id bulk collect into l_cursor;
and you'll be given a ResultSet to browse the assigned numbers.
You can't prevent the implicit commit.
Your solution is not multi user proof. It is perfectly possible that another session will have 'restored' the increment to 1, just as you described.
I would suggest you keep fetching values one by one from the sequence, store these IDs one by one on your list and have the batch execution operate on that list.
What is the reason that you want to fetch a contiguous block of values from the sequence? I would not be too worried about performance, but maybe there are other requirements that I don't know of.
In Oracle, you can use following query to get next N values from a sequence that increments by one:
select level, PDQ_ACT_COMB_SEQ.nextval as seq from dual connect by level <= 5;
